ZX Format #05
11 декабря 1996

Toys - 48 Iron (Part 4).

<b>Toys</b> - 48 Iron (Part 4).
48 IRONS - 4

music by DNK

 - Please fasten your seat belts - a pleasant voice said,
autopilot. Main snapped
buckle on his breast, and prepared for takeoff.
 When the helicopter gained altitude and
tinnitus had stopped, he
unbuckled the belt and turned over,
settling himself comfortably.
 - We have a long way,
- Announced a major to anyone
not specifically addressing. - Apartment belongs
opportunity to relax before the next step. Without waiting for 
the reaction, he looked at the talker and the grenade stuck to 
the inside, and shook his head irritably. Travel, as saying 
chief, was to be a long and he should take care of

your leisure. Fish up the first available book from the library 
of a camp, he read aloud:  - "Dune". Frank Herbert.

 - It does not sound very - said
talker, not looking up from the window -
but what's inside?
# - Now read, - answered
head and opened his book.
 - Well, what's inside? - Repeated after some time talker, who 
finally tired surrounding landscape.

 - Mmmm ... - Vaguely muttered the chief, for this small
time he managed to beat half of the book.
So he sat there, staring hard and fast turning
page, until finally he closed the book, and immediately
cry of pain, shook chatterbox, persistently gryzshego his
 - Well! - Sternly asked chatterbox.
 - As Well! Take yes read it.
Chatterbox grabbed a book in his arms and
retired to the other end of the cabin,
offended snorting. Chief touched his ear bitten again
settled down in his chair. They overcame nearly a third of the 
way, but there was still plenty of time. Read no longer wanted. 
He closed eyes. After a few minutes

reflections, chief lifted his head again and looked around. On 
glass, as if nothing had happened, flattened talker and, 
judging by everything, did not want to think about any books. 
Glancing out the window, the chief was somewhat surprised: 
instead of the usual green plains below them stretched the 
desert. He was quite met

climb for an explanation chatterbox, a helicopter suddenly 
swayed, engine sneezed once or twice and

 - The helicopter had come into disrepair,
- Said the autopilot - Please
all leave the board.
 - What? - Astonished chief.
 - Do as they say - for us
have thought! - Snapped a chatterbox and
threw out the main cabin. Such insolence that does not
expected, and so scared
did not really have time. Looking at the rapidly approaching 
ground Chief thought that finds these places.

 - No, I'm definitely the land
have already seen - the main muttered, rubbing his bruises. 
Looking around he discovered that he was not

listens, and hastily podudel in
whistles, calling friends. Grenade
and talker not slow to appear
and pounce on the main with
questions. He urged supporters to order and went to the smoking 
remains of the helicopter.  - What's your opinion, garnet? - He 
asked after a brief inspection.  - Rotten number. In the best 
case good for parts.

 Chief sadly nodded in reply to this message, then turned and 
strode toward the west.  Scorching sun at all and, although

travelers have been nothing at all, they
been thoroughly soaked in sweat.
Squad went down to the rocky
ridge, when the next major step is to set foot on the sand, 
said the sudden loud sound. Chief stopped and stamped yet

times. In response, once again boomed.
 - Well, there again? - Displeasure asked chatterbox going
 - Drum Sands - unexpectedly for itself the chief replied.
 - Thus, "the captain solar
blow ", - stated chatterbox.
 - No, I'm serious - dismissed the charge. - By the way, here
dangerous to walk in places such
there are sand worms.
 - Well, yes, of course! As well as dragons, werewolves and 
teachers Higher Mathematics.

Chatterbox jumped on the sand and not
Ignoring the protests
chief, walked on the dunes. But
did not have time to go and hundreds of friends
steps, both from the ground came a gentle whisper, very quickly
developed into a loud hiss. AND
Here at the feet of the astonished travelers
opened up a giant funnel,
getting to the bottom of which is not
please him who
whatsoever, or anything whatsoever

 - Back off! - Shouted the chief, and
fled. Warning
I must say it was excessive -
windbag and a grenade flew forward,
exactly backwards, faster self-screech.
 Immediately upon arrival at the safe
place, not letting his breath, the chief, for educational 
purposes, gave the team dressing.

