Scenergy #02
31 декабря 1999

Coding - the libraries of programming on the Spectrum.

<b>Coding</b> - the libraries of programming on the Spectrum.
              About the libraries.

           0. Instead of joining

 During the time of writing this article three times
changed its name and content. First
I just wanted to write a little note
its interface library ICL,
I was going to publish. But when
writing the article was that there is
Two issues are of direct
concerning this topic. I finished the chapters on
freely available libraries and
Principles of writing konfigurabelnogo
code. But by the end of this work
found that, firstly, there are several reasons
on which I currently can not accurately
to say: I will publish the ICL or not. A
Secondly, it turned out that what I wanted
post as an example to the article
about packaging animations gradually takes
form a complete library, with just
This is who I would like to see a good
library. So we had to once again all
change, and as a result of the description ZXA
library and a Memory Management Library were
a separate article, but this article
was entirely devoted to my reflections
on the theme "The ability to create a full-fledged
Libraries in Spectrum:)
 I beg you not to perceive all set out below
as my attempt to impose on you their point of
view on how to write code. This
simply an attempt to share their experiences,
accumulated over the years on several

 1. Redistributable libraries

 At that moment, when I started writing this
article, the situation with assemblers on Speccy
was just depressing. Among coders were
distributed about a dozen assemblers
almost completely incompatible with each
another. And not at the level of incompatible
format source code (that would be decided
simple converters), and at the level of the
Chief - syntax! If a set of mnemonics
Z80 assembler itself was, thank God, still
the same (the "distinguished" only
STORM), then even the slightest expansion
already had their own each assembler. Here,
felt, the authors simply assemblers
competed in the original - who is from
They come up with more features, which are not in
other assemblers. And thus, sometimes
forgetting what matters most - on the implementation of those 
features, that have already been made in other assemblers.

For example, half the assembler does not
supported by brackets in expressions. I
interesting - and the authors have tried at least once
write more or less complex expression without
brackets? Apparently not. But, nevertheless,
support brackets in the expressions was (if
take only modern assemblers) are still in
TASM v2.0 already, 1993 release! Or
allocation of senior and junior byte words
in the same terms. I know of at
least 3 assembly in which a function
there, but its syntax is different in all
 And, most importantly, the authors of all assemblers as
scored a big bolt on application to
their offspring at least some something more important
bloat on opportunities of the
compiler. In the end, the speed
compilation, though important, but far
not the most important criterion in assessing the quality
compiler. Often when working on large
project suddenly appears that the encoder
simply not able to control those
volume source, with whom he
have to work. Already no speed
compilation will not help if the person
physically unable to forgetting half of them all the details
in your own code. In this case,
often the project may simply die.
It can only help further
tools provided by compiler
and designed to facilitate the organization of work
on a large project.
 On the part of bloat in the compiler
The only bright spot so far
there was only TASM v4.12 by RST7/CBS.
Only it gets a coder in his own hands
such powerful tools such as macros and
conditional compilation. A plus to this tag
unlimited length and the normal mechanism
work with the main file'ami, but bells and whistles in
editor, such as keyboard macros -
All this makes the undisputed leader in TASM
Spectrum number of assemblers. Course and
it is not all smooth - no nested
conditional compilation, and a small table
tags create some inconveniences, but
at least in this assembly can
create and manage large projects.
 Unfortunately, most of the Spectrum
coder does not understand the importance of these
things. They are much more important than speed
compilation, or, for example, support
mnogotekstovosti. Therefore, our glorious
coders sit ALASM'e, STORM'e or XAS'e.
 But now the situation is, fortunately, has changed
the better. Appeared acceptable to
Most compromise - ALASM v4.2. This
version, modified KVA / E-Mage has
support for almost all extensions
TASM'a - macros, conditional compilation,
parentheses in expressions. And that is very
important - the syntax of these extensions
compatible with TASM'om! Of course, as
always the case, compatibility is not complete, but
quite sufficient to
ensure the portability of the source between
TASM'om and ALASM'om. True, because of differences
in a set of these two assemblers
to ensure portability will
comply with a set of rules. For example, in TASM'e
not supported by binary numbers, no
nested conditional compilation, no side
ALASM'a functions used in expressions
No construction DUP-EDUP. On the other hand
in ALASM'e not function DISPLAY, and
local labels and work with the main file'ami
done wrong. But this is a trifle on
Compared with the fact that now we have
ability to write code using
normal instruments, and this code can
use at least half
All Spectrum coders (mostly
by ALASM'a).
 Now you need to explain - why I
actually started the whole conversation. Case
that on the Speccy, both on the platform,
virtually no one very good
thing, widespread in other
platforms (especially in an environment of UNIX-like
OS). I'm talking about the phenomenon as a free
distributed in source code libraries.
Remember how often have you
faced with similar libraries?
Most likely, not very often, but most - so
and never. More precisely, they faced
with them, but in a slightly different form - in
as published in some magazine
article, which describes a particular
set of procedures. Personally, I've seen of all time
Only five pieces of such libraries and some
more collections of procedures that can be
stretch to call libraries. As
these collections can bring well-known
Packages SuperCode. As the same example
complete library can be reduced
Hrust Library Dima Pyankov.
 Some people might ask
like: "Why do we all? We're all
write no worse or even better! "On the one
side is right. But on the other hand
just because of lack of practice
issue and, more importantly, the use of such
libraries, we can observe a huge
number of examples of good by nature
software, ruined just because of
the fact that in some areas the author
turned out to be non-specialist. For examples
not far to seek - anyone remember
a lot of programs that he would use,
if not ... Then you can put a bunch of
things - the poor to an inability to interface
eerie way of working with a disk, wrong
Work with a joystick and mouse, no
support or malfunctions with
expanded memory and more.
Remember? Now think - if
author of such a program did not invent
bike, but just be prepared to use
library, which would implement all
necessary function in any area.
And would do it at a high level,
 - If a library interface, it is
would provide an easy interface creation
easy to use and contains all
the necessary interface elements.
 - If this library works with the disk, then
She'd worked well with all kinds of
disk drives and the right to
processed all the disk errors.
 - If this library works with a joystick
and mouse, it would provide job
with all the common schemes, had
would allow both avtodetekta and
manual settings, etc.
 - If this library works with memory,
it would ensure correct operation
with all common extensions
Memory avtodetekt type and amount of memory and
other such things.
 In this case the author:
 1. Would not have to puzzle over,
how to do this or that thing
so that it works if not all, of the
the overwhelming majority.
 2. Would not have to spend time
to think, write and debug it,
that even before he invented, written and
debugged more than once, often
it worked better than him.

