ZX Format #05
11 декабря 1996

Amiga - Amiga-Club, questions and answers.

<b>Amiga</b> - Amiga-Club, questions and answers.

            Questions and answers.

music by DNK

 VDV> You cite technical mngo harakteristik is good, but it's 
taki would like to view znat Knowing people in sravnenii Amiga 
with other kompyuterami and pristavkami best for games (since

no secret

  MM> Best-pristavki are Best money I
I have no mind SEGA, S. NINTENDO, DENDY .. .
Besides kartridzhi (some gamers
can not stand to see vtechenii some time, PLEASE WAIT, LOADING 
... with CD-based consoles) are nemalo, although

for multi-millionaires in the samy raz. Nay,
Some pristavki priblizhayutsya on graficheskoy performance of 
SGI, but they only pristavkii ... ;)

 VDV> that almost all za rare exception, pokupayut computers in 
the first place for razvlecheny) a tak HOW Amiga -

multimedia computer, then to him it
relates primarily prvda not it?
Itak, where the same all-taki better grafika (not
animatsiya, a kartinki)? A takzhe in sravnenii Amig'i with 
Seg'oy (tak HOW I had no idea 've sklko flowers at SEGA, but as 
the judges saw and if I znal spetsialista opinion, the

could about what predstavit takoe

  MM> Ha date, there are 3
graficheskih Architecture Amiga. With emphasis sdelanna samuyu 
last, kotoraya obespechivaet compatibility of top-down with 
more starymi realizatsiyami. Here they are: OCS - 
OriginalChipSet, applied long time nA first mashinah and had 32

color registra, allowing otobrazhat kartinki in 32 Colors 
(without ispolzovaniya Copper), a tak same treatment HAM6, 
which otobrazhal nA ekrane 4096. Palitra imela

razryadnost 12 bits, which is prevalent made in
turn 4096 colors. Later in the OCS
was dobavlen mode EHB - or ExtraHalfBright, which allowed 
otobrazhat 64 Colors. Tak HOW registers ostavalos

32, dopolnitelnye32 Colors poluchalis division brightness 
primary color nA large screen (HalfBright). OCS obespechival 
razresheniya by srokam 320 in 32 Colors and HAM6, and EHB,

and 16 colors in razreshenii 640, on verikali
razresheniya from 200 to 512. Chip memory is the volume was 
increased za period modifikatsii OCS from 256K to 1MB.

    In 1990 byla vypuschena A3000 with
slegka modified ChipSet which nazyvalsya ECS (Enhanced Chip 
Set), everything in it was approximately the same tak HOW and 
OCS, but could adresovat 2MB memory is, and had super-high 
razreshenie 1280 on a line with 4 tsvetami me. Some changes 
kassnulis Blitter (heart grafiki), which is now

could peresylat gorazdo large memory is chasti za raz.

  With the advent of A4000 in 1992 in which
would predstavlen samy advanced since sozdaniya Amiga Chipset. 
It was the AGA. Advanced Grafix Architecture, a revolutionary 
skachkom forward relative to the ECS. In It poyavilas 24 
bitnaya palitra (12 in ECS), and in any razreshenii could 
ispolzovat 256 colors and a new regime HAM8, allowing 
otobrazhat 18 bit grafiku (262144 Colors simultaneously in any 
of razresheniyah palityr 16. 7000000.). That kasaemo games, 
then in the OCS and ECS for two nezavisimyh game planov was 
available in 7 colors (DualPlayfield, Each time a plane can be 
a game to 7 colors), a in AGA this pokazatel increased more than

large screen raza! 16 colors in the field of play. It sounds 
frivolous, but if you add an even more cunning tricks with 
Copper, then the colors will be more and planov, more tak at 
least krayney will kazatsya. To be sure, go and look at 
somebody from duzey igruhu (rasschitanuyu nA OCS) Lion HEART 
(Lion Heart).. This is a typical example of HOW klassichesky 
without huge zatrat (PC) sdelat all plavno and with a bunch of


    Generally, if the right in the forehead, then in principle 
staticheskie kartinki nA True Color sVGA and A1200 are 
identical (anybody can distinguish HAM8 of 24-bit?)

 VDV> A takzhe for music, I would like znat one thing: HOW 
produced proigryvanie Moose coprocessor muzona

(HOW nA Speccy-nado vsegda kidat dannye it new or is there 
something kakoy better way, naprimer muses.

Ave sam takes the following dannye, a CPU
only izredka kidaet him a new Address

  MM> Paula - the voice of the Amiga. Rabotaet
extremely simple (I'm talking about sound). There
4 kanala direct dostupa to memory is (DMA),
on by vyborka of memory is with a certain period ocherednaya
portion dannyh. Vyborka sound dannyh
has higher priority than the processor, a
time of sampling must nA end kazhdoy
TV lines rastra. Za raz vybiraetsya 2 Words (one word of 16 
bits). Period for kazhdogo kanala programmiruetsya potsessorom 
through registers Paula. Except that nA kanale Each time a 
controller Volume razryadnostyu in 6 bits, which together

8 bitami zvuka daet dinamichesky diapazon 14 bits (from a CD 
16-bit). Programmirovanie tunes by the processor, and zanimaet 
not much time. Tak dazhe nA 68000 with 7Mhz modules 
skompilirovannye TrackerPacker 3, proigryvanii zanimayut only 3 
rows rastra (if schitat on hakerski).

