31 июля 2004 |
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Interface - AS C-major...

AS C-major... Miguel/CyberPunks Unity As C-major... by Miguel Music is different. Every one of us comprehend it in his own way, we have different tastes and every one has his own level of musical influen- ce on his everyday life. For some of us it's just a background, for some - time of rest, for some - posses- sion. As a person, who compose a single track in a year on average, I can say, it can seem too weird or ridicu- lous or too pretentious though, anyway, it appeared that there's no difference between the terms "my music" and "Spectrum music" for me. Constant struggle with my own ambitions, idleness, simple every- day rotine affection makes me think whether it is really important for me or not and makes me do the choi- ce more often. Often hear from dif- ferent people, that a man like me must think about something else, that I can't do what I want so long, I see many people who don't want to make any attempt to realise them- selves, and it makes me sad. More- over, I'm afraid of any thought about living without it, that eve- rything can unexpectedly change in every minute, about broken keybo- ard (that was fixed by Left Handed not so long time ago - creet him when meeting at Chaos Construc- tions) or about something more se- rious. At the same time, I un- derstand, that all this are just a little difficuilties on the way of rea- lisation of thoughts that are in my mind. "Bu-bu-bu", "tra-la-la" tal- king with myself and "everything's gonna be fine", "no problem", "cool" for others became a usual way of conversation. Sometimes I think that I don't need Spectum to be an instrument, that he became, but on the other hand I connect with him from time to time with the only purpose - to catch and to finish anything that flows thru my mind in every minute in a 3 channel and en- velope format. I know, he's feeling OK - he stands aside, awaits of tur- ning on, then looks at me while I'm walking in my room from one wall to another listening one single pattern whitten just few minutes ago, rejo- ices, laughing at me, anf then noti- ces in astonishment my hand, re- aching out for a power button... And yesterday I've put a sticker on the case "The X Files", so now he has a croos that I can see from the dis- tance. I don't think I'm the only one. It is amazing for me, when some people can write a lot, often and why do they succeed. I understand, that without such musicians I would be much worse, moreover, I thank them, thanks to europeans for be- ing themselves, thanks for AY and Yamaha difficuilties, and also ABC and ACB and such kind of things. I seldom listen to Spectrum music last time, like lone wolf while others associate, send e-mails to each other, exchange their things. I thing I'll devour myself soon, but I suppose, there's a moment for eve- ryone, when there's enough of Mm<m'a, Ironman'a and Never'a. It appears, that many of us see va- rious ways of development of Spectrum music as it is, the possibi- lity to realise their ideas on a higher quality level, waiting for so- mething evolutionary new, that will give a strong impulse to many of "stuck" musicians. But I'll say the only thing - there's nothing better than the familiar Pro Tracker where you can do exactly what do you want. Some can think it's ridiculous, but I think that the simplicity in rea- lising your own ideas is the indica- tor of "intellectual" approach. I won't teach anything here, instruct and ctiticize, I think, someone who can will surely understand what I mean, cos they are very simple. Simple as C-major.
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