ZX Format #05
11 декабря 1996 |
Iron - General Sound.
DANGEROUS, Studio X-TRADE. On the GENERAL SOUND. music by SLASH (C) DANGEROUS ________________________________ Require me to ZX-formatchiki statyu, Teasing za soul napishi yes napishi Us about it! (HOW tam in T. Bulanovoy sung? "Clear my light ... "etc.). Ladno, ulomali, napishu I unto you strochechku. Dumaete, gospoda chitateli I sama is a lazy, raz takuyu zanudu razvel from the first row? No figa-with just my Amiga forever zavalena all sorts of clever hlamom and klaviature not podobratsya. Ask HOW I togda it take? Dazhe very successfully - from under voroha bumag with obryvkami schemes and napolovinu spayanyh plat GS vyglyadyvaet mouse, with which I have, and create action with Amigoy (Izvraschenets). A Here is the text nabivat - all kuda nado something perekladyvat, a perekladyvat, Strictly speaking, nekuda-around and all zavaleno tak, tak HOW is a creative process, a kogda is in the process, then navodit order ... Tak, behold, I was sitting late at night, a rather, in the morning (06.55) is not spamshi with the last day and I will seychas nabivat that of GS znayu. A znayu I'm only 50 percent, tak HOW am razrabotchikom apparatnoy chasti. But, I dumayu, these 50 percent hvatit to chitayuschie raped predstavlenie about this device. (Te, who nikogda not slyshal GS). Ostalnye 50 percent hranit a STINGER, napisavshy smashing player 4hkanalnyh mod-faylov and ubirayuschy ostavshiesya glitches in the internal operatsionnoy system (in which Strictly speaking, and zaklyuchaetsya brake with the release of GS in the light, dannye nA nachalo November). What kasaetsya zheleza then nA danny moment razrabotki this oblasti zaversheny, razrabotany and manufactured pechatnye platy. Itak that the same predstavlyaet of a GS? Structurally: pechatnaya plata razmerom 10x16.5 cm Available razem interfeysa a-la diskovodny to connect to the ZX. From This leaves a flat razema kabel. Dalee in raznomu: vladeltsev have computers with the system razemom (Scorpio, KAY) vysheukazanny flat kabel zakanchivaetsya malenkim slot with a buffer to the system vstavlyaetsya razem. That's all. Length kabelya polzovatel vybiraet on discretion. Only zaklyuchaetsya time in checking nalichiya napryazheniya +12 V nA appropriate kontakte system razema, tak HOW nA not all Scorpion models it tam there, I think nA new Skorpah his tam no. In this a case of polzovatelyu have to endure 12 volts from the power supply bloka before kontakta. In a case of if polzovatelya usual ZX, then for it is no flat kabel okanchivaetsya and polzovatel sam pripayaet it to my computer in accordance with the instruction. In dannom a case of dlina kabelya dolzhna be minimalnoy, inache possible disruptions in rabote ZX. Polzovatel free vybirat place for GS, it ustanavlivat inside korpusa kompyutera or if not CAREERS, snaruzhi. In any zhelatelno otdalit a case of GS from bloka the power supply. Exit zvuka - stereo amplifier and podaem nA catch, catch kayf, poka not poymaem! Now, that may be GS. Izdavat sounds. Izdavat very Clear sound, these skladyvat very clean sound into ordered posledovatelnosti, nazyvaemye muzykalnymi modules. Muzykalnym module nazyvaetsya muzykalnoe product napisannoe ordinary man in kakom something muzykalnom redaktore, HOW pravilo not without the help sintezatora, svyazannogo to a computer via MIDI. Ha danny this time redaktora nA Spectrum does not exist, although it sozdanie absolutely necessary, but requires from sozdatelya znaniya structures MOD-faylov. What kasaetsya MIDI-interfeysa then seychas firma SCORPION zanimaetsya his razrabotkoy. Itak, znachit, GS proigryvaet 4hkanalnye MODy. Otkuda their brat, and where they sozdavat? You run skipping to acquaintances PCshniku or amizhniku and opuskaete his nA 4hkanalnye MODy, running nazad and perepisyvaete them in the format TR-DOS, then naslazhdaetes their zvuchaniem. If you firmly namereny napisat music sami, then run to snova