 VDV> Tak, going dalshe: no secret of the fact
that many kolebayutsya what to buy - AMIGA1200turbo or Pentium 
with a bunch of pribambasov, and I HOW predstavitel takoy 
rassy, whole soul gravitate to the exotic Amig'e,

but constantly see new GAMES by IBM
(Tipa FANTASMAGORIA, etc.) and want uznat, a vybrav AMIGA, get 
this-I nA It is not ostanemsya-whether we are back at 
otstayuschih - HOW nA Speccy (prosba not vozrazhat, HOW

not bitter, but pravda and it's all ponimayut.)

  MM> Amiga Commodore after krizisa vstala nA feet, and not in 
a hurry in the coffin. Ha it write programmy, razrabatyvaetsya 
iron. All that nA Speccy already davnym-davno not

delayut. In this regard, bury Amiga ranovato ...
 MM> In principle, the same samoe unlikely gorazdo can get 
better. Of course, nA bare A600, or A1200, it is unlikely to be

 VDV> tak glavny question here is: Tough Games still write 
under the Amiga and IBM (with worst kachestvom), or just under 
the IBM? 

  MM> Write and by then, and under another, glavnoe elsewhere: 
in a strane malo nas who zanimaetsya dostavaniem softa. A if 
anyone zanimaetsya, the meager masshtabah, and

his vkusam. At that time, HOW to all PC
sundry prodayut software that not having to appear nA prilavkah 
Zapada already popadaet to nashim lyuitelyam. But takoy 
situatsiya long stay can not. All repeat HOW with a PC. A few 
years nazad, All begali with XT and dostavali something HOW 
Games vesma questionable kachestva ... Let's wait

see ...
 VDV> And another thing: I do a lot of slyshal programmnye 
emulyaory IBM, that's HOW-tak is emulated and emulated SVGA 
grafika-li SOUND BLASTER???

  MM> Yea, there are emulators programmnye PC.
Naibolee worthy of them nA current
day is a PC-Task 3. 1 (in view of the above circumstances do 
not know whether there is The following versions). He emulates 
computer nA baze 286 protsessora without FPU. Tak also emulates 
sVGA to 2Mb, and mouse. Thus do the same has the opportunity to 
rabotat napryamuyu with PC HDD. Author PC-TASK obeschal 
continue razrabotku add an emulation of the 386 and 486 
protsessora. Tak we are waiting, sir. A nA A1200 with Blizzard 
IV 1230 nA 50Mhz it to the test (CHECK IT) emulsion 286 nA 
30Mhz. Naschet Blaster not pripominayu, although it may be. K

Besides nA Amiga there are other kucha
emulators. Naprimer, one of vydayuschihsya
emulator MAC. Ha A4000 with 040 Emulsion
 ZF> According to recent reports have appeared
PC-Task, supports 486.
 ZF> According to the latest information - even
 VDV> Next question: kakoy monitor needed Amiga.

  MM> K Amiga fits any monitor
whether from spektruma (dazhe TV) or
sVGA. A bit disappointing, but sVGA can rabotat operatsionnoy 
only under a system in While HOW usual monitor anywhere.

There is a way out: Multisinc with chastotoy rows of
15 Khz and above. It will rabotat where
anywhere and in all rezhimah.
 VDV> Well, the last and samy glavny question: Where ONA 
PRODAETSYA OFITSIALNO? (In Moscow, of course, will not go, I za 
it in St. Petersburg)

  MM> Poka we sami za Amiga in Moscow we go: (. We go to the 
firm, "Saco" in Address: Initial Dobryninsky lane house 8

tel. (095) 237-85-62

Other articles:

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.5

From the authors - the fifth issue of the journal.

Toys - 48 Iron (Part 4).

Toys - on popolochkam: Castle Master # 1

Toys - short story by playing Robin Of Sherlock.

Programmers - Basic for Dummies - Part 5.

Programmers - artificial intelligence in computer games.

Programmers - TR-DOS programmers.

Programmers - a description and history of the creation MEM.

Programmers - exchange of experience: On the effects on the curb, and about something else.

Programmers - the exchange of experience: "Counting the Brain" - AUTOconfig v5.03.

Programmers - adventure: a sensible approach to passing.

IS-DOS - users: a guide to basic commands and utilities, basic kit IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - the programmer: a short course in programming in the IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - IS-NEWS - "News of the World IS-DOS".

IS-DOS - software and hardware support for IDE HDD for the ZX Spectrum.

Iron - KAY: ZX Spectrum Ttransformer.

Iron - Technology is a war.

Iron - General Sound.

Iron - XTR Modem.


Iron - What if the Bat is not the correct type.

Iron - LPT COVOX and not only ...

Premiere - a program description Catalogue Master.

Premiere - description of the program Micro-editor. (MED)

Premiere - Text designer.

Interview - an interview with the developer of the clone HOBBIT (Part 2).

a rest - dictionary of advertising (with humor, but not without common sense!).

a rest - Memories of the future.

Mail - Letters from readers.

Mail - advertising and announcements.

Mail - Corner lamer (children under 16 years of reading strictly forbidden).

Miscellaneous - Outlook: a new game from Mednonogova "Black Crow".

Miscellaneous - Prospects: Pink Floyd - the new operating system for the Spectrum.

Miscellaneous - Prospects: the game's expansion.

Miscellaneous - It was you.

Miscellaneous - A review of the game Kings bounty II.

Miscellaneous - Competition for the best level of the game Laser Squad continues. New competition at the micro-demo.

Miscellaneous - Questionnaire for the readers.

Amiga - cri de coeur: Windows 95, and another about something.

Amiga - Amiga-Club, questions and answers.

Amiga - Project PowerUp - the next generation Amig.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
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Iron - a light gun for the Speccy.
Humor - anecdotes.
Credits - the authors of the paper.

В этот день...   3 December