Adventurer #15
31 июля 2004

Reviews - The history of the gaming industry in the former Soviet space: the 1991-1999 year.

<b>Reviews</b> - The history of the gaming industry in the former Soviet space: the 1991-1999 year.
(C) Chasm

The history of the gaming industry in the FSU.

  This article is primarily intended for vego nashiih Western
friends, as well as for those Newcomer, who ten years ago have 
not yet represented what the Spectrum. Of course fully embrace 
all Games released in the period 1991-2003 year is simply 
unrealistic (in primarily due to the fact that some of them were

any value), so I will just mention the course text
only those programs that were popular at the time and widely

  As is known, the mass distribution of Spectrum in the USSR
began in the late eighties, but even though restructuring has 
already was in full swing, the information the hunger strike, 
although due rusty, but still the Iron Curtain, was there and

any periodic spekovskie Western publications can be
only find in our library and other central metropolis.
The only exception is "Bajtek" of at that time
socialist Poland, but also its "reach" can be had from
great difficulty, especially in provincial towns. ANY
communication, except of course the local, between the Soviet
spektrumistami at that time was not, so the appearance in the 
early 1991 print edition "ZX-Review" simply is blown up

ice alienation, which paralyzed the consciousness of most
Soviet * Spectrum users. Certainly the authors of this
newspapers were at that time frankly lamer, but against
universal literacy looked just gipereruditami in its
area, so it is not surprising that the army of readers of this
publications grew day by day. Attempts to bring to consciousness
readers some programming skills in Basic soon
time came to fruition and in the pages of "Review" were
appear primitive game programs in this language
programming. However, in a short time, particularly advanced
personality were not only playing and try the abiliti on
high-level language, but also began to try to create their own
program in machine code.

  Of course before that were happy exceptions, such as
1988, that is, even in Soviet times, was released
"Pentis" by Tony Raugas. This game contained an addition
Standard tetris'a, two extra - pentis and petris,
differs from the basic version with additional figures 
consisting from a larger number of blocks. By the way, "Pentis" 
can be safely called the first game for the Spectrum was 
released in Russia. Also, period of 90-92 years was written a 
few tetrisopodobnyh games among the "bare" tetris stand games 
like "Stek" by MPF, "Columns" by Piter ltd and "Tetriller" by 
ACE - Conversion eponymous ogre with a PC. Among other games 
created at the period of time, a success enjoyed

Strategica-economic game: "Kingdom of Euphoria" by Silva,
"Prezident 2" by Oleg Kirasov, "Super President" by Balaganoff,
"The Kingdom of Corn" by THD, "Space Traid" by Pavel Nikitin, 
and also the first arcade game for two players "Cowboy Duel" by 
DJ Stepanenko.

  In the early nineties, began his career as the most famous
gamemaker Russia Vyacheslav Mednonogov aka Copper Feet. Only
91'm year under that label come just three games: "Fool" -
computer implementation of the card game, "Videosport - 
simulator the same name by Soviet game console and "Game Box" - 
a mini compilation of casino games. Kstati, the latter two 
wrote Jr. Brother Glory - Alex, who would later be taken

participate in all of its game projects. In 92'm Copper Feet
release "Tankodrom" - a good arcade with elements of tactics, 
and 93'm "The Adventures of Pinocchio" - Russia's first game in 
style arcade / adventure.

  1993'y year has brought fashion to the logic games, and its 
THD porodili 'Fanatic Stas. Besides the already above-mentioned 
"Kingdom of Corn" they are releasing a series of logic games: 
"Slab Age", "Squares Colours "," Tube Mix "," Watermill ". 
Also, this year they have been written "Russian Tetris.

  Among other games, writing in 93'm was possible to allocate 
"King's Bounty "by Yarosh R., Zelenkevich D. - conversion of 
the famous game, "Power Ball" by Flash - dovolno original 
version of "Arcanoid", "Hell Master" by Paul Nikitin - a-la 
"Boulder Dash", "Tetcolor" by Krasnoyarsk Soft - an unusual mix 
of "Tetris" and "Columns", and also "SexTris" by Russion Soft - 
first logic / arcade game, in which an attempt was made to 
interest the player erotic images.

