ZX Format #05
11 декабря 1996

Iron - Technology is a war.

<b>Iron</b> - Technology is a war.
        Necessary Foreword.

music by DNK.

   This article was originally intended for the newspaper 
ChasPik, but problemma raised here are significant enough (in 
our opinion) for all sinkleristov. We would very much like to 
see this Material saw the largest possible number of people.


              Calculate ...?
(C) Nemo.

"As long as you exist, concluded in its
vacuum, can you still think that you are in contact with the 
One, but as soon as nainaesh you shred the clay, even

e, you become deminurgom and
Whoever undertakes to create the world goes on
compromise with error and evil. "
Umberto Eco's "Foucault's Pendulum" (sheet 1)

  Computer Revolution caused a lot of
noise. Sometimes difficult to distinguish tinsel current 
passions of the fundamental laws of computing. Monthly 
escalation facilities simply intoxicating. However, this is not 
a case of which can be said in vinum veritas

(Latin for truth in wine). It's time to talk about
hangover. As the penetration of PC (PC -
PC) in all the deeper layers of the social organism all
often there are situations when an inadequate perception of the 
PC leads to serious consequences. Surface estimates and 
judgments gradually crystallize into stereotypes and canonize 
the Official Doctrine, creating an increasingly severe

danger of another kind, outwardly self
not be issued.

  Computers are now mapped to only
on a number of technical parameters, ie on
the principle of "butter will not spoil kasha" - higher 
performance, better computer. When This does fall out of 
consideration such "Subtlety" as a detailed analysis of the 
platform: the efficiency of interaction of the complex hard / 
soft (both at the processor / system commands, and system level 
in Total [l.5]), the relationship of performance and complexity 
of the interface User-to-PC, the relationship of macroeconomic 
parameters and the parameters of cost-effectiveness techniques. 
Moreover, these parameters are related popoarno, they also are 
closely dependent on each other. Therefore, decisions sometimes 
lead to results, is diametrically opposed to

anticipated. While the budget was a kettle
complete, it is very few people care. However,
like, it's different times and starts
felt the need for adequate criteria.

  Meanwhile, a bicycle has long invented and
these criteria, there are more than half a century.
Fundamental work in this area
known for such luminaries as Ashby, Norbert Wiener
[L.2] and Prigogine. Everybody knows that
bestellerom Wiener is his work
"Cybernetics". However, very few people know
interlinear title of the book, and then
these things that the word means. A. Ulmer (1834)
for example, thought that Computer Science - a
management science of human society. Its status as a 
"pseudoscience," she owes this value, since

open my eyes to many things
during the not so distant resting
an official taboo. Winer also summarized
these concepts to technical systems and living organisms, and 
first introduced the concept "Complexity." Since then, the 
theme is booming. Belgian Prigogine [l.3] real meaning, the 
term "complexity" and allocated fairly broad class of real

objects to which the applicable term.
(Note that the complexity of I. Prigogine understood in a 
somewhat different sense than than, for example, Kolmogorov). 
From the point of of dry theory there is no significant

the difference between a group of tank armies
operating behind enemy lines, computer platform and a religious 
order [Sheet 1] - they are all perfectly controlled and

almost uniformly described. Theory until
far from perfect, that does not prevent it,
however, provide tools for very specific numerical parameters. 
In the framework of the theory is possible as a synthesis and 
analysis of object models. [L.4] 

  If we consider the computer platforms, as complex objects, it 
turns out prelyubopytnye things. Well, first of all,

that Russia has only two platforms - is
PC platform and the platform Spectrum. As
said the classic high-Tribune "Another
There is no alternative. "The other candidates are not
pass on such a parameter as a critical mass of the platform. 
All sorts of different PC as it is, and the platforms do not. 
Incidentally us I mean the Russians, nothing prevents

to start the third, we assume, his own,
Russian platform. It is only necessary
aware that the initiation
platform requires astronomical amounts
money. The number of zeros in such a sum seems too large even 
after adjusting for inflation - it would be comparable to GNP. 
(In fact, this is equivalent to the creation of an entire 
industry.) If same initiation will not be made, then

complex system will be an open,
chain reaction will not go and will need external financial 
support. That is this is a very good way to get another hole in 
the budget of the federal scale. Kremlin dreamers seem to do 
about This is not suspect, While playing with architectures 
based on ZILOG-186. Results will be impressive if the words 
they will reach to the case and we have not only flowers,

and berries.

