Adventurer #13
31 марта 2002

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with Maddy and Drv53b6 of the Phantom Family.

<b>Chaos Construction 2001</b> - an interview with Maddy and Drv53b6 of the Phantom Family.
Elf> Let's introduce us to the interview ...

Maddy> Okay. My name is Eugene, my name Larin, a nickname my 

Elf> So, now you come here. Say
your full name and drive.

Drv53b6> Drv53b6menya all Vano called ...

Elf> Kstati, I've always wanted to know where your
nickname come from?

Maddy> Wait,
Here is a little bit so I'll say.
That is, you know, opened a small
secret. It's here -
address on the screen.
Once upon a time he
depakery put there, I do not know

Drv53b6> I sometimes put there depakery,
when it was not critical. But it was
even after I came up with this number.

Elf> Normal. Here's more interesting to me. As here you are, 
say, was in Phantasy, one time? Or are you still there and are?

Maddy> Oh, that's a terrible call. Come on
talk about this a little later.

Elf> OK. In general, with Phantasy how much was
releases? In my opinion, the couple, now I remember exactly.

Maddy> From Phantasy were, in fact,
must be 3 release. But due to the fact that
intruha one migrated to the release of another, namely 
Subliminal Extasy, third release simply was not unreleased. 
This the first reason. And the second reason - just

I made it a year ago, it's Tower Pod.
There was a Studio Stall, a toy with MS
konvertnula there skip levels, all of this
has been described, all passwords ...

Elf> Incidentally, I have not seen your release. His
does not exist?

Maddy> Because I have it on disk.
Say so.

Elf> And where is he now? Far?

Maddy> I have a house, yes. Well, that is, version
intro takes up less space than the original. There. I, in 
theory, such a person, for me it was short version -

is the primary, we can say option.
Ie If I get dlinshe than
Original, it has everything. I have it right calf. Well, as a 
rule, does not work. 

Elf> clear. Here I want to know you
who is currently in the Phantom Family more
consist of?

Maddy> Active?

Elf> In addition to the two of you.

Maddy> People who are really interested in Spectrum, something 
else they want to do is to Indeed the whole: here, take DRV, he

Though making pornographic intruhi ...

Drv53b6> DRV - the chief organizer! Here!

Maddy> Well doing. He is interested.
Well, I think you will like it, the next
Part ...

Elf> of course, of course.

Maddy> Well, Andy Fer - as far as possible
He than can certainly help. Just as he has: first, it work
such that it is from 6 to 8 at least busy.

Drv53b6> Fer too much work. You see, he has a wife and child.

Elf> Where it works, if not a secret.

Maddy> It works deputy director
quite so ...

Drv53b6> shitty office ...

Maddy> Well, not this shitty office,
In general, the main activity of her
Trade ...

Elf> It is something bad has moved to
Deputy Director.

Maddy> Yes, but ...

Drv53b6> But now ...

Maddy> Vano, let's speak properly, and
Th you something like this, here.

Elf> He lost a lot and at the same time, as I
understood in terms of free time ...

Drv53b6> They - the clients of my office, briefly.

Elf> Ie you're tied, in fact, even
in life. Well, in the everyday.

Maddy> Well, as to say he had worked
the plant manager ...

Drv53b6> on which I worked as a programmer ...

Maddy> That's, well, you know, as a rule,
plant a collective - are working there
quite old staff, which ...

Elf> It is difficult to find a common language ...

Maddy> And the manager - he must continually
implement something new, something to promote.
And with that, of course, problems. Old
people in a new way to switch do not want to ...

Elf> Well, of course.

Maddy> It's very difficult.

Drv53b6> In short, he now works in
another office, here.

Maddy> Its just invited there.

Elf> Ie practically we can say that
Phantom Family in 3 people now?

Drv53b6> All the rest sawn.

Maddy> Well, another man, clearly,
it Simm. It's that kodil here this here
Trip 4k.

