ZX Format #05
11 декабря 1996

Miscellaneous - Prospects: the game's expansion.

<b>Miscellaneous</b> - Prospects: the game's expansion.
Язык оригинала:Язык перевода:	

Other articles:

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.5

From the authors - the fifth issue of the journal.

Toys - 48 Iron (Part 4).

Toys - on popolochkam: Castle Master # 1

Toys - short story by playing Robin Of Sherlock.

Programmers - Basic for Dummies - Part 5.

Programmers - artificial intelligence in computer games.

Programmers - TR-DOS programmers.

Programmers - a description and history of the creation MEM.

Programmers - exchange of experience: On the effects on the curb, and about something else.

Programmers - the exchange of experience: "Counting the Brain" - AUTOconfig v5.03.

Programmers - adventure: a sensible approach to passing.

IS-DOS - users: a guide to basic commands and utilities, basic kit IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - the programmer: a short course in programming in the IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - IS-NEWS - "News of the World IS-DOS".

IS-DOS - software and hardware support for IDE HDD for the ZX Spectrum.

Iron - KAY: ZX Spectrum Ttransformer.

Iron - Technology is a war.

Iron - General Sound.

Iron - XTR Modem.


Iron - What if the Bat is not the correct type.

Iron - LPT COVOX and not only ...

Premiere - a program description Catalogue Master.

Premiere - description of the program Micro-editor. (MED)

Premiere - Text designer.

Interview - an interview with the developer of the clone HOBBIT (Part 2).

a rest - dictionary of advertising (with humor, but not without common sense!).

a rest - Memories of the future.

Mail - Letters from readers.

Mail - advertising and announcements.

Mail - Corner lamer (children under 16 years of reading strictly forbidden).

Miscellaneous - Outlook: a new game from Mednonogova "Black Crow".

Miscellaneous - Prospects: Pink Floyd - the new operating system for the Spectrum.

Miscellaneous - Prospects: the game's expansion.

Miscellaneous - It was you.

Miscellaneous - A review of the game Kings bounty II.

Miscellaneous - Competition for the best level of the game Laser Squad continues. New competition at the micro-demo.

Miscellaneous - Questionnaire for the readers.

Amiga - cri de coeur: Windows 95, and another about something.

Amiga - Amiga-Club, questions and answers.

Amiga - Project PowerUp - the next generation Amig.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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