Scenergy #02
31 декабря 1999 |
Lits - the story of how Fatality produces toys.
How we produce toys, or Fatality Warez All nizhenapisannoe please do not take too seriously, in every joke there is some jokes;) Hi Dudez! Today I decided Activities uncharacteristic for a business - write some an article for the newspaper. I decided to do it what my colleagues - Ars and Werewolves awfully slow down with the release of new numbers Rip'a. Ars says that Werewolves are not willing to accept in this case the active participation and, more recently released only "marasmus". According Werewolves'a, Arseny generally stopped for him to call and lost is not known where. In general, while between these monsters arose putannitsa I take this opportunity and write a few lines for life:) Firstly, I want to please all progressive Speccy-scene: we have finally Slovak unreleased toy TWILIGHT. Judging by the reviews it would be megahit. Although This megahit is so spoiled me nerves, that our most rulny nightlight "YOUR" become easier for exactly half of his most selling products;) You just do not think that I am that absurd pohmelyugi write, now all of DC, fingers can move. Most of all, naturally, during the I lead up Senya;) I told you a secret I say: Senja is a pancake kind of person he everything is always not like it. Even if we take QUAKE 2 game, and completely, one to one translate it into the Speccy, then take a look Senya her one eye and say: No, on the 98-th year does not pull. It, damn it, twitch. !!!!! ---- Of course, twitching! Because for the Speccy had not yet done Voodo two ;-)) Same thing with Twilight'om. While I will not get ahead of ourselves, to tell All poporyadku. At the July 1998 plan to issue this GABA was: 1. By any means (flattery, bribery, promise of lifetime in the intro and greetings etc.) to beg food from vacancies respected POL / PHT ;)))) 2. Quickly as possible, adapt GABA under TR-DOS and joyful cry "YEEEAAAHHH!!!" throw it fanuyuschey at the feet of the public. Here's a first was the plan. Only two points. Everything is simple and clear - as used to say, a hero of the movie diamond hand: "Without the noise and dust." By this the same plan, only excluding the first point, we released the game Shark - Zhhotya, perhaps even faster - at that time we have full swing socialist competition with Step'om (who did not understand I will explain: if we were competing who quickly release the toys). Good way were times;) - we NickSoft'om very long pinned with Stepovtsev, over their discussions passage of Shark. (The discussions were conducted in FIDO'shnyh ehah.) - But oh well, I went by theme: Most likely we would have released Twilight, as Shark, if not Senia. I immediately saw that he had something to dislike, although he STILL did not say it out loud. And no-brainer that in order to quality and no bugs to release a toy Type Twilight need to pass it through. For us, with the passage, deprived of a powerful talent NickSoft'a take everything with minimal loss of time was serious problem. So as Kalyan again went to Russia, trade, imperial, There was no one to pass the game. Saved us a very sympathetic Man named Giver. He was the donor marrow, and passed this game for three days (big thanx to you !!!). And in my opinion he did not interfere the fact that the game in the Slovak language. True descriptions of those that sent us the Giver, were originally written so that some phrases from them would not hurt here result: ----------------------------------------- Cut off saw with laser cutter robot (for Gluck will like them can be cut to 2 pc. :)) And then with the same robot take a shlang.S this hose (or may not hose :)) You can not walk, or just the end game and in the beginning. ----------------------------------------- Agree, pretty cool written y Giver was obviously a good mood. True, as I have not tried to cut off two cutter I could not get the tube was nuclear fuel. But not in the heart of the matter. After these descriptions of the passage we somehow reached the end and tested GABA. It was then Senya I laid out all his diabolical plans: 1. Translate the game into Russian. 2. Attach to it Kempston Mouse. 3. Make a detailed Help. 4. Koordinalno change the structure program (broken version of Paul outro mozhmo was to see without going through game). 5. Leave a universal loader 48/128K. 6. As possible to optimize the buggy code Lubomir Dean. On this subject's separately: a original style of programming than from Comrade. Dean, I've never met (although Hack'ayu GABA is already five years old). Or aforementioned friend used some unknown version of the Science Compiler Basic'a, or studied the assembler in this the same fellow (like SPECTRE / OB). The game has so syak, written decently, but here Scroll to the firm of "Titulki" - (this is in the beginning, where the label comes out Ultrasoft) - truly a masterpiece. If you can imagine a program length of 500 bytes, which does nothing that operates the register IX and, moreover, uses so heaped system tables, which features a leg break - I you just envy. This part then perekodil Freeman, in his version of it (And nespakovannaya) began to occupy a 2 times less memory than spakovannaya, which encodes the Comrade. Dean. If the would our uni were the deans, I would just learn to go! ;) A digital effects - Is generally a super! Here is a sample text Dekanovskogo player'a (setup registers AY and I lowered the CPU, leaving only own audio output): ... LD A, (HL) AND # F0 RRCA RRCA RRCA SCF RRA OUT (# FD), A ... !! - Wonderful. I can understand when lacks speed, and 4 bits digital'a stored in one byte. But why WAS Store in SR POLUBAYTE?? - although it's flowers. All this Economy operate with interrupts that very nicely reflected in the sound. Freeman sting digital'y 2 times and wrote a new player. I sat down to translate the game. Senya brought Text (In English), the text we kindly provided by Pol / PHT, and Mike/Zer0 Factor6/ESA (salute you for it !!!). I translated this thing for three weeks and then week caught bugs. Once the game began to speak in Russian and began to waggle mouse tail was question about writing a detailed Help'a. C Help'om breakup, so no matter how Giver, nor the Werewolves it's not done. Had Help replace About (Senin idea). I had two fairly good music - one called the Alien incoming, and the second Rainbow Dreams. Rainbow Dreams I wrote on the Funtop, but all known glyuchnosti Seney it there is not reached: (Alien incoming I put in the corporate intro, where the flies ship, and Rainbow Dreams stuck in the menu. Third of the music (by McMaker) it was decided inserted into the About part. After all this nonsense I wrote a loader. Damn, the loader has written so crooked that just a shame, but it had its circumstances, in particular that of Twilight of the name I was already sick. These are the pies. From this story follows: ... but, damn Nehru here already unharness, so much memory for nothing ugrohal. When I remember that Senya took on I play Sherwood (Defender of the crown 2) and Quadrax - povyt like the moon. P.S. ... And another to write music in Freeman'ovskuyu toy ... Y-Y-Y! Since you have been Mast / FtL
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