Scenergy #02
31 декабря 1999 |
Coding - Comments to the sources, published in Scenergy # 1
Comments to the source, published in Scenergy # 1 As you probably remember - in Scenergy # 1 have been published in several sources as an annex to the articles of the section Coding. Prior to publication, I have checked all sources - they are compiled and run fine. However, I recently learned that Some people have problems with running these programs. It turned out that I simply forgot to give the necessary explanations. Thus, for all who have tried to compile and run the source code from the archives MusSinc.Z and BumpSRC.Z and who they are buggy, explain, you need to perform 3 conditions, especially than they normally earn. 1) Set the stack at # 5FFF. By TASM'e default it is set to # 61A8, I in all its programs using memory starting at address # 6000 and therefore I corrected myself of the BASIC loader TASM'a CLEAR VAL "24999" on CLEAR VAL "24575." AND I advise you to do the same. After This patch source from the archive BumpSRC.Z should normally earn. 2) In the source code of the intro from the archive MusSinc.Z I used a directive TASM'a. PAGE, for In order to load a page in the right my data. This is handy if you have a 512kb of memory and TASM sits in the upper memory (Like me). However, if you have a 128kb and TASM sits at the bottom - then no good such podgruzki not lead. So you need to comment out podgruzku music Page (lines 78-80 file INTRO.A) and after compiling manually from the STS to load music (file P.VISION.C) to the bank # 16 in at # C000 (sets the label MUSIC_PAGE and MUSIC, respectively. Tags are defined in file RES_EQUS.A). 3) In the file MEMORY.A, in the end is following construction: . PAGE # 57 ORG # FEE4 DEFW START_ADR ORG # FEFE DEFW START_ADR . PAGE # 10 ORG START_ADR It "patch" STS to entering into it start address corresponded to the starting at the program. But the problem is that I have a STS sits at the top of memory (and even uses own screen:)) and bank where it is located, given the number here: . PAGE # 57 Usually, the STS is sitting in the bank # 17, so that it is simply necessary to correct number Bank of STS on the one in which you, this STS ship. You can also just comment out in the All source code macro call DISPLAY_INFO (Usually this is the last line of file) but then you lose control mechanism memory allocation. After all these changes, all programs should be compiled and run normal.
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