ZX Power #04
09 января 2000

Game room - SUPAPLEX. Presentation of the Kharkov boulder dash-eobraznoy game.

<b>Game room</b> - SUPAPLEX. Presentation of the Kharkov boulder dash-eobraznoy game.
(C) Andrew Mushnikov (Flymansoft)

   From the Editor:

   Introducing the readers of copyright
description of the "game-sobiralki" "Supaplex", a demo version 
which you can found in the Appendix. Over the acquisition of

the full version please refer to the editorial office.


   ... Two years ago, was played at a friend's on
IBM'e in SUPAPLEX. Me as a fan of games
genre BOULDER DASH, very attractive, this toy. Those stones, 
something like a diamond, but moving objects moving very 
smoothly, and there was no impression that the labyrinth is 
composed of X to Y cells, where each object at any moment is

exactly one cell. When moving PakMan'obraznogo protagonist 
Fullscreen smoothly scrolled, that a lot of fun.

   Then it turned out that among the files of
which consisted of a game, there is a file from the levels 
which format is easy to understand: 1 level = 1536 bytes. 
Awareness of this led to further ideas ... 

   Goal of the game, like many of the genre -
collect on each level of the right amount
"Diamonds" (INFOTRONS), which I call
'Stuff' and leave the level through the EXIT.
But do not always easy, so
pass the levels interesting. In order to play the game, it is 
desirable to know how operate the various elements of the 

 1. VOID

   Does not seem to be in places
which are not occupied by other objects. Perhaps it is strange 
that I pay attention to the void, but despite the fact that 
consciousness is not draws attention to the void that is 
required for all moving objects. 


   If possible, begin to fall. Also
tends to slide off with some
walls or with other stones. It can be shoved to the left or 
right if he is stationary. If the stone falls, and if something 
else falls, or ... In short, ALL THAT MOVES - deadly!

 3. 'Stuff'

   Properties exactly the same as that of stones, but they need 
to collect, and all otherwise the level is not complete.

 4. Floppy disk (blue)

   This is a bomb that explodes in the fall. If it drops a 
stone or a "thing", it also explodes. 

 5. Floppy disk (red)

   This is also a bomb that explodes with
Monitor. These bombs are not falling
down and they can move in any direction as to SOCOBAN'e. 
Sometimes you need to place bombs in different walls and blow 
them up monitor.


   In essence, this remote control
control bombs. Employing it, you can activate a bomb and it 

 7. Floppy disk (white)

   And this time bomb. They can collect,
and then put in any place where you want to
use it.


   Objects moving along the tricky principle. Be at the point 
through which will pass scissors, mortally dangerous. In other 
words, a collision with them is undesirable. If you 
accidentally (or specifically :)) To drop a pair of scissors 
stone, they explode.


   Moves like scissors, but the explosion
field energy is released, which applies to all subjects and 
exploding converted into a substance that is in 'stuff'.


   Wall through which you can pass in one direction, so that 
before it do you have to be sure that everything is assembled.


   This is not the diodes, although I call them so because they 
can pass through left-right, or [and] up and down, but they

they are the walls.

 12. WALL

   Walls do not explode and stones with them
slip, unlike the chips.

 13. CHIPS

   And this same wall, but they can be
blasting and stones with them, respectively,

 14. "Grass";))

   For all moving objects, except
protagonist, is a wall.
The latter easily it eats, and the
its place is emptiness.

 15. Discharges

   At the "grass" may appear from time to time electrical 
shocks. At such moments you can not try to eat or go through 
the "grass" because then ... Well, can guess.

 16. EXIT

   In translation, I think, from English,
:))) Means "exit". As already described
someone said, there need to get with the right amount of 

   I described the elements IBM'ovskih levels.
We now describe the new elements that have emerged due to 
"vpihivaniya" levels of BOULDER DASH'a and some new elements.

 17. MIXER

   Looks like a regular chip, but if it something falls, all 
the mixers in the labyrinth will become visible. The mixer is 
needed for turning stones into "things" and vice versa,

for this must be done under the mixer
void and throw stones into the mixer.

 18. VIRUS

   If possible, it multiplies. If
this is not possible, it turns into
'Stuff'. If it does not "clog" in two minutes, then it will 
turn into stones. 


   Looks like a chip, but if left
or the right of it is empty, then it is her
fills. Thus it may
wrong time to close the course.


   Serves to quickly move through the maze. If the horizontal 
or vertical line two teleports, one can of one hit to another, 
if you log in first teleport in the direction of the second. 

   The game has levels of gravity. Ie
If our "loaf" is not based on anything, then it falls. For the 
existence of gravity is necessary to know the following:

 1. You can cling to (probably with his teeth:))

    for "grass".

 2. You can intermeddle in diodes without leaning, but

    to go into EXIT, you need to somehow


 3. After passing through the two-sided

    diode turns off the gravity.

 4. There are two types of unilateral diodes
    transitions do not differ in appearance. But after

    passage of some gravity necessarily
    Indeed off, and after passing

    through the other - must be turned on.

   In the game 3 * 111 level. 111 pieces -
IBM'ovskie levels.

   96 pieces - BOULDER DASH'ovskie levels.
These levels are easy, they can be trained.

