31 июля 2004 |
Reviews - demo 2003 review: Detroyt, Why?, Extazy, Microcosm, Wirne, Alienate, Sailor, The Source, Evenless, Fuck You Scene, Caprize, Resurrection, demo22, Weed, China Restaurant.
Demos as is. Nothing more. Flying/DR & Miguel/CPU Detroyt by TBK+4D (ASCII'2003, 1st place) miguel> As a matter of fact, I was waiting for another demo from 4D+TBK at that time, the one they hadn't finished for CAFe'2002. But there appeared some rumours, that they prepared something different for ASCII. Maybe guys decided to avoid chunks this time and we'll see something new and interesting, I thought. So, I downloaded the party stuff and started watching. From the beginning of the demo I was shocked with those circles from some old (approx. 1997 year) Haujobb demo or anything else, wha- tever, taken from pc. I still have enough of attention to notice in those 'circles' a scrolly with cre- dits, and among the authors' nicks G.D. Immediately I thought of so- mething converted from pc (since that pc effect with circles was used). And again I was rejoiced with lo- gos made by pROF, but it was a well known for a long time fee- ling, so they seemed like routine. Of course, every pROF's logo is ma- de professionally, but it becomes boring to see. I'm not a coder so I'm not deeply concerned with coder's techniques used here, but I should notice, that animation conversion is made good enough. I remember the anima- tion that we tried to make in a si- milar way for Adventurer#12 intro. One of the main reasons why we ma- de everything jump and shiver was that we couldn't convert it from pC with high quality. But here we can see, that creators managed to make it right, except, maybe, that pinions. Let's proceed with music. By those circles in the beginning I was prompted to wait for something ma- de in 97-98's style, sounding like tracks from the best demos of that time. And I think I was right, anyway, noone makes music like that nowadays. Technically, I always tried to avoid of using a whole channel for drums. Of course, it is a good pos- sibility to make drums sound like drums and as complicated as you want. But I think the main problem is that there are only few musici- ans possible to do that. Besides, if you're making your tune for ACB, displacement of noise towards the one channel (with my ABC) ma- kes the track sound slightly con- fined. However, in some cases the- re is no possibility to do what you want in any other way. So, I think, there's is a vital necessi- ty to use ABC/BAC/ACB modes in de- mos now. Another thing that bother me is en- velope. I like when it sounds good and rich. So, usually, I make the whole volume of music a little lo- wer to allow these vibrations to be heard. Here, in this track, it's almost lost. Besides, there's a good trick I of- ten use. The usage of fifth notes instead of tonics allows to arran- ge the envelope's part in very dif- ferent ways, increase the whole drive. I hope Key Jee knows about that. Anyway, the soundtrack for this demo, as i think, was made long ago, before Key Jee joined the army, and if he would make it now, using all advises listed above, it would sound different. But there is a moment that I don't like - the reaction of scene. I of- ten see quatations from this demo and it makes me think, that there are some people, for whom detroYt has become an overwhelming break- thru in demomaking, especially af- ter the dictatorship of chunks. And this fact gives some additio- nal pop traits to this demo, what is categorically not welcomed by me. flying> Splendid work of, maybe, the most prominent for now 'com- bined' team TBK+4D, has impressed all visitors of ASCII'2003, and, I think, the whole crowd of speccy freaks. The demo absorbs from the first moments of perception and 'rele- ases' only with the final fading of sound and stop of motion at the screen. By the strenght of impact it could be set in one row with such a masterpieces as 'Shit 4 Brainz' by Progress and 'The Loop' by 3SC. Beautiful code, stunning work of designer (graphics, design of 3D scenes and especially work with fonts) and excellent so- undtrack, that merges with the vi- suals by the means of perfect syn- chronization - all those parts, compiled together, are making up this outstanding product. Examining 'detroYt' from the technical point of view, it could be understood, that it bases on two players of vector animations, however, in my opinion, for the first time it was used to repre- sent 3D scenes of such kind. In ad- dendum to this, according to the statement of authors, the scene with 3D pinions is an example of high quality data packing (i hope, they'll decide to release the sour- ces of this effect alongside with the packer, as I did it in my time with the packer of ZXA animations, written for Jam). Also one or two articles in some magazine, about the process, technique