Inferno #07
31 мая 2005 |
Softinka - DNA_OS v0.431 - package of utilities for working with hard drives, RAM-drives and floppy disks.
DNA_OS v0.431 help ZET-9 Last edit 29.05.2005 DNA_OS v0.431 - an experimental Demo version of DNA. 1. What is the DNA? The system of DNA (hereinafter - system) is a package of subroutines and tools designed to work with wine Chester, RAM-drives and floppy disks (floppies). The package includes actual core of the system, configuration files system, the envelope system, utilities, drivers memory and supporting files. 2. Using the system DNA can be used in two ways: 1) Run the utility, included in the package. Each utility is designed to solving a specific problem (eg, simple Motrya images, using the shell can be browse directories and disk drives, run files, etc). 2) Use in its n-max function, provided by the kernel within the The package (for example, for DOS improving access to files on HDD). 3. System Boot When you boot first loaded into memory tsya LOADER kernel (from the ROM, with discrete chum, or RAM-disk). It loads the kernel system threads of a certain Island called zag ruzochnym, and passes control to the kernel. Core of the system takes a number of the boot y va (from their system variables) and for gruzhaet with this in-va configuration files. If you press "Space", the files configuration is not loaded (as in the absence of them in the boot of-ve). After loading the configuration files change Xia system variables, driver memory, and Boot Room at Island can also be measured nitsya (depending on the configuration files tion). Further, the kernel loads the boot y va a shell (or n-th, whose name was specified in the configuration file) and transmits control it. Booting from floppy disk In this case, the standard TR-DOS disk with the system files (ie files included in the package). For a load of the system must run Bey Sik-file DNAos431. Now the system attitude on to boot from disk A:. To start from another device, the system should perena build (see below). Boot from hard drive You must first install to the hard drive using the utility INSTALL (This utility is included in the package, undermining bnosti see: "7. Installation of the system). After You can then boot from the hard drive using the boot loader, located in ROM. You can use the firmware Mr. Gluk Reset Service v6.1 by Alone Coder'a. Rostral enables it possible, using the menu item hdd_Boot, loaded harvesting system with a hard drive connected as Master. In the absence of a boot ROM system You can download using the BASIC-load chiki, run from floppy TR-DOS. (This package includes two versions, one version for download from the hard drive connected as Master, second - for Slave). Booting from a RAM-disk Under the RAM-disk means RAM-disk File System TR-DOS, which can be created in the computer's memory with the help of schyu various means: Real Commander'om or a special version of the TR-DOS (for example, 5.12; 5.13f; 6.05e; 6b09e). First, you must configure the system to booting from a RAM-disk (for details see: "8. Setting up the System "); copy system files on the RAM-disk and then upload system as a floppy disk. 4. Working with Before the work system must be Present roit. Details about configuring, see the end. After booting the system is booted shell. The envelope system is designed to navigate the disc you have, and run files and utilities. In the shell of two panels with the names of fi fishing: boot directory of Islands (on the left panel) and the directory system of Islands (on the right curve the panel). You can control the mouse pointer, Joy sticks and buttons QAOP. Choice - key "M" (the mouse - is the left button on the joystick Stick - "Shot"). By default, mouse and Joystick disabled. Enable them to be in Setup window. The shell provides the following functions. When you press the left / right side screen by paging directory: page back / vpered.Analog - buttons 1,2. When you click in the upper left corner - the window setting shell: it can be disabled / include Kempston Mouse, Kempston Joystick, change the color and keep tuned to BORDER'a yki shell in the shell file is located on the boot with-ve (in the absence Setup window is displayed). Clicking on the top of the screen when leads to a change in the current paneli.Zagolovok those Booths panel highlighted in yellow tsvetom.Takzhe you can press "3" for the same purpose. When you press "R" directory of the current Panel reread. Clicking on the title bar (caption type: A: SPECTRUM or A: DIMA) leads to appearance of the windows have a choice-choice in va.Dlya Islands must press on his name. U-in is initialized, and displayed his directory, or error messages (if no floppy or partition on the HDD). In this window, their names, in a rigidly defined. If the system settings to change the types of y-in, here they