Drv53b6> Simm - it's cool - it's super.

Elf> What do you had with this is connected? You're just an 
issue is clear, everything? Something to link? 

Maddy> Actually, it completely kodil Serega. Here, I only 
corrected it, Bugs, and other, there is little technical. 
design did. And so, as they have written coded by Simm, this is 
true, ie it all he did. Well, because of this minor

work to write yourself a loan, you know
compared with what it says ...
Well, that is, come home, it's all over
consider in detail. Just advertise it all ... I do not like 
these things to deal with.

Elf> Ie there is seen a code that, in general once
Unlike some other intro - well,
Shoot, I even pinned!

Maddy> Actually, if that's about it briefly to say - the trick 
there is when the card is set these lines and folds back here. 
And then there zumming realtaymny. Ie just one frame ...

Drv53b6> All we had programmed to
calculator could not see the calculator.

Maddy> Well, it was a very long time, probably many of this 
started - MK52, MK56, BR-34. That is, you know, that he kakto 
started. And now he writes, he, first, running in a closed 
office, so to speak, within the JSC is like another Company ...

Elf> Secret develop some kind?

Maddy> Well, no. In general, developing controllers that can be 
so briefly, here. 

Drv53b6> He designs some sonar govenye.

Maddy> Wan, and now do not confuse his work and studies in this 
fucking graduate school. 

Drv53b6> Yes, he is graduate student steep. No worse

Maddy> A way of life he was engaged in precisely
problems of packaging - is yes.

Elf> I wonder what can we expect in general
New releases from either the Phantasy, or from

Maddy> In general, wait releases, well, as you say ...

Elf> For you, as I understood, cracking is more interesting.

Maddy> Well, yes, it's, say, my hobby-horse is already
was. Just me this is very interesting, and
it does not matter under what label it is unreleased, as long 
as it was exactly qualitatively. I just want to show, well,

not that collection, simply crack'i is a new millennium that 
people really looked and said - "yes, it is really something, 
"and releasing kakoeto shit, and make once again the one 
hundredth, there, Exolon, anything else like that -

Why ... Although, God knows, Exolon too
Of course, the thing.

Elf> understandable, but it has been two hundred times

Maddy> All is good for its time. A
What about Phantasy, well, Phantasy, it is primarily the same 
cracking group, it has always been a cracking group, but active

backbone of Phantasy, it - well, someone I can call ... 
including from people who already moved away, we can say, from 
Spectrum, here. Well, that is, pay for this minimum

time, not that, to have departed, they were interested in news 
than anything else, but how would already, well, casual is all 
done. Well, Zoolook, Depredator, Hazard ...

Elf> All of these were from the old names that we
all so many times before heard.

Maddy> Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jaan - long ago wrote nothing.

Elf> Well, of course, once we have nowhere

Maddy> Unfortunately, it probably will not
will deal with it. That is, well, Raver,
Raver, of course, a good supplier, I have nothing against 
talking ... 

Elf> you, here, by the way, leaving nothing. (Drv
Suddenly somewhere unexpectedly dumps). Where
you, by the way, have this one huge tap?
On Pussy?

Maddy> This is now a huge tap, that's
This one sent me a wonderful Pussy

Elf> It had been bought, or something from you?

Maddy> You know that's the issue somehow, I
he asked, whence he took it, but he
Firstly, about to leave on a tour famous by Germany, all of 
these patyam, and, or he somehow did not notice or did

pretended not to notice my question, he wrote that he sent me 
good people. That's what these good people, I certainly

did not specify. Do not want to talk. This
Will each person. A further ground
requirement, of course, was just upihat
it on one disc, just at first he
said in jest, here. Then I told him
I look, and maybe even tomorrow I'll tell you the result - 
perhaps it do or not. Well, I looked up, thinking that it can 
be done. After this he left. Somewhere within two weeks

it was done. In fact, it is the most
fast my crack.

Elf> Well, yes, made some general nishtyak. Qualitatively all.

