Scenergy #02
31 декабря 1999

Coding - parsing intro Daingy from Cryss / Razzlers.

<b>Coding</b> - parsing intro Daingy from Cryss / Razzlers.
              Secrets DAINGY

 Here, then asked me to write about my
intro DAINGY, which is known to
ranked third at the demoparty CC'999.
Honestly, I really do not remember
how things work there, but I'll try to move
this article remember all the details and
to reveal to you the essence of certain procedures.
Just want to make a reservation that I do not
contend that the language used in the intro
methods are the most steep and not
subject to further optimization. More
Besides, now some things seem to me
very poorly executed, but that
done is done, the more that
the end result, I think, quite
not bad. And now proceed
directly to the consideration of the source
 First of all we need to describe
memory allocation in ascending order
addresses, so:
 [Line] (This address is calculated

   from the address chunks)-a procedure for constructing

   in the shadow buffer line image

   rotated at an angle.
 [Chunks]-there are textures.
 [# 8000], the image itself, length = # 100,

  height = # 1000, 1 byte = 1 pixel.
 [Tenbuf]-frame buffer.

tenbuf EQU # fa00
chunks EQU # 7600
sin EQU # 7900
line EQU chunks-(linep2-linep1) * 32-1

 Addresses sin and chunks are chosen
that the difference between them was
is # 300 because it uses
a procedure for filling a byte by
LDIR to reset the memory location for
setting attributes, if a little
sit and porazbiratsya, then we can
understand ...
 Traditionally the program begins with
decrunching'a. Let us consider in more detail
all its stages.
 First is the construction procedure
rotation of one image line.

         ORG # 6200
decrun LD de, line

         LD a, 32
d1 LD hl, linep1

         LD bc, linep2-linep1


         DEC a

         JR nz, d1

         LDI; put the command RET

 Next comes the construction of the chunks on the table.
I note that they have a size of 8 * 4 pixels, and
composed of pairs of standard chankov 4 * 4.

         LD b, 32

         CALL raspch

         CALL raspch

         INC hl

         DJNZ $ -7

 Sub-raspch located at the end
text, but for clarity, and bring her

raspch XOR a


         LD c, A





         OR c

         JR linep2-2 transition on a piece of

                         ; Code

                         ; LD (de), A

                         ; INC de

                         ; RET

                         , Thus

                         ; Saves one

                         ; Bytes.

 I think in the notes, this piece is not
needy, noting only that the table
contains all 16 * 4 = 64 byte chunks, but
in each byte are significant
only 4 bits, then it is reduced to the size of
64 / 2 = 32 bytes. You could make a plate
and smaller, but this method is offset by
minimization procedures for unpacking.
 The following piece of code provides
zero padding of chunks, codes
which more than # 0f.

         EX de, HL

         XOR a

         CALL fill2

 This could not do under the condition
that the memory at startup was not crowded
various debris.
 Now it's time to form
some semblance of the sine:

         LD l, C; input we have

                    , The following values:

         INC a; C = 0

                    And A = 0

                    ; DE = sin + # 7f

                    ; H = sin'h-byte

                    ; Address sin

         LD c, 6
msin2b EX af, AF '

         LD a, C

         ADD a, 7

         LD b, A

         EX af, AF '
msin2a LD (hl), A

         LD (de), A

         INC l

         DEC e

         ADD a, C

         BIT 6, l

         JR nz, makstr

         DJNZ msin2a

         DEC c

         JR msin2b

 This method was invented by me personally and
is the shortest of all the me
known. I'll try to explain the gist of it.
It is easy to notice the difference between
current and subsequent values ​​in the function
sinus changes from high to low
when the argument between 0 and PI / 2.
In fact, this difference is equal to the value
the first derivative of the function sin (x) at
tends to zero difference between the arguments. So
Now, if we are some variables in
cycle to increase by a constant, which
from time to time to reduce (and
more constant, the more times we
it increments the variable), we obtain
some semblance of a quarter period of sine.
This is the purpose above fragment
code. In this case, we obtain
half-sine wave with an amplitude
changing from # 01 to # ef excluding
 Next comes the formation of primary
inscriptions, the rotation of which you may
behold after running DAINGY. Here, all
rather trivial, except for
reduce the amount of code letters of a string
located in a format (letter-# 20) * 4.
Uses a standard font,
located at # 3d00, letters
which is thicker in the horizontal

makstr LD ix, string

         LD de, # 8000
ff1 LD l, (ix)

         INC ix

         LD bc, # 3d00

         LD h, C

         ADD hl, HL

         ADD hl, BC

         EX de, HL

         LD b, 8
ff3 PUSH bc

         PUSH hl

         EX de, HL

         LD a, (HL)


         OR (hl)

