ZX Power #04
09 января 2000

Desktop - DIGITAL SOUND EDITOR. The presentation of digital audio editor.

<b>Desktop</b> - DIGITAL SOUND EDITOR. The presentation of digital audio editor.
Digital Sound Editor

(C) 1999, Sergei Gerashchenko / XPJ

   System requirements:

 - 128 kb of memory (or more)
 - A very desirable Kempston mouse
 - COVOX or SOUNDRIVE (or at least the AY)
 - Preferably ADC (if you're going digital

   This editor allows you to edit
eight-bit digitization, digitize a

   Cursor control is carried out with
Use the "QAOP", Sinclair 2 (67890)
or Kempston Mouse. Management made under the
mouse, and the management of the keyboard, right-click the 
appropriate SIMBOL SHIFT, the average - SPACE, left - CAPS SHIFT

(Hereinafter all will be considered with respect to the mouse). 
When operating from Sinclair'a shot (by pressing "0") 
corresponds to the middle mouse button, "N" - left mouse button 
"M" - right. 

   Select an icon or menu item can be any button. In the main 
menu operates a layout of buttons: 

- On signalograms:

     right-end of the block,

     right + one of the keys HJKLEnt-end


     left-top block

     left + one of the keys HJKLEnt-the same

     as the average,


     - In the first third of the screen indicated

       place will be the beginning printed

       Part signalograms,

     - In the second third of the screen indicated

       place will be the end printed

       Part signalograms,


  any button - position in the memory

- On digital signs:

  right button - an increase of the parameter,

  left button - reduction parameter

  Middle button - no effect

- When entering numbers:

  SPACE - abolition,

- In the main menu:

  "12345" - printed with signalograms

  addresses corresponding to a given mortgage

  "Z" - after releasing her would BORDER

  blue and then when one of the CCW
  pok "12345" current address printing system
  gnalogrammy zaneset to the appropriate


  "B" - the beginning of the printed part of the signal
  hologram will move to the top of the block

  (If the unit is not - then the top of the available


  "E" - the end of the signal raspechatanoy
  program moves to the end of the block,

  "R"-the transition to edit mode.

   In carrying out any transactions entered pointer (in the 
form SCROLL BARa) - he indicates the execution of each 
operation, ie If you choose the effect of "echo" and asked

number of steps 5, the pointer will
run over 6 times. Conclusion pointer can be
off, hold any key on the keyboard or myshe - while increasing 
the speed of approximately 20 percent.

              Edit mode.

   Designed for direct editing
signal. Automatically sets
1:1 scale. In this mode, the menu is not available
and changes in digital values.

   In edit mode, the following acts
layout of buttons:

- On signalograms:

  Right or (ii) the left button - setting

  desired value,
 "R" - exit from edit mode.

  other buttons, as in the main menu

               "Options" menu

   Here, you configure the editor.
You can configure everything except the page table is 
configured as follows: on the disk with the editor deleted a 
configuration file (the editor will be set at 128 kb memory), 
run the editor and set up all you like, save settings - get the 
configuration file loads it into the "sts" and edit. The format 
of the plates as follows: since the beginning of the file is a 
plate of pages for port 7FFDh (256 bytes) on a plate for the 
expansion port specified in SETURe (256 bytes). Data in panels 
begin with a 1 byte (0-byte and unused

bytes must comply included
0-page, 128-second memory.) Of the 128-th memory
You can use the page: 1,3,6,7.
Standard page table is set up under
PENTAGON-512, and the number of pages
128. Therefore, to configure the editor under PENTAGON-512 is 
sufficient to establish Number of pages: 1Ch. And if you

editing a small file, it is better to install a smaller number 
of pages - while functions such as moving

unit will run much faster.

    Now directly about options.

"Save Settings - saves the current settings in the 
configuration file" DSEsetup.s " 

"ROCKER" - selection of control devices. Be careful - this 
feature comes into force at the time of her choosing! What 
would you is not chosen, and Sinclair 2 will always queried, as 
well as key "SPACE". 

