Inferno #04
22 июня 2003

Softinka - Resident System Extensions (RSX) in ZXVGS.

<b>Softinka</b> - Resident System Extensions (RSX) in ZXVGS.
      Resident System Extensions

       Resident System Extentions

There are modules for ZXVGS, which increase its capabilities 
and does not depend on the hardware and system code. They are 
loaded in memory accessible only to the system and stay there 
in future. 

  Existing or under development RSX

Extensions syntax:
$ B. RZX - emulator TR-DOS - access to real faylam, low 
compatibility (already There is limited)

BA2.RZX - extends the syntax of BASIC -
compatibility with TOS A.2 (plans)
BD1.RZX - extends the syntax of BASIC -
compatibility with DISCiPLE / + D (in plans)
BI1.RZX - extends the syntax of BASIC -
compatibility with Microdrive (plans)
BJR.RZX - extends the syntax of BASIC -
compatibility with ELWRO 800 Junior (in the plan s)
BZX.RZX - extends the syntax of BASIC -
allows you to download and save disk
files (already available, does not change directory)
PRG.RZX - extends the syntax of BASIC -
compatibility with ELWRO 800 Junior (in the plan s)

Loading Data:
BLK.RZX - loads the files "*. BLK", like TAP.RZX (a)
SCL.RZX - emulator TR-DOS - reads the container file, the 
average compatibility (there are limited) TAP.RZX - loads files 
*. TAP (a) Z80.RZX - loads snapshots "*. Z80"

SNA.RZX - loads snapshots "*. SNA"
(In preparation)
SLT.RZX - loads snapshots "*. SLT" from intercepting calls to 
the tape (In preparation)

Driver disk:
DSK.RZX - a disk image?? (Plans)
FDI.RZX - emulator TR-DOS - access to the image, fully 
compatible (in plans) MDR.RZX - Emulator Interface 2 (plans)

MGT.RZX - disk images (plans)
TRD.RZX - emulator TR-DOS - to access the disk image, high 
compatibility (Plans)

PLUS3DOS.RZX - allows you to use disks with titles PLUS3DOS 
(plans) TRDOS.RZX - emulator TR-DOS - uses

current drive (in the plans)

Loaders graphics:
BMP.RZX - lets you download and burn
BMP-picture (there is very limited)
GIF.RZX - lets you download and burn
GIF-image (the plans)
GRP.RZX - lets you download and burn
GRP-picture (plans)
IFF.RZX - lets you download and burn
ILBM-picture (plans)
JPG.RZX - lets you download and burn
JPG-image (the plans)
PCX.RZX - lets you download and burn
PCX-images (the plans)

Printer Drivers:
DESKJET.RZX - install the printer HP Desk
Jet (plans)
EPSONFX.RZX - installs a dot matrix printer with 9 pins (there 
is limited) GP500AS.RZX - installing a printer

Seikosha GP500AS (plans)
LASERJET.RZX - installing a printer
HP LaserJet (plans)
PRINTER.RZX - the current driver to use
Printer (created by the user of the other)

51X24.RZX - screen driver for 51 column
SAMTAPE.RZX - (SAM only) lets you download from the tape 
through the code SAMROM (Plans)

ZXVGSVBM.RZX - Virtual Manager
banks (plans)

-----------------------------------------( Simplified 
Backus-Knauer): x, y, z. .. represent numeric expressions

x $, y $ ... represent alphanumeric

c is any character
d predstvalyaet one digit (0 .. 9)
b represents any command

[A] means 'A can be omitted'
{A | B | C} means 'A or B or C'
[A. ..] means' A can be omitted

          or repeated many times'

BASIC syntax definition
(Simplified form of the Backus-Knauer):
mark sense
@ One letter
v, v1, v2 ... the names of numeric variables
x, y, z numeric expression

i, j, k numeric expression

          (Rounded to the nearest whole)
e numeric or string expression
f string expression
[] An optional part

---------------------------------------- 51X24.RZX - Driver 
character screen 

    $ B. RZX - Emulator HoBeta TR-DOS

Fatal error:
$ B. RZX: Unknown function # nn
$ B. RZX: Unknown call to # nnnn
$ B. RZX: Access to outside file
$ B. RZX: Directory not avaiable

RSX can not run this TR-DOS program. Try to copy it into the 
container "*. SCL" or the disk image "*. TRD" or "*. FDI".