         EX de, HL

         INC de

         LD b, 8
ff2 RLCA

         LD c, 0

         JR nc, $ +4

         LD c, 15

         LD (hl), C

         INC h

         LD (hl), C

         INC l

         LD (hl), C

         DEC h

         LD (hl), C

         INC l

         DJNZ ff2

         POP hl

         INC h

         INC h

         POP bc

         DJNZ ff3

         LD de, # f010

         ADD hl, DE

         EX de, HL

         INC e; check

         DEC e; end

         JR nz, ff1; line

 It's time to set the color and BORDER'a
ATTRIBUTES in both screens

         OUT (# fe), a; A = 0

         CALL fill

 Sub-fill looks like
as follows:

fill LD a, # 55

         CALL fill1

         LD a, # 57 8
fill1 OUT (# fd), a

         LD a, 65

         LD hl, # d800
fill2 LD d, H

         LD e, L

         INC de

         LD (hl), A

         LD bc, sin + # 7e-chunks-64;

         LDIR; BC> = # 300 trail-but

         RET; attributes we have set

                 , Albeit with a slight

                 ; Excess ...

 At this preparatory process ends
and starts the main loop, repeating
256 times since When this plot
Register B contains 0.

start PUSH bc

         CALL wave; the construction of another

                     ; Phase of the so-called

                     , "Traveling wave"

 In fact, here it was necessary to immediately insert a
text of this subprogramme, thereby
saving 4 bytes, but in a hurry I forgot it
do ...

ugol LD a, (kx +1); X coordinate

         ADD a, # 97 - # f0; depending

                          ; From her

                          , Calculated

                          , The increment of

                          , One of the axes

         LD e, A

         CALL takesin; dy = a * sin (alpha)

         LD c, A

         LD a, E



         AND # 7f

         LD l, A

         LD d, (HL)

         LD a, # f0; try XOR and



         LD (hl), D

         LD (plus +1), a; set

                      ; Basic level

                      ; Background intensity

         LD a, E


         ADD a, C; A = beta


         CALL takesin; based on this

                , Calculated

                ; Increment on the other axis

         LD c, A; dx = a * cos (beta)

 This piece of code generates a trajectory
"Flight" approach, resulting in
due to the fact that in calculating
increments the value of arguments alpha and
beta were not always at # 40, and
on top of that, sets the current
background color.
 After obtaining the increments in the BC and BC '
performs a rotation labels, to be entered
the result in buffer at

kx LD a, # 10, the X coordinate

         INC a

         LD (kx +1), a; A = X +1

         LD h, A

         JR nz, $ +7; if X = # 100,

           , Beginning the process of darkening

         LD a, # c6; ADD A, n

         LD (zatemn), a


         LD de, tenbuf
w2 PUSH bc

         PUSH bc


         PUSH hl

         PUSH bc


         PUSH hl

         CALL line

         POP hl

         POP bc

         ADD hl, BC


         POP hl

         POP de

         SBC hl, DE


         POP bc

         DEC bc; change one of the

                   ; Increments for

                   ; Introducing distortion.

         DEC bc

         LD a, D

         OR a

         JR nz, w2; if not achieved

                      ; End of the buffer, then

                      ; Repeat rotation

                      ; For next line

 So, we made a turn, now
it is time to create some kind of illusion
three dimensions by creating a lateral
faces of the letters. This is done very simply:
alternatively we look at each column
tenbuf, as occurs bytes
different from zero, we start to fill in all the
the next byte value column, each
time decreases by one. This is done
until then, until we get a negative
number, or do not reach the lower limit
 Here is the text of this procedure:

         LD c, 15

         LD de, 32

         LD l, D
m3d6 LD h, tenbuf'h
m3d4 LD a, (HL)

         LD b, C

         OR a

         JR z, m3d1
m3d2 ADD hl, DE

         JR nc, m3d4

         JR m3d5
m3d3 LD a, (HL)

         OR a

         JR nz, m3d2
m3d1 DEC b

         JP m, $ +4

         LD (hl), B

         ADD hl, DE

         JR nc, m3d3
m3d5 INC l

         BIT 5, l

         JR z, m3d6

 This method of construction has a very
drawback: if the letter
not entirely fit in the buffer, we
We observe a sharp break side
faces, going beyond the buffer. To
mitigate this effect, I darken the top
part of the image, changing the brightness from 0 to
peak from the upper boundary.

         LD hl, tenbuf

         PUSH hl

         LD c, 15

         LD b, 61
de3a LD a, (HL)

         SUB c

         JR nc, $ +3

         XOR a

         LD (hl), A

         INC hl

         DJNZ de3a

         DEC c

         JR nz, de3a-2

 And in order to gradually appear in
eventually darken the picture, I just
move it about a chunk.