  But surely the real sensation of the year was 1993'go
the emergence of several new versions, at the time of the cult 
(y ex-USSR geymerov) game "Elite". While many have tried to

any way to "improve" this game, among them one can
THD highlight that made the first remix, but this
product turned out so clumsy that
the use of add-on, by many bugs, it was just
unrealistic. However, Vladimir Kladovo aka Shadow Soft without 
any efforts succeeded in winning the hearts of all fans of the 
game. Reworked version of them not only not inferior brand, but 
also contain additional features.

  The game has been greatly complicated and it has added new
geympleya elements, redesigned engine, introduced new types of
ships. There were also additional equipment for Cobra
MK-3, which is allowed to make flights from star to star
directly through interstellar space without using
hyperdrive. Enumeration of all the strengths and innovations 
"Elite 3" It would take too much space in this article, you just

note that in addition to three standard secret missions were
added four more: "Mineral life" - search in the asteroid belt
and breeding of the mineral life; "Alien computer" - production 
of targoidov (thargoids) device start-up and control alien

items; "Cobra MK-4" - buying a new vehicle generation
the possibility of installing up to four units of each type
equipment; "Star War" - participation in large-scale war with
Targon (rescue refugees, and weapons delivery prodovolstviya
on srazhayuzhiesya planet; landing on the occupied station and
Finally the attack on the enemy's secret base located in
mezzhvezdnom space). If you personally agree to accept
participation in the company, you assigned a rank, and
could be promoted to the rank of colonel.

  Shadow Soft planned to also release the next version -
"Elite 4 in which the engine would have to undergo
further upgrading and additional blocks to the new secret
missions loaded from disk. By sozhaleniyu this project and
not been realized.

  Launched in 1994'm "Inforkomom (publishers" ZX-Revue "), the 
company "Authoring Program" by the end of the year yielded its 
first fruits and firm Formak (a subsidiary branch of 
"Inforkom") steel distributed collections of games, systems and 
applications programs that were sent to the Editor "ZX-Revue" 
with all Russia and the CIS, it is worth to note however that 
the level of Programming and geympleya most of these games was 
not too high.

  However, the total mass can be distinguished action game 
"Main Blow" by Chip, "Rapid Response Squad" by Chip'Rocky, 
"Mini Fly" by Galaxy and "Fire Gear" by TM'M - the first 
multi-level action an introductory movie and final cut.

  Love Russian geymerov to unforgettable "Lode Runner" and its
clone on various other platforms has resulted in several
Conversion and extension: "Raise out from Dungeons" by Vetyutnev
Vadim, "Klad" by Technotime and "Montana Jones 2" by Home

  Phenomenon of the early nineties can be called a puzzle game
"Colour Lines", write the Russian company Gamos for the PC, 
which became the most popular "game for the office." Between 
93-96 years was made about a dozen different spekovskih 
conversions. Among them are the products Surdakr, Vadim and 
Sergei Grepan, RSC, Mikhail Kovalev, CWC and Genesis

  By 1994, there has been a massive trend hobbies geymerov
"Intelligent" games are propagandiroval "Inforkom in
"Zx-Review", this led to the creation of tactics "Destroer" by
Rensoft - a game based on "Rebel Star Raiders" and the first 
wargame "Kulikov Battle" by We. Were not deprived and lovers

adventure, as there were first games of this genre in Russian
language: "Lenin in October", "Mentura", "Island of vices" by 
Gusev Sergei and "The Magic Story. Falkorisa Dedication" by V. 

  As in previous years, this a large number of
tetris and similar games in the genre of logic / arcade: "Night
Tetris "by Chemist;" Color of Magic "by Genesis," Diamonds
Downfall "by Pritula Oleg - variations on the theme" Columns 
";" Mega Xonix "by Kiev," Roboxonix "by Chemist - Variations on 
a Theme "Xonix".