and ruses of creation, preparations and con- verting of vector animations, used while making detroYt would come in handy. Considering this work not by it- self, but in surrounding of another demos, appeared on speccy by the last few years, i would say, that creators of 'detroYt' (besides the number of works from other platforms, not to mention classic Amiga intro by Delirium, works by The Black Lotus and Kaspa- rov on PC, with it industrial at- mosphere) were influenced such things as 'The Loop' by 3SC (the first scene with punched details bears a strong resemblance to the similar process in 'The Loop') and, maybe, ours 'Jam' (it could be just my biased opinion as one of the authors of this work, but the scene with pinions, by its sty- le and and implementation raises associations with 'Jam' anima- tions). Maybe there is a light influence of works by Skrju (but it could be a mutual influences i.e. both teams are getting so- mething from each other). And this is truly great if I'm right, becau- se they are giving a new look to those ideas, finding out somewhat, not explored by the others. Sizing up, it could be only said, that this demo is a 'must see' and examine for everyone who have an interest to the speccy demoscene, as an example of magnificent work, opening new horizon in demomaking on speccy. Why? by Skrju (ASCII'2003, 2nd place) miguel> Next demo from skrju. And this work again reminds me of another pC demos, maybe by Kew- lers, or maybe Fukwit Daddy/Hau- jobb. I don't know why kq and sq made what they did, but that accu- sations in the lack of ideas that appeared after the party I can on- ly regard as stupid and ridicu- lous. I still believe that there are not so much people who un- derstand this demo in any way, may- be different way that was ex- pected. As I understand, the demo is based on lyrics, written by i_don't_know_who, maybe kq, be- cause he made the gfx presented here. And I think he grafically described what he wrote by words. nq aka Nik-O seems to be a real ma- niak. I suppose, the purpose of every creative person is to reali- ze yourself in any occupation that you like. But it's hard to imagine what you want to do, the result of your work, especially, it's almost impossible to conceive this track made by Oleg. I think this style of music, that Nik-O developed du- ring some last months (or years) is not so popular as those melodi- cal tracks, remixes and covers that Nik-O made before. The first proof that I can offer - the re- sults of latest music compos, whe- re Nik-O didn't get what he de- serves. I know most of tricks that Nik-O can use, some of them we discussed in emails, but sometimes I have a feeling that he uses too much of them in one track. Moreover, when my approach to composing has changed and now I try to make mu- sic as simple as possible. However, I like the fact that Nik-O stopped flooding the scene with his music, that makes every single track more valuable, I think. And it's a pity that he co- uldn't visit CAFe this time. flying> If this work by Skrju is examined not by itself, but in the one row with the other works of this team, then the tendency of de- velopment is clearly seen. Because 'Why?' is something middle between released before 'Summermilk' and the last one 'FUCK you SCENE'. Al- ready deprived of colours, but not of text, the music started its mu- tation, becoming a 'FUCK you SCENE' soundtrack later, now this is not a set of sinking in noise sounds, but something merely alive. 'Transferred' from one work to another, fx becomes resemblant to the mutant, we'll see in 'FyS', but still, this is something rela- tively normal. And the size of 'Why?' is similar with 'Summer- milk', not 'FyS'. Rather hard to perceive, but at least not so dep- ressive as 'FyS'... For some reason, there is no desi- re to examine 'Why?' by itself, let it be seen the brick, construc- ted by Skrju, in some global work of art. But if this tendency will continue - I'm already scared by the next brick... Hmmm... Another Brick In The Wall? It's interesting, why I have such associations in the present mo- ment? Maybe because of 'Pink Floyd' is playing in my head- phones? Extazy by Milytia (ASCII'2003, 3rd place) miguel> The final release of this demo became available just after CAFe, though it took the 3rd place at ASCII. I've seen an opinion in Internet that it's even better than those presented at CAFe this year. Ridiculous. As for me, at the first sight it may seem too childish. Of course, Milytia is a young team, the repre- sentatives of so called 'new wave' spekka demo scene. And there are a lot of traits of this style here in this demo - minimalism in gfx, code and music. The main thing they are laying on is idea. But, I think, it's too optimistic. A few words about gfx presented in Extazy - like in other earlier works it's still