Maddy> That, and then I just wrote him a letter to mail, but, 
naturally, he they could not get out of the fact that his

simply did not exist. There. And keep it in
itself also had no sense, because, firstly, Ars began post 
pieces from Pussy in FIDO, here. Of course, I understand that 
he did it only for advertising purposes. 

Elf> Well, of course. There, it was impossible to
play, then, as anyone.

Maddy> But nevertheless, I Raver said that it still Werevolves 
broke ... 

Elf> Well, it's all there were the first 10 levels ...

Maddy> I'm here, I do not understand. Ars and Werevolves, 
moreover, that the friends, and secondly, live in one city, and 
it goes without saying that this Ars'a Pussy appeared exactly 
when its sewn Razzlerz, here. And they sewed it for almost a 
year ago. 

Elf> Ie it is a year in tap'e, as the commercial version lain.

Maddy> Well, I would not say a year. Probably
somewhere well, eight months, maybe 9. Here
so here. This here is the number of strange.
But, I think, about 9 months.

Drv53b6> La-la-la-la-la (in the hall someone
plays the piano and tries to measure Drv
opportunities to sing;)).

Elf> Ie in your plans for any releases have? Than you yourself 
will be interesting to do, you have already something in your 

Maddy> Firstly, it is a huge thing, such as a translation of 
<48 irons> here. Translation made a very remarkable girl Lina

Potapov. She is brilliant, she translated for 4 level, and she 
was able to convey the mood of the game, here is there they 
translated with such jokes, it is understandable for ... 

Elf> Overseas people.

Maddy> Yes, a man with a foreign ideology, here. I think it's 
in the next 2-3 weeks after the SS, because for it all ready. 
Cracktro ready, just fixed a coordinate all of these, well, the 
windows, fishechek, among other things. And the pack. And by 
the way, my work in these irons was just all get all these 
blocks piece by piece. But after that, the same most 
Serega-Simm looked at it all junk, and said that it's all shit, 
and that it is all going. And if we want

make a transfer, those irons, which lie in the original, it is 
not rolled. Ie it must change everything. He just

made as: all the routines for all five levels of total 
allocated one kernal. Including general subjects. Well, that 
is, Whistles some, this is, in general, details.

Drv53b6> We have made minor changes
perekompilili. A Simm did everything together.

Maddy> And now, in general, it is loaded
as will: a kernal loaded, and after that is selected, depending 
on the level of first, second. 

Elf> So you're like, Lemmings for 255 sectors
upakuete, if not less, yes?

Drv53b6> What type of ...

Maddy> Oh, you know, I look forward to seeing
that the combined Russian-English
will be slightly shorter than the version
that is, well, public. In my opinion, 970
sectors, whether it will take.

Drv53b6> It will be much shorter ...

Maddy> Also, of course, the question is, basically, my all, 
because I still I will tap right to do, release, here. Stoitli 
to tap relize lay the Russian version? That is, in theory, it 
immediately to the west oriented, and is it necessary?

Elf> Yes, it probably does not make sense. Well, I
I do not know, of course.

Maddy> Here I do not know. Someone said you need someone says 
is not necessary. Because TR-DOS'naya version will be uniquely 
switchable RussianEnglish, and English ... we'll see. Well, 
what else? And what will turn up. Something bright and very 

Drv53b6> Hackers are not always thieves. Hackers - it's good 

Maddy> What is a spark. Maybe some kind of toy, even the '86 
year ... 

Elf> A, the same Spectre of Bagdad,
I've never seen, and not started.
Your version.

Maddy> Well, because, firstly, we will
You have not copied, and secondly, to
rewriting we do not let the valiant Vova stalls, which, 
unfortunately, apparently asleep again. That is, well, God give 
him health, and thirdly, it is not allowed to make a good 
Placebo, God forbid them to finish demo ...

Elf> Yes, it is certainly important, after all.

