ZX Review #7-8-9-10
08 ноября 1997

Computer novella - Prince of Persia.

<b>Computer novella</b> - Prince of Persia.
(C) Bragin Yuri s.Prelestnoe,
Belgorod region

      Computer novel

In the old Tehran, Tehran

There once lived an evil, brutal Shah.
Beat slave chains

             roasted over a fire,
And fear itself upon him.

   That the Shah was named Al-Mamun and
he was a native of the kind of Abbasids.

Once, at times, the morning dawn
Shah and his retinue went for a walk.
Met tegeranku, beauty

                         with such a -
Neither pen nor a fairy tale to describe.

   Beautiful tegeranka was not
a simple peasant girl, and she was
daughter of the Harun Ar-Rashid
and his main wife Scheherazade.

Servants, you grab the palace

The new wife came to me.
And, by Allah, my grandfather, my

This night will you be mine.

   Servant of Al-Mamun seized
Princess by the arm and led her to
the most distant room Golestan Palace ...

   ... Locked in three bars Princess until late at night
not sleep. She loved and
waiting is not al-Mamun, and brave
Babak boy, her lover.
Any hope the Princess was only on it.

  A few hours after
how al-Mamun seized
Princess, a palace on the minaret of a mullah, sung twelve 
verses of, I saw on the horizon, a cloud of dust.

When it approached to a distance of arrow flight, Mullah
lather saw horse and bloodied man on it.

   Even after all the prayers in the palace knew that the 
troops Harun ArRashida defeated in East of Byzantium. Grand 
Sultan demanded reinforcements. AlMamun not dare to contradict 
the orders of Ar-Rashid, and took with him seven hundred 
soldiers, rode on his horse from the gate of the palace. 

   But not so stupid as was al-Mamun.
He did not want to give up easily
with his prey. For the protection of
Princess of the Shah left the one hundred most
the best guards. At the palace
also remained the chief vizier

A dark guy in a shack

Shah led to her your wife. "
His lips trembled, his hands looking for a knife.
Shah, it's not you I forgive you! "

At night, Tehran, Tehran

Young soldier climbs on the rock.
Knife in his teeth shining, the Shah of both
"You live in heaven and in
the earth. "

   At this time, the Palace Golestan echoed a new rumor: Haroon
Al-Rashid and Al-Mamun killed, their
troops were taken prisoner Byzantines.

   Power in the palace and the whole of Persia to be 
transmitted by inheritance the youngest in the family Abbasids. 
The youngest was the Princess, since all its older brothers had 
gone with his father and uncles to the war.

   Vizier Jafar since childhood wanted to sit on the throne and 
take power in their hands. Now that the Princess was in prison,

He achieved his goal. Hands Jafar
were clean, but the Princess was the last obstacle to Ja'far to 
the throne ... 

   After the fourth prayer Jafar ordered to admit him into the 
room, which contained Princess. 

Not with good intentions, Jafar
appeared before her.

   If Ja'far married
Princess, it would be the rightful successor to power in Persia 
and Golestan Palace ...

   ...- Become wife Jafar or
die. An hour for thought. With these
According to the chief vizier put
before the Princess of the hourglass.

   Sand in them fell totally silent, but each incident
Grit aroused in the mind of Princess terrible roar. She already 
knew about the death of his father and uncle, but not suspected 
that the brave Babak already captive in the dungeons of Jafar.

   Babak, a young man of sixteen,
came to himself on the floor of the cold
camera. Sunlight does not penetrate here from nowhere. The 
gloom was broken up only two barely burning torch. The left 
passage blocked the massive grille. Stepping right, Babak saw 
that the floor on which it stands, based on

massive stone pillars.
After jumping down and taking a step to the right,
Babak suddenly broke, and
fall, and saw that the two staggered

   "Aha!" That way! "- Thought Babak. He has raised his leg over
boards and suddenly changed his mind: "Boards certainly fall 
immediately, and I'd have to cross through them

the other side. "

   No sooner said than done. The next moment, Babak was on the 
opposite side of the room and stared at the wall. As expected, 
the board fell, opening the bottom deep mines. On the bottom of 
a weakly glimmer of light.

   - What would happen to me if
I would go down? For sure I would break my arm or neck! A
however, what's the difference? - Terrified boy.

   At the height of the eye was not mine
more than four meters.

   - If I hang on his hands to
edge of the mine, then I can shorten
his flight. A two and a half
meters - it's still not four! - Babak said aloud,
hoping that the mine four meters, rather than eight. Turned 
around to face the wall, Babak grabbed hold of the edge of the 
mine and jumped down ...

  ... Not long arm young men slipped on the wet and cold walls
mine. After landing, he realized
from whence the light. It burned
the same two torches, as in his
chamber. As Babak top
stood toward the east, and now he walked quickly to the eastern 
part of the palace. 