  Among the other releases issued in 94'm be noted "The
Dark "by Hanzis Sergey - spekovskaya conversion play with the 
maze- Apple 2, the logic of "Fox Hunting" by Computer Rats, 
"Club 'Seca'" by V. Bodrov - computer implementation kartchnoy 
game, "Skirmish" by Mas - first release spekovsky pisishnoy 
"Scorched Earth", who had a very flexible configuration 
geympleya and "The Sun" Gummi '"by Andrew Slabosnitsky - pretty 
good game along the lines of "Head over Heels".

  However, the most powerful breakthrough in the gaming industry
occurred in 1995. Around March, Copper Feet releases
"UFO: Enemy Unknown" - arbitrary conversion of the same game 
company Microprose. In spekovskoy version "UFO" was part of a 
tactical replaced by the arcade, so instead of stepping control

detachment of soldiers you had to manage one's own
soldier who ran on a level firing dodge
aliens. However, the differences here and ended as
Economics / Science block has been implemented very close to 
the original. But the "UFO" was not the only strategy game 
released in this year, so Pan Code Releases "Scorpions: Die 
Machine", and Domen Soft "Warriors of Ember" - a strategy based 
on writing works by R. Zelazny. Worth, of course, also mention

"Land of Myths" by Fantasy, a game writing in the volumetric
style "Kings Bounty" and "Pirates" by Nicodim - conversion
board game of the same name.

  In early summer, the electronic magazine "Spectrofon" Launches
championship game, "Virus" (and later "Virus 2) writing
Sergei Kukovyakin (SVKukoviakin) - a logical extension
infamous "Life". The game allows you to run on the playing field
Several pre-created "virus" had different
programmable features and observe how the growth
and the absorption of the weaker programs strongest. In the 
championship could take all comers, but towards the end of the 
year massive interest in the game began to fade.

  Craze for Russian players the TV series "Dizzy" and genre
quest paid off. St. Petersburg's team Galaxy releases "48
irons, "which immediately becomes mega hit. Russian-speaking,
a large proportion of humor and some loadable levels provided
her frantic Most Viewed. By the way, during the last
several years, Phantom Family is working on a total
alteration, and an English translation of the game. PhF
completely rewrote the entire engine, which allowed globalno
reduce the size of loadable levels, but directly
transfer text messages zanimaetsya Agony ^ CC, which will
bring your spirit to the original translation. Naturally
scheduled to be released all this. TAP version, though perhaps
rasschitvat on. TRD.

  It is also worth zameteit that wave dizzimanii in Russia gave
impetus to the emergence of a large number of "extensions". 
Except a whole heap of low-brow craft is still possible to 
allocate Several high-quality products, they include "Dizzy-X

Journey to Russia "and" Dizzy-Y Return to Russia "by Speed 
​​Code, "Home Iceland Dizzy" by VS Prog, as well as exhibiting 
at Chaos Constructions'01 game compo "Dizzy Underground" by 

  Back in 95'y year. After last year's announcement in the 
"ZX-Revue" and in his journal "Spectrofon", Step Creative Group 
produced National megahit "Star Heritage" ("Star Inheritance").

Well-thought-out scenario, a large number of quests
good graphics and an original engine that allowed this game
genre of arcade / adventure for a long time to take the minds 
of players. Several later on engines similar to "ZN", were 
written by such games as "Time Cop" by MoonSoft, "Mirror" by 
AWCG, "Chainik: Horror in the flat "by Optical Bros," Sea Quest 
"by Taras," Pluto " by Twin Peaks and "Virtue. Da dirty soul" 
by C-Jeff. In 2001'm was osushestvlena conversion "Star 
Inheritance" for GBA produced by a team of R-Lab, this version 
features a fully revised schedule and English translation, with 
full preserving the spirit of the original. Currently working 
on Step Platform PC, which is also involved in the production 
of quests. 