Maddy> So we have, in principle, still have time tomorrow to do 

Elf> So, wait. Now I want to know.
Arcanoid was, as I remember '98-second, yes, to mine, was it? 
This one, 4K, I think, in '98-M?

Drv53b6> That demo version, which was
presented today is the cut-off
of the total.

Elf> This I already knew, and why it is so
long does it take? And nothing appears, there was not even 
heard about this? 

Drv53b6> Why is it necessary?

Elf> fig to you what, though, for fun,
at all!

Drv53b6> Here, now, unreleased, please. I have a very long time 
working on it. 

Elf> No, and I think, a very high quality

Drv53b6> try.

Maddy> Ouch! Can I my ma-vermillion-small summary is here:

Elf> Of course, I have not played, ever seen.

Maddy> Just now, even this version, which was designed for the 
SS, it was possible do a little better, here. In terms of

design. You know, first, we started
to gather here all these intro. These 4K
That's Don't smoke lets fuck the second part, written on 
Monday, just in last Monday. This planet is being written

all three days ...

Elf> Well, as usual.

Maddy> ... muddled it all happened ...

Drv53b6> to blame sponsoryrabotodateli that money to give.

Maddy> Because when you look from the future into the past, 
always aware of what could do something better, chtoto 
differently here. It's always happening. This, in my opinion, 
should be done because otherwise no progress is not


Elf> That's understandable ...

Drv53b6> In short, the full version will be
September, there will be
Level 22 at least. All the animation is different, since each
level, there is history
Winner of the galaxy ...

Elf> And what kind of animation? I do not any conventional 
animation see.

Drv53b6> In short, there
story about the winner of the galaxy, which
save the ladies. Protects, in short, extraterrestrial race from 
slavery to the enemy. Well, enough, in principle, interesting. 

Elf> Okay. And you, in general, than going in the future to do?

Drv53b6> In the future do? Programming is something cool for 
Palm Box, N / O I do not even decided.

Elf> No, I mean on the Spectrum.

Drv53b6> On the Spectrum?!

Elf> Besides that, I hope we Dont
smoke lets fuck 3'll see ...

Drv53b6> It's quite likely, given that DSLF1 was made last 
week, DSLF 3D was made for 3 days, using

the previous engine, it is quite possible
DSLF3 that you too will see.

Maddy> Made right on the party place.

Elf> Right at the party. Live, and.

Drv53b6> live do not know ...

Elf> Prior to this, we shall not reach, yes?

Maddy> Well, for example, yesterday, when the
It took an extra fixing this now
Here's the planet, and on the equipment to
which is all done ... (Of course, I
not saying anything against Kay such) but I think, except me, 
in his address so many who want to Coy what to say.

Elf> So, in general, and last year was
but no one did and did some reason, did not solve the problem.

Drv53b6> Here is the planet - a cool thing. A
DSLF, it's - well, like ... week job.

Elf> Yes, in general, well done.

Drv53b6> I tried, I think a lot, I've strained my brain working 
at full steam, but it was only a week. A Trip was made long 
ago, Simm there tried. Do not say anything. There

each byte of something means. There are all optimized. If 
coders want, you can learn in high school! 

Maddy> And one more here, we have such a project
In principle, it does not even have it again
same with earrings, a Simm'a. I have already mentioned,
that he was engaged in precisely the problems of packing ...

Elf> I remember leaving packer from you.

Maddy> Yes, packer out he was, unfortunately, written in '96, 
the year for his year he was the best, but, naturally,

Again, everything is progressing better Hrust
Now, I think nobody did anything,
do not, but if they do, then only the
Hrumer, here. But the only thing now
made Simm, is now well-known PK-UNZIP, who was on the Spectrum, 
now he there are, say so in the source code. Well, that is,

it happens like this: file packed PK-ZIP
on the PC, from its title cut, this
program can apply. Cutting off the header, you can write it 
yourself, there is nothing complicated there. And this piece, 
which remains after cutting is simply transferred to the Speck. 
And unpacked unpacker directly Spectrum.

