ZX Format #05
11 декабря 1996

Iron - What if the Bat is not the correct type.

<b>Iron</b> - What if the Bat is not the correct type.
What to do
 Bat if not the correct type.

music by DNK

(C) Mad Max.

Dannaya statya tak same rasschitana
nA those who fit trebovaniya previous stati ... :-)

A seychas you uznaete HOW peredelat pisishnuyu RS232 mouse that,
kotoraya will rabotat shemkoy to the above (yes, even ona
will rabotat from AMIGA, if you
suddenly do not want pokupat amizhnuyu
mouse, and want srezatsya in kakuyu - a game for two).
The essence of debugging sleduyuschaya: take
mouse razvinchivaete ... After that, ubezhdaetes that
inside there is something. Inache peredelka bessmyslenna ... ;) 
Should be tak also produce a new tail

mouse, tak HOW to starom too malo kontaktov.
For more udobstva connect to all the tracks coming to light and 
photo diodam otrezat from ostalnogo mira. After then connect 
soglasno scheme. 

Odtelno of knopkah: Connecting
buttons pokazano nA example of one
Button ostalnye two (three, four, five ...:) podklyuchayutsya
analogichno. Raspayku faz and scheta spetsialno not cite, tak
HOW not dat a precise definition. have iskat samim, by 
nauchnogo tyka. More dam raspayku mice under SEARCH

maybe someone zahochet currently mysha perepahat.
1 - 5 Pitanie +5 volts (podoy
        children and from kompyutera)
2 - Xa Faza A koordinaty X
3 - Xb Faza B koordinaty X
4 - Ya Faza A koordinaty Y
5 - Yb Faza B koordinaty Y
6 - Left Levaya Knopka
7 - Mid Average Knopka
8 - Right Pravaya Knopka
9 - Earth - Earth (not from gorshka:)

Oboznacheniya nA scheme A, B, C, D -
oznachayut koordinatnye impulses
a Oboznacheniya e, f, g - oznachayut
Buttons ... Unable to lead
specific rekomendatsii on podpayke to razemu, tak HOW they
Each time a case of their ...

Other articles:

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.5

From the authors - the fifth issue of the journal.

Toys - 48 Iron (Part 4).

Toys - on popolochkam: Castle Master # 1

Toys - short story by playing Robin Of Sherlock.

Programmers - Basic for Dummies - Part 5.

Programmers - artificial intelligence in computer games.

Programmers - TR-DOS programmers.

Programmers - a description and history of the creation MEM.

Programmers - exchange of experience: On the effects on the curb, and about something else.

Programmers - the exchange of experience: "Counting the Brain" - AUTOconfig v5.03.

Programmers - adventure: a sensible approach to passing.

IS-DOS - users: a guide to basic commands and utilities, basic kit IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - the programmer: a short course in programming in the IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - IS-NEWS - "News of the World IS-DOS".

IS-DOS - software and hardware support for IDE HDD for the ZX Spectrum.

Iron - KAY: ZX Spectrum Ttransformer.

Iron - Technology is a war.

Iron - General Sound.

Iron - XTR Modem.


Iron - What if the Bat is not the correct type.

Iron - LPT COVOX and not only ...

Premiere - a program description Catalogue Master.

Premiere - description of the program Micro-editor. (MED)

Premiere - Text designer.

Interview - an interview with the developer of the clone HOBBIT (Part 2).

a rest - dictionary of advertising (with humor, but not without common sense!).

a rest - Memories of the future.

Mail - Letters from readers.

Mail - advertising and announcements.

Mail - Corner lamer (children under 16 years of reading strictly forbidden).

Miscellaneous - Outlook: a new game from Mednonogova "Black Crow".

Miscellaneous - Prospects: Pink Floyd - the new operating system for the Spectrum.

Miscellaneous - Prospects: the game's expansion.

Miscellaneous - It was you.

Miscellaneous - A review of the game Kings bounty II.

Miscellaneous - Competition for the best level of the game Laser Squad continues. New competition at the micro-demo.

Miscellaneous - Questionnaire for the readers.

Amiga - cri de coeur: Windows 95, and another about something.

Amiga - Amiga-Club, questions and answers.

Amiga - Project PowerUp - the next generation Amig.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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