   The moment I stepped over the threshold
room, the young man felt the
imagine someone's cold stare. This
was a security guard. Babak hand instinctively reached for the 
scabbard, but his hand grasped only air.

   - Probably my blade fell
from the sheath when I no
Memory thrown into a dark chamber.
Where am I now without his trusty weapon? - With this thought
Babak in all haste rushed for

   - How could I be so drop a clanger? But
On the other hand, I was attacked by four, and three of them 
closed their eyes at the foot of the cliff. Hence, my blade is 
somewhere in the palace. I'll find him and save


   In the dark could not see Babak
wall and stopped only when it hit the forehead.

   - Here is a warrior! Unarmed,
so even with a broken head!
No, it's worthless. Henceforth have to be alert, otherwise I
risk of death than as a warrior and
the latter is a dog!

  Babak jumped up and grabbed
the edge of the masonry.

   It smelled of mildew, but it was
relatively light. Seemed
it relies on two pillars
the ceiling was about to collapse. Just in case, Babak decided 
to check out reliability of the ceiling. Barely

boy and touched him like rotten planks collapsed, creating a 
path to the top. Babak was not slow to use it. 

   On the floor stood a bottle of
inscription on some barbarian
language. Much later the young man discovers that it was 

   Grabbing the bottle, Babak
emptied it with one gulp, as
very thirsty. The young man felt much better and
continued my search.

   Well descending
down, Babak bravely walked to the west and barely braked on 
seeing ourselves a deep hole with sharp stakes at the bottom. 
Deftly jumped awful pit at the bottom of which could see 
someone's bones, he stepped on a slab floor. Suddenly

she sank, and Babak saw
that rises to its lattice
way ...

  ... Another gap stood at
towards youth. Output here was visible through the grate on the 
ceiling this room. Finding plate, which was raised in this 
lattice, the young man leaped across the chasm.

   Suddenly the floor beneath him swayed,
and there was a chilling crash.
Moment - and has already hung Babak,
clutching her hands over the edge of a precipice. Somehow 
chosen, it I saw that the lattice has already started

omitted. Arrow sped
boy under her sharp teeth.
Floor sank beneath him, echoes of his footsteps could be heard
on the cave, some plates
fell under the weight of his body. Babak stopped just before 
the wall, over which hung a another grid. Climbed on

Wall, Babak went west.

   Overcoming another abyss
on rotten planks boy fell into
great height hall where the floor
shining blade.

  - Here, finally, I found
it! - Babak joyfully exclaimed, thrusting his sword into the 
sheath. He knew where to apply it,

and was already hurrying back to the eastern
part of the palace.

   It is easy to puncture through the guard, Babak ran into a 
neighboring room. It was a beautiful

door. On either side of her burned two torches.

   Once, long ago, the Princess told me that the dungeon of the 
palace band transitions with beautiful carved doors.

  Jumping for joy, Babak
reserve projecting from the wall plate and noted with 
satisfaction that the door opened, revealing

for a ladder leading up ...

   Many more such transitions
have to make a brave young man, still many dangers lie in wait 
for him on his way to his beloved. 

   Meanwhile, time flew
boom, and the Princess did not notice the dusk. She
waited and shivered from each
rustling in the dark corners of the room.

  Suddenly from under the covers, on which she sat, jumped
mouse. Princess jumped up in terror and was so painful looking 
at the sand flowing into the sand hours. Time was short.

   Before Babak plowed
horrible jaw gate arrays.
Had to operate by cunning. Frequently encountered on the floor
stakes with sharp spines yadovityumi. Almost crawling young man 
went around each barb. 

   But what is it? ..

   Suddenly opened up under the feet of a precipice. And that 
could light up the torches, it was not that other than the 
walls of the deepest well. Way back was not. AND

here eyes Babak, already accustomed to
to dusk noticed a small
cup. Near her was a note.

   Princess Babak taught to read.

   Note reads: "Drink this -
and become easier to fluff out the best pillow Princess. "

   In Babak was a rich choice:
or drink a mysterious liquid and
jump into a well, or stay here with this note.

   After drinking all the liquid to the last drop, Babak barely 
felt perceptible music in my head and stepped into the darkness 

   How beautiful it was a feeling of lightness, smooth flight!
And nobody knows how many youth
head in the clouds, if the cold floor did not return him to 

  It felt decent draft, and the hero went back to where
the wind was blowing.

   Somehow manage a complex system of grids and clanking jaw, 
he reached the same to carved doors ...

   It is easy to overlogging next
guard for two neat halves, Babak went on to
labyrinthine dungeons. Only
now he is under more or less bright light, was able to discern
how many here vodilos animals.
Then the young man remembered the bug, which showed him the 
Princess some overseas book.