  Proper analysis of computer platforms
involves the study of such categories
as 1) the range of tasks platform (range of tasks platform 
splits into two: metazadachi addressed by the platform as a 
whole, they can easily be, for example, geopolitical, specific 
tasks, specific plzovateley: metazadachami with these problems

totally unrelated - the ordinary tankman
nonpositive know where to move his army group, and then, even, 
God forbid, scared. His case does not fall behind the group and 
put pressure on the pedals) 2) a critical mass - at the same 
time we have stayed at. 3) set the parameters of architecture, 
code density, the instruction set processor its productivity 
and capacity. 

  This is a highly specialized topic, it is unlikely
appropriate in this publication. Stop
worth only a few vulgar and
far from a true representation of this complex.

  Well, first of all, the identity of the real speed of your 
computer and clock Processor; direct comparison imeyushihsya 
amounts of memory (usually a memory means RAM (RAM), and under

volume - kolichetvo cell of the memory
expressed in pounds (2'10, 1024) or mega
(2'20; 1,048,576) bytes (bytes - 8'm bit).
So, for example for one of the first
"Classical" clones (clone - computer
designed under the platform and working with her mate. software 
(programmami)) - Platform Spectrum - "Sinclair-48"

the amount of memory in kilobytes is 48'm
enough to compete with
640 kbait memory XT286. Such a "paradox"
a higher level of chess
computer "Sinclair-48 compared with
XT286 explained very simply. The whole secret lies in the 
density code and the system command processor. The same 
algorithm (sequence of actions), implemented by the programmer 
in teams ZILOG and INTEL in length, measured in bytes,

may be different in two or more times. Accordingly, the 
required and more memory. In this case, we can say that the 
code density is different in two times only by the instruction 
processor. (The system command processor ZILOG teams in few 
easy times greater than in INTEL) And when you consider such a 
trifle as that programs for the PC-clone written in

mostly high-level languages, and for
Spectrum-clones - almost exclusively on
assembly (ie, one can assume that direct
in the mash. code), then the density is almost
package will vary by tens of times. By
This 48 KB "Sinclair'a", in some
cases (when dealing with com file)
are equivalent to 640 KB PC XT.

  Direct comparison of clock speeds
true even for the clones of a single platform,
for various platforms such as comparison and does make sense. 
For example Computers family Amiga (platform

lack thereof in Russia) are working with graphics and sound 
with such efficiency that PC users can only shut

ears, close my eyes and cry that all this
lie parallel to collecting money for
next Upgrade. And this is 14Mgts processor Amiga, against 
120Mgts processor PENTIUM. (To gain insight into the name

Pentium, enough to focus on
associations. Pentagon - what it is -
known. Pent [acul] um, Lat. - Invisible star-shaped structure, 
a mystical Rose magicians. Penticapea, Lat. - A five-pointed 
star - brand (brand) working cattle (goyim) used in the 
construction "Solomon's Temple" and who had no representation 
nor the purpose nor the general plan construction. "Torah," 
Jewish tradition) The secret of the "fast" graphics lies in the 
architectural niceties. 

  If the reader thinks that the speed (clock frequency) 
Processor INTEL increases for the increase in real performance 
information system as a whole, he is mistaken. This

quite understanding, and certainly not in Russia,
redistribution rates soft'a (software, software - as you know,
Russians are not inclined to pay for it) - in
hard (hardware). For software
PC platform characterized by methodical reduction of code 
density. Why transatlantic programmer to wrestle with a 
compilation of the shortest sequence teams, if in his 
possession 166 MHz Pentium'a and 32 MB of "brains". And it is 
not quickie, but a fully rational approach to

business - time, as they say, money - that's
whose only? User sitting at
Technology two years ago, was surprised
discovers that his machine works by
slower than the "fresh" program
product he uses. The effect is sometimes so obvious, it seems 
that the processor "sit batteries - done a subtle hint that 
Uncle Sam has to pay the money. (More precisely - Uncle Bill 
(not Clinton)). Generally, the continuous replacement