  Less global gaming projects this year include
game "Regeners" by Reserve (in the style of "Life"), "Python" by
Surdakar, several versions of "Battle City" - the conversion 
from the console Dandy (with 1993'go had been issued at least 
three different releases), adventyury Vityaz Svyatogor and the 
Sorcerer Karachun "by Demiurge Ash, "Talisman" by Ray and 
"Oragon" Bernikov Eugene. Independently of each other and 
Outland Softland releases two Different versions of the game, 
"Fields of Wonders" - both based on the Russian version 
television show "Wheel of Fortune". Distinguished from the 
logic Conversion of similar games with the Amiga and PC - "Turn 
or Xor'em All" by Mad Max, "Minesweaper" by Simple Company - 
the most successful vyplnenaya Covers among many, "Pipe Dream" 
by Infosoft. Original puzzle games were "Hearts" by Barrisoft, 
and and "Open It" from Hazard Dreams. Have not been deprived of 
attention developers and various Tetris: "SexTris" by Silicon 
Brains - Stimulating the player interlevel erotic pictures,

"Trubis" by Sunny Tram - the conversion of the same game with 
the PC, "Magic Block "by DAB Lab - another version of the" 
Columns ", and" Amiga Tetris "by Navigator - in my opinion the 
most seamless of Tetris all written by him before.

  Success last year inspired geymmeykerov and 1996'm
leaves a lot of quality games.

  Most global project this year, without a doubt be
called "UFO 2: Devils from the Deep" from the monster game
Industry Copper Feet. This time, Slava decided not to do
"Gag" and has no losses to port this game to
Spectrum. But without some liberties here, too, is not
cost and process of intercepting an enemy ship was turned into a
arcade shooter, but otherwise everything remains as a source of
conversion, Copper Feet even used the original schedule in
ufopedia. Naturally processing have been sprites
the tactical side, but the shape and configuration of the enemy
ships virtually indistinguishable from its predecessors.

  Predilection of most Russian geymerov to strategic
Games this year was udovletoreno enough. Except
mentioned already "UFO 2" were released "Kings Bounty 2" by EJB
- Conversion of the same game, "Murk 3320" by Wanderer and "Last
Battle "by Hacker's Squad - a very good turn-based strategy
in the style of a mixture of "Laser Squad" and "Nether Earth", 
in this game the first time at the Spectrum was osushestvlen 
mode "fog" that is not allowed to monitor the movements of 
enemy forces in neissledovanom player space. By the way, is 
currently the author is working on porting "Last Battle" on the 
PC, release scheduled to end 2004'go year.

  Another sensational play early this year, may be called
"Prince of Persia" by Nicodim - very close to the original
conversion. Game graphics and smoothness of the movement were
identical versions for the Amiga, from which it was produced

  Remembering last year's success "Virus 1,2", Ivan Gudkov 
releases "Soldier of the Future" - a logical extension of the 
above programs. His game could be programmed behavior

several soldiers and release them on the battlefield. 
Personally, I was very interesting to look at my attempts to 
destroy his proteges similar to the labyrinth, especially some 
of the graphics and interface "SOF" is borrowed from the beloved

"Laser Squad". The game was also realized the possibility of
shipment of the robot, which gave the opportunity to measure
forces with the creation of their friends.

  Also this year was ample on purely logical game, and
logic with elements of arcade. The first group includes
"Hexxagon" by We, "Fiveteens" by Greedy Guys, "Heavy Metal
Mover "by UCM," Rings of the Magic "by Global Corp," The
Hundred "by X-Master," Grab of Territory "by Free Group,
"SquareHead" by Outland, "The Magic of Logic" by VVS, "Russian
Time Treaser "by World Eyes," Filler "by ZC," Squards "by
Spark, "Dizzy Warehouse" by Yury Schapov - this time the author
Dizzy forced to move washing machine in the game a-la "Socoban",
"Passiance Klondike" by Digital Reality, "The bones of Poker" by
Auryn, "Gold Fever" by SM - CBT pridumanoy
author of a board game, "Angles" by Electrical Brain and 
"Donkey" by Devil. The second group includes remakes of "Lode 
Runner" with more extending logical component: "King Valley"

by We and the "Klademiner" by Bitmunchers. Also in kategorii
logic / arcade include "Tank War" by Interceptor, "Double
Xinox "by ZX Masters," Dr. Mario "by Romantic Warriors,
"Blockus" by Bitmunchers, "Trubes" by Panc and "Home Tetris" by
Russian Bear.

