ZX Format #05
11 декабря 1996 |
Amiga - Project PowerUp - the next generation Amig.
Draft PowerUp the next generation Amig. music by DNK _________________________________________ Firma Phase 5 to announce the launch of a new Amigi model in 1997. City Oberyuzel, may 1996. In accordance with planami firm Phase5, nahodyascheysya in Oberyuzele about Frankfurta, later in 1997 stanet turning point for all lovers of Amigi. HOW TO dalneyshee logical continuation of the design for project PowerUp, which podrazumevaet razrabotku RISC-akseleratorov for existing models Amig, kompaniya obyavila that during the first six months of 1997. will vypuschena novaya kompyuternaya sistema, baziruyuschayasya nA OS Amigi. Eta sistema produce a complete revolution nA current computer market. "We will prodolzhat support platformy Amiga computers and any sredstvami sposobami because we were among the first polzovateley Amig and prekrasno aware of the possibilities and preimuschestvah this magnificent and with nothing sravnimoy system "- says Wolf Dietrich, the manager generalny Phase5. "Odnako, nastupilo time radikalnogo skachka technological advance, Amigu to bring into line with the vision of the concept nashim kompyutera XXI th century. By sozhaleniyu, we have seen too many polovinchatyh solutions za recent years. " According to the Technical Directors Company Phase5 Dzheralda Gardy should sdelat strong shag forward sravneniyu with the status quo order realizovat to new approaches: "Concepts, osnovannye nA standartnyh, nabivshih nauseam podhodah mira PC, et al with them, not nikogda davali and dadut dazhe those opportunities that predostavlyala Model A1000 for over 12 years nazad. "In accordance with this philosophy, the new computer will osnovan nA vysokointegrirovannom spetsprotsessornom nabore which when tsentralnym element of the system will provide nevidannye hitherto harakteristiki new Amigi, daleko superior analogichnye harakteristiki any of the currently existing computer platform wide use: "We namereny prodemonstrirovat opportunities, which will be rezultatom protivopostavleniya nashey policy blinkered niggling, the pressures now nA massovom market IBM-compatible computers, kogda radikalnogo any attempt to improve the system brings in sacrifice the desire to save date every zatrachenny nA razrabotku and production dollar, daby provide low price and selling massovy iznachalno defective products - prodolzhaet Dzherald Garda. Nevziraya nA vysheskazannoe should zametit that buduschaya Amiga does not stanet nedosyagaemoy dream for polzovateley, ogranichennyh in sredstvah. By slovam Volfa Ditriha - "Ha osnovanii nashih predvaritelnyh raschetov produkta future prices, we are able to zayavit an exceptionally low cost, kotoraya vsegda harakterizovala nashey products of companies belonging to amigovskoy platforme. Vysochayshaya degree integratsii realizatsiya components and innovative approaches to the construction of the system Architecture can achieve nevidannoy performance of the new system. Being osnovannym nA tsentralnoi processor PowerPC, a new computer, in addition to speed raboty samogo protsessora, predlagaet apparatnuyu support multimedia (in chastnosti, MPEG) functions and generatsii dimensional izobrazheny. Naiminimalneyshaya konfiguratsiya system rabotaet razresheniem to 1600x1200 at 24-bit color and kadrovoy chastote 72 Hz. At the same time apparatnaya chast pooderzhivaet a wide range of functions spetsializirovannyh by obrabotke izobrazheniya, zvuka and sozdaniya razlichnyh effects. There are inputs and outputs kanalov stereo with CD-kachestvom zvuka compatible for videostandartam genlokam and 24-bit video and FBAS / S-VHS video input. In addition to conventional interfaces, the controller has sistema takzhe Fast SCSI-II, and ISDN-network interfaces. With all these features, sistema, imeyuschaya 120 megagertsovy CPU PPC 603e, 1916 Mbayt The memory, SCSI-HDD with 1 Gb and quad-speed CD-ROM, will be retail value of no more than 3000 DM (1400 pounds and $ 2000 respectively) As prices nA nA Hardware Today , ZF> According to the latest extant data - Now $ 1000. (Napomnim that Daily price nA components has a constant downward trend). "We nadeemsya that maksimum year after nastoyaschego zayavleniya be able to offer system taktovoy chastotoy protsessora from 150 to 166 MHz "- prodolzhaet Wolf Dietrich:" What kasaetsya performance, in "pure processor" calculus