 - Did not I say that always right? - He asked angrily, looking 
down guiltily at chatterbox.

 After the incident was
exhausted, on a brief meeting
it was decided to try to sneak around, to the east.

 The morning of the second day the travelers met near the crash 
site, hidden in a small oasis. Stocks came to an end, thirsty 
brutally. Barely seeing the first glimmers of dawn,

Chief began to push apart
was established between sleep companions.
 After half an hour from the porch
palm trees and acacias show the process of multiple carotid 
beings.  - Far from us yet? - Asked

chatterbox, suppressing another yawn, threatening dislocation 
of his jaw.  - Not much - FAQ Home -

ahead is something little black
whitens. Far really
began to emerge the outlines of
walls and fluttering
flags on them.

 - Pi .. it ... - Croaked somewhere
voice. Main instantly stopped him, saying,
never came down looking
under the feet of a chatterbox and a grenade. Through
while the main difficulty
climb out of the confusion and
looked. Slightly away from the
stony paths from the ground peeking tip of an ancient stone 
well, it is not noticeable at first glance. In scant shade of 
the buildings hiding even less noticeable man in rags and black 
glasses. Sounds uttered, apparently, it was he.  - Here's a 
funny man, - the chief came to his senses finally - near the 
well same sitting. Blind wanted

say something, but then changed his mind and shook his head.
Chief waited a little longer and
led his little party

 - Is there anybody home? - With
excellently contested aristocratic accent asked chatterbox, put 
his head in the door castle. Several bats

frightened sonorous voice,
broke down from the ceiling and flew to
 - Well, OK, - said windbag
- Come one by one. Four
dark figures crept through
hall and hid in one of the corridors.

 Dark corridor led a small
army in a vast hall, whose appointment is securely hidden
dust of centuries, available in abundance on all surfaces. All
that could shed light on
secrets of the castle, long decayed
and at first touch was blended with the surrounding dust. Number
experiments convinced the principal,
that nothing useful they are today
do not know. He chose a spot cleaner - next to the bush
Haloxylon who grew out of cracks in the stone floor, and watched
attempts of their friends to find that
or unrecognizable.
 "Most likely it was the watchtower" - the main thought. -
"From far seen
horizon, although it is not clear from whom and what to guard? 
In general, if you crawl ... Something similar

on the scarecrow! "
 - What? - Chief vytraschil stunned eyes.
 - We found something similar to
scarecrow, a fairly new - patiently repeated grenade.
 Chatterbox, a proud, showed his find came up the main - the 
construction of sticks and springs, really

somewhat resembles the skeleton of a scarecrow.
 - Russian Avant-Garde! - Introduced the construction of a 
ranger.  - Very nice - said

Chief - and what we do with it?
 Chatterbox puzzled look on
finding seems at this point, he somehow did not think.
Having taken a decision, he
grabbed the "skeleton" and angrily
tossed aside. Contraption
got butt in the gap between the stones and began to swing to
springs, resembling a metronome.
 - Wait a minute - Chief muttered, looking at the unexpected 
effect - it's tamper.  - Obscene words can not express! - 
Screamed the chatterbox.  - Yes, you leave me alone! It is used

to divert the sand worms.
 Chief caught a meaningful look chatterbox, and hastily added:
# - This is not, I figured out it was
written in the book.
 Chatterbox chuckled in response, but nothing to object did 
not. Strange yet decided to stick trick in the bag.

 More than anything in the hall of entertaining was not found, 
and friends, returning to the hall, turn into the next corridor.