vysheukazannym acquaintances and require them to unto you the opportunity predostavili pobalovatsya in kakom something tamoshnem muzykalnom redaktore. Srazu warn about a submarine kamne. Portable nA Spectrum MODy must have a format amizhnogo redaktora PRO TRACKER (a standart, HOW pravilo, tak it is, but not vsegda) inache GS can otkazatsya their igrat (although inogda and otkazhetsya). Almost all redaktory can otgruzhat MODy in the formate (Standart, HOW to reconcile). Known me an exception - amizhny redaktor OCTAMED all versions, fruit it raboty nado obyazatelno pass through PRO TRACKER. Well Now, kazhetsya with muzykami we like razobralis. Estesstvenno, GS pridumyvalsya not only to to blunt igrat Mouzon other computers. Here's the show itself unikalnaya internal operatsionnaya sistema and programmnaya organizatsiya! With Spektruma can be flexibly upravlyat rabotoy GS HOW only dusha pozhelaet! In fact, GS predstavlyaet of a "black box" which "Ponimaet" razvituyu komand numerical system, with podavaemyh Spektruma. Naprimer by komand can zastavlyat GS igrat / igrat not, change the volume in kanalah, tempo, proigryvat special effects igrah in one or several kanalah, with the necessary volume, with echoes, without Echo, nA ukazannoy height zvuka, all this nA background music soprovozhdayuschey or without it and dalee and dalee ... Another example: You zhelaete voice game. GS allows sdelat followingManufacture: during zagruzki Games zagruzhayutsya effects in memory is GS and raspolagayutsya tam, HOW ponravitsya them. That is not to them, a internal OS. And polzovatelyu completely naplevat, HOW tam they pozhivayut! Samoe glavnoe, Each time that the special effects in the process of memory is zakachki GS avtomaticheski prisvaivaetsya serial number. Now you can by Spektruma podat komandu: proigrat effect of a number N with takoy a volume in a takom kanale etc. A now predstavim: nA ekrane zahvatyvayuschy fighter, ninja chops all in kapustu, now in the process, obsluzhivayuschey sound, instead of vydavat squeaks and buhanya in speeker or AY8910 can vydat few bayt to the port of GS. Now we hear that kogda, naprimer, ninja sword zamahivaetsya heard whistle rassekaemogo vozduha (igraetsya effect n1), когдa sword opuskaetsya someone nA head heard the cry uzhasa (effect n2), then we hear the dying wheezing (ninja popal effect n3) or ninzevu materschinu (ninja not popal effect n4). Or, example, in the game about Dizzy can slyshat noise nature schebetanie birds zhurchanie streams, clatter Dizzevyh legs etc etc. About demostroenie I generally keep quiet, it kakoy klondayk for demomeykerov worth only skazat that muzyka now does not eat resources Spektruma and does not require razreshennogo INTa. In addition, under their sideways moschnaya mikroprotsessornaya sistema, which can be ispolzovat not just for music. Kstati about it. We chrezvychayno rassmatrivaem seriously the issue of nemuzykalnom application of GS. As all can see that Contemporary merkam, processor Resources Spektruma not very high, then stalo be nado to raise them. A lift can be again same za by GS, which has more than three raza higher performance than conventional Spectrum (taktovaya chastota 12mhz, WAIT is not used). Naprimer at napisanii game logic game zanimaetsya Spectrum, all a difficult procedure vzvalivaet nA himself GS and vydaet Spectrum only their rezultaty. Dannye opportunities may okazat invaluable assistance in sozdanii ELITopodobnyh and DOOMopodobnyh games. Ladno, descended from heaven nA land. GENERAL SOUND ready, the timing vyhoda it prodazhu zavisyat only on STINGERa, who seems to have all dodelal, that tak zhdat unto you, gospoda polzovateli, ostalos quite a bit, save up money. Srazu same skazhu that cost this thing will be 30 $ USD rubles. For those who feel that sam will not be able to connect the GS to its Spectrum will predostavlena dopolnitelnaya usluga on connection.
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