ona consistent protsessoram Pentium with the same taktovymi chastotami. Odnako, realnaya speed raboty with graficheskimi obektami will nesravnimo higher than the TA, which dostignuta nA PC-platforme and sorevnovatsya them here with Us krayne be difficult. We will postavlyat and more powerful nA system 604e processor 150 MHz costs 4000 DM (1800 pounds and $ 2700 respectively). NA despite the fact that Phase5 utverzhdaet of zavershenii razrabotki concept of a new system, there is no possibility opublikovat informatsiyu more about her. "At the moment we nastoyaschy zanimaemsya voprosami zaschity avtorskih prav nA those new system solutions, which are abundant in sozdavaemaya sistema. Therefore, danny time We can not elaborate on the technical harakteristiki nashego produkta. HOW PROTECTION will only patentnaya obespechena corresponding dannye will immediately predany oglaske "- says Dzherald Garda:" For this reason polnaya spetsifikatsiya system will not opublikovana ranee kontsa June. "Porazhaet apparatura not only but also ensuring programmnoe sozdavaemoy system kotoraya postavlyatsya will be an entirely new operatsionnoy system skompilirovannoy nA native mashinnom code RISC-processor PowerPC, and Nevertheless, sohranyayuschey full compatibility with the third version of the OS Amigi. Dalee Dzherald Garda commented: "Since we are already in full razrabatyvaem PowerPC-orientirovannoe kernel is a library rasshireny and PowerPC-version CyberGraphX nashey in the context of future machinery, logically opravdannym shagom is takzhe radikalnoe improvement of other system components. Compatibility with the third version of the OS daet polzovatelyam opportunity prodolzhat ispolzovat exists for this release OS programmnoe software, rabotayuschee with bibliotekami CyberGraphX; at the same time razrabotchiki who are already implementing massirovannuyu support standarta CyberGraphX, will have the opportunity prodolzhat razvivat their products and for the new system without any problems. Therefore, y polzovateley Amig transition nA new system should occur absolyutno painlessly. In addition, a wide otkryvaetsya way to improve the entire radikalnogo programmnogo structure of the system software and a sharp rasshireniya spektra used system functions. "In addition to supporting 24-bit color palitry already stavshey standartom de-facto blagodarya CyberGraphX, Dzherald Garda takzhe upominaet coming standart CyberGraphX 3D and multimedia user interface as a possible primera. Takzhe coming obschaya optimizatsiya system and revision of the concept polzovatelskogo interfeysa according to the latest funktsionalnymi and aesthetic views in these oblastyah: "During many years of operating Amigi yavlyala a kontseptualnuyu realizatsiyu ideas rassmatrivayutsya many ekspertami HOW revolutionary. This znachit that pereprogrammirovanie OS will allow more complete raskryt zalozhenny it kolossalny potentsial and sozdat chrezvychayno powerful and naisovremenneyshuyu operatsionnuyu system. Razumeetsya, nasha sistema be otkryta to emulate in terms of takih platform, HOW MacOs or X-Windows. Kstati, existing nA these platformah discussion so-called operatsionnyh new systems tipa, according to is essentially a more market-trick rather than searching realisticheskoy alternativy tam existing system solutions. "Otrazheniem determination namereny Phase5 by sozdaniyu new produkta are finansovyh volumes of investments in its razrabotku: "By mid-1997 Year period the volume of investment will be calculated in semiznachnyh tsifrah - Wolf Dietrich said: "I nas have the know-hau, komanda razrabotchikov, technical and oborudovanie podderzhka third firms (especially firms Motorola), a takzhe finansovye required resources for successful implementation of zadumannogo. The only thing we zhelali - is massovoy support nashih nachinany with the entire amigovskogo soobschestva. Nashe dostatochno rannee zayavlenie about the upcoming project, not least vyzvano ozhidaniem priznaniya nashey pravoty with hand predannyh polzovateley Amig. In After all, only for them delaetsya and radi them. Therefore, we prizyvaem amizhnikov all mira pisat Us, posylat faksy or e-mail nA spetsialno for this purpose by address: aproject@phase5.de. Date every positive response nA nashu initsiativu will strengthen nashu confidence pravilnosti izbrannogo kursa. "
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