 In this part of the castle is clearly someone
lived: a room, which ended in the corridor was the pantry,
crammed to overflowing different,
undoubtedly useful, things.
The appointment of the majority found
subjects remained unclear, but
their very presence instilled some hope.
 - But where is the boss? - His voice talker.
 - It's you I ask? -
surprised chief.
 - No, it's a rhetorical question,
- Followed by a quite serious
 - Hey, is anybody home? -
not openly, as loud cried the chief. There was no answer. Once 
the limit has been exhausted corridors, the whole company 
gathered in the hall and discuss next steps.  - Well, somewhere 
the owner should be! - Hotly argued chatterbox.

 - Yeah, the sky, dead years, commercials
one hundred ago - mimicking the chief mate.
# - We are, incidentally, at the top
have not yet watched - intervened
garnet. All as if on cue threw back his head. The most vigilant 
of all - gossip - after some

saw time in the wrong light
torches something, are the remains of staircase.
 - NDA, you need to have a monkey's agility to climb back - 
handed the chief. - To plant-ka me. Garnet and

chatterbox readily substituted
back and head, perched on them, clung to the edge
steps. The rest was
matter of technique. Sneezing and spitting out the dust which 
fell in the mouth, head crawled on the second floor. Others

followed after him. Despite skepticism about predictions
master was here, of course, if you can call the owner
of a decrepit old man that sat
the table in the corner. If
judged by his mind, he did not get up from his seat at least
week. Floor around the table was
littered with scary amounts of documents, accounts and other 
obscure securities. From the place where ended staircase led up 
to the table meandering path trodden

in a layer of dirt. To get closer, the chief cleared his throat 
delicately. The old man at the table started and stared at the 
chief suddenly clear view.  - Who are you, a strange creature! 
AND what you need in the castle Atreides? - The voice and 
manner is also not match the exterior of this

rights, but the chief did not pay
attention to either the one or the other
- His chief, known in
around the world, called "strange
creature! "No, this move
not! Oskorblenny in the best
chuvstavh, the chief immediately
withdrew, taking with their friends.
 - Well, let's go scare your
beloved worm? - Inquired
chatterbox when the chief of the company, cooled down and 
digest outrage stopped at the gate of the castle.  - No, I will 
try further to the east - said the main thought - so it may be 
closer.  But the hope that "something

there will be closer, "held
long. In one day's march from the castle came upon a traveler
at the mouth of a deep cave, which is an inquisitive chatterbox 
definitely decided to investigate.  Making his way across the 
slippery rocks and dodging the falling stalactites, my friends 
down deeper and deeper into the ground until

reaching the first talker, not given
signal to stop. Middle of the road rose carved from
huge piece of stone slab,
covered with cryptic writing.
Further, an underground passage narrowed and
Ten steps ahead grinned a human skull, however,
not inferior to the size of an elephant. The presence of this 
souvenir allowed to assume the nature of the warning labels on


 Windbag and a pomegranate, of course,
not suffering from superstitious fear
before the dead, departed
examine the skull, and the main
bent over the stove.
 - If I understand correctly, these
 - He said at last - the entrance
this cave is available
only gifted in
 - And we, therefore, the mind does not come out
- Responded to a chatterbox.
 - If we assume that all here
occurs both in the book -
continued to head - I would say that there lives this ...
well as his ... well, in general, Wise Mouse.
 - I wonder how he got here - muttered babbler trying to 
circumvent the skull behind.  - Sam came, I guess.

 - Skull? - Chatterbox stunned staring at the main.
 - No Mouse.
 - Yes, thinking something right, we do not yet
is just that!
 - You said yourself that we are wisely
did not come out - to soothe the other major - that's gone 
away, thanks We have something to do.

 - It is not why it was so
quickly away from there! - Fumed chatterbox. - Perhaps there
stored key of it all
mad house.
 - Maybe ... - start the main - Careful!
 Chatterbox, down the path with
hill in the heat of controversy almost
not come to something resembling a cross between a flower pot 
with umbrella.

