31 июля 2004 |
Interface - elph: games, i haven't played.
games, i haven't played. elfh/cyberpunks unity games, i haven't played games, games, games. i'am tired of playing. sometimes, i'am doing this, even not seeing the horror of the situation. and after that, staying amazed by the fact of how deep, the desire to be someone el- se could be, follow the rules of the game, run from what i really am. but, for now, we wouldn't exa- mine the elements of psychoana- lysis, thick yellow books can tell you more on this subject. today we'll talk about creation and cir- culation of computer games, proce- eding from spectrum reality, of course. i have to confess at one time practically, computer games doesn't catch me. for about eight years, not speccy, not any other platform fails to attract my deep attention, when it comes to ga- ming. of course, i watch all spec- cy releases, that are appearing now, even played 'supercars' a few months ago, but that is not mine. that is why it was very interes- ting for me to know and understand captivated players and distribu- tors. this was an incitement for me, to carry out some interviews and polls for adv15. first thing, i've stalked with, se- ems still to be a barrier of uni- ting people with a similar views us and them. russia and west. our development was very different, that drived to the truly absurd re- sults. whereas abroad still exist people, really involved in speccy games, desiring to experience and deepen in the worlds, created by its authors, my nationals absolute- ly doesn't care about accessibili- ty of their works. projects, relea- sed in russia, rarely become a com- mon property there, even taking into account its quality and origi- nality, quite often surpass modern foreign hits. a lot of people are already submitted to tr-dos, but our infinite russian language still remains inaccessible for the remained part of the planet. no, there is no one guilty for that, but we have to think about our ne- ighbours, especially, that the high-quality translation wouldn't be the complex problem. because there are a lot of people in our community, who know english lan- guage, and practically, anyone of them would be glad to help. next distinctive feature between our cultures became the point of view at game creating, so the re- sults, according to this. at west 'jet set willy' still remains eternal spectrum cult. not bothered by the waiting of new complex games, peop- le bought consoles, amigas, pcs, where the flowering of 3d-shoo- ters, rpg's and strategic games took place. we had unsurpassed 'black raven', and a lot of splendid demo versions, showing what can be done by the one, who have the desi- re to create, not depending from the accessible means of producing. evidently, here is the reason of such a staggering differences bet- ween releases of, for example, 'cro- nosoft' and some outstanding rus- sian works, rarely appearing at scenergy, in party packs and 'your game' contest. and while simon ully- att (cronosoft) is having a good time, devoted to his child, alex xor tries to find sponsors, authors and at least survive in this unfriendly industrial society, throwing man to spend most of his time in attempts to establish his urban life. and the most interesting disco- very, i want to share with you, is people,here and there are playing old and new speccy games. and what is more - they are even ready to pay some money for it. and here emerges one more problem, not be- ing solved since the disappearing of 'inforcom' (huge russian label) absence of centralized distribu- tion of spectrum software. it is absolutely clear - there is no one in russia, who is ready to buy cro- nosoft releases, because the ship- ping prices would be too high and it is very hard to find 48k+tape fanatics here. in the same time, abroad, not much people know about existence of modern russian games. of course, i mean those, who could be really interested. yes, 'zxf' is paying attention to some titles, but the whole layer still remains unreachable to the fans of retrogaming. the solution is evi- dent - only one man infatuated by his occupation, is needed to start this 'business', unprofitable from the beginning. i'am sure, that will come very soon, because we are getting older, finding some not very burdensome ways to sup- port our first casual bodies, get- ting possibility to give ourselves to the the things, we are really interested in. but there is one more, very power- full feature, uniting us. that is common for the every creator, standing aside of mainstream highways - dominating desire to express ideas and feelings, but not to live one more day in labour for the sake of the system. this absorbs, sucks out, fullfills, bringing so needed circulation of positive energy to our lives. that is why i adore the results of work of 'fire and ice' team, rejoice and break into smile, seeing 'flash beer', look in depression at some of my friends, who spend their lifetime preoccupied with 'warcraft', 'silent hill', doesn't_matter_what_else, dea- dening every single gleams of crea- tivity. yes, in a big world, with the big brothers, for a long time already, game industry could be placed in a one row with alcohol, drugs, TV and all other direct or indirect means of mind control. and what is really sad now, everything is not as it meant to be at the begin- ning. we all know, what was put to the first home computers by its creators - an instrument, to help human development. that was pro- moted by built in programming lan- guages and by the need to have so- me knowledge even to load the game. and sure, majority of us did first steps in programming by lear- ning the inner structure of 'wec le mans', 'captain trueno' and 'puzznic', trying to get infinite life. the system tries to use eve- rything, that posesses the positi- ve potential in its own purposes. takes under control achievements of mankind, imperceptibly changing the direction of its development. you don't have to think, why eve- rything is so bad in modern socie- ty and especially don't have to ma- ke an attempts to change current situation. but the human nature is ineradicable, desire to resist co- uldn't be suppressed by no offici- ally authorized means, that is why you are getting an opportunity to destroy some extraterrestrial in- vaders, or even a passer-by, pea- cefully going on the street, and then you can calmfully drawn the remained feeling of dissatisfac- tion in a cheap alchohol in a nea- rest bar, but not be late, next day you'll have to spent at work, obtaining welfare, that you can't use in full scale anyway. the history is being changed, rew- ritten, forgotten. but everything is not that bad for us. we are not in system's interest. huge corpora- tions will not try to put us down, government will not be able to dismiss us, and representatives of the 'law' would hardly have a desi- re to produce us an accusation in illegal actions. but, not being a closed community, we can construct an elements of truth and perfection, making it penetrate the outer world, doing it a bit better. and the only thing i hope to have a power to realise all con- ceived plans and ideas, and to re- veal that is still closed by the veil of time... 30.04.2004 elfh
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