ZX Format #05
11 декабря 1996 |
Programmers - artificial intelligence in computer games.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE In computer games. music by DNK (C) Stas Vikhrov 1996. Today I want to talk about artificial intelligence (AI) in computer games. Unfortunately During the last 10 years in this area, little has changed. The games developed graphics, sound, all sorts of effects, but the AI is still not very developed. Even, in my opinion, than better design of the game so, usually, it is weaker than the intellect. Usually games are built on confrontation and the player program. For example, the player controls a little man, a tank car or anything else, and the program attacking players all sorts of objects. In games of this type Intelligence is often completely absent, all the attackers objects appear in the same places and move to a predefined programmed trajectory, best gun shoot randomly. Passage such games is reduced to the memorization of that which will fly and where to fly. Games of this type, with a complete lack of intelligence, the foundation software for 8-bit game consoles. Think Examples of such games do not give a necessary. Sometimes in these games starting position forwards objects given randomly, but it's not intelligence, because the attackers did not associated with the actions of the player. The first signs of AI observed in games like GOLD, EAGLES NEST and the like, where the attackers are moving as follows: knowing coordinates of the player they are moving left or right, trying to equalize its horizontal coordinate horizontal coordinate with the player, after the coordinates will be equal or further progress in this direction becomes impossible, they begin compare their vertical coordinates coord. player if this is not possible, the attacker object stops. More cunning AI in games like LODE RUNNER, PACMAN. Also often algorithm is used when an attacker tries to get closer to the object coordinates of the player's which he was a few moves ago. The creators of strategic games, with rare exception, are trying to replace the intelligence of the program force. A typical example such games may be playing ZULU WAR: In her whole strategy is that all the Zulus crowds rod in general, only Sometimes, if there be any regiment, attack him. But to beat the computer does not simply because for every soldier has ten Zulus. But the greatest interest of AI represent games which forces the player and computer equal: it may be card games, chess, some strategic game, and most board games. All these games can be divided into two categories: games, where there is a formula or simple Provo, which can be determine the course and play, in which not or have not yet found such rules. As an example of the first kind of games can bring the game "21 matches", there is always the second player wins if the following rules: if the first player takes 1 match, then we must take two matches, but if the first player takes two matches, we have to take a match. Knowing This rule can be composed program, which will always be win. But these games a little bit and they are all rather primitive. Besides logic games can be divided into games where there is an element of randomness and games in which everything depends only on the player. Element of chance is usually achieved by throwing dice or, say, due to the fact that it is not known enemy positions. A classic example of games where there is an element of randomness may be virtually all card games, where the unknown order of the cards in the deck and the cards of the opponent. Consider for example a simple card games, such as point. Briefly recall the rules: each card has dostoinstrvo from 3 to 11. The purpose of the player to collect from 16 to 21 points, the more the better if the player is gaining more than 21, then he loses. In Each player is given 2 cards and it can, if wants to take a few more cards from the deck. For example, I will use the BASIC language with elements some algorithmic language. I also advise you to develop their algorithms using BASIC on the following reasons: it is easy to find errors everywhere you can insert an operator PRINT and keep track of intermediate results, program text fairly obvious, the algorithm can develop in parts In addition, if compiling Use only whole and not more than 255 numbers, then this algorithm can easily be translated into ASSEMBLER or compile integer BASIC compiler. Transfer algorithm ASSEMBLER should be only after a full debug. The most simple algorithm, which implements the game of "Asshole" is as follows. 