 - What's that for a miracle? - Chatterbox
bent, staring at wonder.
 - Collector Dew "- without hesitation
replied the chief.
 - Again from the book?
 - Exactly.
 - Something too many coincidences - grumbled chatterbox up. - 
Okay, come on.  Friends crossed the next ridge and came to the 
coast ... sandy sea. Ahead

as the eye could see, stretched the desert.
# - Well, we go further east?
 - I do not know - hesitantly handed the chief. - It would not 
dry out on the road.  - And can borrow water from

this same "garbage"?
 - Well, well, happily, through half a year, so if you are very 
lucky, Having filled the mug.

 - A damp room will not be any "garbage" to work
faster? - Suddenly spoke up bag. Everyone looked at him as the 
crazy one.  - Where, let me ask, have you seen on this planet, 
wet room? - Sarcastically inquired chatterbox.

 - The duke in the castle should be
conservatory - no embarrassment, said bag.
 - I do with this old stump
talk will not go! - Sternly said the chief. - A vobschem 
something idea is not bad.

 - Do not spill! And so with gulkin
nose collect.
 - Listen, you will cease to grumble?
 - I somehow can and will stop, but
that will tell the chief?
Such dialogue is conducted with a bag of gossip, back from the 
ducal castle, bringing with them a little water. The process of 
collecting precious Moisture from the "garbage Dew accident, 
and it very upset friends.

 - Well, finally! - Cried
Chief, seeing approximation messengers - which have extracted?
Bag to show results.
 - Hmmm, this is clearly not enough -
summarized the principal. - Come
scare the worm.
 - Where the water?
 - Take with you, do not pour

 - Do you even know how to use this thing - he asked
talker in chief, pointing to the
 - I do not remember. The book was
written, but I forgot. Nothing on
poeksperementiruem place.
 - Perhaps, after all, it's better to look directly in the book,
- Made a sensible suggestion bag. - Soon by helicopter
 - Do not crawling?
 - It is not clear.
 - Are you sure that this thing
 - You bet! Won the beating, even
I hear. Friends lurk in the crevices between the rocks and 
looking forward to the arrival of the sandy worm in the last 
four hours. The worm has emerged as always a surprise. Four 
observers, has sent a wave of sand, flashed white as milk 
teeth, and poor "scarecrow" along with and a half tons of 
extraneous substance disappeared into the bottomless

belly. Fifteen seconds
Again all was quiet. Worm
crawled, being in full confidence that ate a hearty, but about
that no one knew. Chief of
the company has long stuck out, waiting to continue. When
, finally, they got out
their shelters, the impression of
what he saw was so strong
48 IRONS - 4

music by DNK

 - Please fasten your seat belts - a pleasant voice said,
autopilot. Main snapped
buckle on his breast, and prepared for takeoff.
 When the helicopter gained altitude and
tinnitus had stopped, he
unbuckled the belt and turned over,
settling himself comfortably.
 - We have a long way,
- Announced a major to anyone
not specifically addressing. - Apartment belongs
opportunity to relax before the next step. Without waiting for 
the reaction, he looked at the talker and the grenade stuck to 
the inside, and shook his head irritably. Travel, as saying 
chief, was to be a long and he should take care of

your leisure. Fish up the first available book from the library 
of a camp, he read aloud:  - "Dune". Frank Herbert.

 - It does not sound very - said
talker, not looking up from the window -
but what's inside?
# - Now read, - answered
head and opened his book.
 - Well, what's inside? - Repeated after some time talker, who 
finally tired surrounding landscape.