   15 light levels. For the formation of a block of 111-T 

   111 own, original levels.

   The game has a level editor with the buffer
at 112 levels.

              Description of the menu.

   Can play 16 players. Everyone starts with the first level. 
There is a possibility skip difficult levels. At the beginning 
of may be skipped three levels, then for every

passed 16 levels is given another chance. If you get a missed 
level you can skip the other.

   Each player has his own information
Passed levels and the time spent on it.

   To choose the level needed to "poke"
cursor "level up", "level down"
the same applies to the player's choice. To start
need to specify the cursor on the list of levels.
Displayed three titles levels, and if
have access, then start the level, whose
name in the middle.

  Levels indicated by the following colors:

   Green - the level is passed, but it
You can still play. This makes sense if
want it to go faster, because time
spent for a particular level, contribute to the total time, and
reducing transit time at this level,
you will improve and the overall time.

   Red - a level not passed, and access
it is not (can not play).

   Yellow - red, but with access. So
will be indicated by the current level, which
you're not yet, but have access to it.

   Blue - missed yellow. For example,
you decide to skip this level, but
at any moment can pass it on.

   In the STATISTICS option you can see:

 1. Who are the players spent more time

    the game.
 2. Who went further.
 3. Who is better passed a particular level.

     in PLAYER OPTIONS options available:

 1. Make a new player. Before this nuzh
    but choose a place in the list of players who are not

    occupied by another player.

 2. Rename player.

 3. Kill the player (to be confirmed).

 4. Miss rate (if possible).

 QUIT - exit / entry, but the recording is possible and not 
leaving the game. Written to those who can not pass 111 levels 
of once.

   When selecting a power level recorded
players and others are loaded. Ie on each block its own set of 
levels of players. 

   It remains to note that the game is more or less
smooth, with music and music. effects. There
ability to disable or music or effects. Music can also be 

   On this, perhaps you can finish it. Bye!

Other articles:

Authors - The authors of the journal and editorial contacts.

Entry - Welcome and opening remarks.

Entry - Describes the features of the shell.

Entry - Content.

Game room - GLADIATOR. Analysis fightingovoy interesting game.

Game room - BARD-S TALE. Sequel to "storm" classic RPG.

Game room - SUPAPLEX. Presentation of the Kharkov boulder dash-eobraznoy game.

Game room - SNAKE Presentation written in Kharkov nondeterministic games.

Game room - SNAKE-HELP1. Tips for playing Snake.

Game room - SNAKE-HELP2. Principles of the game and the story of creation.

Game room - SOLDIERS. The story of the author that he created a strategic game.

Game room - The Ship. Information about the new strategic project.

Game room - BRAIN PRESSURE. A story about a new puzzle game.

Game room - PSEVDOSHASHKI. Another logical game.

Interview - Interview with the creators of the acclaimed game Mirror Group ART WORK.

Interview - An Interview with DEMIURGE ASH.

Interview - An Interview with MIDISOFT / EM.

Interview - An interview with ENERGY MINDS.

Interview - X-PROmotion. XPJ story about a trip to Donetsk.

Interview - SSG-99. The story took place in Sevastopol on the Party

Interview - An interview with a group of Feodosia - X-THEME.

Likbez - RESTORATION OF GAME # 3. The final article.

Likbez - algorithms for fast 3D-graphics № 2. Additions and comments.

Likbez - CHEATS & POKES. The last two parts of the cycle.

Room with laughter - ABM system administrators. A selection of jokes.

Room with laughter - HOW TO MAKE A JOURNAL. Tips 'experts'

Room with laughter - HAMLET # 1. The first part of the new version of the immortal tragedy.

Room with laughter - WHITE PENGUIN. Antinovella on a well-known game.

melomania - Music lovers # 2. The second issue of the music category.

melomania - Album Review. Review of heavy-metal CD for the 98/99 years.

melomania - VOODOO (Russian) Translation of the album King Diamond-98.

melomania - VOODOO (English) The original text of the album.

Review - NOVE? .. Arguments on the subject of fresh software, a list of new games.

Review - Review of recent electronic journals for the ZX Spectrum.

Review - GAMES. Familiarity with the latest gaming software: Kozel, hunting moles, White Eagle, Leprikon, 1912 a secret book, King, CHIF, Raven Black - new missions.

Around the World - Intel: the skeptics wrong again?

Around the World - New cars Silicon Graphics: PC or workstation?

Around the World - News from the MacWorld Expo.

Miscellaneous - OUR beggary. Essay on Chekhov.

Miscellaneous - ROLE PLAYING GAMES. The history of role-playing games.

Miscellaneous - CHAMPIONSHIP snakes. New competition.

Miscellaneous - AGAIN AY. An article about the correction of sounding music. coprocessor.

Miscellaneous - ADVERTISING.

Miscellaneous - COMPETITION.

Desktop - DIGITAL SOUND EDITOR. The presentation of digital audio editor.

Desktop - NEOS. The story about the new operating system for the Spectrum.

Desktop - INTERMINAL. The new terminal program.

Teverna - the first installment, devoted to the game program: the concept of the game "Tavern."

Mail - Letters from readers.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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