            BA2.RZX - Emulator

         Timex Operating System

     BD1.RZX - Syntax DISCiPLE / + D

This RSX is now non-existent.

In the beginning, when the binding does not exist
"D1:" tied to the current path. Others
CDs require binding (assign) before first use.
 * CAT 1 Shows directory.
 * CAT 1! Shows abbreviated catalog.
 * SAVE D1 "filename" Save the file.
 * VERIFY D1 "filename" Checks that the entry was made.
 * LOAD D1 "filename" Load a file (except for snapshots).
 * LOAD D1 "filename" SCREEN $ Loads
display file.
 * ERASE D1 "file" TO "new file" Rename the file.
 * ERASE D1 "filename" Deletes a file
 * SAVE D1 "file" TO D2 Copies file
Disc 1 of 2
 * OPEN # n; D1 "filename" IN Open file
read a stream n.
 * OPEN # n; D1 "filename" OUT Opens file
to write to the stream n.
 * CLOSE # * n Closes the file stream n.
 * CLOSE # * Closes all open files.
 * MOVE D1 "filename" TO # n Reads the file;
displays a stream n.
 * MOVE D1 "fileA" TO D1 "fileB" Reads
file, writes it in the 2 nd file.
 * CLEAR # Clears all open streams and
 * CLS # Clears the screen and field attributes.
 * LLIST line-no Forwards program listing to the printer.
 * LPRINT variable-list print to the printer.
 * SAVE SCREEN $ 1 generates 32-column screen dump.
 * SAVE SCREEN $ 2 is a dump of the screen
large size.
 * LPRINT TAB n; Tab to position n in
current line.
 * LPRINT AT n1, n2; Scrolls printer
with n1 rows down, tab to n2 position.
 * SAVE ... TO, ERASE, CAT can be used with * and? as filters

SNAPSHOT BUTTON - temporarily stops
program and allows you to choose from:

  1. - 32-column screen dump;

  2. - Dump screen large size;

  3. - Record screen;

  4. - Write 48K snapshot;

  5. - Record 128K snapshot;
Key X exits and returns a snapshot of the program.

It does not work as the original:

LOAD D1 "filename" S Loads 48K snapshot.
-Loads through the RSX

LOAD D1 "filename" K Loads 128K snapshot.
-Loads through the RSX

LOAD Pn downloads.
-Uses a file selector to select
program, the number is ignored.

-Brings up a menu ZXVGS.

Further is not supported because of the other
structure ZXGVS:
 * FORMAT D1 Formats the disc in the unit 1.
 * FORMAT D1 TO D2 format the disc 1;
copies of 2 to 1.
 * SAVE D1 "filename" X, Address Stores
510-byte runs (vb?) File.
 * LOAD D1 "filename" X executable file
 * LOAD @ D, T, S, Address read selected
sector in the memory.
 * SAVE @ D, T, S, Address Writes the specified sector on the 

     BI1.RZX - Emulator Interface 1

  BJR.RZX - Emulator Elwro 800 Junior

        BLK.RZX - Ribbon Simulation

See {TAP.RZX}. Differs only by the file extension.

       BMP.RZX - Driver Image

      BZX.RZX - Disc syntax

               in BASIC

"BZX.RZX" - a simple extension of the Basic
provides several new instructions.
 * LOAD * f
 * LOAD * f CODE [i] [, j]
 * LOAD * f DATA[$]()
 * LOAD * f SCREEN $
 * MERGE * f
 * SAVE * f [LINE i]
 * SAVE * f CODE i, j
 * SAVE * f DATA[$]()
 * SAVE * f SCREEN $
 * VERIFY * f
 * VERIFY * f CODE [i] [, j]
 * VERIFY * f DATA[$]()
Their purpose is similar to tape ekvivalentam.Otlichie that the 
length of their name should be in the range 1 .. 127. An 
asterisk "*" must be placed immediately after keyword. If you 
do not specify the file extension, it will be added 
automatically:  * ". BZX" for BASIC files

 * ". DZX" for arrays of both types,
 * ". CZX" for the file CODE,
 * ". SCR" files SCREEN $.
(In the next version.) Team "LOAD * f"
has a special use. The name
directory, it changes the current directory
(As in PLUS3DOS, but there is only one default for both - LOAD 
and SAVE). 