 - Mmmm ... - Vaguely muttered the chief, for this small
time he managed to beat half of the book.
So he sat there, staring hard and fast turning
page, until finally he closed the book, and immediately
cry of pain, shook chatterbox, persistently gryzshego his
 - Well! - Sternly asked chatterbox.
 - As Well! Take yes read it.
Chatterbox grabbed a book in his arms and
retired to the other end of the cabin,
offended snorting. Chief touched his ear bitten again
settled down in his chair. They overcame nearly a third of the 
way, but there was still plenty of time. Read no longer wanted. 
He closed eyes. After a few minutes

reflections, chief lifted his head again and looked around. On 
glass, as if nothing had happened, flattened talker and, 
judging by everything, did not want to think about any books. 
Glancing out the window, the chief was somewhat surprised: 
instead of the usual green plains below them stretched the 
desert. He was quite met

climb for an explanation chatterbox, a helicopter suddenly 
swayed, engine sneezed once or twice and

 - The helicopter had come into disrepair,
- Said the autopilot - Please
all leave the board.
 - What? - Astonished chief.
 - Do as they say - for us
have thought! - Snapped a chatterbox and
threw out the main cabin. Such insolence that does not
expected, and so scared
did not really have time. Looking at the rapidly approaching 
ground Chief thought that finds these places.

 - No, I'm definitely the land
have already seen - the main muttered, rubbing his bruises. 
Looking around he discovered that he was not

listens, and hastily podudel in
whistles, calling friends. Grenade
and talker not slow to appear
and pounce on the main with
questions. He urged supporters to order and went to the smoking 
remains of the helicopter.  - What's your opinion, garnet? - He 
asked after a brief inspection.  - Rotten number. In the best 
case good for parts.

 Chief sadly nodded in reply to this message, then turned and 
strode toward the west.  Scorching sun at all and, although

travelers have been nothing at all, they
been thoroughly soaked in sweat.
Squad went down to the rocky
ridge, when the next major step is to set foot on the sand, 
said the sudden loud sound. Chief stopped and stamped yet

times. In response, once again boomed.
 - Well, there again? - Displeasure asked chatterbox going
 - Drum Sands - unexpectedly for itself the chief replied.
 - Thus, "the captain solar
blow ", - stated chatterbox.
 - No, I'm serious - dismissed the charge. - By the way, here
dangerous to walk in places such
there are sand worms.
 - Well, yes, of course! As well as dragons, werewolves and 
teachers Higher Mathematics.

Chatterbox jumped on the sand and not
Ignoring the protests
chief, walked on the dunes. But
did not have time to go and hundreds of friends
steps, both from the ground came a gentle whisper, very quickly
developed into a loud hiss. AND
Here at the feet of the astonished travelers
opened up a giant funnel,
getting to the bottom of which is not
please him who
whatsoever, or anything whatsoever

 - Back off! - Shouted the chief, and
fled. Warning
I must say it was excessive -
windbag and a grenade flew forward,
exactly backwards, faster self-screech.
 Immediately upon arrival at the safe
place, not letting his breath, the chief, for educational 
purposes, gave the team dressing.

 - Did not I say that always right? - He asked angrily, looking 
down guiltily at chatterbox.

 After the incident was
exhausted, on a brief meeting
it was decided to try to sneak around, to the east.

 The morning of the second day the travelers met near the crash 
site, hidden in a small oasis. Stocks came to an end, thirsty 
brutally. Barely seeing the first glimmers of dawn,

Chief began to push apart
was established between sleep companions.
 After half an hour from the porch
palm trees and acacias show the process of multiple carotid 
beings.  - Far from us yet? - Asked

chatterbox, suppressing another yawn, threatening dislocation 
of his jaw.  - Not much - FAQ Home -

ahead is something little black
whitens. Far really
began to emerge the outlines of
walls and fluttering
flags on them.

