31 июля 2004 |
Interface - c-jeff interview.
When and why did you start to make spectrum music? Spectrum music I began to make in 2001, in December, to be more correct. It started from bronchitis that I had at that time, so I spent almost a month at home. I was occupied with Basic programming, and I wanted to make some musical accompaniment for a game, I wanted it to be done by myself instead of taking it form Soundtracker's attachment. I tried to make something in STP, but the result was not so good because I understood nothing in that numbers and letters. Little later I tried to do my best in Pro Tracker. Version 3.4 at that time. I remember how I loaded the track 'X-files remix' by Akira and started to examine it. Then, based on the author's text tried to vary sample values. Finally, by the evening I explored enough and made 'Dreams of my memory 128k'. It was a big success for me at that time and after it was completed I listened it again and again. I suppose, the first technical experience you gained exploring someone's tunes for samples, ornaments and other tricks. Who was that spectrum musician who influenced your music and whom you can call your teacher? I was strongly affected by Key-Jee, Andy Fer, Siril and n1k-o. I often loaded Insanity to listen 'Beautiful moments', 'The end is out there' one more time... I can't call anybody 'teacher'. For me they are the people without whom there might be nothing. What was the first music editor that you used? Heh. I think it's Pro Tracker 3.4, cos I made nothing in Soundtracker. What do you think about your past as a spectrum musician, what important moments in your progression can you note? The past... Hmm... I miss it. I just like that atmosphere that was at that time when I began to make music. In other words, now when I'm starting a track I'm sure that it will be finished, but at that time I wasn't. And one more guy, who involved me in 'scene' - arhon. Because of him I saw my name in a e-paper (Body), he forced me to take part in different parties... So, that's it. How do you think, do you have any fans, and what do you think they particularly like in your music? Would you like to say some words for them? Fans?... Probably there are some: sometimes I recieve letters from people that like my music and I'm pleased with it. I'm pleased by the fact that somebody is interested in me. Concerning particularities of my music... It's hard to say, maybe its uncommonness. Maybe something else... And I want to say that I'll try to rejoice you with my tracks whatever it takes and as long as possible. What musical instruments do you use (if you ever used) during composing prosess? Do you have any experience of musicmaking on other platforms? What do you think about it? I don't use musical instruments, because I simply have none. But I plat piano though. I start composing in my head and then write it down in PT. Sometimes I make something non-melodical, then it's just pure emotions. You even can try to determine what mood I had while writing a track. Other platforms. Sometimes I compose on PC. But mainly on a request. I won't join a compo with it. And I think that using PC is not so bad, cos I'm still here, on Spectrum, right? Do you like to criticize yourself? What is the weakest spot in your techniques (rythm, melody, arrangement or something else)? Sometimes, when nothing comes in my mind, problems with melody can appear. Seems everything else is OK. What kind of music do you listen, what bands/projects affect you, what moods and feelings you try to put in your own compositions? Remixes: what do you think of this? Mainly electronica, but not only. I like Enigma, Robert Miles, Era, JMJ. Among trackers I prefer Mosaik (Radix), Little Bitchard, DJ Kor, Vibe, Vic. Also I like drum'n'bass and in my last works you can hear its influence. In my music I try to deliver the mood I have while composing, to make the listener understand the track, to understand me. Remixes... They must be really good. No, I'm not against it, it is great to listen to some track on AY! It's kewl! What music compos did you participate in, what was the highest rate and what do you think about your achievements? Ooohh... OK, I'l try to mention them according to the order: Cafe'o2. My mind is free. 13th place. Paradox'o2. Lonely soul. 2nd place. Antique toy'o2. Beside impressions. 2nd place. Antique toyz present (ё n1k-o). 1st place. Amadeus voxon. 1st place. Forever quattro. Deaf'n'dump. 12th(?) place. Ascii'o3. Peculiar peace. Feel. !no results yet! Paradigmus'o3 letigan noise rain. 5th place. Cafe'o3 fioletto. 3rd place. Millenium'o3. Acid voodoo bass. 6th(?) place. As you can see - the highest place was teken in a virtual compo - 1st. On a real party - 2nd. But the greatest achievement is Fioletto, I reckon. Anyway, I think there must be much more parties, virtual and not. What do you feel when your track is playing on a party? Are you concerned with sound equipment, people that vote or it doesn't bother you much? I just sit and listen. And let come what may... Do you have any interesting ideas about the future of spectrum music? Maybe there are some hardware or software innovations that you would like to have? The future... I wish many old ZX musicians to return, and many new to appear. About hard and soft... I wish some new things to appear. For example, a compo where the works combining digital samples and original AY sound could compete. I think it could be really interesting. And it would be great to restore the Digital Music Compo. What is the most interesting aspect in spectrum music composing for you - to perfect your skills within the bounds of one 'style' or 'genre', or to continue the thorny path of experiments with sound and techniques? I think the second. Now I try to experiment as much as possible with sound. I don't know, whether it is good or bad, but I like it and many other people like it too. I suppose, it is the main aspect. Can you tell us some your original ideas that you want to realize in your music, maybe you want to make a demo or a game soundtrack, maybe just to try what you have never tried yet, the new field of applying your talent? Honestly? I would like to make a soundtrack to a demo, some really unusual demo, extraordinary demo so I had to make a proper uncommon track. What do you think about co-operative composing, is it interesting for you, whom would you like to make music with? Please name 3 authors among the contemporary spectrum musicians that you like most. Yes. It is very interesting for me. I try to co-operate with people with different styles, with variety of themes. Just like this summer together with Yerzmyey we made 'Sound Fields'. I think these actions must be. OK. Currently, the most interesting people for me are key-jee, n1k-o and Fatal Snipe. Can you say some words of advise for those musicians who are just starting out? People! Do what you wanna do! Do as you want it to be done! AY music is the art, it's the very amazing world. And there are a lot of undiscovered things! So, work on yourself and everything's gonna be all right!
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