31 июля 2004 |
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Scene - Dive Into Monolith (GFX compo).

Dive Into Monolith Moran/CybrPunks Unity Dive Into Monolith by Moran/CPU Dear ladies and gentelmen, I have one desire, and I want to share it with you. It is to shed some light to the one style of graphic art, to use it then for the wellfare of not only speccy, but a whole mankind. Now I'll tell something about this style - it is monochrome and contrasting. Why? Everyone, who is disposed to ennoble mankind - idea- lists. Sometimes I rank myself to them. And them, those idealists are inclined to look at the world from two extreme positions; good - evil or white - black. Doesn't matter, who likes what. And I'am just like them, that is why, graphics should be monochrome, you can use any co- lours, as soon as there would be on- ly two. Judge for yourself the charms and merits of contrast image. It is hard to understand white, if there is no black near it. It is very easy to enjoy silence after noisy company. That is why, we can put so much life in image, that would seem simple, but even outward world will fade beneath it. That is why I want to organize a graphic compo under the aegis of CPU. It would be!... Doesn't matter, how many participants would be here, maybe only me, but then, at least, I'll get high places and someo- ne would understand me, even if it be only me myself. Here come the rules of this Compo. Platform, you use, means nothing. At least PC should understand the image format. Resolution is restricted to 256x192 or lower. But, honestly saying 1x1 picture would be too extreme, that is why the lowest value is 16x16. There should be no gradations. Stylistic example is an intro to this issue of our magazine, but I don't want to limit you, that is why, ac- cording to request of some people, you can use noise. Only two colours allowed, nothing more, black and white is desired, but I have nothing against other co- lours if only speccy can display it. It is desired to apply some covering text, but this is at your discretion. Each participant can present up to seven works. It's a pity, that I have to restrict an Artist, but it is needed to spread all works somehow, to let them live their own lives in people's mind. There would be a jury, and results would be published in next issue of Adventurer. The best graphics wo- uld be in attachment to zine. Prizes would be very symbolical. But this not stands above everything, the main point is participation and the process itself. So, participate - Monolith GFX Compo. I'am not calling, but inviting everyone, who wants to take part in something. Those, who are spiritu- ally close to organizers would be here. Moran/Inward/CPU - organizer. elfh/Inward/CPU - moral and mental support, communication.
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