stay the same (ie already will not match the reality established lennym have-you). - Drive A, Drive B, Drive C, Drive D - correspondingly exist a physical drive A, B, C, D; - RAM_0, RAM_1 - 2 RAM-disk with numbers 0 and 1 (default RAM_0 begins in the country boundary of 63, "growing" down, length of 56 pages; RAM_1 - nach.v p.31, "growing" down the length 24 pages); - HDD_M0 - 1 st primary partition on the HDD Master; - HDD_S0 - the same for Slave; - HDD_M4; HDD_M5; HDD_M6; HDD_M7 - 1 st, 2 nd, 3rd and 4 th add. partitions on the HDD Master; - HDD_S4; HDD_S5; HDD_S6; HDD_S7 - the same for Slave; - HDD_M2; HDD_M3 - 3rd and 4 th major time limits HDD Master (can be run on PCs n my Partition Magic 8.0); - HDD_S2; HDD_S3 - at the same Slave. When you click in the upper right corner of the equivalent exit wound will appear in the STS, ALASM, BASIC128, BASIC48, TR-DOS or in a cache. When you click on the bottom of the screen or by pressing the "T" will be called "Window of cottages. "It shows the number of free memory pages. On the Spectrum with the volume of the PA myati 128k will be shown 4 pages, with memory size 512k and 1024k will be shown respectively, L and l memory pages (this glitch) in the presence of the respective drive pa top pamyati.I below n, we found in memory. While there are only core system and her file - a shell (SHELL). If you see a lot of titles DNA, it can lake start the driver memory installed in system is not suited to your computer (See: "Setting up"). When you click on the file: - If it's BASIC, an attempt is made to run; - If a program / utility system of DNA (Has an extension of SEP), it is run; - Click on the file with another extension leads to the fact that the shell looks for a file EXTEND.TXT name and it looks the name Uchi lites designed to open the file selected extension, then the shell you shows the system kernel, passing it the name of the fi la, which should be open, and the name of the n-us, by means power is open; kernel searches on the system in-ve n-th and runs it. After the release of n-control before we is in the kernel and the kernel loads the shell Boot y va (or shell, and the n-th, whose name is specified in the configuration file). In the absence of file EXTEND.TXT on dis Kyo with opened files EXTEND.TXT sought on the system in-ve. Run / open the files can still mi extensions: SNA - snapshot of SNA-48k; SCR - Standard Screen; TRF - code block; TXT - text file; TRD - disk image of tr-dos; SCL - a collection of files tr-dos. To go to a subdirectory, you must click on his name, to come - click on "..". You can delete a file by pressing "8" In doing so, must be above the name file. A warning appears Delete file?. "You can not delete the subdirectories (as place occupied by the files within podkatalo ha, will be busy). Delete does not work on the partition formatted as FAT12. To copy a file, move the arrow on the file name and press "5". Shells PFA will cause the system kernel to boot Uchi LTL COPY.SEP and give it a name copied On file. If you can not copy the file you see white BORDER (for example, if a file with that name already exists), then press keys "1" will copy the file to the existing one. In this case, if there schy file is smaller, it will be copied to the initial part of the file (how many fit into an existing file). In the remaining cases (out of disk space, etc.) exits to the shell. Copy the file on the same drive, but on the other floppy disks, you will not succeed. 5. Brief description of programs and utilities included in the package 1) OPEN_SCR.SEP intended to show Standard Spectrum image length 6912 and the expansion of SCR (scr) (was made for system testing); 2) RUN_TRF.SEP runs the files in the format trf (TRF) (trf format invented INSIDE - it analog code files, free "live" in other file systems). Will not start trf'y having a start address <# 6200; 3) RUN_SNA.SEP runs the files in the format snapshots 48k, file extension sna (SNA). In the end, just before the triggering com sna, including 0-th page of memory line mym appeal to the port # 7FFD (but within program call to the driver through the rubber Dent). You can fix it, but will spoil the equivalent wounds are stronger (now the first 20 or 14 bytes at the beginning of the screen). Run the file SNA-48k is the time: - Floppy MS-DOS (FAT12) (via # 3D13) ok.1 min. - Floppy TR-DOS (# 3D13) ok.15 sec.; - From the hard disk MS-DOS (FAT16) ok.1 sec.; - RAM-disk with TR-DOS ok.0.5 sec. 4) TRD2DISK.SEP copies files with extensions rhenium. TRD to TR-DOS'nye drives. After a load waits 1,2,3,4 to select di skovoda A, B, C, D, respectively. Attention! If the system is loaded with discrete salmon on a computer with a floppy drive, and we want to record on the same drive (but not on RAM-disk), it is time to change the dispersion salmon! When you press any other key - completion of the n-my.Unichtozhaet the contents my mp-dosnogo drive without any additional queries, replacing it with the file content. TRD (File - a disk image TR-DOS). Check for ownership of the file. TRD to the world of TR-DOS does not made, so be careful (there are TRD-heap of files on CD-ROM, with careful examination proved to be a text file with description of the n-m). Write a floppy TR-DOS conducted through # 3D13, without error handling with all with all the holes after dstviyami (including those can be copied to RAM-DISK, who TR-DOS 5.13). Loading TRD-file is a function tion system. When working BORDER'a changes color: white color - to download a file from the source; green - Write to disk receiver. TRD file length is not checked: if it length of the floor-ROM - will be recorded polo Wine floppy, if length is greater - will be attempted entry at 160-165 triangle ki and beyond. Even in its present form n-ma recommendations mended for widespread use - pour TRD-bunch of files from the CD on the screw (as long as that on the PC), pull up the screw to the Spectrum and forward. 5) SCL2DISK.SEP copies files from the SCL to floppy TR-DOS. Management: How to TRD2DISK. Keeps a check on the count of files in the kata log (128), to free up disk space, and also on the ownership of the file. SCL to the world SCL (inside the file ID is searched SINCLAIR). If the files are in the form of SCL names match the names on the drive-in receiver, they are added to the disk without issues Sov. If the total length of the files in the image of SCL exceeds the length of free space on disk, the disk can be written as many files how intermeddle. SCL can be located on y-operation with the file system TR-DOS, while long file SCL is not "unpacked" t.k.nevozmozhno read outside fi la, if> 255 sects. 6) DAT2VID.SEP converts images BMP file from a video *. DAT (not PCshny) in Spectrum screens and records them to file the same length *. VID (file already should be on the screw in the same directory that and *. DAT). In the process displays pictures on the screen. Very long runs (6.8 megabytes convert minutes 7). 7) PLAY_VID.SEP loses videos received the previous prog. The speed with Screw 12 frames per second (48 k / s - read with screws through the functions of the system). Video File roller must be continuous (without fragmentation mentation). Enter - exit, Space - Pause / continue. At the end of the file stops. Key 1 - again, another - a way out. Note: n, and we PLAY_VID DAT2VID created in order to debug the driver fi Lovoy system FAT16/FAT12, for testing of work with long (several megabytes) files. Practical application now do not have. 8) VIEW_TXT.SEP - quite crude, the trial version. Loads the text into memory (the first 26.5 k). No shows the forty-third character in the string, use uses two screens and switch between them is not through the system driver, but directly to the port # 7ffd (karaul!!). Control keys: E - exit the shell; Q - the page forward; W - back to the page; R - on the line ahead; T - to row back. 9) CONFIG.SEP establishes a system system components (*. DNK), listed in list in memory. Defective, when running thinks that page is included with the system and in memory a list of e-Tov. Runs system boot, if the root CA Taloga boot from Island to locate a file CONFIG.DNA. Manual start does not make sense. 10) COPY.SEP - copier, copies one file. Called by the shell. Manual starting makes no sense. 6. System kernel Core of the system during operation is in one of the memory pages (49152-65535). The core consists of the elements. Element - is a sub-set of m, the combined common theme (or a driver specific Nogo in Island). E-you are located in the nucleus in the form of a chain ki. At the beginning of e-ta is a pointer to the following e-t. E-ton has a name length of 8 bytes. The kernel is divided (on probation) on the disk system topic and resource management system. The structure of the disk system necessarily includes e-t DOS and at least one driver file system and a driver block IO. For the convenience of computer file system driver the new system have names with the termination of DFS (TR_DFS), and the names of the drivers block TSBs yes / O have the ending DRV (FDD_DRV, HDD_DRV). Part of the core management resources, has E-sure you: RUNEXE - deals with the launch of the n-th (files extension SEP): download a file of n-we generates a table with data about the current system configuration, transmits the n-metal address this table, and management. SYSTEM - provides n-mums copy system Dark variables, and is also responsible for out of change in the trap mode (eg, drei vertical file system TR-DOS accesses E-tu SYSTEM, to enable interrupt vany IM 1 Before turning to the ROM TR-DOS entry point # 3d13). Also in the nucleus is a copy of the driver paged memory, a table with