Adventurer #13
31 марта 2002 |
Presentation - A new version of the music editor of Sound Tracker Pro.
(C) Red Alex Hast thou faith? Have it to thyself, before God. Blessed is he who does not condemn itself that chooses. The New Testament, Romans 14:22 I feel sorry for all those who looked here hoping to learn something new, because I'll keep it about something light, unjustly forgotten by us all for the sake of degrading the progress that constantly urge on us, not giving the slightest chance to stop, even for a moment and think: well there we go from here? If izyasnyatsya less florid - you are given a case to remember the history, remember the days when demos not resemble each other like two Belleville bowl, and each of them was seen with a bang, with rare exceptions. I can further your passaged senescent brains under a bushel years, but Then there is the risk of contracting a dangerous disease, which manifests itself only in exceptional cases, and even in the most carefree inhabitants of heaven. No, you is not in danger - I'm talking about the disease is a writer, which has recently acquired a hitherto unprecedented scale, - the disease coprolalia. Finally, we turn to the topic - new version STPro, which is much .. well that is much less buggy than its predecessors, and therefore recommended Zamesto them. A detailed description of all the proposals submitted improvements can be found in the annex and Here I will mention that for any reasons, there is not reflected. The reason is different;) First, add to the description of the editor. So ... Strongly RECOMMEND slip editor broken and aspiring discs to avoid confusion over the sudden death of the editor along with the unsaved (through) the muse. The fact that the compilers are now working in the display area - and in TR-DOS when there are problems with the disc appears all the familiar inscription ... on pre-grated screen. Consequences I razyasnyat will not - can guess, is not small. Now on module initialization player: This process may take relatively long time (more frames), so do not muse on init interrupts, or count on the top playing in the same quark, which initializer was invoked. After initialization, in a cell with displacement rate is 85 Mouzon. It should take after initializing, and Only here, because in the module velocity is hell knows where;))) Player himself to write again, from scratch, even before the compilers - partially so, and has changed the format of the module, but still because the old compilers shoved a bunch of completely unnecessary module data type nezayuzannyh patterns and ornaments. I not to mention the repetition of data within own patterns, which are now cleaned in the process of compiling Mouzon. Player repeats the sound Mouzon in the editor. Old player shamelessly lied when glissandos and other, until the end not clarified the circumstances. So especially do not be surprised that 90% of Mouzon after compilation will now be heard differently than before. Will sound correctly. In developing the player focused primarily to preserve the old size, and then to the acceleration. As a result, managed to reduce the max. time playing almost 500 bars, not blowing at the same player in the volume or per byte. Say, a change of position (aka pattern) now holds a maximum of 16 th teams (During the transition to LOOP-position). Of course, you could bring Playtime up to 3000 cycles or less, but I do not look at inflated to 3-4 kilobytes player - and often for the sake of 300-400 cycles. If we are to accelerate player, then the 1Kb added code to be obtained at least things tick savings. Dekompilera Mouzon not - well fuck I need it? Poking around in someone else's muse? If who strongly itch, write dekompiler - all pupils will get you inordinately grateful for the opportunity presented to digging ;) In the disk module compilers, and only his, as compilers - separate block, made extra checks on befouled disk files / free space for writing. In the old compilers in a similar situation (lack of disk space or directory) all the Vistula tight. In my opinion, enough about the editor. Speak on other topics related to music. I hate when the muse of all consecutive blunt envelope in PT 3.X, even without checking: as identical to a "new" sound of the original? This is especially true ST'shnyh and STPro'shnyh Mouzon, who is there to play a very important parameter - HEIGHT, in which PT is not in sight. Just look at the Mouzon IMP'a with FunTop'98 - nay, that the tone suffers, so still and all positions poperemeshany. And it happens because of the buggy conversion STPro'shnyh Mouzon. Tell directly - Convert STPro> PT is not possible in principle! Even without taking into account the parameter HEIGHT. Moreover, Mouzon swollen eyes. She has been a muse to STPro PT 2.1 or about three kilobytes - in PT 3.X it also weighs nearly four. Although the changes - either per gram. And in general, 50% Mouzon (if not the musicians) do not even use the additional possible third prohryakera. The same Mouzon of success could be written in PT 2.1, but sometimes in the ST. Stupid people ... (C) Real Sounds (?) However, there are also smart chela. I can highlight the following: Fatal Snipe - wrote in PT 2.1, but the muse of his superior the quality of most of the "music" third protrekerschikov generation. I should also note Chela drv53b6, which for 4k-intro chose Sound Tracker as the most compact-sized player. Moving away from the problem of writing muse and the choice of an editor will address the quality of today's music in general. Bleak picture ... If MMCM will not return anytime soon to write masterpieces, I finally falling into depression. In the meantime, I please old tracks, - KSA, IMP, MIC, MAST ... And if only I did not have a complete musical bad taste - before the muse was a better, cleaner, or something ... heartier. Nostalgia on the old tunes covers me more often, and only full-power sound "AL-YA TRANCE "makes me come back to this peace ... P.S. Si quelqu'un entend tres bien on dit qu'il a une bonne oreille. L'adieu aux armes! Au revoir! Red Alex.
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