 - Pi .. it ... - Croaked somewhere
voice. Main instantly stopped him, saying,
never came down looking
under the feet of a chatterbox and a grenade. Through
while the main difficulty
climb out of the confusion and
looked. Slightly away from the
stony paths from the ground peeking tip of an ancient stone 
well, it is not noticeable at first glance. In scant shade of 
the buildings hiding even less noticeable man in rags and black 
glasses. Sounds uttered, apparently, it was he.  - Here's a 
funny man, - the chief came to his senses finally - near the 
well same sitting. Blind wanted

say something, but then changed his mind and shook his head.
Chief waited a little longer and
led his little party

 - Is there anybody home? - With
excellently contested aristocratic accent asked chatterbox, put 
his head in the door castle. Several bats

frightened sonorous voice,
broke down from the ceiling and flew to
 - Well, OK, - said windbag
- Come one by one. Four
dark figures crept through
hall and hid in one of the corridors.

 Dark corridor led a small
army in a vast hall, whose appointment is securely hidden
dust of centuries, available in abundance on all surfaces. All
that could shed light on
secrets of the castle, long decayed
and at first touch was blended with the surrounding dust. Number
experiments convinced the principal,
that nothing useful they are today
do not know. He chose a spot cleaner - next to the bush
Haloxylon who grew out of cracks in the stone floor, and watched
attempts of their friends to find that
or unrecognizable.
 "Most likely it was the watchtower" - the main thought. -
"From far seen
horizon, although it is not clear from whom and what to guard? 
In general, if you crawl ... Something similar

on the scarecrow! "
 - What? - Chief vytraschil stunned eyes.
 - We found something similar to
scarecrow, a fairly new - patiently repeated grenade.
 Chatterbox, a proud, showed his find came up the main - the 
construction of sticks and springs, really

somewhat resembles the skeleton of a scarecrow.
 - Russian Avant-Garde! - Introduced the construction of a 
ranger.  - Very nice - said

Chief - and what we do with it?
 Chatterbox puzzled look on
finding seems at this point, he somehow did not think.
Having taken a decision, he
grabbed the "skeleton" and angrily
tossed aside. Contraption
got butt in the gap between the stones and began to swing to
springs, resembling a metronome.
 - Wait a minute - Chief muttered, looking at the unexpected 
effect - it's tamper.  - Obscene words can not express! - 
Screamed the chatterbox.  - Yes, you leave me alone! It is used

to divert the sand worms.
 Chief caught a meaningful look chatterbox, and hastily added:
# - This is not, I figured out it was
written in the book.
 Chatterbox chuckled in response, but nothing to object did 
not. Strange yet decided to stick trick in the bag.

 More than anything in the hall of entertaining was not found, 
and friends, returning to the hall, turn into the next corridor.

 In this part of the castle is clearly someone
lived: a room, which ended in the corridor was the pantry,
crammed to overflowing different,
undoubtedly useful, things.
The appointment of the majority found
subjects remained unclear, but
their very presence instilled some hope.
 - But where is the boss? - His voice talker.
 - It's you I ask? -
surprised chief.
 - No, it's a rhetorical question,
- Followed by a quite serious
 - Hey, is anybody home? -
not openly, as loud cried the chief. There was no answer. Once 
the limit has been exhausted corridors, the whole company 
gathered in the hall and discuss next steps.  - Well, somewhere 
the owner should be! - Hotly argued chatterbox.

 - Yeah, the sky, dead years, commercials
one hundred ago - mimicking the chief mate.
# - We are, incidentally, at the top
have not yet watched - intervened
garnet. All as if on cue threw back his head. The most vigilant 
of all - gossip - after some

saw time in the wrong light
torches something, are the remains of staircase.
 - NDA, you need to have a monkey's agility to climb back - 
handed the chief. - To plant-ka me. Garnet and

chatterbox readily substituted
back and head, perched on them, clung to the edge
steps. The rest was
matter of technique. Sneezing and spitting out the dust which 
fell in the mouth, head crawled on the second floor. Others

followed after him. Despite skepticism about predictions
master was here, of course, if you can call the owner
of a decrepit old man that sat
the table in the corner. If
judged by his mind, he did not get up from his seat at least
week. Floor around the table was
littered with scary amounts of documents, accounts and other 
obscure securities. From the place where ended staircase led up 
to the table meandering path trodden