glumsy, lines and contours are far from ideal and those faces are killing me... The- re are some good logos, but it's not enough. Simple melody, playing in this demo, makes me think, that life is not so bad as it may seem, that we must have a lot of joy and pleasu- re from flowers, lover's face, fri- ends and so on. Really, music is made without any pretence, its pur- pose is to bring some melancholic and calming vibrations, do not bother the listener. But the main drawback is the en- ding, which is too abrupt, you don't know what to do, I had a fee- ling that I have to run for fire- men :) I hope that Milytia will ma- ke the proper conclusion out of this. flying> Though this work by Mily- tia appeared only a few months be- fore 'Caprize' (reviewed above) - comparing those two demos, one can feel a serious progress of a team through this period of time. 'Caprize' has a neatly expressed (although, not original in the most of it) style, while 'Extazy' is quite blurred, its parts practi- cally are not connected together. Also, technically, this is not a revelation - low amount of simple effects (all could be seen in the middle of 90s) are working not so fast. There are undisguised draw- backs sometimes, like 'hanging' ef- fects (when the screen remains uncleared after end of fx), or thrash, creeping at the screen in 'greetz' part. Melody is attrac- tive, and felt like it was compo- sed especially for the demo, but there are problems with synchroni- zation. In general demo looks we- aker, than 'Caprize' but it is ve- ry light and leaves a pleasant impression after it. And what rejo- ices more, that even the next their work is a great step for- ward, that means, we can wait con- tinuation of this course and more quality works from Milytia. Microcosm by CPU (out of the party) miguel> This is the first work of duet inward, recently appeared on scene under the label of CPU. I think some people understand why it happened, especially those who've been at CAFe this year. Elph's mental condition influenced by music, literature and other dif- ferent things, now produces inte- resting kinds of psychodelic emoti- ons thru Spekka. The second person is a well-known member of CPU - Moran. With his epilepsy, affecting all what he creates, and whole life attitude, he had already frightened us brin- ging out his plans and ideas. But, as I think, he had no proper sup- port to realize what he wanted and thats why he often tried to force himself to make something with CPU, though he didn't need it. Here, in microcosm he had a chance to release. But I still don't beli- eve that what he is showing to us as his inner state is true. For me he is still a person without strong purposes and directives and that doesn't let him to realize himself completely in whatever he wants to do. Apparently, h doesn't know what he wants. And I think, and that's a pity, that again he found somebody able to direct him, who sees the object of creation ve- ry defined, as you understand, it's elph. Music itself is an attempt to make dark ambient using Spekka. Of co- urse, not so many people can appre- ciate it at its true value and the- re are some reasons, beginning with unability to understand this sort of music, following with qua- lity of your home stereo... I'll just mention that elph is one who possesses all necessary require- ments for this, otherwise he wo- uldn't make such products. However, I think that most of ppl doesn't understand, why there are 2 versions of microcosm. It is due to differences of AY frequency on different Spekkas, and it affects the envelope, which is the main instrument used in the soundtrack. Its period varies so the structure of track, its rythm changes and so- und turns into jumble. So inward made the second version with enve- lope fix so you could tune the so- und in the right way. Of course, there are some ppl, who can't understand the meaning of what happens on the screen and so- unds in the ears, i'll just say that after 5 minutes of action you can just turn the volume and low frqs up, switch the lights off, lay down and close your eyes... flying> Hmm... After Honest 15 mi- nutes in contemplation of this demo, i came to conclusion, that my brains need something psychot- ropic, to catch the escaping per- ception of this work :) I'll bet- ter return to 'Evenless' - it is easier to perceive and spiritually closer to me. Wirne by ZeroTeam (out of the party) miguel> You know, making such re- view is not an easy work. I've wat- ched every work not at once, try- ing every time to percieve deeper in every detail, trying to de- cipher the meaning of things, the reasons and purposes, I've been thinking much about what would I've done if I tried to make a de- mo with those elements that I saw and how it would look like, how it must be. And now you try to watch microcosm, lying about 25-30 minu- tes