Adventurer #15
31 июля 2004 |
Interface - an interview with the Permian muzykntom Kej-Jee.
When and why did you start writing music at Speke? By the process of creating music, I communed even in the 1997th year. Firstly, when I first heard the sound of ym, and secondly, then we poisoned cyberjack under the influence of surging on us dem decided to create their zx-group. And although I did not gram meaning in music, I decided to do it to her - all the same group without the musician's long reach could not ... Surely you gained experience by studying the works of other, more experienced and well-known authors. Who has influenced musicians from spekovskih your music at the time and whom you can call your own teacher? Yes, of course. In the initial stages I, for example, racked up music authors such as phantom lord, dj cont well, and those whose music have us in Perm on a disc with the editors (xpeh and some little-known local authors). Well, a bit later on their place took more than a well-known authors: Andy Fer, Mast and Mm
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