Adventurer #15
31 июля 2004

Scene - CAFe'2003 report from Chasm.

<b>Scene</b> - CAFe'2003 report from Chasm.
splash! where am i? yeah this place is nice - large amounts of alchohol ahead...
yeah! those drunk bastards surrounding me are: miguel guel, ahim xtreme and the most wackiest is sickboycyber! we gonna rush the whole time we are here.
look: the forest is wet and the people are wild and strange.

splash! this guy looks familiar, but it seems he has to be at the balcony. he calls himself chasm-huyazm. ok will it be like that.
splash! those little guys got maryjane from voronezh - great future awaits me, I can feel it.
suspendous exserts from my memory are - they have no ganja, the place is hot and the sand is everywhere.

splash! got inside the large hall. some people around. they just dont understand what is going on -  I have to explain. why the volume is so low on this mixing deck. hey guy! gett off tha keys I need sotakone to rumble around this place. whtf? some freaks are pushing the lever donw again. get lost! music m-u-s-i-c-u-m-u-s-c-m-uu-u-ummm-mmuu-uu I wnat not rats not the stupid slogans and proposals to leave the place. get lost. I have to preselect the music compo entries, yeah more juice and all be fine great stuff (but loosy sound). tired of wasting time here. some of amiga demos are great (eph and tbl roole). black screen. off.

wake up! are you cpu? no, I am ucp. 'hello' 2 bottles of vodka more (and a red polotenze also). fading away somewhere.

splash! its dark, but fire burns great! those nude persons are completely drunk - so am i. the ship will be suitable for us. we need a ride. what those man in uniform are doing here? ship is leaving, booze is leaking inside. huyazm got a stroke into his face from the tbl guy - great! lets kill each other! its fun and a sign of respect also! no one supports me. dig me deep please. the sand is so sweet an the fire is worm. people are friendly and i'am coco! yeah!

what have you done! whaa-a-a-at h -a-a-v-e-e-e YOU done? the last bottle is broken. the morning is cold. the people are shivering. the red polotenze is lost. need more dope.
obvious exits: east, west, up, down, temporal zone, downward spiral, and curling calyx of ak47. 

the place is great, the sun is shinig.
inventory: got all I need. i'am coco bryce yeah!

the man with macintosh didnt get the point and I repeat: will you give this machine for free? he is silent, seems dont understand me. get off, we gonna continue boozing.

great time on a red carpet even greater than with red polotenze! coco bryce, yeah.

and whtf are you think you are doing here, sitting behind a pc, controlling a projector and not showing up ephidrena and mfx ? you are doing a big mistake ! ok. thats much better. j/eph is great. ee-ph-i-i-d-r-e-e-n-a-a-a!

where are all my friends? chasm huyazzm, miguel guel, sickboycyber and ahim xtreme? doesnt matter, i'll get them later on. some guy is inviting me on the stage, talking crap, then gives money - good deal! want more. got more. even got a chance to talk crap myself. yeah! BRYCE MY COCO guys! i'll be back somehow (maybe intruding your mind next to this creature's cave).

Другие статьи номера:

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Editorial - alff: Changes... is air...

Editorial - miguel: ...title ..title by myself

Editorial - chasm: Кстати, вы читали правила cc04?

Editorial - создатели журнала.

News - актуальные новости от: Research, Arhon, Gasman, Fatal Snipe, Skrju, ZX Time team, Newart, Elph.

News - actual news from: Research, Arhon, Gasman, Fatal Snipe, Skrju, ZX Time team, Newart, Elph.

News - c-jeff о причинах закрытия музыкального проекта "emphasis".

News - взгляд Moran/CPU на текущее состояние дел в группе СPU.

News - sq: "я включил ZX-Stag, отошeл на несколько метров, сел на колени на ковeр и начал..."

News - sq: news around us.

Scene - Elph'a удивляется появлению Demo работ, не несущих в себе не то что глубин, а хотя бы попыток исследования своих чувств и размышлений.

Scene - Emotional consumerism .

Scene - Бунтующий демосценер.

Scene - Demoscene rebel.

Scene - History of making demo "WeeD".