MONITOR - especially for people with b & w monitors. Shall 
enter into force at the time of exit from the menu "options". 

"Input devices" - [not to be confused with the output device] 
allows you to select your device to digitize audio (port D). ADC

considered to be eight-bit.

"Output Device" - [not to be confused with the input device] 
allows you to select your device audio output (port DAC). When 
playing a digitization is considered to be eight-. 

"Expansion port" - allows you to select address additional 
expansion port (main port is always 7FFDh) to switch pages of 
extended memory for the second of the table.

"Number of pages" - allows you to set the maximum available
pages, number of pages in the table.

        Menu operations on the file "

   The name speaks for itself. All the reasons mentioned below 
will relate to the area of ​​memory marked as FILE, ie from the 
beginning memory (1 byte of the first page), long referred to 
as a file. At SCROLL BARe file is shown fully shaded


"VOLUME" - allows you to increase or decrease the volume file. 
As for the parameter, then it is estimated as follows: 

   80h - the volume will remain unchanged;

   FFh - the volume will be doubled;

   40h - volume reduced by one half;

   20h - volume reduced in 4 times.

   It is also possible to smoothly adjust the volume. For 
example: setting C0h increase volume was 1.5 times, and 60h - 
reduce volume of 1.5.

"REVERSE" - turns the sound back to front: the end is the 
beginning and start - end.

"Smooth-5 points" - the arithmetic mean smoothing: the 
neighboring five values calculated value between them. 
Smoothing crushes noise, but also high frequency. In general, 
try for yourself. 

"SGLAZHIVENIE 3 points" - the same as the smoothing of 5 
points, but faster, although for subjective quality assessment 
by ear may seem better than the 5-points.

"CONVERT FROM AMIGA" - allows you to convert the tools of the 
MOD-s, actually adds to each byte 80h.

"CENTERING" - allows you to center
lowered or raised digitization. Start the printed side 
signalograms must show zero value corresponding to this 
digitization, digitization of the whole (of course, labeled as 
a file) will be raised or lowered in such a way that would 
specify a null value was equal to 80h.

"Reducing the frequency - reduces
sampling rate of digitization. Parameter
indicates how many times will decrease
current sampling frequency:

   FFh - virtually unchanged;

   80h - halved;

   40h - reduced fourfold;

   60h - reduced threefold;

   C0h - decreased by 1.5 times;


"The increasing frequency - can increase
sampling rate of digitization. Parameter
indicates how many times will increase
current sampling frequency:

   FFh - virtually unchanged;

   C0h - will increase by 1.5 times;

   80h - doubled;

   60h - increase threefold;

   40h - quadruple;


"ECHO" - allows you to create the effect of real


- Sdvizhkov 1 and 2 - specifies the offset imposed by the parts 
relative to each other. Ie in fact, echo is performed as 

1. with the defined sdvizhek and quantity

   steps calculated occupied place

   file after the echo.
2. labeled part (in this case, file)

   copied after this place. (So

   for the echo effect you want the memory to 2
   2.5 times greater than the file occupies.
3. copy part of the superimposed (with

   account given by the initial volume)

   on file with the shifting light of 1, then

   taking into account the shifting 2, then again, shifting

   1, and as many times as specified in

   item "number of steps." For each to
   feasting volume of the overlay

   multiplied by a damping factor


- The number of steps - the number of times, which
  PoE will be superimposed on itself Fail

  itself (the number of reflections echo).

- Attenuation VOLUME - after

  first applying the current volume nak
  ladyvaemoy parts (the first application of

  it is defined in the "initial thunder
  bone overlay block ") is multiplied

  on this number, and then divided into

  FFh = 256d, ie, is a hexadecimal

  fraction, which is multiplied by the volume

  each step.


  this is directly the one volume,

  which will overlap the first

  step. It is desirable to set the VPO
  half of the program is less than the maximum possible.

- COPYING - allows you to copy

  block (or file) to a number of

  times. In this case, the only

  the "number of steps." Prednaz
  nacheno otsifrovok to create it manually:

  first draw very short fragmentik,

  and then tirazhiruesh it in digitizing any
  bout length.