on a bed, listening drones, perceiving the innerself and then, after it stops, go to wirne. I can only compare it with a brick fal- ling on the head. Many different logos, effects of the early 90ies, progress is al- most absent. Everywhere. Sometimes I have a feeling that eu- ropeans stuck in this 'oldschool' stereotype, or you can call it as you like, whatever, maybe it is just stubborn persistence, I don't know, but for as me, I think they are unable to compete with russi- ans in using Spekka for high level programming, design, simply demos as a whole, and that's why they place this unability under the term of 'for fun', showing their 'sense of humour' and it becomes, honestly, quite boring. flying> As it is said at the begin- ning of the demo - the concept was founded 5 years ago and only now it have seen the light. Better later, then never (maybe authors of 'Genetic Error' will follow the example of ZeroTeam and we will see their work? The demo itslef reminds me the works of early 90s, as for composi- tion, type and the level of ef- fects, so for the whole spirit. I remember, that I myself did a lot of such an effects in 1995-1996. Everything is pretty nice, simple and light, very good for nostalgic reasons, but not enough for a mo- dern demo. Alienate by HPRG (Assembly'2003, 4th place) miguel> Boring again... flying> Our European friends from HPRG in the second time took part in the world's biggest demoparty - Assembly with their new Spectrum work. It can't be ignored, cos it lets the representatives of other platforms to remember (or maybe to get acquainted in the first time) Spectrum and about it's de- moscene. So, let's take a closer look on the product. At first, you don't need to read credits to recognize Yerzmyey's graphics style and this defines the style of the demo, cos you can't expect a technical revela- tion, but a vivid demo, filled with light and humour, maybe a little specific humour. At first I should say, that authors didn't mo- ve far from their original style, everything, mentioned above, fits good to this work. The level of ef- fects is about 1995-1996, if we compare it with russian demos, even mentioning, that I watched the final version, there are some mismatches (for example, after the attribute tunnel, the screen depac- king is done without clearing of the attributes). However the demo leaves good impression with its light mood and atmosphere. Be- sides, the opportunity to choose AY or General Sound would please the owners of this device (or emu- lator users). Speaking about the presentation of this work at Assembly -this great in itself, especially taking into account participation in oldschool democompo. But it could be de- sired, to see the demo, represen- ting modern standarts in speccy demomaking, competing here. Sailor by HPRG (out of the party) miguel> ehhhhhhhh.... flying> Does everyone remember low quality poland demos in late 80s? Seems like one of it remained in a dust for the last 15 years and seen the light only now. The performance is absolutely low. The point is understood, but this is not the cause to watch it :) Weed by TBK+4D (CAFe'2003, 1st place) miguel> I don't know why TBK deci- ded to make such and so called demo. Just to win, or it was real- ly deep in their minds, they real- ly ever had any experience in this sphere? But this light propaganda of hash and narcotics in general as a key to the possibility to un- derstand more than usual consumer has found its audience at this pop- sy CAFe party. And that was the right action from TBK - they won the compo. Other examples of such approach, I think, can be found ea- sily, but they hadn't such success screen with Bob Marley and can- nabis, last years' Black and White demo. So, I guess, people that like main- ly visual side of a demo are eve- rywhere, they don't bother them- selves with thinking about the dee- per meanings. And they did their task, as a bull reacts on a red cloth. What about music? I don't even know how to make a soundtrack for a demo with such idea, so I won't judge Key Jee for his competence or uncompetence, you can do it by your own if you like. Anyway, mu- sic is simple and ordinary, though professionally made. But there's one moment that I like most -lyri- cal part before colours start (3 channel melody with reverberation and a simple envelope part) and patterns after it. So, I think, that's it. flying> The second work by TBK+4D in 2003 year, presented at the party, second masterpiece and for the second time - deserved first place. And if detroYt was a revela- tion in the sphere of new ideas of effects realization and new direc- tions in explorations, 'WeeD' not just continued this movement, but added new elements to that, making this work really remarkable. At start it should be said, that here we can see at least 2 comple- tely new techniques, or