           DESKJET.RZX - Driver

           inkjet printer

     DSK.RZX - Driver disk image

         EPSONFX.RZX - Driver

          dot-matrix printer

    FDI.RZX - Driver images TR-DOS

       GIF.RZX - Driver Image

         GP500AS.RZX - Driver

          dot-matrix printer

       GRP.RZX - Driver Image

       IFF.RZX - Driver Image

       JPG.RZX - Driver Image

         LASERJET.RZX - Driver

           Laser Printer

        MDR.RZX - Driver Image

           Ribbon Interface 1

     MGT.RZX - Driver disk image

       PCX.RZX - Driver Image


  PRG.RZX - Emulator Elwro 800 Junior

 PRINTER.RZX - The current printer driver

This name is used in the system ZXVGS
first call to the printer features # F0 .. # F6.
This RSX is generated from the existing
printer driver (for example, EPSONFX.RZX)
renaming it into PRINTER.RZX.

   SAMTAPE.RZX - Belt loader

             for Sam Coupe '

        TAP.RZX - Ribbon Simulation

"TAP.RZX" allows you to upload "tape
files, the file "*. TAP", the selected function # AF.

To download the file "*. TAP", select the
of SHELL.V00. After the reset, enter:
or you can enter:
SHELL.V00 and download from another program,
which in turn can read from the tape (ARTSTDIO.V00, ZEBRA.V00, 
COPYNEW1.V00) and download the contents of the file "*. TAP" in


To read data from a file "*. TAP", ZX Rom
should be zapatcheno to call # 7E hook
code. The contents of IX should be moved
in HL, AF (which subsequently moved to the AF ') - in BC (bit 6 
in C can be set to load as the content type byte chunk (chunk). 
The number of loaded bytes placed in the DE (for numbers 
greater than the length of the portion of data is downloaded as 
a checksum, and returns Bug # 01).

The standard error of RST # 08 is generated,
when files are "*. TAP" are not supported (as
in the absence of ZXVGS). Otherwise
A return error information:

# 00 - piece of data is loaded correctly

# 01 - failed to read ("*. TAP" file not found or was pushed 

# 02 - invalid data type.

The number of bytes downloaded is in BC (to be added to IX), 
the number of bytes not loaded - in the DE, the last loaded 
bytes - in L, and the computed checksum - on H. 

Attention. Do not use # 7E hook code in
programs! It can only be used in the patch ZX Rom.

! Temporarily in L also returns "computed checksum".

(DE = length, HL = address, B = type, C = flags)
(DEHL = standard, BC = readed, A = error)

Patch ZX ROM (48kB model) for "TAP.RZX".
Successfully 21/03/2002. Consider adding these changes in the 
PROM and EPROM without effacing. Put it in ROM:

      ORG # 0025
# 0025 JP # 3881; # C3, # 81, # 38

                      And instead of # FF, # FF, # FF

      ORG # 056C
# 056C CALL # 0025; # CD, # 25, # 00

                      And instead of # CD, # E7, # 05

      ORG # 3881; here Region # FF-ca
tapld LD HL, (# 5C68)

      PUSH HL

      LD HL, (# 5C65)

      PUSH HL

      LD HL, (# 5C5F)

      PUSH HL

      LD H, (IY +0)

      LD L, C; added 12/08/1999

      PUSH HL

      LD HL, (# 5C3D)

      PUSH HL

      LD HL, taperr; jump if

                      ; No ZXVGS

      PUSH HL

      LD (# 5C3D), SP

      PUSH IX

      POP HL

      EX AF, AF '; here flags and bytes

                      ; Data type

      PUSH AF

      POP BC

      EX AF, AF '; return to the place

      RST # 08

      DEFB # 7E; download DE B

                      ; At HL

      ADD IX, BC; add to the number IX

                     ; Bytes loaded

      POP BC; remove "taperr"

      POP BC; lift (# 5C3D)

      LD (# 5C3D), BC; it was here and

            ; Earlier, the rest is not altered

      POP BC; remove (IY +0), and C

      POP BC; lift (# 5C5F)

      POP BC; lift (# 5C65)

      POP BC; lift (# 5C68)

      POP BC; remove the return address

                   ; A belt loader

      LD BC, # 0022; imitation BC after

             ; Loading ... need to improve!