"4 to 8 bits 1 Method - allows convertible rovat chetyrehbitnye 
sampling in eight bits, while chetyrehbitnaya digitizing  must 
have the format: each byte - his  value.

"4 to 8 bits 2 METHOD" - similar to the preceding, but 
chetyrehbitnaya digitization has  Format: lowest four bits - 
one of the values, starshiedrugoe; first junior, in fact older. 

"8 In a 4-bit Mode" - an action contrary
 function 4-in 8-bit one way. "

"8 The 4 bit 2 WAY" - an action contrary
 function 4-in 8-bit 2 way. "

"VOLUME OF ENVELOPE" - This option allows us to bring shape of 
the envelope digitization ki labeled as a file to the form 
given in th memory areas marked as a block.  In fact, this 
option works as follows: is computed on how many bytes of the 
file must  one byte block (the block is actually Chairman 
accorded a plate envelope gromkos Tee; volume it is given as 
follows: naivys Shem level on signalograms corresponds to the 
unit value of the volume, ie  after treatment of the byte volume

 plot file does not change, the lowest
 level corresponds well to signalograms left value volume), then
 volume of each section of the file is computed finite length 
adjusted to the value given by Noah in a byte unit, the 
corresponding data nomu plot file. If the length of the file 
does not  a multiple of block length, the remainder are long

 Block ignored.


"COPY BLOCK" - allows you to copy
 of digitization, labeled as a block in
 any memory location. The data in the wrong place,
 to be copied block will be lost Ny. After selecting this 
function, you will  asked to choose a place to be pro exhaust 
oneself up, as evidenced cates hint: "copying blocks of 

"MOVING THE UNIT" - allows you to copy
 of digitization, labeled as a block in
 any memory area with the subsequent removal Niemi block. The 
data in the place where children will be made up to be Ute 
ryany. After selecting this option, you will  asked to choose a 
location to exhaust oneself up about what svidetels tvuet hint: 
"moving block". 

"Insert" - This option allows you to select
 or cancel insert mode. In this mode,
 copying and moving blocks in the
 a place where will be copying of the data will not be lost, 
and will  after the copied block. Ie virtually actual shift of 
memory will be made with  destination when copying (mixing 
schenii) on the value of the copied block.  Data, which goes 
beyond the memory will be  lost.

"Removal of blocks" - deletes the region, placed chennuyu as a 
block of memory. Actually  shifts the area of ​​memory starting 
at the end  block, down to the top of the block.

"ERASE UNIT" - fills the area of ​​tagging as a block code 128 
= 80h. 

"REMOVAL EXCEPT BLOCK" - in fact copy of digitizing induces 
marked as  block in the beginning of memory.

"ERASE UNIT EXCEPT" - fills the entire na crush code 128 = 80h, 
except in the region, placed as a block bounded. Remains the 
only unit. 

"Effects" - to call an additional menu:
 "Operations on the block."

           Operations on the block

"Volume, REVERSE, smoothing,
 all in the same way as in the "operations
 file, only part of the processed
 digitization, marked as a block.

"Piggybacking" - allows for native folding of sounds. Can impose
 of digitization, labeled as a block on
 any memory location. Option 'Volume
 overlay block can be specified in
 range 0-128 = 80h and points to the thunder bone to which the 
unit will be given ne ed overlay the volume of the part otsif 
mounting plate, which will be of superposition, is defined as 
128 minus the volume  overlay block.

   To obtain overlapping 50/50 (ie
volume imposed by the parts are the same)
volume of the blend unit set equal to 40h.

   This effect can be represented as a sounding pair of 
speakers simultaneously (two folded sampling), where the volume 
of one speaker you specify (the volume of the overlay block), 
while the second volume is adjusted automatically (80h-volume 
overlay block), and the listener is between them, and hears 
what happened in result of folding of the sound waves.