 And among other things its programs will
look and work better with a much
lower cost of time and effort.

 For those who read the writing above,
thought something like: "nafig me this is necessary,
still deal with foreign-source! I
had better write everything! "I want to say that:

 1. You do not fully imagine that
volume of work that needs to be done
to realize some things. In addition
Think about it: "I possess a sufficient
set of knowledge, expertise and time to
write it yourself? ". Here are a few
Examples: Suppose you write a graphic
editor for the PC (or AMiGA, it does not matter).
Every editor has to have a normal
support pile of graphic formats. So
Here, take you to write support
formats such as JPEG or PNG? Or all
also take advantage of ready, debugged,
free and delivered in source code
libraries and jpeglib pnglib? To
to give you a little bit of information will give
statistics on the volume of initial
texts of these libraries:

jpeglib: 57 files, 816541 bytes
pnglib: 21 files, 550314 bytes

 In my comments here are unnecessary.
 Or another example (for the Speccy, so it was
clearer) - whether you take you to write
support any devaysa, which
you do not, and you in the eye never
seen? And even so it is right
work? Or, will you write
For example, a compressor, not being specialists in
the field of data compression? Are you sure
that your compressor will compress the data
better than Hrust? Or do you still take
free, supplied in source code and
having a good description of the library Hrust