Drv53b6> I love Simm'a, because he is more intelligent

Maddy> Little technical information
Only ladies: 4 kB he needs to decompress,
in addition, where you unpack, where
unpacked yet and the buffer. It is this, 4
KB. Well, frankly, the rest I just
now I can not remember. But it's all in the
now go away Flying'u because
I have it very requested, and it goes to
him. Still, this version is a Hrumer'a.
The idea was what - give PK-UNZIP, to
it zabatsali in Hrip, in archiver. But we
once conferred, and together ...
Well, not wheels, well, maybe now, at this moment, when I look 
at Hrip, y before my eyes gets Hrust, and I think if Hrumer 
took seriously, he would wrote this Hrip much better. On the 
basis of the same Hrust, I just Hrumer'u it

on IRC personally say that, well, well
so ...

Elf> Well, apparently, is of little interest to him.
He just fun to write algorithms
I understood.

Maddy> It goes without saying. The only thing that
it bothered, he always spoke about it
- A shell.

Elf> Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've noticed it. Ie
work with some crazy text
File a place mark files ...

Maddy> shell - it says - not mine. I
says - I'll write a cool compression algorithm, but email me 
for God's sake cover. 

Elf> Listen, and Th Simm-something. He, in my opinion, never 
once nowhere and did not come. 

Maddy> Yes, unfortunately ...

Elf> Various problems?

Maddy> Well, first of all, again - work,
let's say, just now, getting up, and so, dramatically - it does 
not work. Secondly, to Peter, for example, from Moscow, I 
understand, 650 km. And from Cheboksary to Peter, this is 2 the 
distance to Moscow. Ie 1300 km ... 

Elf> Yeah, not bad.

Drv53b6> Simm is the right person, it
do not just let go.

Maddy> Well, mostly what he just did not
Maybe that's how it was. Although it would be on
actually very cool. And we had,
Incidentally, the idea last year to come,
even when Andrew Fer worked on "Metalist", just taken straight 
from the factory Barguzine ", well this GAZel'ku, so ... 

Elf> Well, all the parties, huh?

Maddy> Well, as someone can bore, but
what to do ... Well at least this year,
got together and met. Simply, I
When the first day, I have this here kolotun, shakes. For me 
it's just indescribable impression is very cool here. 

Elf> In general, what was required to find out
interview - you do not want to leave
platform, as we all do.

Maddy> Oh, no. For me, for example, Spectrum, it has become in 
the full sense of this hobby. Well, for example, work with me,

it is everywhere MS, so I want to say a few words
about their work. I work, for example,
telephone exchange.

Elf> How Unbeliever, almost.

Maddy> Well, it just works, say,
so, in the hall, in a. And they have their own
mezhdugorodka, and he sits on mezhdugorodke,
I work on the city. How to Teleport
long distance, and the service is fully ring GTS inside. That's 
what I do. So I have to yield long-distance as it is, but it is 
still limited. Well, you can even so trite to say - My boss. 
Just when he learns ... 

Elf> impudent not worth it?

Maddy> Yes, says Eugene E.,
what is it with your hand. Why not
my knowledge, and somewhere to the left? "So
I try not impudent, and keep all the same
for his place. And when I get home, I
turn Speck, and simply procrastinate. Well,
Still, I am very glad that I have such a wonderful wife there, 
Tatiana, and she had me really understands, and she loves 
computers, and I am very happy. 

Elf> Good!

Maddy> So leave - no. This drug, it said, as someone once: "we 
probably morons, but I'm not saying that This is bad. "All the 
CPU, and, in general, well done you, you are the most in my 
opinion, survivor, log-survivor. 

Elf> That's now happened for some reason.

Maddy> And God forbid you to do more at least as much room.

Elf> We're not going to finish anything ...

Maddy> Well, fine.

Elf> Well, success!