            Drive Interface

   Drive Interface TR-DOS is targeted at
TR-DOS ver5.03-5.04t. With all the dismantled
themselves, except to say especially: introduced mode
special file length - in this mode
length of the file in bytes vychislyaetsya as:
length of the file in bytes (in the format of DOS [2-a
bytes]) multiplied by 256 minus the length = 100h
file in the sectors (in the format of DOS [a
B]). This mode is useful when saving
intermediate result.

   Drive Interface MS-DOS (thanks for
help with his writing Pelepeychenko
Alexander) is simplified - you can only
open the file. Open a file by selecting it in your drive.

         Features of version 1.0:

1. When you save the options and the emergence of

   bugs bugs is guaranteed.

   Exit - while keeping track of options,

   that was not glued on "the protection of records,

   that the disk was in drive and so on.

   Well, sort of, and all. Write to me:

310011 Ukraine, Kharkov, ul.Suschenskaya-72

     Gerashchenko Sergei Konstantinovich.

Other articles:

Authors - The authors of the journal and editorial contacts.

Entry - Welcome and opening remarks.

Entry - Describes the features of the shell.

Entry - Content.

Game room - GLADIATOR. Analysis fightingovoy interesting game.

Game room - BARD-S TALE. Sequel to "storm" classic RPG.

Game room - SUPAPLEX. Presentation of the Kharkov boulder dash-eobraznoy game.

Game room - SNAKE Presentation written in Kharkov nondeterministic games.

Game room - SNAKE-HELP1. Tips for playing Snake.

Game room - SNAKE-HELP2. Principles of the game and the story of creation.

Game room - SOLDIERS. The story of the author that he created a strategic game.

Game room - The Ship. Information about the new strategic project.

Game room - BRAIN PRESSURE. A story about a new puzzle game.

Game room - PSEVDOSHASHKI. Another logical game.

Interview - Interview with the creators of the acclaimed game Mirror Group ART WORK.

Interview - An Interview with DEMIURGE ASH.

Interview - An Interview with MIDISOFT / EM.

Interview - An interview with ENERGY MINDS.

Interview - X-PROmotion. XPJ story about a trip to Donetsk.

Interview - SSG-99. The story took place in Sevastopol on the Party

Interview - An interview with a group of Feodosia - X-THEME.

Likbez - RESTORATION OF GAME # 3. The final article.

Likbez - algorithms for fast 3D-graphics № 2. Additions and comments.

Likbez - CHEATS & POKES. The last two parts of the cycle.

Room with laughter - ABM system administrators. A selection of jokes.

Room with laughter - HOW TO MAKE A JOURNAL. Tips 'experts'

Room with laughter - HAMLET # 1. The first part of the new version of the immortal tragedy.

Room with laughter - WHITE PENGUIN. Antinovella on a well-known game.

melomania - Music lovers # 2. The second issue of the music category.

melomania - Album Review. Review of heavy-metal CD for the 98/99 years.

melomania - VOODOO (Russian) Translation of the album King Diamond-98.

melomania - VOODOO (English) The original text of the album.

Review - NOVE? .. Arguments on the subject of fresh software, a list of new games.

Review - Review of recent electronic journals for the ZX Spectrum.

Review - GAMES. Familiarity with the latest gaming software: Kozel, hunting moles, White Eagle, Leprikon, 1912 a secret book, King, CHIF, Raven Black - new missions.

Around the World - Intel: the skeptics wrong again?

Around the World - New cars Silicon Graphics: PC or workstation?

Around the World - News from the MacWorld Expo.

Miscellaneous - OUR beggary. Essay on Chekhov.

Miscellaneous - ROLE PLAYING GAMES. The history of role-playing games.

Miscellaneous - CHAMPIONSHIP snakes. New competition.

Miscellaneous - AGAIN AY. An article about the correction of sounding music. coprocessor.

Miscellaneous - ADVERTISING.

Miscellaneous - COMPETITION.

Desktop - DIGITAL SOUND EDITOR. The presentation of digital audio editor.

Desktop - NEOS. The story about the new operating system for the Spectrum.

Desktop - INTERMINAL. The new terminal program.

Teverna - the first installment, devoted to the game program: the concept of the game "Tavern."

Mail - Letters from readers.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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