instrumentation - a way of life lay users PC. What are the 
taxes there, what rent, which the family - not would fall 
behind the group, to have time to do ocherednaoy upgrade 
(upgrade), while the available equipment is not impaired. This 
psychology of an addict - to find pleasure in regular 
otstegivanii money. Users, practitioners upgrade, essentially 
become regular informal dealers IBM. Platform as a whole the 
rate of decrease in the density code specifies "Half-life of 
active material" and its aggressiveness to capture the market. 
Waste slag - outdated technology is squeezed out of the core 
platform and scores all the pores of the economic (and now 
public) of an organism. 

  For multimedia applications, capable of
devour all the resources available, "the half-life 
(depreciation period of equipment) just over a year. Probably, 
this fact may seem fun for the home Users accustomed to buying 
household technique for at least fifteen years. One-year 
amortization period, I think, very interested as a corporate 
user (as long as the potential, the well-known for their 
conservatism and lack of money), min. Nar. Arr. 

  For the platform manufacturer Spectrum
simple enough to master the production and complies with 
existing, albeit not very high, the technological level of 
industries. The market is naturally protected because similar 
products the West is not performed, and verified to work on the 
poor eastern market western producer would not. Support own 
unique customer value in the field of computer technologies 
based on compact processor architecture ZILOG, (not requiring 
cumbersome and inaccessible to the manufacturer designs) and 
the platform Spectrum, will form an information environment 
that is able to both attract investment and get the work of the 
enterprise sector, ie create jobs. Prices of final products

(Both hardware and software) will be such that they become
available to the public. And this is - is a transition to
mass production, without which high technology is simply 
unthinkable. This Spectrum - Platform differs from the

Platform for IBM, where domestic
commodity producer is not competitively, and now competes with 
the trash tank referred to the firm that is humiliating and 

  For a system of public education
Spectrum - a clone of the only available masovye PK who can 
afford School for financial reasons. Despite the obvious 
disadvantages of part performance, compared with Platform IBM, 
Spectrum is in force svoei architectural simplicity, (which

can be called Classical, unlike
clever IBM) can provide a good
methodological tool for students. This
agrees well with the typical
Russian principle of fundamental (of academic education), ie 
bases operation of information systems,

this case. In reality, however, the course of science 
increasingly is becoming a initial employment oriented training 
to operate the imported equipment. 

  So that the reader has a clearer
an idea of ​​what is at stake, it is useful
lead a small amalgam of encyclicals
orders and opinions of the responsible
persons. So: "The equipment supplied
must work under the Window's "- Bole than
clear statement, "The basis of learning
should be laid-skills
'Blind' work on the keyboard "- it seems
public education has decided to withdraw special breed 
woodpeckers neobremenneyh brains. The view that a shortage of 
brains can compensate for their excess in the computer (under 
the "brains" of computer scientists understand the amount of 
memory (RAM), measured in megabytes) - dangerous and can make

very far. Park UKNC not to write off and
Do not update "- harmless in itself,
statement in the context of other, takes a very specific 
meaning. "Screen Spectrum'a harmful to vision. "Probably

Queen Elizabeth, setting Clive
The title of Lord Sinclair in the mid-eighties, was referring 
to the millions blinded Englishmen - users of its

system "Sinclair-48." If we are to raise
the question of harm to eyesight, we should be alarmed about 
the game prefixes "DENDY", the screen which differs little from 
Spectrum'ovskogo on resolving power, and who, nevertheless, 
were certified and imported into large numbers of Chinese 
children in aged 6-9 years.

  Teens often to Spectrum'u some interest, since sostemyne 
​​complexity exceeds the level available to them. Price 
Spectrum'a allows you to have it at home, as a personal 
computer is almost any young person, regardless of family 
financial position. This may seriously deepen and extend 
learning subject in school. Quite real, like a computer class 
where the teacher workstation, equipped with PC (here he, 
singular, is actually to place), after hours can be

used as a BBS on the school phones. Equipped AON'om such 
BBS-station will allow students from their home

Your computer comes under the control of FIDO
and the Internet (in Russian-speaking environment; Internet 
will only perform the function switching and packet 
forwarding). Such structure is usually called a "network of

network. "The price for students will be more than an order of 
magnitude smaller than the direct output (on line) on the 
Internet ($ 20 per month + $ 3 per minute (information not 
verified)). If such costs will not be able to take the budget, 
it will pay parents: at least it is more useful and cheaper 
than endless upgrad'y - and for budget, and parents.