10 LET A = SCORING 20 IF A <18 THEN TAKE THE CARD: GO TO 10 As you may have guessed, SCORING is a function that considers the amount of merit cards that are in the hands of computer and take a card is procedure, which carries take a card from the deck. But if player to guess what rule is the computer, it will often win. Replace constant variable. 10 LET M = 16 + INT (RND * 3) 20 LET A = SCORING 30 IF A <M THEN TAKE THE CARD: GO TO 20 This algorithm will be playing stronger, well, if not stronger, then at least more cunning. How else to enhance the algorithm? Here we must recall that the algorithm written for a computer and what to do such cases, people. 10 LET A = PODACHET POINTS 20 IF A + NEXTCARD <22 THEN TAKE CARD: GO TO 10 where NEXTCARD function that calculates the dignity of the next card in the deck. In addition You can even take into account the number of glasses, which already has an opponent. 10 LET A = SCORING: LET B = SCORING THE ENEMY 20 IF A 3 THEN GO TO 1050 1040 FOR B = 0 TO 3: IF A (X, Y + B) = D THEN LET S = 0: GO TO 1050 1045 IF A (X, Y + B) = C THEN LET S = S +1 1047 NEXT B 1050 IF S> SM THEN LET SM = S 1060 LET S = 0: IF X> 4 THEN GO TO 1100 1065 FOR B = 0 TO 3: IF A (X + B, Y) = D THEN LET S = 0: GO TO 1100 1070 IF A (X + B, Y) = C THEN LET S = S +1: NEXT B 1080 LET X1 = X + B: GO SUB 2000: IF Y1 <> Y THEN LET S = 0: GO TO 1100 1090 NEXT B 1100 IF S> SM THEN LET SM = S 1110 LET S = 0: IF X> 4 OR Y> 3 THEN GO TO 1200 1120 FOR B = 0 TO 3: IF A (X + B, Y + B) = D THEN S = 0: GO TO 1200 1130 IF A (X + B, Y + B) = C THEN LET S = S +1: NEXT B 1140 LET X1 = X + B: GO SUB 2000: IF Y1 <> Y + B THEN LET S = 0: GOTO1200 1150 NEXT B 1200 IF S> SM THEN LET SM = S 1210 LET S = 0: IF X <4 OR Y> 3 THEN GO TO 1300 1220 FOR B = 0 TO 3: IF A (X-B, Y + B) = D THEN S = 0: GOTO 1300 1230 IF A (X-B, Y + B) = C THEN LET S = S +1: NEXT B 1240 LET X1 = X-B: GO SUB 2000: IF Y1 <> Y + B THEN LET S = 0: GOTO1300 1250 NEXT B 1300 IF S> SM THEN LET SM = S 1310 NEXT Y 1320 NEXT X 1330 RETURN 2000 LET Y1 = 1; routine 2005 IF A (X1, Y1) = 0 defines THEN RETURN; the first blank cell ; Ku in X1 th column. 2010 LET Y1 = Y1 +1: IF Y1 = 8 THEN RETURN 2015 GO TO 2005 This is a slow, but most the exact procedure for calculating power position. It can be done faster, replacing, for example, line at 1030 IF A (X, Y) <> C THEN GOTO 1300, but in this case drop precision. Then perform the search of all moves to start a 2 ply. For each option, consider the position of power with respect to each color. The results of calculations put it in an array (7, 7, 2). 100 FOR M = 1 TO 7 110 LET X1 = M: GO SUB 2000 120 IF Y1 = 8 THEN FOR B = 1 TO 7: LET B (M, B, 1) = 5: NEXT B: GOTO 240 125 LET A (M, Y1) = 1 130 FOR N = 1 TO 7 140 LET X1 = N: GO SUB 2000 150 IF Y1 = 8 THEN GO TO 210 160 LET A (N, Y1) = 2 170 LET C = 1: GO SUB 1000: LET B (M, N, 1) = SM 180 LET C = 2: GO SUB 1000: LET B (M, N, 2) = SM 190 LET X1 = N: GO SUB 2000 200 LET A (N, Y1-1) = 0 210 NEXT N 220 LET X1 = M: GO SUB 2000 230 LET A, (M, Y1-1) = 0 240 NEXT M Lines 110, 120, 140, 150 look for in order not to install a chip in the completed column. Line 125 sets, and 220, 230 Uberall chip first color analogochno line 160, 190, 200 for the second color. Lines 170, 180 fill the array In (7, 7, 2) by iterated positions for each color. After you run this program in an array (7, 7, 2) is all information to determine best move, it only remains process. We organize an array of C (7), it will put the priorities of each move. Highest priority is 1 and the minimum 200. 