  Have not been bypassed attention and quests. 96'y initiated
TV series such as "Crime Santa Claus" by ETC and "Smagly" by
Crystal Dream, by the way the third part of "Smagly" was a
Action is already in the style of "Astro Marine Corps". In 
addition to the first series of these Games may be mentioned 
"The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh" by Softland, "Sliders" by 
MSD and "Freddy McNeford" by D.J. Hooligan which is more 
interactive comic book, rather than quest. 

  Liyubiteli Russian adventyur this year also received a
their disposal some very good games: "Ivan Tsarevich"
by G'M, "Last Raider" by Kit, "Alien" by Terminator,
"Medieval History" by Human Soft, "Apollo" by Jockersoft.

  "Magicians Land", a game released by Cloud Soft 'Precision
can not be characterized as a pure RPG, rather it was
nevertheless advanced quest, as in "ML" no
opportunity to develop performance character and shipment
current state, but the game itself was very interesting.

  Since manufacturers Spectrum games in ex-USSR is absolutely
were not constrained by the law of copyright, they are in their
releases are widely ispolovali characters and nazavaniya of 
games other platforms, so that time for several teams

announced the release of demos of the early production of such
products, such as "Dune 2", "WarCraft" and "Mortal Kombat".

  At the peak of the new trend, XL-Design publish demo "MK",
which used the Amiga skonvertirovanye large
Character sprites, but the product has demonstrated that
using the full conversion schedule is impossible to create
hundred percent conversion (the banal lack of memory). 
Therefore, AWS went a slightly different way and have decided 
to reduce the sprites characters, making them handdrown. Of 
course it was minus in recognition of characters, but in this 
version have been implemented All the super hits of all twelve 
heroes, fatality, babylity, and as digital audio, konverirovany 
the Amiga and all of this the game remains very dynamic and 

  Genre arcade / action was also predstvlen games this year
"Ice Climber" by VDV Soft - conversion of the same name 
platformer with Dandy, "Crusher" by Playgear - a variation on 
the theme "Arcanoid", "Humanoid" by Shock - the author of this 
product was clearly impressed "Boulder Dash", a maze of "New 
History" by Binary Masters and "Underworld" by Ivan Krut, as 
well as bulk dovolno "Return to Home 4: road into hell" by K. 
Kav Soft. Latest can be called fashionable at the time the word 
"dumoobraznaya, of course no three-dimensional graphics were 
not there and are likely to be compared to the "Hired Guns" 
(Amiga), but for one player. 

  1997'y year was less productive than the previous one,
but in this he was released a few absolute

  In the early years beyond "Operation RR" - Damn funny and
interesting game in the style of arcade / adventure from the 
Galaxy, has already make a name for the "48 irons. Toward the 
middle of the year out another game in the same genre, written 
explanation of popular fiction novel Strugatsky brothers' Picnic

on the sidelines, foreign readers are likely to see the film
cult Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky's "Stalker"
whose name and used the Jam ^ XPJ for their games.

  Among other notable projects can be noted "Elopment. Way
to Earth "by OHG, which can also be attributed to the genre
arcade / adventure and compare with the famous "Saboteur", 
although Product OHG more pronounced quest component to the 
detriment of dynamism of gameplay, "Fizzy" by Speed ​​Co. - In 
principle no remarkable game that can be identified only for 
the fact that the It had a hand Unbeliever, "The Wizard of Oz" 
by Famous Faces Factory, "Mystery of Ancient Castle" by Art 
Studio, and and "Escape to Harhan" by AIR.

  The emergence of a Russian package Quill, in 97'm year
appeared a few good adventyur in Russian: "Island
of Darkness "by Paul Moscow," Diamond "by Dr. Laser, as well as
"Examination investigation" by Demiurge Ash.