more preci- sely saying - the development of new techniques, first presented in 'detroYt', but done here at a qua- litatively new level. At first, re- alization of sufficiently complex 3D scenes with the help of vector animations. And if in detroYt we saw fullscreen 3D with industrial bias, then here, animation is com- bined with 2D objects, thus, the whole screen is moving and repre- senting a single whole itself. That let the authors to accent the central object, adding the dyna- mics to a whole scene, using vec- tors. In the second place, there is of course stunning fullscreen, coloured animation at the end. Black and white version we could observe in 'detroYt', but colours add a lot to the spectacular ef- fect! Except those two main innova- tions, there are some minor set of new ideas. Pay an attention, for example, how the 3D figures are ap- pearing and vanishing at the middle of the demo. But 'WeeD' wouldn't be such a great occurence, if presented it- self only a demonstration of a new technologies. Fortunately, authors did a great effort and made each component at a very high level. Ex- cept marvellous code, there is high quality graphics and excel- lent music, reflecting the atmos- phere very well. All this properly fitted together and looks as a single whole. Different by its na- ture parts are gathering and ma- king up a picture, and this pictu- re is telling a story. Yes, exactly, this demo has its plot, not primitive or shallow at all, but forcing to think. Besides, i dont know if it was an author's idea, or it just appeared to be so, but 'WeeD' rouses a clear associations with film 'Pink Floyd - The Wall', directly to the part, where 'Don't Leave Me Now' is playing'. I think, those, who saw the film will understand me:) And there is one more thing, i ha- ve a strong associations with, whi- le watching 'WeeD' - ours 'Forever'. Though, the authors are saying, that this is only a coinci- dence (and I'm inclining to belie- ve them) - however, there are some moments, that 'came' from 'Forever' as it seems to me. This is not derogates 'WeeD', but maybe even vice versa. One more time congaratulations to TBK+4D with the victory in main party of the year! demo22 by Eye-Q (CAFe'2003, 5th place) miguel> Do not vote, please... It's right. Everything moves too slowly on the screen. However, at the very start of the soundtrack it seems that it's gonna be a hard drive trackmo. But only disappo- intment apears. Why they released this demo? It's not even about the code, gfx, nor music. It's defini- tely not finished. I think that this demo is an ef- fort made by Organism to support the party and to make the speccy scene remember about his crew - Eye-Q, at least for another year while their competetors MHCG chan- ged to de Marche and started to conquer the 'more progressive' pC scene. flying> By the way, practically everything, that could be said about this work of Eye-Q, they said at the beginning of the demo: ' There is no cool code... just la- me effects from Organism. There is no gfx from Rion... just some con- verted shit. There is no good fix... just nice track from Icengreen. There is no demo... and we sucks this year... ' This description fully reflects the demo22 itself. Really - converted (not by the best way) graphics, 3-4 rather primitive effects (the authors didn't care much about speed optimization), total lack of music synchronization, and the so- undtrack, energetic enough, poorly fitting the slowness of visuals. What is this - team crisis or ele- mentary lack of time and desire to do something? Hope this is tempora- ry occurrence, the previous work - demo21 was a step forward, maybe, the movement should be continued? Resurrection by OHG (CAFe'2003, 2nd place) miguel> I can't even find the pro- per word to describe this demo. OHG strikes back? What for? They tried to demonstrate treir ability to 'make demos' on spekka? I guess, they are pleased with re- sults of this performance. And they call it 'oldschool'. I see nothing that can remind about oldschool. Such statements can on- ly make clowns out of Jocker and his mates, already showed their 'sport spirit'. Maybe organizers are quilty in 'commercial' appro- ach of making demos. As it was pos- ted on Scenergy - I'd like bananas instead of prizes! I hope there will be no more such kind of shit. flying> Rather unexpectable event after a few years of silence Omega Hackers Group returned to Speccy with the new work and even got the second place in demo compo of the main party of the year, leaving be- hind the works of the very active at the moment teams. This makes me happy and shows - Speccy Forever! Demo starts with the words 'Oldschool never die' - this is true, good classic effects when do- ne at high-grade are always loo- king good. And this work gave us opportunity to recall several clas- sic works of past