in a layer of dirt. To get closer, the chief cleared his throat 
delicately. The old man at the table started and stared at the 
chief suddenly clear view.  - Who are you, a strange creature! 
AND what you need in the castle Atreides? - The voice and 
manner is also not match the exterior of this

rights, but the chief did not pay
attention to either the one or the other
- His chief, known in
around the world, called "strange
creature! "No, this move
not! Oskorblenny in the best
chuvstavh, the chief immediately
withdrew, taking with their friends.
 - Well, let's go scare your
beloved worm? - Inquired
chatterbox when the chief of the company, cooled down and 
digest outrage stopped at the gate of the castle.  - No, I will 
try further to the east - said the main thought - so it may be 
closer.  But the hope that "something

there will be closer, "held
long. In one day's march from the castle came upon a traveler
at the mouth of a deep cave, which is an inquisitive chatterbox 
definitely decided to investigate.  Making his way across the 
slippery rocks and dodging the falling stalactites, my friends 
down deeper and deeper into the ground until

reaching the first talker, not given
signal to stop. Middle of the road rose carved from
huge piece of stone slab,
covered with cryptic writing.
Further, an underground passage narrowed and
Ten steps ahead grinned a human skull, however,
not inferior to the size of an elephant. The presence of this 
souvenir allowed to assume the nature of the warning labels on


 Windbag and a pomegranate, of course,
not suffering from superstitious fear
before the dead, departed
examine the skull, and the main
bent over the stove.
 - If I understand correctly, these
 - He said at last - the entrance
this cave is available
only gifted in
 - And we, therefore, the mind does not come out
- Responded to a chatterbox.
 - If we assume that all here
occurs both in the book -
continued to head - I would say that there lives this ...
well as his ... well, in general, Wise Mouse.
 - I wonder how he got here - muttered babbler trying to 
circumvent the skull behind.  - Sam came, I guess.

 - Skull? - Chatterbox stunned staring at the main.
 - No Mouse.
 - Yes, thinking something right, we do not yet
is just that!
 - You said yourself that we are wisely
did not come out - to soothe the other major - that's gone 
away, thanks We have something to do.

 - It is not why it was so
quickly away from there! - Fumed chatterbox. - Perhaps there
stored key of it all
mad house.
 - Maybe ... - start the main - Careful!
 Chatterbox, down the path with
hill in the heat of controversy almost
not come to something resembling a cross between a flower pot 
with umbrella.

 - What's that for a miracle? - Chatterbox
bent, staring at wonder.
 - Collector Dew "- without hesitation
replied the chief.
 - Again from the book?
 - Exactly.
 - Something too many coincidences - grumbled chatterbox up. - 
Okay, come on.  Friends crossed the next ridge and came to the 
coast ... sandy sea. Ahead

as the eye could see, stretched the desert.
# - Well, we go further east?
 - I do not know - hesitantly handed the chief. - It would not 
dry out on the road.  - And can borrow water from

this same "garbage"?
 - Well, well, happily, through half a year, so if you are very 
lucky, Having filled the mug.

 - A damp room will not be any "garbage" to work
faster? - Suddenly spoke up bag. Everyone looked at him as the 
crazy one.  - Where, let me ask, have you seen on this planet, 
wet room? - Sarcastically inquired chatterbox.

 - The duke in the castle should be
conservatory - no embarrassment, said bag.
 - I do with this old stump
talk will not go! - Sternly said the chief. - A vobschem 
something idea is not bad.

 - Do not spill! And so with gulkin
nose collect.
 - Listen, you will cease to grumble?
 - I somehow can and will stop, but
that will tell the chief?
Such dialogue is conducted with a bag of gossip, back from the 
ducal castle, bringing with them a little water. The process of 
collecting precious Moisture from the "garbage Dew accident, 
and it very upset friends.