  In 97'm tendency of some interest to the cooling
production logic games, but this year saw the light
"Magic Stripes" by Vitrual Bros, "X-Reversy" by XL-Design, "The
Puzzle "by Taras," Marrow in the World of Wisdom "by
Reflection, "TeSo" by Ivan Krut, "Digital Tetris" by Batsoft,
"Hexxagon 2" by Style Group, "Lightly Fields" by Magic Moon,
"Genius House" by Jupiter77 - conversion of the game "Poly Peg" 
with Macintosh, as well as electronic versions of popular in 
Russia puzzles, handheld and desktop games: Rubik's Cube "by

Phantom Family, "Goat" by Accept, "Trinh" by RND, "Pasyance
'Four Row's' "by Studio Rubicon and" Tic, Tac Toe "by SHCG.
Perspective Group went a slightly different way, and released
"Last Courier" - a game at the junction of arcade and puzzle.

  Went a little farther Star Group, which released the classic
shooter game for two players "Chopper Duel", where they play
discount is available sausages in realtime enemy helicopter.
Due to bad prorabotanou design and speed of the engine,
This process is becoming fun and exciting for a long time. In
Next year, a team of Alliance was released logical
continued: "Choppers Deathmatch", but in terms of dynamism
"Deathmatch" strongly utupal Product Star Group.

  A much absolute arcade (even the name suggests) was
"Arcade Volleyball" by Rome'r - conversion "Headball" with a PC.
Incidentally, in the year 98'm ZX-Masters produced another 
conversion this game is more well conceived Different engine 
and more quality graphics and sound effects neplohomi

(Including General Sound).

  But the most important event this year was the emergence of
absolute megahit among spekovskih games, and they became the 
"Black Raven. "In principle, Copper Feet planned to call his 
game more recognizable name - "WarCraft", but by the time he

decided to tackle this project, the brand "WC" has been 
"hammered" one of the St. Petersburg team, announced the 
beginning of the game with this name. Changing the name of the 
project only unleashed Copper Feet hands because no longer had 
to be completely copy the source level. In terms of geympleya 
"CV" on my think he took all camoe best of "WarCraft 1,2" and 
can rightly be considered the best strategy in real time on the 
Spectrum. It is worth noting that the game took two discs, had 
two different the company's 16 levels (people and kung 
sootvetstvnno), two levels complexity, as well as pre-rendered 
dvenadtsatiminutny entrance video and two different versions of 
final cut. 

  Somewhat later, in 1999 Compu-Studio, rekompiliv
"FT", releasing a powerful level editor, and a CD with the new
missions to the game. The emergence of the editor,
2002'm year Metallurg released another CD with 15'yu levels
and 2003'm unknown author created two CDs with the missions,
are characterized by high complexity.

  Among other strategic projects 97'go course is definitely 
worth note "Technodrom" by Real Soft - turn-based strategy,

rooted in "Laser Squad" and "Nether Earth", so
as in this game, the game was similar to that goal "NE" - with 
the help of produced at their bases robots need to capture all 
the bases enemy. It is worth noting that despite the external 
similarity itself gameplay differed from the "LS" for the 
better. Long-term attachment razrabotaikov game to the 
unforgettable "Kings Bounty" was also embodied in yet another 
remake - "Feudal Wars" by X-Studio.

Other articles:

Editorial - elph: offering himself ...

Editorial - elph: offering myself ...

Editorial - alff: Change is the air that we breathe ...

Editorial - alff: Changes ... is air ...

Editorial - miguel: ... title .. title by myself

Editorial - chasm: By the way, have you read the rules cc04?

Editorial - the creators of the magazine.

News - the latest news from: Research, Arhon, Gasman, Fatal Snipe, Skrju, ZX Time team, Newart, Elph.

News - actual news from: Research, Arhon, Gasman, Fatal Snipe, Skrju, ZX Time team, Newart, Elph.

News - c-jeff about the reasons for the closure of the musical project "emphasis".

News - look Moran / CPU on the current state of affairs in the group of SPU.

News - sq: "I turned on ZX-Stag, otoshel several feet, sat down on his knees and began to kover ... "

News - sq: news around us.

Scene - Elph'a surprised appearance Demo works, do not carry a not that deep, but at least attempts to study their feelings and reflection.