         LD hl, chunks

         LD d, H

         INC d
swet LD a, 64

         LD e, A

         LD c, 64

zatemn SUB 4

         JR c, $ +5

         LD (swet +1), a

 The same effect could be obtained
directly in the output, but then we would
already low rate of
decreased somewhat.
 But somehow all the transformations of the frame
performed and left only his take on the
screen. I note that I did not "unraveled"
to accelerate the program output, and perform
its just a cycle.


         LD b, D; in the B set

                    , High byte address

                    ; Information about chunk

         LD a, # 55 8

         XOR 10

         LD ($ -3), a

         OUT (# fd), a

         LD de, # c000

         POP hl; to obtain HL

                    ; Address tenbuf
ch4 PUSH de

         LD a, 32
ch1 EX af, AF '

         LD a, (HL)
plus ADD a, 0; adding here

                      , A value

                      , We set

         CP 16, the background color and

         JR c, $ +5; obtain the brightness

         CPL; divorce on the letters

         AND 15



         LD c, A

         PUSH de

         ! ASSM 3

         LD a, (BC); this fragment

         INC bc; code

         LD (de), A; repeated

         INC d; 3 times

         ! CONT

         LD a, (BC)

         LD (de), A

         POP de

         INC e

         INC hl

         EX af, AF '

         DEC a

         JR nz, ch1; check at the end

                       ; Line

         POP de

         LD a, D

         ADD a, 4

         LD d, A

         AND 7

         JR nz, ch4

         LD a, E

         ADD a, 32

         LD e, A

         JR c, ch2

         LD a, D

         SUB 8

         LD d, A
ch2 LD a, H; check at the end

                    ; Image

         OR a

         JR nz, ch4
st1 POP bc

         DEC b

         JP nz, start; check

                         ; End

                         ; Ground

                         ; Cycle

         LD hl, 10072; output

         EXX; of

         RET; intro

 Next come the various podprogramki and
plaques, a quick look at them as well.

 Spreadsheet sinus
takesin LD l, A

         LD h, sin'h

         RES 7, l


         LD a, (HL)

         LD b, 0

         RET nc


         DEC b

Input: the A-argument to the sine
Output: the A-significant byte sinus

             B-byte sine

 Data for the inscription.
string DB # 28, # 8c, # c8, # e4

         DB # cc, # cc, # 3c, # c8

         DB # e8, # b0, # 28, # 8c

         DB # 8c, # 64, # 64, # 64
The string "* CRYSS / RZL * CC999"

 Iteration of the rotation for a single pixel
linep1 ADD hl, BC; smeschaemsya on Y

         LD a, H


         AND% 00,010

                  , Used for

                  And some

                  ; Enlarge

         RRCA; high

         ADD a, # 80

         LD d, A

         ADD hl, BC; shifts X

         LD e, H

         LD a, (DE)


         LD (de), A; NeuStar pixel

         INC de; in tenbuf
linep2 RET

 Description chunks.

         DB 0,0, # 80,0, # 80, # 20, # a0, # 20

         DB # a0, # a0, # a4, # a0, # a4, # a1

         DB # a5, # a1, # a5, # a5, # e5, # a5

         DB # e5, # b5, # f5, # b5, # f5, # f5

         DB # fd, # f5, # fd, # f7, # ff, # ff

raspch see above

fill above

"Traveling wave"
wave LD hl, # 8000; coordinates

         PUSH hl; "wavefront"

         LD b, 16
wave1 LD a, B

         CP 9; check
wave2 JR c, wave3; "peak-wave"

         LD c, A

         LD a, 17

         SUB c

         INC l

         JR $ +3
wave3 DEC l

         XOR (hl); transformation

         LD (hl), A; images under

                       , "Wavefront"

         INC h; the transition to

                       ; The next line

         DJNZ wave1

         POP hl

         INC l; change

         LD (wave +1), hl; coordinates

         RET; "front"

 Well, like it is all about code
DAINGY. Maybe I forgot to describe
Coy any details, but the general idea is to
Have you been understandable, but it seems to me,
is the main objective of this article. After
for the further development of our beloved
SPECCY we should share our knowledge
and expertise to facilitate and accelerate time
new high-quality software to
promoted in light of new methods of coding, so
and in general just to raise the level of
 And finally, I want to lift the veil of secrecy
with the word "DAINGY". If you try
just find it in the dictionary, you
Nothing will come as an abbreviation
two English words: dainty and gyration,
which translates as "elegant
rotation. "And now try to draw
abbreviation of these words, but in Russian
Language ... Guess? If yes, then you are
appreciate our efforts in
choosing the original name for the intro.
 For sim farewell to you before I met in our
new programs.


(C) Cryss / Razzlers

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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