  Using the IBM PC - Computers for
initial employment training in school
means: regular updating of technology (aka labor reserves would 
be uncalled); regular retraining teachers (on new equipment and 
new Software); narrowly focused - if students

will explore and text editors, and
accounting system and database,
actually they would not know a single or
second nor the third is this will be a nodding acquaintance 
with computer. Teach also "blindly" gouge on the keys and can be

on Spectrum'e - long designed and sold to the appropriate 
adapters for PC - keyboard.

  In the good old days, the organization (and
payment, including) the initial labor training took on the 
employer. He is attached to the group (school class) his 
teacher and provided graduates with jobs. In an era

Developed Socialism (despite the fact
that this was an era of economic idiocy), it was quite a 
working mechanism, excuse yourself. Now, these costs trying to 
hang on a budget. Even without taking into account the 
inefficiency of such training, can easily

understand that the budget is not a pull. A pull my employer?

  This is a very interesting question. Options
platform as a whole are described as macro. A case in 
makrekonomicheskie Russia is as follows. First

all, of course, Moscow. In Moscow by
concentrated 80% of the turnover of money in Russia.
This parameter is awarded capital
the honorary title of "51 States". Probably the Moscow employer 
will be able to pay and equipment, and training. But what about 
the case in his native Palestine? In St. Petersburg recently as 
last summer, was about 18% of Russia's turnover, but then there 
came a man in a cap and blew it - so at least it looks the 
part. Scales vary: Spectrum - IBM. Inevitably have to analyze 
the comparative benefits of and another. IBM technique proved 
unprofitable in our conditions. Tight financial policies has 
revealed it in all its glory. Slump in prices - a vivid

confirmation. Firms operating in the IBM
platform, trying to gloss over this misunderstanding and 
frantically shove liberated fleet of computers at apartments, 
trying to turn a PC into an object of mass consumption. In the 
rest of Russia is slightly more than 2% of the turnover of 
money, ie the rest of the Celestial Empire is, in fact, a 
subsistence economy. What really there is a PC, and the more 
vocational training. In the near future in regions not there is 
money even for Spectrum. 

  It is doubtful that the rate of growth exceeds the rate of 
the preceding fall. Ie to the level of life 1990 we have raised 
no less than 7 and let.A 1990 was just so foreign when budget 
delivery of IBM technology in schools has become impossible. 
Seven years for platform - a significant period of time. Only

over the past two - three years Spectrum has doubled the memory 
capacity and speed. Already in Next year will be double-double

memory, and once again double the speed, enter the full-screen 
character and the OS. This will not only to meet sanitary 
requirements, but also talk about commercial applications 
(project TRANSFORMER). This can be done without any tightening 
technological requirements and increase prices by only 10-15% 
(we are talking about computers in the collection). The rate of 
development instrumentation essentially constrained

a conservative platform, which
quite natural for a "Home Computer"
(Home computer) which is
Spectrum. The yield on the system of public education and 
commercial applications able to break the deadlock.

Incidentally, IBM - clones have nothing to do and
production. Processor Family ZILOG
for a long time and around the world platted his or her
nest, because as process controllers, they have no competition. 
Much better to have a uniform shop monosredu as a set of 
controllers ZILOG'ovskih than concentrated computational power 
to INTEL'e (IBM). 

  PC users are usually not for the trees
see the forest. Need a different, detailed view, which would 
allow look at the PC platform outside and cover it as a whole, 
identifying its organic flaws as a complex system as a whole. 
Platform Spectrum, speaking as an opponent, can develop and 
provide This point of view.

  The main problem behind -
the inability to counteract the system
stereotypes, turned into
Official doctrine, which introduces a
misled many people. Monoculture
IBM, like a weed, choking all the germs of common sense, 
contrary to it. This is an extremely dangers. However, 
countering and deterring the PC platform in its economically - 
viable framework is possible only at the level of counteracting 
platform. All sorts of purely academic delights, whether they 
are true even three times, will be voice in the wilderness. 
Platform Spectrum can provide such an opportunity.

