Adventurer #15
31 июля 2004

Editorial - miguel: ... title .. title by myself

<b>Editorial</b> - miguel: ... title .. title by myself
... Title .. title by myself
Miguel / CyberPunks Unity

 please, title this article by
 yourself, mr. I title this article by

Well. I'll try to focus and to write
some words for Adventurer readers, I mean you. Long time without
seeing Spectrum screen, pushing
buttons of this small keyboard and
the sound of a working fdd ... Now I
feel some kind of a nostalgy. Many
things reveal from my memory - last
summer, last issue. Besides, having
a strong contrast between people I
have to associate with and those
whom I prefer to call CPU, I find myself lost somehow.

Let's stop complaining, 'let's see
what we can see. everybody online, looking good '... Can you 
believe, that I can't even imagine, how does

the main Adventurer screen look like after my hdd crush. Again
complaining ...

'I refuse to be a victim'.

Would you believe. that there will be
another one Adventurer issue? Be
sure it will. I got an idea right now,
maybe we should name it i reverse
order? Rerutnevda!!! Ha! To make all
sceptics suck.

'Call me psycho'? No. Just a littleanger. L'anger ... Heh.

Look, for me it appears, that
there's a plenty to read here, some
of these articles I translated long
time ago. In winter. Remember it?
Snowy and so much amazing. Frozing translating. Eeee ... Again 
reminds me about adv13. See? There's so much things we can 
remember, so when do we have to do what we

want to do?

Good god, there are people able to

And finally, don't be too surprized
when you'll find everything too boring. That only means that 
you're not CPU, UCP, PCU or UPC. None of

them. We just tried to speak, though I guess we'll make it 
somehow different next time, cybergods are


And now commercials! If yo want
your article to be translated write

Maybe you should read it again?

Miguel / CPU

Other articles:

Editorial - elph: offering himself ...

Editorial - elph: offering myself ...

Editorial - alff: Change is the air that we breathe ...

Editorial - alff: Changes ... is air ...

Editorial - miguel: ... title .. title by myself

Editorial - chasm: By the way, have you read the rules cc04?

Editorial - the creators of the magazine.

News - the latest news from: Research, Arhon, Gasman, Fatal Snipe, Skrju, ZX Time team, Newart, Elph.

News - actual news from: Research, Arhon, Gasman, Fatal Snipe, Skrju, ZX Time team, Newart, Elph.

News - c-jeff about the reasons for the closure of the musical project "emphasis".

News - look Moran / CPU on the current state of affairs in the group of SPU.

News - sq: "I turned on ZX-Stag, otoshel several feet, sat down on his knees and began to kover ... "

News - sq: news around us.

Scene - Elph'a surprised appearance Demo works, do not carry a not that deep, but at least attempts to study their feelings and reflection.

Scene - Emotional consumerism.

Scene - Rebellious demostsener.

Scene - Demoscene rebel.

Scene - History of making demo "WeeD".

Scene - report Miguel / CPU on CAFe'2003.

Scene - Shshshshsh - BOOM! this is where I am? aha on CAFe'2003.

Scene - CAFe'2003 report from Chasm.

Scene - report Bourgeois Pyromaniac on a trip to the Russian party CAF'e 2003.

Scene - pyromaniac CAF'e 2003 report.

Scene - From party to party: reports from CAFe'03 FOReVer and 5 and compare them.

Scene - from party to party Cafe'03 and FOReVER 5 party reports and comparision.

Scene - The report from the Warsaw group AY Riders.

Scene - Gasman'a story of how he had introduced the British inhabitants of the demoscene on Notcon 2004.

Scene - Notcon 2004 report from Gasman.

Scene - the story of group exhibition GALZA.

Scene - GALZA exhibition 2004.

Scene - Moran picks contest graphic black and white pictures.

Scene - Dive Into Monolith (GFX compo).

Interface - Reactions to Spektrumistov Adventurer # 14: Questions and Answers.

Interface - Music is different. Each of us understands it differently, we have different tastes ...

Interface - AS C-major ...

Interface - an interview with musician Rybinsk Ahim.

Interface - interview with Ahim.

Interface - Moran / CPU interview.

Interface - an interview with the Rybinsk coder and musician Moran / CPU.

Interface - an interview with musician C-jeff.

Interface - c-jeff interview.

Interface - an interview with the British muzykntom Gasman / Raww.

Interface - Gasman interview.

Interface - an interview with the Permian muzykntom Kej-Jee.

Interface - Kej-Jee interview.

Interface - Rybinsk interview with musician and artist Miguel / CPU.

Interface - Miguel / CPU interview.

Interface - an interview with Alone Coder.

Interface - Alone Coder interview.

Interface - an interview with the Krasnodar musician Nik-O.

Interface - Nik-O interview.

Interface - an interview with Tchaikovsky the musician Riskej.

Interface - Riskej / OCA interview.

Interface - Yerzmyey / HPRG interview.

Interface - an interview with a Polish musician Yerzmyey / HPRG.

Scene - a survey of manufacturers of games, "What makes you do the game for the Spectrum in a strange time? "

Interface - gamemakers questionnarie.

Interface - an interview with the publisher cluster games Cronosoft.

Interface - gaming like it used to be! (Cronosoft interview)

Interface - Alex Xor on the status of gaming in the ZX Spectrum.

Interface - Analizing ZX Spectrum games in 2003 year.

Interface - elph: "games that I played."

Interface - elph: games, i haven't played.

Interface - moran: "Why do I play."

Interface - Confessions of a serial gamer.

Reviews - an overview of demos in 2003: Detroyt, Why?, Extazy, Microcosm, Wirne, Alienate, Sailor, The Source, Evenless, Fuck You Scene, Caprize, Resurrection, demo22, Weed, China Restaurant.

Reviews - demo 2003 review: Detroyt, Why?, Extazy, Microcosm, Wirne, Alienate, Sailor, The Source, Evenless, Fuck You Scene, Caprize, Resurrection, demo22, Weed, China Restaurant .

Reviews - The history of the gaming industry in the former Soviet space: the 1991-1999 year.

Reviews - The history of the gaming industry in the former Soviet space: the 1999-2004 year.

Reviews - Development of exUSSR games (1991-2004 years).

Reviews - Trends in Spectrum games industry.

Reviews - Tendencies of ZX Spectrum game industry development.

Tutorials - More color! Description packer color video from the demo Weed.

Tutorials - More colours!!! Description packer color video from the demo "Weed".

Tutorials - hewle splines - programs to create spline curves.

Tutorials - hewle splines.

Ottyag - nothing.

Software - vto.poy vepsiya scheme IDE-HDD adaptepa for the ZX Spectrum.

Interface - an interview with the Permian musician Siril/4D.

Scene - AY Riders live in Warsaw.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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