 2. You do not fully understand the essence of
that is embedded in the concept of "library".

 - A good library is written by a man
which is very well versed in the
area for which it creates a library.
So the opportunities and quality of the code,
included in this library will be
certainly better than what they can write
most of those who deal in this
matters worse, than the author of the library.
 - A good library is written on the basis of
considerations that the code will be used
other people. Ie a good library - it
not just a set of procedures. That's good
annotated code and a well-designed
interface part. Library functions
should provide, if not all, then,
At least most of what set
functions required of this type
code. Ie if someone sat down and wrote for
a few protsedurok, and then decided
to publish them - it will not be a library,
as just another set of procedures.
 - A good library has a detailed
description of its capabilities, principles
of each of the interface functions,
all necessary data structures, etc.
Also, as a rule, with a good library
delivered several programs - examples
 - Code of good library is configurable in
wide range. This will be discussed
More details in the next section.
 - The interface part of a good library
understand the person does not go into detail
principles of operation of the library. This,
for example, means that all identifiers
(Label), which will use an encoder
to work with this library should be
readable for everyone, not just
for the author's library. For example, in a good
library should not be the procedures and / or
variables with names such as:

 Any normal assembler should be
support for labels of any length (like TASM and
ALASM), so do not torment a man
asking him riddles such as "what does the label
CRRLSTB? ". It is much better if the label
will have the name CREATE_ROLL_SPRITES_TABLE,
which is essentially the same, only the second
option will be immediately understandable to all, then
as the meaning of the first version tags
anyone good to smash his head.
 Besides that identifiers should be
understandable - they should also be well
systematized, so that people with
first look at the name tags was
a general idea of ​​what it
for the label.
 Here is an example set of rules by which
constructed identifiers in my library

 - All the names of front-end processes (through
that the program works with the library)
begin with the prefix ICL_, to the code
program immediately visible to all calls
library functions.

 - Identifiers of fields of data structures
formed as follows:
 [Reduction in the name of the structure]. [Field Name]

 Example: the data structure for point
menu (Menu Item) are as follows:

 MI.X - X coordinate of the menu item
 MI.FLAGS - flags menu
 MI.HANDLER - procedure handler

 Example of use:

        LD A, (IX + MI.X)

 - Identifiers masks to isolate
bits in flag bytes are prefixed with '_'
before the name.

 Example: The flags in the flag byte item
menu (Menu Item Flags):
 _MIF_ACTIVE - Menu item is active
 _MIF_SELECTED - Menu item is selected

 Example of use:

        LD A, (IX + MI.FLAGS)



 - IDs are numbers of bits for flags
in flag bytes are prefixed with 'B_'.
 Example: The flags in the flag byte item
menu (Menu Item Flags):
 B_MIF_ACTIVE - menu item is active
 B_MIF_SELECTED - menu item is selected

 Example of use:


 I'm not saying that these rules are ideal, I
brought them only as an illustration.
The important thing is that if all the identifiers in
library built on one principle -
it will be much easier to work.

 As an example, the library, in many respects
corresponding to these rules, I can give
ZXA library. It's not because I want to own
self praise, but because I specifically
wrote it with the expectation to show
how to create a good library on
Speccy. And one of the most important moments in
it is its complete konfigurabelnost.
That's about it, we'll talk further.

          2. Principles of writing

         konfigurabelnogo code.

 As usually arrives Spectrum coder
if he needs, having a set of procedures
change their feature set? Ie to
example, if he has a library
create an interface and it needs to be taken from
it only a part. What he will do in
this case? I do think that most
answer something like "get into the code and
will understand "or" leave as is "
or "spit on it and write it all himself." A
reason for this is the only one - as
Typically, Spectrum coders write
nekonfigurabelny code! Ie act on
the principle of "every program I write from scratch."
Or trying to use a portion of the previously
written code, faced with the challenge
that it is easier to write it all over again than
understand "what I wrote and there is
how it works. "Indeed, as
Typically, hand to view the code, even
half-year-old is very difficult
remember - that it does, for example,
mnemonic BIT 3, (IX +7)? I mean,
Of course, what is that gets the data from
it means? ":)
 Naturally this is not always, though
often enough. And you have to spit on
all writing all the code from scratch, essentially making
already done the work a second time.
 But back to konfigurabelnosti code.
What does this term mean? This is an opportunity
changes in the functioning of the code without
editing. I stress again - NO
edit it! Ie to
remove some of the code or for
to change some parameters of
code itself does not need to touch it! And this in turn
turn means that in order to
use this code in your programs
(And hence to adjust it to fit your needs)
it is not necessary to delve into the code and
thoroughly study the principles of its operation.
Enough to know 2 things:
 1) A set of "interface" procedures. These are
procedures through which
 2) A set of configuration variables for
code settings for a specific task.