Scene - отчет Miguel/CPU о CAFe'2003.

Scene - Шшшшш - БУМ! это где это я? аха на CAFe'2003.

Scene - CAFe'2003 report from Chasm.

Scene - отчет буржуя Pyromaniac о поездке на русское пати CAF'e 2003.

Scene - pyromaniac CAF'e 2003 report.

Scene - От пати до пати: репортажи с CAFe'03 и FOReVer 5 и их сравнение.

Scene - from party to party Cafe'03 and FOReVER 5 party reports and comparision.

Scene - отчет о концерте в Варшаве группы AY Riders.

Scene - рассказ Gasman'a о том как он знакомил британских обывателей с демосценой на Notcon 2004.

Scene - Notcon 2004 report from Gasman.

Scene - рассказ о выставка группы GALZA.

Scene - GALZA exhibition 2004.

Scene - Moran затевает графический конкурс черно-белых картинок.

Scene - Dive Into Monolith (GFX compo).

Interface - Реакции Спектрумистов на Adventurer#14: вопросы и ответы.

Interface - Музыка бывает разная. Каждый из нас понимает ее по-своему, у нас разные вкусы...

Interface - AS C-major...

Interface - интервью с рыбинским музыкантом Ahim.

Interface - interview with Ahim.

Interface - Moran/CPU interview.

Interface - интервью с рыбинским кодером и музыкантом Moran/CPU.

Interface - интервью с музыкантом C-jeff.

Interface - c-jeff interview.

Interface - интервью с британским музыкнтом Gasman/Raww.

Interface - Gasman interview.

Interface - интервью с пермским музыкнтом Kej-Jee.

Interface - Kej-Jee interview.

Interface - интервью с рыбинским музыкантом и художником Miguel/CPU.

Interface - Miguel/CPU interview.

Interface - интервью с Alone Coder.

Interface - Alone Coder interview.

Interface - интервью с краснодарским музыкантом Nik-O.

Interface - Nik-O interview.

Interface - интервью с чайковским музыкантом Riskej.

Interface - Riskej/OCA interview.

Interface - Yerzmyey/HPRG interview.

Interface - интервью с польским музыкантом Yerzmyey/HPRG.

Scene - опрос производителей игр "Что вас заставляет делать игры для спектрума в это странное время?"

Interface - gamemakers questionnarie.

Interface - интервью с издателем кассетных игр Cronosoft.

Interface - gaming like it used to be! (cronosoft interview)

Interface - Alex Xor о положеннии дел игровой индустрии на ZX Spectrum.

Interface - Analizing ZX Spectrum games 2003 year.

Interface - elph: "игры, в которые я не играл".

Interface - elph: games, i haven't played.

Interface - moran: "Почему я играю".

Interface - Confessions of a serial gamer.

Reviews - обзор демок 2003 года: Detroyt, Why?, Extazy, Microcosm, Wirne, Alienate, Sailor, The Source, Evenless, Fuck You Scene, Caprize, Resurrection, demo22, Weed, China Restaurant.

Reviews - demo 2003 review: Detroyt, Why?, Extazy, Microcosm, Wirne, Alienate, Sailor, The Source, Evenless, Fuck You Scene, Caprize, Resurrection, demo22, Weed, China Restaurant.

Reviews - История развития игровой индустрии на постсоветском пространстве: 1991-1999 года.

Reviews - История развития игровой индустрии на постсоветском пространстве: 1999-2004 года.

Reviews - Development of exUSSR games (1991-2004 years).

Reviews - Тенденции развития спектрумовской игровой индустрии.

Reviews - Tendencies of ZX Spectrum game industry development.

Tutorials - Больше цвета!!! Описание паковщика цветного видео из демки Weed.

Tutorials - More colours!!! Description packer color video from the demo "Weed".

Tutorials - hewle splines - программ для создания сплайновых кривых.

Tutorials - hewle splines.

Ottyag - ничего.

Software - втоpая веpсия схемы IDE-HDD адаптеpа для ZX Spectrum.

Interface - интервью с пермским музыкантом Siril/4D.

Scene - AY Riders live in Warsaw.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   7 октября