years (of co- urse, here effects look a little different, because dumb copying would look worse, than an own view at the same fx). Honestly saying, couple of chunk effects of later period are coming off the track, but generally, it didn't spoil the whole picture. From the other side, using converted low quality graphics along with such a slogan was a mistake. In summary, this is not bad work, but the most important is the fact of its appearance itself and those, who did it, not the things happening on the screen. Caprize by Milytia (CAFe'2003, 3rd place) miguel> I think, guys just didn't know that the track they chose to be a soundtrack had taken the se- cond place at millennium'1902. And I think Milytia didn't cared much while making this demo. They certa- inly had no time to make the so- undtrack by themselves, the music from their last work was something to hear though. And those funny phrases like 'no kopia', 'Alternfiva? Yes!' and 'cyber punks U' in greets. I couldn't de- cipher what's written in graffiti style, so next time i'll certainly ask them about it... flying> Examination of this demo rouse controversary feelings in me... By the one side - all time, you watch the demo, the deja vu syndrom, the feeling, that you ha- ve seen this all... But by the other side, this mix borns so- mething new... The very beginning - vertical lines, moving downwards - stable association with Detroyt by TBK+4D, released not so long be- fore. Really, if those lines would form a wireframe 3D scene, it co- uld be a marvellous impression! But it would be TOO similar with Detroyt:) First fx, and again that feeling 'Summermilk???'. Authors reject those doubts :) But the feeling re- mains the same... The scrolling texture, combined with sideway graphics, crossing it, raises memo- ries of Melange and some other works. But, in spite of all this, and ob- vious dead level of code (2-3 very simple effects - there is not much to code) the demo looks great, it done in one style, there is drive, becouse of very energetic so- undtrack and good synchro. It per- ceived very smooth and not loads the watcher (but 'concerned' demos could be very good, if done well and speccy has various examples, everyone knows of), that fits the party very good. Guys from Milytia could be congra- tulated - this is very successful work, the only thing that could be desired - YOU should be recognized in your works, not anyone else (look above about Alienate) :) Fuck You Scene by Skrju (CAFe'2003, 4th place) miguel> I think it's not so good to make a demo about scene, at least, call it like this, 'cos it doesn't deserve it. In my opinion, it is the press' task to discuss about scene, it's absence, pre- sence, whatever. At the other side, I can feel the denying of all stereotypes and cliches that established during few last years and applied to eve- rything, and demos in particular. And that's why, and like adv#14, fuckyouscene has appeared. It's now time for another scene, but not for everyone. For me, the kq's leadership in skrju's creative process is get- ting obvious. I don't know why, anyway, I'm sure that sq has much to say, but somehow kq presses on and makes dicisions. Also, I sus- pect, that nq didn't make a so- undtrack especially for this demo, I suppose, he has a basic line - to make music for skrju and whate- ver he composes with such approach, any weird thing, fits the 'spirit of skrju'. I guess that everything that deals with music, it's realization and it's content, they place upon nq's sho- ulders. Anyway, the result is qui- te good. flying> It is extremely hard to express an opinion about this work of Skrju. Those guys are always on the edge in their point of view at the world and so in the ways of selfexpression. Sometimes falling into extreme, they nevertheless open new views at the way the demo could be. This time those 16kb adherents demonstrated the work, consisted of sequence of black and white screens, stored unpacked on the disk... Add to this only one 'effect', already seen in previous their demos and music, composed from the minimal set of samples. Now, deliberately corrupt the fx and music, till they seem a result of a broken computer or a bad disk thats the way of partly picturing what 'fuck YOU scene' is. But this is only the outer side. Look, deeper inside of what you see and hear. Sinister, opressing industrial visions... Faces of pe- ople with only fear, pain and suf- fering inside their eyes... Me- lody, dying in the flood of noise... Code, mutated beyond re- cognition, but still trying to sur- vive... Graves... That should be seen... That should be pondered... That is far too serious... Thanks Skrju. Update: I think, this demo would ideally fit to never conducted com- po of 'social' demos at CAFe'2002 (leaving no chances to the 'Traf- fic Of Death' by PoS WT). However, scarcely Skrju