Scene - Emotional consumerism.

Scene - Rebellious demostsener.

Scene - Demoscene rebel.

Scene - History of making demo "WeeD".

Scene - report Miguel / CPU on CAFe'2003.

Scene - Shshshshsh - BOOM! this is where I am? aha on CAFe'2003.

Scene - CAFe'2003 report from Chasm.

Scene - report Bourgeois Pyromaniac on a trip to the Russian party CAF'e 2003.

Scene - pyromaniac CAF'e 2003 report.

Scene - From party to party: reports from CAFe'03 FOReVer and 5 and compare them.

Scene - from party to party Cafe'03 and FOReVER 5 party reports and comparision.

Scene - The report from the Warsaw group AY Riders.

Scene - Gasman'a story of how he had introduced the British inhabitants of the demoscene on Notcon 2004.

Scene - Notcon 2004 report from Gasman.

Scene - the story of group exhibition GALZA.

Scene - GALZA exhibition 2004.

Scene - Moran picks contest graphic black and white pictures.

Scene - Dive Into Monolith (GFX compo).

Interface - Reactions to Spektrumistov Adventurer # 14: Questions and Answers.

Interface - Music is different. Each of us understands it differently, we have different tastes ...

Interface - AS C-major ...

Interface - an interview with musician Rybinsk Ahim.

Interface - interview with Ahim.

Interface - Moran / CPU interview.

Interface - an interview with the Rybinsk coder and musician Moran / CPU.

Interface - an interview with musician C-jeff.

Interface - c-jeff interview.

Interface - an interview with the British muzykntom Gasman / Raww.

Interface - Gasman interview.

Interface - an interview with the Permian muzykntom Kej-Jee.

Interface - Kej-Jee interview.

Interface - Rybinsk interview with musician and artist Miguel / CPU.

Interface - Miguel / CPU interview.

Interface - an interview with Alone Coder.

Interface - Alone Coder interview.

Interface - an interview with the Krasnodar musician Nik-O.

Interface - Nik-O interview.

Interface - an interview with Tchaikovsky the musician Riskej.

Interface - Riskej / OCA interview.

Interface - Yerzmyey / HPRG interview.

Interface - an interview with a Polish musician Yerzmyey / HPRG.

Scene - a survey of manufacturers of games, "What makes you do the game for the Spectrum in a strange time? "

Interface - gamemakers questionnarie.

Interface - an interview with the publisher cluster games Cronosoft.

Interface - gaming like it used to be! (Cronosoft interview)

Interface - Alex Xor on the status of gaming in the ZX Spectrum.

Interface - Analizing ZX Spectrum games in 2003 year.

Interface - elph: "games that I played."

Interface - elph: games, i haven't played.

Interface - moran: "Why do I play."

Interface - Confessions of a serial gamer.

Reviews - an overview of demos in 2003: Detroyt, Why?, Extazy, Microcosm, Wirne, Alienate, Sailor, The Source, Evenless, Fuck You Scene, Caprize, Resurrection, demo22, Weed, China Restaurant.

Reviews - demo 2003 review: Detroyt, Why?, Extazy, Microcosm, Wirne, Alienate, Sailor, The Source, Evenless, Fuck You Scene, Caprize, Resurrection, demo22, Weed, China Restaurant .

Reviews - The history of the gaming industry in the former Soviet space: the 1991-1999 year.

Reviews - The history of the gaming industry in the former Soviet space: the 1999-2004 year.

Reviews - Development of exUSSR games (1991-2004 years).

Reviews - Trends in Spectrum games industry.

Reviews - Tendencies of ZX Spectrum game industry development.

Tutorials - More color! Description packer color video from the demo Weed.

Tutorials - More colours!!! Description packer color video from the demo "Weed".

Tutorials - hewle splines - programs to create spline curves.

Tutorials - hewle splines.

Ottyag - nothing.

Software - vto.poy vepsiya scheme IDE-HDD adaptepa for the ZX Spectrum.

Interface - an interview with the Permian musician Siril/4D.

Scene - AY Riders live in Warsaw.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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