 - Well, finally! - Cried
Chief, seeing approximation messengers - which have extracted?
Bag to show results.
 - Hmmm, this is clearly not enough -
summarized the principal. - Come
scare the worm.
 - Where the water?
 - Take with you, do not pour

 - Do you even know how to use this thing - he asked
talker in chief, pointing to the
 - I do not remember. The book was
written, but I forgot. Nothing on
poeksperementiruem place.
 - Perhaps, after all, it's better to look directly in the book,
- Made a sensible suggestion bag. - Soon by helicopter
 - Do not crawling?
 - It is not clear.
 - Are you sure that this thing
 - You bet! Won the beating, even
I hear. Friends lurk in the crevices between the rocks and 
looking forward to the arrival of the sandy worm in the last 
four hours. The worm has emerged as always a surprise. Four 
observers, has sent a wave of sand, flashed white as milk 
teeth, and poor "scarecrow" along with and a half tons of 
extraneous substance disappeared into the bottomless

belly. Fifteen seconds
Again all was quiet. Worm
crawled, being in full confidence that ate a hearty, but about
that no one knew. Chief of
the company has long stuck out, waiting to continue. When
, finally, they got out
their shelters, the impression of
what he saw was so strong
 - Buckle up, go to
Landing - suddenly said autopilot.
 - What kind of landing? We
just took off!
 - Well, unless, of course, sleep
all the way, then, maybe, "just
that ', "came the exasperated
talker's voice. Only then did the chief realized that sitting 
with your eyes closed. He raised his head and looked around: 
around again was helicopter logging, bad gossip

and the familiar landscape outside the window. Mercilessly sore 

 "Is it just me
a dream? "- thought the chief,
- "But it was cool ..."

Other articles:

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.5

From the authors - the fifth issue of the journal.

Toys - 48 Iron (Part 4).

Toys - on popolochkam: Castle Master # 1

Toys - short story by playing Robin Of Sherlock.

Programmers - Basic for Dummies - Part 5.

Programmers - artificial intelligence in computer games.

Programmers - TR-DOS programmers.

Programmers - a description and history of the creation MEM.

Programmers - exchange of experience: On the effects on the curb, and about something else.

Programmers - the exchange of experience: "Counting the Brain" - AUTOconfig v5.03.

Programmers - adventure: a sensible approach to passing.

IS-DOS - users: a guide to basic commands and utilities, basic kit IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - the programmer: a short course in programming in the IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - IS-NEWS - "News of the World IS-DOS".

IS-DOS - software and hardware support for IDE HDD for the ZX Spectrum.

Iron - KAY: ZX Spectrum Ttransformer.

Iron - Technology is a war.

Iron - General Sound.

Iron - XTR Modem.


Iron - What if the Bat is not the correct type.

Iron - LPT COVOX and not only ...

Premiere - a program description Catalogue Master.

Premiere - description of the program Micro-editor. (MED)

Premiere - Text designer.

Interview - an interview with the developer of the clone HOBBIT (Part 2).

a rest - dictionary of advertising (with humor, but not without common sense!).

a rest - Memories of the future.

Mail - Letters from readers.

Mail - advertising and announcements.

Mail - Corner lamer (children under 16 years of reading strictly forbidden).

Miscellaneous - Outlook: a new game from Mednonogova "Black Crow".

Miscellaneous - Prospects: Pink Floyd - the new operating system for the Spectrum.

Miscellaneous - Prospects: the game's expansion.

Miscellaneous - It was you.

Miscellaneous - A review of the game Kings bounty II.

Miscellaneous - Competition for the best level of the game Laser Squad continues. New competition at the micro-demo.

Miscellaneous - Questionnaire for the readers.

Amiga - cri de coeur: Windows 95, and another about something.

Amiga - Amiga-Club, questions and answers.

Amiga - Project PowerUp - the next generation Amig.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   1 May