      CP # 01; Cy = 0 - error

      RET NC; Z = 1 - loading error,

                  ; Z = 0 - wrong chunk type

      LD A, H

      CP # 01

      RET; if ZXVGS (or file "TAP.RZX"

          ; Not found, it calls standard
          ; Tny error handler
taperr POP HL

      LD (# 5C3D), HL; it all changed

      POP HL

      LD (IY +0), H

      LD C, L; added 12/08/1999

      POP HL

      LD (# 5C5F), HL

      POP HL

      LD (# 5C65), HL

      POP HL

      LD (# 5C68), HL

      LD B, # 00; added 03/21/2002

      JP # 05E7
; LD-EDGE-1 - standard tape loading
; Continues

           TRD.RZX - Driver

          disk image TR-DOS

    TRDOS.RZX - Driver Disc TR-DOS

        TZX.RZX - Ribbon Simulation

  SCL.RZX - Emulator Container TR-DOS

Fatal error:
SCL.RZX: Unknown function # nn
SCL.RZX: Unknown call to # nnnn

RSX can not get this TR-DOS program. Try to copy it to a file
"*. $ B" or disk images: "*. TRD" or
"*. FDI".

     SLT.RZX - Boot snapshots

     SNA.RZX - Boot snapshots

     Z80.RZX - Boot snapshots

To download a snapshot "*. Z80" just select it from SHELL.V00. 
Downloading takes some time, since the file is packed.

White lines on the Border and buzzing sound means that the 
decompression process. After proper loading main menu appears, 
which provides for the use of Options pOke. Click Continue to 
start snapshot.

Not all the snapshots available for download
Z80.RZX. Remember that this format is intended for emulators, 
but not for real equipment. No special hardware is possible

problem with preemption. ZXVGS is here
limit - trap mode (IM) is chosen based on the contents of the 
register I. For I = # 3F chosen IM 1, for all other values ​​- 
IM 2. However, the snapshot mozher have included IM mode 1 for

I <> # 3F! And in this case establishes ZXVGS IM 2.

Z80.RZX opens cans ZX128 and AY-3-891X,
if possible.

Fatal error:
Z80.RZX: Wrong file structure
- RSX can not recognize the contents of the file
Z80.RZX: No I'face a support
Z80.RZX: SamRam not available
- RSX can not run snapshots with support for additional 
hardware. Z80.RZX: ZX128 banks required

Your piece of iron can not switch the memory banks through the 
port # 7FFD, which requires snapshot.

Z80.RZX: AY-3-8910 / 2 not found
Snapshot requires a sound coprocessor on ports # BFFD and # 
FFFD, and you have do not have or disabled.

        ZXVGSVBM.RZX - Manager

           Virtual Banks

-----------------------------------------( C) 2002-07-03 18 : 
59:04 Jarek Adamski {}, {}

Other articles:

Events - On completion of the first part of a virtual musical party The Compo.

Softinka - On operating systems for Spectrum ChAOS and ZXVGS.

Inferno - The authors of the magazine.

Pentagon - Instructions on how to activate unused (zero), the banks ROM in your computer Pentagon.

Pentagon - Instructions for remaking the Pentagon-128 to exit at Reset'u in the 0-th bank ROM 27512.

Gameland - Black Raven Passage of game: Unknown shipment. Disk 1.

Gameland - Black Raven Passage of game: Unknown shipment. Disk 2.

Softinka - Description of the GUI for disk-TR-DOS - ChAOS.

Inferno - On the shell.

Softinka - Editor of two screen graphics DouBleScreen Editor v0.4.

Softinka - Operating system ZXVGS. Composition versions software.

Inferno - Introduction by the editors.

Iron - The results of the development of coders RGB - PAL / NTSC, at the end of 2002.

Gameland - On the game King's Bounty 3, Black Raven: Unknown shipment.

Others - On the survey.

For Coderz - Macros for assembler Alasm v4.4x.

Mathematics - Mandelbrot fractal.

Softinka - Music Editor Pro Tracker v3.71. Features of the program.

Softinka - Format RAR 2.x. Technical information.

Others - Registered users ZXVGS and CPM22QED.

Softinka - File Types defined in the OS ZXVGS.

Softinka - The functions of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - The appearance of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - IDEDOS - access to hard disks in OS ZXVGS.

Softinka - The description of the operating system ZXVGS.

Softinka - MEMDISK - file system for storing files in memory.

Softinka - OS Releases ZXVGS and their differences.

Softinka - Resident System Extensions (RSX) in ZXVGS.

Softinka - Version of the new operating system for Spectrum ZXVGS.

Iron - Advanced Keyboard sinclair-compatible personal computers.

For Coderz - An algorithm for finding the integer part of square root.

Events - Nominees virtual musical party The Compo.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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