300 DIM C (7) 310 FOR B = 1 TO 7: IF B (B, 1, 1) = 4 THEN LET D (B) = 1 320 NEXT B 330 FOR M = 1 TO 7 340 FOR N = 1 TO 7 350 IF C (M) = 0 THEN IF B (M, N, 2) = 4 THEN LET C (M) = 199 360 NEXT N: NEXT M 370 FOR B = 1 TO 7: IF B (B, 1, 1) = 5 THEN LET C (B) = 200 380 NEXT B 383 FOR B = 1 TO 7: IF C (B) <> 0 THEN GO TO 398 385 LET X = 0: FOR M = 1 TO 7: IF B (B, M, 1) = 3 THEN LET X = X +1 390 NEXT M 395 IF X = 7 THEN LET C (B) = 2 398 NEXT B 400 FOR B = 1 TO 7 410 IF C (B) <> 0 THEN GO TO 510 415 LET X = 0: LET Y = 0 420 FOR M = 1 TO 7 430 LET X1 = B (B, M, 1): LET Y1 = B (B, M, 2) 440 IF X1 = 3 THEN LET X1 = 10 450 IF Y1 = 3 THEN LET Y1 = 10 460 IF X1 = 2 THEN LET X1 = 4 470 IF Y1 = 2 THEN LET Y1 = 4 480 LET X = X + X1: LET Y = Y + Y1 490 NEXT M 500 LET C (B) = X-Y +100 510 NEXT B 520 LET BEST = 0: LET X = 200 530 FOR B = 1 TO 7 540 IF C (B) that ... to home? Probably he had accidentally clicked on some secret switch since opened squeaky closet door, revealing for a staircase leading to the hopeless darkness of the cave. The first thing that said Dorothy, descending down, it was stolen by Toto. Seeing him, Dorothy from all Heart kissed Robin, and hurried to his four-footed other. After a while Dorothy she said: "Well, it's time to see the Wizard Emerald City. Bye! - And quickly ran away. But Robin and others friends were at a loss about what to become of the same train ticket, bought at the railway station. Whatever it was, the only place in this part of the forest, where they were not, was the house of Grandma's Blood Cap. - Something I'm afraid to go - said Robin tremulous quiet voice. - If you beat the granddaughter crowbar Wolf, one can imagine imagine what it is capable of grandmother. - Hey, Robin, you also have white flag - said the little John - so its something Grandma should notice. You look, and not with a crowbar You will beat it, and pan, for example. - Thanks, reassured - retorted Robin, but still took the white flag in his hands, and went to the house. As Ironically, he was still alive. Walls of the house were riddled with bullets, hanging down shutters, window frames were shot to pieces, windows was not in sight. Through crack in the wall on the street leaning out a large anti- gun. In a wheelchair sitting Grandmother, wrapped with grenades and large-caliber ammunition. - You're lucky that I saw white flag - giggled Grandmother and sipped a hefty swallow from bottles filled with pure alcohol. - The only way I realized that you do not electrician, who came off electricity for nonpayment. She opened her chair, pulled up to the window and pulled out from the pack "Belomor" cigarette. - By the way, rumor has it - the beginning She lit a match - that Moriarty returned to Cher ... - There was an explosion. When the smoke cleared, nothing could be found. Do not have survived even the chair. - Moriarty? - With horror in his voice Nazir said. - It's time we visit the Harn - said Robin. # No sooner said than done. Road passed through a magical place - Circle of Druids. A lot of things said about him. Some have argued that it is an evil place, others - that good. Rate as had Robin. In the center of the Circle of Druids rose sosiskopodobny obelisk on top of which stood mystical ancient and no longer working coffee maker. So nothing without waiting for the obelisk to be perhaps because of them not it was the druids, the company moved further. Parking EnSiPi was empty. Randomly scattered around the room machines for ticket sales is not worked, and fluorescent lamps that are protected from encroachment Vandals, sly twinkle. The floor was clean and waited for the used tickets. There was silence. - No one here, - has noticed Will. - It's obvious - said Robin. Nearby is the toilet. On the wall was read the inscription: "Pay Toilet. 10 pence - 15 minutes and no more!" - Wait for me here, - said Robin, dropped in the slot 10 pence, opened the door and entered. But! This was not an ordinary toilet. This was WC-teleportator went into that Robin dematerialized and a few seconds later materialized again. Like all was in place, and Robin came out in a totally unfamiliar place. Whether the toilet was working properly, then there was still any reason, but through the window to return the coins fell spent desyatipensovik. - It may be still be able to go somewhere to get - thought Robin but materialized again, he realized that he had fallen back there, where there was parking nearby EnSiPi. Having gone a