Other articles:

From the authors - help: a description of the shell magazine.

From the authors - the contents of the new magazine.

From the authors - Forever young, or the Spectrum in the new millennium. Call Jam / XPJ to save the log ZX Power.

From the authors - The authors of the magazine.

Presentation - new game from Studio Stall - opener.

Presentation - the new font editor Hewly Font Editor.

Presentation - A new version of the music editor of Sound Tracker Pro.

Presentation - a program for optimization of black and white images skonverchennyh with a PC.

Presentation - ASCII graphics editor for directories in the TR-DOS.

Presentation - "Bard's Tale Merger Programm" - a program to manage shipments of the game Bard's Tale.

Interface - News from: Placebo, Brain- wave, Phantom Family, Volga Soft, Studio Stall, Gogin, Anarchia, Image Crew, Hackerz 'Design Software, Peters +, Fatal Snipe, Ellipse.

Interface - see what tusni are scheduled for Speccy freaks vtechenie year: Forever 3, ASCII ^ 2002, 2nd International Sinclair Sam days, Millenium 1902, Twilight Demoparty 2002, Syndeecate Demoparty 2002, Paradox 2002, CaFe 2002, Chaos Constructions 2002.

Interface - a letter reading rooms: NoViSeT / Brutal Creators, Di / LSg, Moroz1999, Shame / Madness Technology, Cannibal / Techno Lab.

Interface - "for the market to answer!" Russian language is so "Great and powerful", that well use it, unfortunately, is given not for everyone.

Interface - Overview of Windows like shells and systems for ZX Spectrum.

Interface - City of Dzerzhinsk and its Spectrum inhabitants.

Exchange of experience - How to write a 3D game such as DOOM.

Exchange of experience - Floyd-Steinberg method for converting images from a larger number of colors in the least.

Exchange of experience - an unscientific Algorithm for Random Number (RND).

Exchange of experience - Direct Programming General Sound.

Exchange of experience - work with the western disk systems MDOS and MD02.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with Raid.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with Stanly / Studio Stall.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with Gogin (Hacker Smir).

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with the Constellation Team: Screamer, Kot, Justinas.

Chaos Construction 2001 - Interview with EYE-Q: Organism, Time Keeper, Mr. Wizard.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with Justionas / Constellation.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with the Moscow encoder Asman / Proxium.

Chaos Construction 2001 - intevyu with Vivid, Megus, Tiggr of Brain-Wave.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with Stingrey and Steep from Izhevsk.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with amizhnikom and organizer CC - Big Black.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with the encoder from Ulyanovsk Faster / TNL.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with Cyberfreak (mooh).

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with Ming spektrumistom Equator / PHD.

Chaos Construction 2001 - mini interview with Kano.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an epic dispute: Vivid VS Sairoos, Chanks VS Multicolor, Dogma VS Triptomine Dream.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with Maddy and Drv53b6 of the Phantom Family.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with the Paracels and Sairoos of Placebo.

Chaos Construction 2001 - an interview with Pheel and EA from Antares.

Chaos Construction 2001 - continuation of the epic dispute between megakoderami Vivid and Sairoos.

Chaos Construction 2001 - a detailed report from the CPU.

Promotion - Another shattered dream or a description of the "500 games" - where truth and falsehood.

Promotion - the story creators of the game Star Glider 2 - Steven dunn / Software developement and design.

Promotion - Dizzy in a dungeon or omelette again did not turn out: short story for the game Dizzy Unterground.

Promotion - description of the game "Talisman" - RPG with elements of arcade.

Iron - the modified scheme IDE-HDD adapter.

Ottyag - clean ottyag: Children's self-made newspaper Bird Kar Kar. "

Ottyag - intro: We will not pull the cat by the balls and start with the run ...

Ottyag - Army Suxx or How zakosit from the army, if you are completely healthy.

Ottyag - the depth of a gloomy world outlook Maxima Magnet ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   28 April