ZX Power #04
09 января 2000

Game room - PSEVDOSHASHKI. Another logical game.

<b>Game room</b> - PSEVDOSHASHKI. Another logical game.

(C) 1999, Alexander Pelepeychenko

       Rules of the game

   On each cell board size MxN is to checkers. Each block is a 
circle with one side of which painted cross. Checkers are on

each cell of the playing field. At the beginning of the game
they are parties in a checkerboard pattern.
Igrokihodyat in turn. Make a move -
then select the field rectangle of any size and turn it all the 
checkers. The choice is imposed only one limitation: one must 
have checkers with a cross in the lower right corner of the 
selected rectangle. Both players are on the same side of the 
board, so that the notion of a right bottom corner for them 
equally. Wins who will be able to turn its course

Last sword with a cross.


   You can use QAOP, SINCLAIR,
You do not have any devaysa, it will not be polled.

   QAOP - (or their equivalents in other devaysa)
peremeschenie windows on the field, or a change
Raser it. (Depending on the pressed
Do we FIRE)

   FIRE - turning windows (execute
stroke). Triggered when a key is released,
if the window has not been changed since
clicking this button.


Pelepeychenko Alexander


       coding game

       coding intellect


       user interface


Gerashchenko Sergey

       good ideas

       moral support

   P.S. To evaluate the intellect, try
beat the computer at the IMPOSSIBLE
:-) About myself I can say that once I
managed to win at the level MEDIUM ...


   Those who manage to win at Very
hard or Impossible (naturally, we must zapisatvse course) will 
get free my next and previous game. So send lists of the 
winning moves and drive ... 

   In kachestveprimera sign for how we can
win on the very easy level.

   Denote by gorizantali right to left
cell numbers 1,2,3, and vertically from the bottom
up the letters A, B, C.

      You: A1-A3

      Comp: A2-A2

      You: B3-B3

      Comp: B1-B1

      You: C2-C2

      Comp ;-(

   Naturally, this is not the only way ...

Other articles:

Authors - The authors of the journal and editorial contacts.

Entry - Welcome and opening remarks.

Entry - Describes the features of the shell.

Entry - Content.

Game room - GLADIATOR. Analysis fightingovoy interesting game.

Game room - BARD-S TALE. Sequel to "storm" classic RPG.

Game room - SUPAPLEX. Presentation of the Kharkov boulder dash-eobraznoy game.

Game room - SNAKE Presentation written in Kharkov nondeterministic games.

Game room - SNAKE-HELP1. Tips for playing Snake.

Game room - SNAKE-HELP2. Principles of the game and the story of creation.

Game room - SOLDIERS. The story of the author that he created a strategic game.

Game room - The Ship. Information about the new strategic project.

Game room - BRAIN PRESSURE. A story about a new puzzle game.

Game room - PSEVDOSHASHKI. Another logical game.

Interview - Interview with the creators of the acclaimed game Mirror Group ART WORK.

Interview - An Interview with DEMIURGE ASH.

Interview - An Interview with MIDISOFT / EM.

Interview - An interview with ENERGY MINDS.

Interview - X-PROmotion. XPJ story about a trip to Donetsk.

Interview - SSG-99. The story took place in Sevastopol on the Party

Interview - An interview with a group of Feodosia - X-THEME.

Likbez - RESTORATION OF GAME # 3. The final article.

Likbez - algorithms for fast 3D-graphics № 2. Additions and comments.

Likbez - CHEATS & POKES. The last two parts of the cycle.

Room with laughter - ABM system administrators. A selection of jokes.

Room with laughter - HOW TO MAKE A JOURNAL. Tips 'experts'

Room with laughter - HAMLET # 1. The first part of the new version of the immortal tragedy.

Room with laughter - WHITE PENGUIN. Antinovella on a well-known game.

melomania - Music lovers # 2. The second issue of the music category.

melomania - Album Review. Review of heavy-metal CD for the 98/99 years.

melomania - VOODOO (Russian) Translation of the album King Diamond-98.

melomania - VOODOO (English) The original text of the album.

Review - NOVE? .. Arguments on the subject of fresh software, a list of new games.

Review - Review of recent electronic journals for the ZX Spectrum.

Review - GAMES. Familiarity with the latest gaming software: Kozel, hunting moles, White Eagle, Leprikon, 1912 a secret book, King, CHIF, Raven Black - new missions.

Around the World - Intel: the skeptics wrong again?

Around the World - New cars Silicon Graphics: PC or workstation?

Around the World - News from the MacWorld Expo.

Miscellaneous - OUR beggary. Essay on Chekhov.

Miscellaneous - ROLE PLAYING GAMES. The history of role-playing games.

Miscellaneous - CHAMPIONSHIP snakes. New competition.

Miscellaneous - AGAIN AY. An article about the correction of sounding music. coprocessor.

Miscellaneous - ADVERTISING.

Miscellaneous - COMPETITION.

Desktop - DIGITAL SOUND EDITOR. The presentation of digital audio editor.

Desktop - NEOS. The story about the new operating system for the Spectrum.

Desktop - INTERMINAL. The new terminal program.

Teverna - the first installment, devoted to the game program: the concept of the game "Tavern."

Mail - Letters from readers.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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