 Maybe with the help of platfotmy Spectrum
and not be able to settle the raging
"Dinosaurs" to their ethnic homeland. But
themselves spin-offs will have
very important and far-reaching consequences
both technically and economically
and socio-cultural terms. Particularly want to emphasize that 
an explicit constructive grain in this approach to problemma 
which dramatically sets him apart from the common and 
widespread practice of patching specific holes, which is 
fundamentally unable to reverse the existing (and 
macro-economic, including) the trend is not to mention a 
creative strategic potential. Need to expend energy

(Time, money, labor) than patching holes,
and the support and coordination processes
which will lead to their extinction.

  Historically, the typical российскойгосударствености clumsy 
attempts to "bestow" their people above have outlived 
themselves and they should have no place in the postindustrial 
era. Course of history has always would return Russia to the 
point where decision was wrong. Of course

Now, with respect to informtsionnym
technologies, we have to go back
7 let.Dlya culture that moment. Samu
culture, itself a public body can
regarded as a complex system. This
can explain much of the story. Oppressed by the force in the 
early 18 th century religious schism Accompanying the abolition 
of the patriarchate and the establishment of St. Synod (ie, 
absorption of church government, Nikonov reform) without being 
obsolete and not co-opted by the culture, resulted in to 
national disasters: a new split and religoiznym war years 
1917-24 (Remember: "... and the commissars in dusty helmets bow 
down in silence at me "- is not the twelve apostles, nothing 
evangilie?) History does indeed repeat property. Here's a quote 
from the text of the 18 th century [L.6]:

"... It is a small thing, all the bride of Christ destroyed. 
Romans destroyed by thieves, blyadiny children, ruined, 
disgraced zelo. Rage are playing in the church of that! Coy that

captured, he then dragged her ... "The words of Archpriest of 
Habakkuk, as if written today ... 

  If, once again, the decision will
taken wrong, for it prdetsya
pay a high price. Perhaps someone
such profound generalizations seem pretentious. We turn to the 
N. Winer, one of the Pillars of the computer revolution. (1964)


"The computer is valuable for exactly
so how valuable uses it
man ... We can appreciate more on
person for the work he performs. We have to evaluate him as a 
man ... If we insist on the use of machinery everywhere, 
bezotnasitelno to people, but prehodim not the most fundamental

consideration and do not give human beings the proper place in 
the world, we are lost. " 

  But something about computer technology (again, N. Winer)

  "The progress of automation in the past been detained several 
times. It is not necessary, if we make a new weapon, immediately

let him move. "

Combination of hypertrophic state imposes its sverhdorogih
services and absurd decision and the lack of
civil society (middle class)
able to sballansirovat and control (to limit the ambitions)
seems anachronistic for the postindustrial era. Bearing in mind 
the words of Machiavelli, "The purpose of government - 
Reproduction power, "we can say that information technology 
will force authorities to respect its citizens, since otherwise 
the power of his lose power. Want to or not, and

have to trust and to provide its
citizens the right to make decisions and
responsible for them, thus filling the meaning of "national 
idea" and to which it makes its own contribution. Then

characteristic of Russian culture and world collegiality stop 
regularly translated into life as a herd and help each 
individual realize their self-worth is through

service to Russia and not kokomu a specific person or official 
doctrine, which, generally speaking, may not conform to 
national interests. 

  The author can be accused of undue bias and categorical 
ratings. Perhaps this is so. However, the validity approach in 
general is not in doubt. Work on such excess uslozhennoy 
technique as IBM, leads to unnecessary losses

time, effort and money and disproportionate results obtained. 
Technique IBM does not match the economic realities of Russia, 
and the slump in prices for computers due to precisely this, 
and not another "Technological breakthrough" SSHA in the 

  Market rejects economically inefficient technique because it 
just does not pay off. Probably the tendency will grow market, 
at least, is oversaturated IBM-clones. The use of such 
computers at home for the unskilled polzovatlya for its 
intended purpose, ie, as a universal means of information 
processing, it is impossible. 

