Subliminal Extacy
01 апреля 2001 |
Interview with K-0s / Raww Arse
Interview with K-Os / Raww Arse By LaesQ / Raww Arse LaesQ interviews one of Raww Arses most mysterious characters and finds out some deep and interesting secrets. LA: Hello K-Os! K0: That's Mister to you! LA: OK. Hello MR. K-Os! K0: That's better. Hello. LA: How did you first get interested in Speccy? K0: Well, it was shortly after I was 8. My friends all had Lego, but my parents decided that I should have something a bit more complex than Lego. LA: So you grew up on Lego? K0: Well, I ate a bit of it if that's what you mean. LA: Ummm, so what did your parents decide to get you instead of Lego? K0: A great little computer called a Sinclair ZX Spectrum which boasted 48k of memory! Not that I knew what all that crap ment back then. All I know is I loved playing Horace Goes Skiing! Man that game kicked (raww) arse! LA: Any other favourites you can remember? K0: Yeah, I remember VU-ЗD. I spent a week solid trying to design a Lego brick on it. LA: So you where a big fan of Lego? K0: I still am! LA: But what about games? Do you have any other favourites? K0: Umm, Commando. But I got that a few years later. LA: What was the first Speccy demo you remember ever watching? K0: LYRA II by ESI. It was on a cover tape of S.U. (Sinclair User). LA: Damn good demo! And what did you think of it? K0: It made a change from playing games. It was like a new side of my Speccy I'd never seen before. I was impressed by what they could make a Speccy do. I enjoyed that dancing bird the most. I've tried to make a model of her from Lego. That's what disappointed me about the demo. LA: What? Only one bird? K0: No. No Lego in the demo. LA: What's your obsession with Lego? K0: What obsession? I have no obsession. LA: Ok then. When did you discover you talent as a gfx guy? K0: Well, ever since I was about 7 I've had a talent of drawing stuff. In my mid-teens I had a period of doing graffiti. And when I got my first Amiga around the same time I started drawing in Deluxe Paint. LA: So when did you become aware of 'the scene'. K0: Well, it was several years after I got my Amiga 500 that a friend got interested in PD (Public Domain) software. He would bring round demos and utils which where freely distributable. LA: What was the first Amiga demo you remember watching? K0: Desert Dreams By Kefrens. LA: That demo roxx!!! And what do you remember about it? K0: Oh everthing! There's too much to list! But the one thing that stuck in my head was that the gfx in that demo where great and I wanted to do stuff of a similar quailty. LA: Was there anything that stuck in your head in the demo? K0: Yeah! That circular saw that cuts through the screen! Oh and also that it there was STILL NO LEGO! LA: Stop it with the DAMN LEGO! K0: Why? LA: Cos this interview has nothing to do with LEGO! K0: Oh, doesn't it? LA: NO! K0: Umm, Well I'm off to play with my Lego now then!
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