31 июля 2004 |
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Editorial - alff: Changes... is air...

Changes... is air... alff/cyberpunks unity changes is air which we are breathing... yesterday we became others, to- morrow we shall change, the day af- ter tomorrow we shall not be simi- lar at all, in comparision with what we were month ago. and today we have appeared in different quality, and we are trying to make the world better... probably another... it is time to cease to write tracks for 3 minutes. the world hastens and it doesnt have time, now we ha- ve n ghz processors, and why we should be slowed down in thousand times... but having time to seize the moment, we lose the eternity... let's vary, but not became... a small part of big grabbing machine... what is waiting for us tomorrow, probab- ly a holiday... no, we have it today already... today you are reading ad- venturer... probably, it is needless to speak, that the magazine had changed. it became better, and not just BeTtEr... better. all replies for last number, have undoubtedly affected me and i made everything much better... switching of sections, scrollbar, interface... all has chan- ged again... try to look at it in other way... it would better to tell you about the thing, that nobody could tell: two new arrows appeared, they will brought you to beginning/end of the text, but if they continue to look differ, that there is the second part it is necessary to press... it undo- ubtedly will better... so it is time to vary... to become better... alff/cpu
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