few times here and there, to Robin finally realized that more to get anywhere using the toilet will not succeed. Had to walk. Suddenly, the woods come alive. Fierce the type of trees teamed some unknown way, caught near standing humble woodcutter and dragged into the bushes. Muffled screams were heard from there and quickly subsided. Soon they reached the cottage Harney. Opposite him stood Another barn was empty. Cottage was two stories. He was surrounded by a lot of fun small bushes, and inviting to approach them, but none did not do this, mindful of the woodcutter. Still trying to get inside the cottage success is not unsuccessful. - It would be nice to find the owner, maybe he will hold us inside - suggested Nazir. - Harn? Well let's go find him. Going a little further, travelers once again saw the barn. That something was not empty. Inside lay an empty packet inscription "Megavzryv. Strong laxative. - Goldilocks obviously could not shove here package - suggested Robin. - So she is innocent. And now let us return to our sheep, I mean, I wanted to say to the Three Bears. And the whole company hurried to the above ba ... bears. Suddenly, Little John stopped. - What is it? - Asked Robin. - Look ahead Harn, - he answered. - Nothing, now count up the hose and talk to him. Perhaps even learn something. - Good day, Harn. - Hi, idio ... I mean, you idiot, I did not recognize you immediately. Hi, Robin. - Harn, you accidentally do not know what happens in the woods? - You ask me, well known for his loud affairs Mori ... I wanted to say, the sea of questions you ask me about any nonsense, Robin. - Do you know whether Harn, a lot of things happened recently. How are you things with an alibi? - Uh, you know, Robin, my the forest was not there when it all happened - Harn noticeably nervous. - Well, Harn, I must go. - Go, go, that is, so far! - Harn said with obvious relief. - I do not understand how, hopefully, and you, - said Robin, when they moved away. - All of these tucked Harn, or I suspect that Moriarty, who managed to somehow cheat and substitute Harney. I would though now called Lestrade. But he immediately pulled me with searches in the cottage Harney, and then I do not have time to the Three Bears. Well, the house where they cook take heroic death Goldilocks. She stood on a stool with a noose around his neck, and the Bears already preparing to send its first voyage to another world. - Stop! - Cried Robin, and everyone looked at him. Then he got a package from the laxative, showed him three Bears and said, in what circumstances he found it. Soon Goldilocks was sent home and the Bears themselves are gone the corner and never returned. - It's time to call Lestrade, - said Robin, taking out his wireless phone. Soon the police broke into the Cottage Harney, and with it got there and Robin. - Well, - said Inspector Robin, - I think you would be better to look around and then come to me with answers to questions. And do not stop as the obelisk. The first floor is kitchen, dining room and veranda. From All the three rooms most interest was food. She was fitted to the last art. Black mikrodrayvovaya stove, preparing the usual sorokavosmikilobaytny dinner for nine seconds, quietly humming in the one corner, while the dishwasher EmEsIks quite noisy rustling in the other. The second floor was bedroom Harney, in its southern wall There was a door. Robin opened it, and from the mist, mysterious lights rastsvechennogo, fell to floor tightly bound figure Harney. - Moriarty took my place and began to corrupt the entire forest - slurred and mumbled quickly this Harn. All attempts pull it down ended failed, so Robin had to go himself. - Well, what does it all mean? - asked Lestrade. - It's elementary, Lestrade - said Robin. - Moriarty stole Harney. - Well done - said Lestrade, after Harn was unleashed. Thus, the incident was over. However, it is also true that Moriarty later escaped and disappeared from forest. Maryann arrived, and then She and the rest went into a tavern to meet all their desire remained unsatisfied for throughout this epic. So ended the episode in the life of Robin Sherlokskogo.
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