ZX Format #05
11 декабря 1996

Miscellaneous - Competition for the best level of the game Laser Squad continues. New competition at the micro-demo.

<b>Miscellaneous</b> - Competition for the best level of the game Laser Squad continues. New competition at the micro-demo.
The competition continues.

music by SLASH
(C) Ruster.

   So gentlemen, our contests
still alive. And even successful
move to the finals ...

   Levels of L. Sq came an enormous amount, and it looks like 
soon there are those that are lost when

escape our old editor;). Therefore in the next issue
will summarize in
this event.

   Computer jokes piled up while a little (with a juicy:),
but if naidutsya yet - in the next issue we will begin to print 

    And now the most important:

         new competition

Competition at the micro-demo.
Conditions are as follows:

 -You may use the addresses lie within the # 4000 # 5AFF
and # C000-# FFFF.Pro existence
ROM forget forever.

 -MUST run on CALL
# C000 and returned to
RET, putting a prior DI.

 It is desirable to use his
stack, not forgetting to restore it

 -Allowed to write / read ports:

 -Required use of IM2.
I register in the range # C0-# FE.
Vector of 256 bytes is filled with byte
in the same range and is
razryashennyh addresses.

 REQUIRED-out from the demo. Preferably by Any key.

 ZAPRESCHAETSYA-use command OUT (C), 0, tk on new
ZILOG'ah it does not work.

 It is desirable not CORF.

 It is desirable for fixed demo
Pentagon, but if a side thereof, was not fixed by then
than sit on (not under a chair:).

 -It would be nice if at Brake wheelbarrows (65000 cycles and
less), the demo is not been out and all
only retarding. It's a shame to look at the DECRUNCHING ...
kozhdy time when this incident
will have a place to be.

demo is placed in the page
Address # C000. Runs on
CALL # C000, when prohibited interrupts. From the demos should 
be output - automatic (end) and by pressing the space bar. When

output needs to be done Di, restore the stack and make RET. Demo
should not refer to the page-port and TR-DOS, climb
in memory outside of your page
(# C000 - # FFFF), obraschatsya to
Rom. Demo should have its own stack
and its interrupt vector (in its page).
# At the entrance - a black screen that
remains on the door - it does not matter.

   Naturally DEMO should not
someone to insult, call
to national, racial, class hatred, to keep an open mat, 
unwarranted raids, communist slogans and calling for the 
overthrow of the government, Advertising drugs, tobacco, 
alkagolya and quotations from the Constitution. Prohibited from 
making voicemeter'y of bulbs diskoverta, TURBO and

nutrition, use letters of dubious provenance (the ancient
Tibetan, Aztec, Chinese ...) carving on Tengwar
CRT, used as an IO DEVICE subconscious
user to conduct covert
Advertising, intercept secret transmission from satellites, to 
produce spatiotemporal overmodulation ... % - \ Well, 
themselves think of anything else ...

   For violations of these and other
rules (which we did not say)
the offender will be punished ...
No, better you would not know ...

Other articles:

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.5

From the authors - the fifth issue of the journal.

Toys - 48 Iron (Part 4).

Toys - on popolochkam: Castle Master # 1

Toys - short story by playing Robin Of Sherlock.

Programmers - Basic for Dummies - Part 5.

Programmers - artificial intelligence in computer games.

Programmers - TR-DOS programmers.

Programmers - a description and history of the creation MEM.

Programmers - exchange of experience: On the effects on the curb, and about something else.

Programmers - the exchange of experience: "Counting the Brain" - AUTOconfig v5.03.

Programmers - adventure: a sensible approach to passing.

IS-DOS - users: a guide to basic commands and utilities, basic kit IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - the programmer: a short course in programming in the IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - IS-NEWS - "News of the World IS-DOS".

IS-DOS - software and hardware support for IDE HDD for the ZX Spectrum.

Iron - KAY: ZX Spectrum Ttransformer.

Iron - Technology is a war.

Iron - General Sound.

Iron - XTR Modem.


Iron - What if the Bat is not the correct type.

Iron - LPT COVOX and not only ...

Premiere - a program description Catalogue Master.

Premiere - description of the program Micro-editor. (MED)

Premiere - Text designer.

Interview - an interview with the developer of the clone HOBBIT (Part 2).

a rest - dictionary of advertising (with humor, but not without common sense!).

a rest - Memories of the future.

Mail - Letters from readers.

Mail - advertising and announcements.

Mail - Corner lamer (children under 16 years of reading strictly forbidden).

Miscellaneous - Outlook: a new game from Mednonogova "Black Crow".

Miscellaneous - Prospects: Pink Floyd - the new operating system for the Spectrum.

Miscellaneous - Prospects: the game's expansion.

Miscellaneous - It was you.

Miscellaneous - A review of the game Kings bounty II.

Miscellaneous - Competition for the best level of the game Laser Squad continues. New competition at the micro-demo.

Miscellaneous - Questionnaire for the readers.

Amiga - cri de coeur: Windows 95, and another about something.

Amiga - Amiga-Club, questions and answers.

Amiga - Project PowerUp - the next generation Amig.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Cheating - Thoughts aloud, or to deceive as additional missions to the game, Black Crow.

В этот день...   3 December