 How could create such a code? Using
high-level languages ​​to do it fairly
easily because They, inter alia
provide tools for
writing such a code and, moreover, there
original text have little to do with how
specifically will look like executable code.
 Writing konfigurabelnogo assembly
code more complex, but is also quite possible.
Just here we have the very act
the role of the compiler and another for writing
consider how the code should look like in
different configurations.
 True Spectrum assemblers seriously
inferior to professional compiler
compile a set of guidelines, but even so,
that is, writing code konfigurabelny
quite real. Even fairly simple
although for some people it can be
a bit unusual.
 Here are a few moments, considering that
when writing code, you can achieve it

 1. Any thing you can afford
change should be allowed to change. If this
parameter - its value is not specified in
code, and EQU. Accordingly, all values
that depend on this parameter should
be given not constant, and expression.

 2. The code is written on the basis of considerations that
any part of it may subsequently be
changed. This is especially true of structures
data consisting of several fields. In
High-level language compilers that
item sold by itself because
generate real executable code
only occurs at compile time, and
hence all the indices (bias) fields in
data structures, too, are calculated
compiler itself.
 When working with assembly language on the job
assignment of indices of fields of data structures
have to travel by hand. If these
Indexes are defined in the program clearly - then
changes in the composition and / or field sizes in
structure of all indexes "float" and their
have to recalculate again. Allow
Let it be, especially if you plan
control code generation from the outside. Therefore,
indexes of all fields of data structures
used in the code is also necessary
ask a EQU so that in case
change the set of fields and / or their size
not become necessary to manually edit
 Also, this approach implies a rejection
from hand-optimizing the code conversion
between the fields of data structures in their
processing. For example, we have the following


       DEFB 0; FIELD 1

       DEFW 0; FIELD 2

       DEFW 0; FIELD 3

 If there is no certainty that all
possible configurations of the code, this structure
remain unchanged, then the code can not be
use constructions like this:


       LD A, (HL); GET FIELD 1

       INC HL

       LD E, (HL); GET FIELD 2

       INC HL

       LD D, (HL)

 You also can not change the INC HL for INC L, if
there is no certainty that the transition through
block border (256 bytes) will not be in ALL
possible configurations of the code. If
the use of such structures pochemulibo necessary - these 
moments should be separately specify (for example, put

in this area code comment marked,
under what conditions this code section will
work properly).

 3. The code must be built as a set
independent or loosely coupled components.
Under the weak link, I mean that
one component interacts with other
as well as external code interacts with
these components, ie only through
interface procedure (which can be at
be easily emulated). Then
the absence of any component or not
impact on other components or
have to write alternative code snippets
that work without removing components.

 4. Because almost any code requires
its work under the allocation of sites of memory
private use - when creating a
code can not do without the mechanism of selection
memory. Oh, how this can be done -
Read my article on Memory Management
 If you carefully read what was
written above - you realize that the full
to realize all this can only
using conditional compilation. Only in this way
can be realized by substitution of code segments in
compile time. Macros are also very much needed
for konfigurabelnosti code -
they can be used to implement many
desired functions.
 Accordingly, taking into account all written
above, one might say - to write this
code at the moment is only possible for
two assemblers: TASM v4.12 and ALASM v4.2.
But as I said above - total of these
assemblers will cover about half of all
Spectrum coders, and hence such
Libraries will find their user.

            3. Spread

 Highlights of that description that you
just read, I have already discussed
with some quite famous people
on the Speccy. And to his surprise, he heard
that they all hold the same opinion:

MiniSoft avec NRJ / ACL
 The question of whether it would be distributed
Doors2000 in the source code.
> Doors will apply only how to compile
> Module and not the other way!
> I would not like that would be the pioneers of sorts in it, 
and tinkering > Started to produce glitches.

 The question of how to relate to the idea of ​​EI
distribution of sources (for example,
Library ICL).
> About the ICL, I do not even know. Extending it you ever had
> Lot of the same light prog different lamer, who broke
> Write a shell.
> For example, we do not want to release source code Napalm'a 
precisely > Therefore, since After publication, we generate a 
lot of similar > Boring dem. All this should not a coder, since 
self-respecting > Encoder will never use another source.