could take part there. Evenless by CPU (CAFe'2003, 6th place) miguel> In the beginning, I'd like to look at this demo from the other side. The only 2 effects which are nothing in particular, weird pictures oddly entitled, co- lours are chosen awry, music is dull... Besides, there's no such word in english. What does it mean? Where's the plot and what is was made for? Am I right? No? And now some facts. I wont tell any secret, there's no reason for it, more- over, we apprehend it as a whole, not concerning about it's compo- nents. It's a mantra. I tried to use all my imagination while composing the soundtrack. To satisfy your curiou- sity, I'd say I played it on my gu- itar in D-minor :) The other parti- cular feature - is the track's structure. We put 6 pictures in the demo cos it is based on 6 pat- terns, repeating from start to the end. Six, not 4 or 8 as usual. The measure plays the main role here. Also, I had to work on sound, I should especially notice drums, which I wanted to be here, but so- und not so heavy as it could be. That all, I think. Finally, I have to notice, that this track I made in 2 days, i.e. much quicker than usually. This circumstance remains a miracle for me, logically explainable though. flying> Everyone, who are slightly familiar with the history of the demoscene, and remembers the 8-10 years old works, undoubtedly understand, what demo became a prototype of this cyberpunks' work. This is 'Timeless' by Tran, of course, released in 1994 on PC. Even the name of the speccy 'ver- sion' - 'Evenless' have something in common with the name of the ori- ginal, that gives one more stimu- lus to conduct such an associa- tions. It should be said, that a spectrum variant is simply splendid! Authors succeeded to reproduce this famous multilayerness and mu- tability, the sense of psyche- delia, for what original 'Time- less' is beloved even now. But un- like Tran, who released 'Timeless' for no particular reason, CPU deci- ded to represent their work at CAFe, where such a thing, of co- urse, was misunderstood. This co- uldn't be watched at a party, it should be done at home, in si- lence, calmly submerging deeper and deeper, penetrating and dissol- vig in its infinity. Party has another atmosphere, that is the re- ason of such a low place, this ex- cellent work got at CAFe. Update: hmm... elfh/cpu said, they never saw 'Timeless' and in accor- dance to that didn't tried to do its speccy version... Strange things happen - those two absolute- ly independent works are very simi- lar visually, and carrying the sa- me spirit :) I didn't correct the text, that would be even more inte- resting :) The Source by CPU (CAFe'2003, 7th place) miguel> Inward again try to invol- ve us in the depth of their minds. Now they use the most comprehen- sible way - thru words, but I guess, most of people didn't read the text due to the lack of educa- tion. Also they could be surprized that thesource took part in the de- mo compo at all, maybe there appea- red some followers of demo prese- lect. Fuck'em! This time again inward made music by themselves. I don't think it's crap, I'm sure they get what they want, but there are some moments that I don't like - some samples and one mistake. Maybe it's not so important for them, especially Moran, who's tracks are full of such mistakes and faults, but for elph... When the track is playing, although there are no drums, but the whole rythm presents and you can feel it, and there is a place when the measure breaks. I think it happens because they didn't ma- ke an effort to hear it and to se- lect an appropriate size of the pattern. elfh> look for the final ver- sion... As elph says they have some other tracks already written, so I hope they'll be more careful. flying> Another one Inward from cy- berpunks. The realisation and spi- rit is very close to Microcosm, but personally, I liked it more even notwithstanding the lack of support of substances to penetrate nirvana, i was imbued :) It is scarcely should be examined (and so Microcosm) from the techni- cal point of view - it is not in- tended to this. But this is the great source to get totally stoned :) China Restaurant by Triumph (out of the party) flying> It's hard to describe this work by Triumph... Because, inspi- te of presence of every needed com- ponent the emphasis is not done on it, but on the text, that authors wanted to deliver to the public. Poem, written by the person, impri- soned by the false accusation (as it said at the end of the demo). The poem worth reading, that mean, the demo should be watched from the beginning to an end. But there is no sense to appreciate this work from the point of view of de- momaking, there is another core... Therefore look (read) everything by yourself and then make your opi- nion about it.
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