  Sometimes users Spectrum'a allude to the fact that they lag 
behind the time, not Passing on a platform PC. Same author

seems that, by happy
chance, they managed to avoid it
temptation. If they are really lagging behind,
then the herd compatriots lomanuvshihsya there all in a heap. 
And the herd effect triggered by Her Majesty's

Official doctrine.

  Well inakonets prospects. Efficiency (economic feasibility)
information technologies is directly linked
with the macroeconomic parameters. In
Specifically, with real incomes. These settings are instantly 
changed can not be. It will take years, if not

decades, to power PCs were imported fleet demand
en masse, and based on economic considerations (and not for 
reasons of prestige, or someone else's benefit). Platform

Spectrum now able to realize
and support architecture that is comparable to
286/386 models, IBM PC. Which,
simplicity of the interface and adaptability to
Russian conditions, and will be better and more profitable than 
the monsters of IBM.


1. Umberto Eco's "Foucault pendulum" (Roman;
Publishing House "Feith" Kiev, 1995, 780s.

2. Nobert Winner "Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in 
the Animal and Machine" Publishing House 2-e, Nauka, Moscow 
1983, 340s. 

3. G. Nicolas and I. Prigogine, "Exploring Complexity". Trans. 
from English. Dr Faculty of Sciences m VF Pastushenko. M., 
"Mir" 1990, 334s. 

4. L. Glass and Mackey M. From Clocks to Chaos:
Rhythms of Life ", Ed. from English. 1991 AM; Mir

5. Niklaus Wirth, "On the development of languages
programming to design
Computer "-" Microprocessor
means and systems "N4 1989.

6. Habakkuk (priest) "Life of Archpriest
Habakkuk, written by himself and others
his writings / [avt.komment. NK Gudz and
others, the accession of Art. G. Prokhorov] - Arkhangelsk, 
North-West. book. Publishing House, 1990 - 351s. - (Russian 
North) quote: p. 95. 

Other articles:

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.5

From the authors - the fifth issue of the journal.

Toys - 48 Iron (Part 4).

Toys - on popolochkam: Castle Master # 1

Toys - short story by playing Robin Of Sherlock.

Programmers - Basic for Dummies - Part 5.

Programmers - artificial intelligence in computer games.

Programmers - TR-DOS programmers.

Programmers - a description and history of the creation MEM.

Programmers - exchange of experience: On the effects on the curb, and about something else.

Programmers - the exchange of experience: "Counting the Brain" - AUTOconfig v5.03.

Programmers - adventure: a sensible approach to passing.

IS-DOS - users: a guide to basic commands and utilities, basic kit IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - the programmer: a short course in programming in the IS-DOS.

IS-DOS - IS-NEWS - "News of the World IS-DOS".

IS-DOS - software and hardware support for IDE HDD for the ZX Spectrum.

Iron - KAY: ZX Spectrum Ttransformer.

Iron - Technology is a war.

Iron - General Sound.

Iron - XTR Modem.


Iron - What if the Bat is not the correct type.

Iron - LPT COVOX and not only ...

Premiere - a program description Catalogue Master.

Premiere - description of the program Micro-editor. (MED)

Premiere - Text designer.

Interview - an interview with the developer of the clone HOBBIT (Part 2).

a rest - dictionary of advertising (with humor, but not without common sense!).

a rest - Memories of the future.

Mail - Letters from readers.

Mail - advertising and announcements.

Mail - Corner lamer (children under 16 years of reading strictly forbidden).

Miscellaneous - Outlook: a new game from Mednonogova "Black Crow".

Miscellaneous - Prospects: Pink Floyd - the new operating system for the Spectrum.

Miscellaneous - Prospects: the game's expansion.

Miscellaneous - It was you.

Miscellaneous - A review of the game Kings bounty II.

Miscellaneous - Competition for the best level of the game Laser Squad continues. New competition at the micro-demo.

Miscellaneous - Questionnaire for the readers.

Amiga - cri de coeur: Windows 95, and another about something.

Amiga - Amiga-Club, questions and answers.

Amiga - Project PowerUp - the next generation Amig.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
Programmers - the exchange of experience: "Counting the Brain" - AUTOconfig v5.03.
All life is a game - Novella to the game "Operation RR" (End).

В этот день...   29 April