 Ie The authors are afraid that their code will be
used by people who themselves are not under
By writing the same thing and that just
"Steal" their code, making the poor quality
program and spit on all copyright'y.
 Yes, this danger is certainly there. But
There are several points that can not be
 First, almost any library
sufficiently large. Ie the amount of its initial
texts of, say 100k, and even
more. Frankly, that person
especially unprepared (ie, Lameroo)
will simply be extremely difficult for any
way "perekovyryat" code of the library
so as to significantly change it and
while maintaining operational. And it is unlikely
Is lamer deal with that. If
Right - then your code is in many ways helped
its development and this will all just
benefits - perhaps in the future he would write
a lot of cool programs. Remember - all
We begin with breaking and studying other people's
code, there is nothing wrong with someone
begins with a study of written sources
 Secondly, all somehow forget that
that except lamer, which must be kept in
cage until one does not get anything
worthwhile, there are also more experienced people. AND
what self-respecting encoder must
write myself - just a controversial opinion. In
the beginning of this article, I have already cited a number of
examples where even an experienced coder was
make better use of existing code, rather than
write something of my own. Because if it
"Something special" will be worse than what he
could use in their program, then
would be worse, end users
This program itself, ie ourselves.
 The simplest example: the well-known Screen
Optimizer. It is very necessary and useful thing
but for this interface Personally, I would like to
tear author hands (shutka!). Or demos with
multiloader'ami that do not work on
half of the drives? Or games that
You can not run because of an incorrect
Poll Kempston mouse?
 Remember, after all these things were just
written by the authors of programs! And, as
it turned out - poorly written. A hit
from this we all are. Does not it would be better
if they all used instead
ready-made, well-written and debugged
 And now with regard to dem. Here, of course
every everything he wrote as Now demos in
most cases are not written
just so, and to participate in the demo compo at
any party. But, for example, I personally
would not have refused to take advantage of some
procedures from the same Napalm'a in its
Deme. And not because of the fact that I did not
I write the same thing. No, I do not
against the use by some super
fast inner loop'om texturemapper'a or
procedure for sorting polygons simply
because, if my procedure will be
run more slowly - this, at the end
all, affected viewers. Admittedly this is already
no library, but also concerns
the proliferation of sources.
 And finally, let's look at other
platform. The practice of creating libraries,
distributed in source code there is quite
rampant. Moreover - as
Typically, such libraries are also
cross-platform, ie collected and
work on multiple platforms, in an environment
Many compilers and OS. Examples
result in a mass call at least previously
I have mentioned jpeglib and pnglib, as well as
library work. zip archives - zlib.
In addition, one can not forget such things
as OpenPTC (multi-platform library
to unify the work of video memory) and
Crystal Space (powerful 3D engine with lots of
additional tools for creating 3D games
virtually all platforms). All of them,
Like many other libraries, free
distributed in source code and
In addition, they are allowed to
commercial software products. Their
presence helps many people to create
quality programs, and as a result
will only benefit! What is the Speccy
worse? Why do not we start a similar
practice - I am sure that all of us are too
will only benefit!

Other articles:

AOSS - "The scene is sick" experiences Random'a.

AOSS - Raver discusses stsenovoy journalism.

AOSS - an analytical article on the music scene from Andy Fer.

AOSS - how easy is it to be the organizer of the group?

AOSS - On journals (thinking aloud).

AOSS - on the example of the canons of demoscene magazine Deja Vu # 9.

AOSS - Today and Tomorrow domestic demoscene.

AOSS - Spectrum banner network.

Charts - all time favorites.

Charts - current rules (fall edition 1999).

Charts - indexed.

Charts - voting rules.

Coding - 16-bit procedure is fast exponentiation.

Coding - Flying is makrobiblioteku: Memory Management Library.

Coding - Texture Mapping - Implementation of SaiR00S/EI.

Coding - Texture mapping + Phong shading implementation of the Senat / Eternity Industry.

Coding - ZXA library: a library for creating and playing animations.

Coding - A bug in the STS?

Coding - Comments to the sources, published in Scenergy # 1

Coding - the libraries of programming on the Spectrum.

Coding - The principle of packing animations in the demo JAM.

Coding - procedure for rapid multiplication.

Coding - parsing intro Daingy from Cryss / Razzlers.

