Odyssey paper #08
31 марта 1999 |
From the top - Description of the file format *. MOD music editor Amiga ProTracker.
From the top ________ Description of the file format *. MOD music editor Amiga ProTracker. (C) Russian Digital Computing Recycling and the addition: Phantom Lord MOD files are composed of three parts: pervayaopisanie block instruments, the second - musical scores, the third - the tools themselves. The first block begins with the beginning of the file. His format is shown below (decimal): 0 - 20 - The name of the tune, 20 characters, if less - zero ends +20 - 22 - name of the first instrument (zero - end) 42 - 2 - length of the first tool words (to get the length in bytes is multiplied by two). All the numbers in the format of the processor Motorola, for conversion to processor DEC, Intel, Zilog, etc. swap bytes in a word before multiplying +44 - 1 - Low 4 bits, the number with the sign - The value of fine adjustment of frequency 45 - 1 - Default volume for the first instrument - in the range 0 · 64 +46 - 2 - Offset from the start of an instrument - beginning of cycling (in words) 48 - 2 - The length of loops in words. Next comes information on the remaining 30 instruments, each record to 30 bytes only 31 instrument.Posle records about the tools is a description of melody: 950 - 1 - Length of the tunes in the positions of list 951 - 1 - Not used 952 - 128 (regardless of 950) - List positions, each of its elements - number pattern'a from 0 to 63. 1080 - 4 - Tag format ProTracker - letters "M.K." +1084 - 1024 - musical scores pattern'a 0 Musical scores for each pattern'a is 1 kilobyte. The total number of pattern'ov can be determined by finding the maximum number in the list of positions and subtracting his unit, because pattern'y numbered from zero. Each note is four bytes in pattern'e go 64 blocks of four notes to four channels. Pattern'y are continuously one after another, after the last pattern'a immediately begins the first tool, followed by the second, etc. Provision of tools in the file can be calculated based on their lengths. Description format notes. The note consists of four bytes (from 1 to 4). _____BAYT 1_____ BAYT2_ / / 0000 0000-00000000 Senior Notes Period. four bits (12 bits) Tool number. _____BAYT 3_____ BAYT4_ / / 0000 0000-00000000 Junior Code and the information bytes four bits numbers in-effects. strumenta Note is given in the form of a period conversion, use the table: Nota Period from C-1 to B-1 - 856,808,762,720,678,640, 604,570,538,508,480,453 from C-2 to B-2 - 428,404,381,360,339,320, 302,285,269,254,240,226 from C-3 to B-3 - 214,202,190,180,170,160, 151,143,135,127,120,113 If the period is zero, then continues play the previous note. If the tool number zero - to play the previous tool. Codes of special effects are as follows: 0 - None / Arpeggio 8 - * NOT USED * 1 - Portamento Up 9 - SampleOffset 2 - Portamento Down A - VolumeSlide 3 - TonePortamento B - PositionJump 4 - Vibrato C - Set Volume 5 - ToneP + VolSlide D - PatternBreak 6 - Vibra + VolSlide E - Misc. Cmds 7 - Tremolo F - Set Speed Command code E: E0-Filter On / Off E8-* NOT USED * E1-Fineslide Up E9-Retrig Note E2-Fineslide Down EA-FineVol Up E3-Glissando Control EB-FineVol Down E4-Vibrato Control EC-NoteCut E5-Set Finetune ED-NoteDelay E6-Patternloop EE-PatternDelay E7-Tremolo Control EF-Invert Loop Description of the Sonderkommando. 0 - Arpeggio. If inf. B - zero means do nothing (ie just played note. If not zero, then the tool played as follows: rapidly interspersed musical intervals, first note is played, then note + lowest hex digits info bytes in semitones, then again the note, then note + senior figure info. bytes. 1 - Portamento Up. Continuously improves the tone of rate of Inform. bytes. 2 - Portamento Down. - / / - Lowers -//-. 3 - Tone Portamento. With a given rate bring the tone up tone of the current sheet, ie current note does not begin immediately. 4 - Vibrato. Fluctuations tone with a frequency of significant digit info. bytes and the amplitude of the lowest figures. 5 - Tone Portamento + Volume Slide. A similar effect is the effect, but during his action remains Effect 3 if he previously was. 6 - Vibrato + Volume Slide.Analogichen effect of A, but the earlier the effect of four preserved. 7 - Tremolo. Instant on / off sound. Significant digit info. byte indicates the time at which the tool is included, and the youngest - the time off. 8 - Not used. 9 - Sample Offset. Specifies the offset from the beginning a tool for playing the current notes. A - Volume Slide. Smooth change in volume, the highest figure info. byte indicates rate of increase in volume, and the youngest - reduction. B - Position Jump.Perehod at a given position in the list pattern'ov after execution the current note. C - Set Volume. Specifying the volume of the current sheet in the range 0-64 (if not specified, is taken from a list of tools). D - Pattern Break. Interrupts play after the execution of the current pattern'a current notes and advances to the next pattern'u the list. E - Misc. Commands.Starshaya inf.bayta digit specifies the number of teams from the additional sixteen, the youngest figure - the code of the command. F - Set Speed. Setting the tempo. If the range 0-F, a rough, if more, then smooth. Additional commands: E0-Filter On / Off. Apparently, this is a hardware filter upper-lower frequencies. E1-Fineslide Up. - E2-Fineslide Down. - E3-Glissando Control - E4-Vibrato Control - E5-Set Finetune. Continuous setting tone within one semitone. E6-Patternloop. - E7-Tremolo Control. - E8-Not used. E9-Retrig Note. Repetition tech. notes with rate of younger figures. EA-FineVol Up. - EB-FineVol Down. - EC-NoteCut. - ED-NoteDelay. - EE-PatternDelay. - EF-Invert Loop. - All of the above has been obtained by educated bet ... It only remains to thank Dmitry Komissarov (XPEHsoft) for invaluable assistance.
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