   Surrendering to dreams of love
Princess, Babak wandered off somewhere
very far. He did not notice
ran out of torches on the walls, as
rose before him grating.

   Along with the bump
this grating on the floor hero turned back. He realized that he 
was locked up ... 

   Much time and effort spent in
boys out to pick up the damn jail. Exhausted, he
doom hanging on it. Complex
system hidden mechanisms are not
admits no attempts to escape.

   The young man at something and come
nearly sprained foot. It was a human bone. It can be seen
many prisoners have found here their
death ...

   Here the lattice suddenly jerked the boy scratched his back. 
This mouse at the other end of the room for

bars, sat on the stove, lifting the bars.

   As there was all debugged!
Which turned out to be sensitive

   Another such chance could not
be. Babak was ready to kiss this mouse, but it's somewhere
ran away. Well, go on the road. Time is running out.

   ... Ten minutes remained until the
expiration. Mulla on the minaret has sung the third sura. Began 
the fifth prayer. After the tenth chapter entitled princess 
will marry the Vizier Jafar.

   The room began to stir again
mouse. One of them is a quiet shadow
rustled behind Princess
trying not to scare her. No
do not know exactly what this mouse
saved by the brave Babak, decided to
Golestan Palace, and the fate of the entire

   "What I am cheerful and good-looking after all the fights" - 
thought Babak, approaching another carved door and looks at 

   "What?" Mirror? Location ???", -
hurricane swept thoughts in your head boy. "Probably the main
Master white and black magic
tried! "The Mirror could not avoid neither left nor right.
It is completely partitioned

    "Well, let us work
head, "- muttered, Babak.
He ran up and struggling
hit her head against the glass. It was wrecked, and from it 
jumped ... second Babak.

   "Excellent. Come hallucinations.
But the path to free the Princess.
I lay down the bones, but will save you
My Princess! "- joyfully exclaimed the young man, approaching
the last, thirteenth in the palace doors with stairs up ...

   Babak was in the main, above-ground part of the palace. He 
knew where they could sharpen the Princess and

already hurrying back.

   "... This is a pitcher on the floor
with water. Here I am drawn to it ...
And my double-hallucinating drinks it, the parasite. Nothing. I 
will cure your head and then that too just never let you see! "-

thought the young man.

   Climbed even higher, he saw a gap through which promptly 

Then the vizier was praying, with the power

"From any make skewers.
Suddenly the doors swung open, all

               looked back -
On the threshold of a young man standing.

   "Hey, the vizier cruel, evil and

                    me away!

   I did not eighteen


   If that's the power, if the case

                       a swords,

   If you're a man - let me answer! "

Again flashed swords and daggers.
Young soldier fighting a lion angrier.
And on the floor granite, the whole blood

Vizier fell head ...

    Here on the minaret of a mullah sang the last sura. 
Simultaneously with the fall of the last grains of sand in the 
hourglass Babak burst into the room to the princess, and they 
both froze in a hot kiss ... 

    From this day the brave Babak
people called Prince of Persia. The Byzantines were defeated, 
and Persia healed a happy, peaceful life full of love and joy.


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Studies - attribute scrolling text. "Gasilka" screen. A simplified version of the procedure, "Curtain". Procedure is enriched with pictures. Procedure display images on the points.

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Studies - Address to the drive mode IM 2. Working with non-standard disc format.

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Studies - Program - cataloger of disks.

Studies - Program the output values of the amplitude channel music. coprocessor on the curb.

Studies - Program the output image.

Studies - The program plugs sprite.

Studies - Cleanup of the specified window screen.

Studies - The program sort the array in ascending order. The procedure for filling the screen specified attribute. Procedure display pictures. The effect of moving towards the stars. "Shower", coming from the upper left corner of the screen. The procedure of "shedding" pictures on the pixel lines. The program of "pulling" the picture at an angle of 45 degrees. Three procedures "Scroll".

Studies - The printing of numbers.

Studies - The procedure for drawing a character with attributes.

Studies - The procedure for display pictures. Fade-OUT effect (picture goes beyond the edge of the screen). Visual effect "Fountain." Fade-OUT effect, mimicking the TV off. Procedure "Ignition" pictures. The program continuously drawing a picture.

Studies - The procedure for drawing a line.

Studies - The procedure for making optimal symbol table.

Studies - scrolling lines of text in the specified window. Attribute scroller. Diagonal scrolling.

Studies - sprite scroller. Procedure display screen.

Studies - Short procedure indicating the amplitude channel music. coprocessor. Way to subtract a constant from a register pair HL.

Studies - The formula for calculating the day of the week.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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