Demo Party - Cafe'2000: Official invitation

Demo Party - CC999.999 information (eng).

Demo Party - D-Man/EI: Report on Di: Halt: 99.

Demo Party - Hartman: report CC'999.

Demo Party - Maxwell and Mr. John: report CC'999.

Demo Party - Merlin / CC: Report CC'999.

Demo Party - Paradox'99 - as it was, but it would be better if he mUst dIe!!!

Demo Party - PHAT'9: list of visitors.

Demo Party - POL / PHT: report Doxycon '99.

Demo Party - Random / CC: volumetric report CC'999.

Demo Party - SerzhSoft: Legend of the CC'999.

Demo Party - Zlincon 2e3 party: minireportazh.

Demo Party - information about the upcoming party PHAT'0.

Demo Party - Information on demoparti CC999.999.

Demo Party - unofficial results Di: Halt'99 with comments Diver'a.

Demo Party - an overview of demoscene 1999.

Demo Party - report the organizers CAFe'99.

Demo Party - Press release Latvian demopati PHAT'9.

Demo Party - an invitation to Latvia demopati PHAT'9.

Demo Party - a story about a trip to Kazan on Antares CAFe'99

Demo Party - Results CC.999.999

Demo Party - Results CC999.999.

Demo Party - the results of Chaos Construction 999.

Demo Party - Results Computer Art Festival 1999.

Demo Party - Results Doxycon'99.

Demo Party - Results Millenium Party.

Demo Party - Results Paradox'2k demoparty.

Demo Party - Results of the Latvian demopati PHAT'9.

Demo Party - the results of the Rostov party Paradox'99.

Demo Party - reportage Gasman'a with Forever 2e3.

Demo Party - a report from Minsk demopati Millennium'2000.

Demo Party - final results Forever 2E3.

Editorial - Opening remarks by Arty.

Editorial - vystupitelnoe word from Random.

Editorial - pens Raver'a entitled "Scenes."

Groups - survey of operating groups: Amaltiya Incoropration Software.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Antares.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Ascendancy Creative Labs.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Crushers.

Groups - survey of operating groups: E-mage.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Eternity Industry.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Excess team.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Extreme Entertainment.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Fatality.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Jupiter 77.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Proxima Centauri.

Groups - survey of operating groups: RaZZLeRs.

Groups - survey of operating groups: RUSH.

Groups - survey of operating groups: Smash Hackers Band.

Illegal Corner - Razzlers justified for the release of the demo First Association.

Illegal Corner - Scenergy Release Charts - Competition crack.

Illegal Corner - Welcome to Scenergy Release Charts (SRC).

Illegal Corner - softografiya Fatality Group.

Lits - Pussy: the history of creation of the famous game from the Fatality.

Lits - Scenergized beyond the belief.

Lits - speed.

Lits - History of Education Association Rostov PartyZans.

Lits - the story of the game "White Eagle - Comrade known."

Lits - the story of how Fatality produces toys.

Mail Box - letter: Ellvis and Fatality happy Scenergy # 1, Ulterior defy Antares and BrainWave, Realtimer disappointed.

News - Doom'a will not!

News - Virtual pati Millennium, X-Raizor returned to the stage, Andrew Fer organized a new group, the failure of the German party Spectrology, news from 3SC, Zero Team, Extreme.

News - The view of Megus'a dentro compo SS'2000.

News - News from the OHG, Delta Hackers Group, Die Crupps, Volgodonsk spektrumisto and from a group SpeedWay.

Scenergy - addresses to communicate with the editors.

Scenergy - thanks to the sponsors of the magazine.

Scenergy - new in the shell of the journal.

Scenergy - the promised video articles will not ...

VIP - Random interviews Unbel! Ever / Sage / XTM.

VIP - The most noble tale of the scene.

VIP - an interview with Arny and Mythos, the creators of Elite clone game Awaken.

VIP - An interview with Fatality, widely known and crackers Game Maker

VIP - an interview with one of the authors of the game Elite.

VIP - an interview with one of the most progressive artists in the Spectrum Diver/4D.

VIP - interviews with Random'a some PC-magazine

Warez Pack - description of Inertia Player.

Warez Pack - description of the demo 1140.

Warez Pack - description of the import demo 'no work'.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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