Subliminal Extacy
01 апреля 2001 |
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Devious and Lethal Cocktails

Devious and Lethal Cocktails By Devious D of the United Minds No doubt all you readers out there like getting pissed quite a lot of the time! I know I do! So you're probably wondering how best to spend your money, so you can get 'off the radar' for less money than you normally spend. So here's some useful tips on how to accomplish this: 1. Don't bother with beer, lager or any shit like that. Start on the hard stuff, which is strong wine or anything stronger! 2. Don't go to the pub. They are real rip-off bastards, and will charge you about 2 quid for a pint of decent beer. To get a decent amount of shorts down you, it'll cost you an arm and a leg. Better still drink even more, then it'll cost you a leg and a leg, and then you'll always be legless! 3. Always go to the off license, not the corner shop, as the corner shops are also total rip-off bastards! 4. So now you're at the off license. If you're under age then you probably won't get served, but don't worry about that. Just borrow some of your older brother's trendy gear or something. Good ways of getting served are: A) Eat your greens for about 5 years before you want to get pissed. Then you will be so fucking tall the geezer behind the counter wont believe you're not 18! B) Get pissed before you go!!! Then remember to breathe heavily on the bloke behind the counter and he'll think you've already been served somewhere else, and so will serve you! Be careful with this one, as if you actually look pissed, then he may not serve you, as there is a law that says he cannot serve someone who is already drunk (I think!). C) Be incredibly tall, and don't act as if you're doing anything out of the ordinary. (It works for me!). So here's what you should buy: (for 4 people) 1 big bottle of thunderbird (Blue) 4 little bottles of castaway 4 cans of diamond white (also known as 'Diamond shite') 4 cans of kestrel super strength lager (brewed to 10% and has methanol added to give you a hangover, I think. Well it tasted like anti-freeze!) 2 bottles of fizzy wine (at least 8%) Now you go back to someone's house, take all of this shit up to their bedroom, and make sure for maximum effect that their mother is sitting downstairs. (actually if you don't want to get bolloxed you can kick her out or something) Now you get four cups, and proceed to do the following: Pour your bottle of castaway into the cup, then a generous measure of thunderbirds. Drink about half of this, then top up with diamond shite. Then you can stir it round with your finger, watch you don't get it burned off. Then drink another half a cup, and top it up with the kestrel superstrength. Leave the rest in the can, for reasons we'll come to later. Then drink half of this. Now top up with the fizzy wine & another measure of thunderbirds. Drink this straight down and get your nearest mate to help you finish the bottle of thunderbirds. Now glug down some fizzy wine, and you will be pretty badly pissed. How can I put it? I know, let's just say that you will need to keep your head back in case you spill any. Then drink your kestrel lager, or if your a real BASTARD like one of my mates, then keep it until later, and while someone's being sick pour it down the back of their neck. This will make them stink like a fucking BREWERY! Anyway, now once you've stood up, get all the bottles into a plastic bag, send your mate in to say that he's going out to his mother. Before she can say anything RUN LIKE FUCK! Now, with any luck you should be out of your mate's house. Now take a detour all round the streets until you find a real neat grass verge in front of someone's house. Now abandon the bag on the grass verge, and RUN LIKE FUCK. By this time, you will be being sick everywhere, etc. and will feel shivery and cold, and scared to go home. Well now you can do what you like, but if you've got no imagination here are a few pointers: If you have to be home for a certain time then lie on the pavement for an hour, then catch the bus home. Puke on the bus floor, and fall asleep. Wake up about two or three stops after you should have got off. Follow a short bloke all the way home, and then deny all knowledge of anything. Refuse to say anything without having your solicitor present. Then blame your mates. (This is what I did!!!) If you're cold, then break into a shopping centre for warmth and sleep it off. Then talk to some six year old kids and cause havoc in a video shop! (This is what my mates did!) When you next see your mates you'll have loads to talk about,and you can get kicked to bollocks and beyond off the guy you poured lager on!!! Enjoy, Devious D
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