data about logical disk at the islands. To call the functions of the system need to know name e-ta, and numbers and the input data for some funktsii.Parametry transfer are through tablitsu.V general program ma should form the main memory (<49152) Table: defs m; here are the variables e-ta defw 0; here will soobsch.ot system TABLE defb "RUNEXE"; 8-byte name of e-ta defb 0; feature number defb 0; number of subfunctions defs n; input to function IX should point to the label TABLE. By Call the following e-ta at TABLE-2 will be 2 byte message: if they are both equal to zero - everything is OK, except when the operations were oshibki.V specific cases may lack Vova subfunction number and even number of functions tion (eg e-t RUNEXE performs only one function, so the shift TABLE +8 go directly input data, a description of the functions All e-Tov, see DNAmake.txt), as well as E-m can be used to change their GOVERNMENTAL area in the table (from TABLE-m-2 to TABLE-2). 7. Installing the system on the hard drive Requirements for Winchester Requires a standard IDE HDD, connected chenny as Master or Slave by con troller IDE scheme Nemo. Need such Winchester, which already has one or few (maximum - seven) sections. Times limits must be formatted in a file level system FAT16 (or FAT12 - if time section measures less than 16 megabytes). Unfortunately, this version of the system there is no utility to create partitions on the disk and their subsequent formatting screening, therefore, to create and format sections should be in another kompyutere on which rum is the means. The process of installing a hard drive Before you install, configure the system (see "System Configuration"). Boot from the disk [not HDD - a requirement!]. Run the utility INSTALL.SEP. Select your hard drive, which will be the condition stalled the system (Master or Slave). Choose the type of kernel: kernel DNA_OS. Next, select a record of the kernel the kernel will recorded since the third hard drive sectors (Assuming sector units), pre- This area is loaded into memory and for pisana on a floppy disk into files and BOOT_SEC.SYS SECTOR01.SYS. If the kernel does not fit in a boot-sector Winchester, will be invited to read the file INSTALL.TXT (it is said that in this case case is necessary when installing choose the kernel user, which is shorter). Next, select "copy fi fishing. "If all goes well, there will be over pis "The system has been successfully installed and will be asked to run the system with hard drive To verify the installation. DNA_OS.SYS file in the root of HDD for the system is not used - re zerv. 8. System Setup When you set up to: - Indicate the facilities and loading systems Nogo-y in the file-system kernel and file SYSTEM.DNA; for the kernel to load and work from the HDD installer will set the numbers in file DNA_OS.SYS, and the file on SYSTEM.DNA HDD installation is not copied; - To boot from another disk water indicate the numbers 0,1,2,3 for disk drives A, B, C, D, respectively (see also about the crust Royko RAM-disk); - If you are only 128k of memory delete or rename the file HIMEMORY.DNA (In the core of the system already has a driver for Speck Terumah-128); - If more memory to select a driver na myati and rename it to HIMEMORY.DNA. The list of available drivers: PENT_256.DNA, PENT_512.DNA, PENT_1M.DNA, PROFI_1M.DNA. By default HIMEMORY.DNA contains the driver PENT_1M memory (for the Pentagon-1024); - Set the RAM-drive (s), if more memory lshe than 128k; - Enable / disable LBA mode for wines Comrade Master and Slave; Change the parameters needed in the system kernel (File D4.C) with STS. For version a system for loading and pa boots from the hard drive, make changes to the file DNA_OS.SYS [he does not differ from D4.C]. Configuring RAM-drive (s) RAM-disk driver is connected to the driver File System TR-DOS. Load the core file D4.C or DNA_OS.SYS in the STS at the address # BE00. (In this version, the start address system variables, ie SYS_VAR-5, is # E575.) At # E739 is the word RAMSETUP. By # E741 address one byte - number ramdiskov (now the driver supports 4 ramdiska), then from the address are on the # E742 5 bytes for each RAM-disk: 1-st byte: if 0 - disk grows up; if 1 - disc grows downwards; 2 and 3 bytes - the number str.nachala RAM-disk; 4 and 5 bytes - the length of the disk pages. Now RAM-drives have the following settings: RAM_0 - from p.63, grows down dl.56 p.; RAM_1 - from page 31, down 24 pages; RAM_2 - from page 15 down, 8 p. (It is not in the window for selecting the y-in the shell); RAM_3 - from page 8 and up, 56 pages (He, too, is not there). If you plan to boot the system from RAM-disk, then install facilities loading and of the system and y equal to 4 (for RAM_0) or 5 (for RAM_1): at # E57C and address # E57D put these numbers in-in. Save kernel from the address # BE00 # 2B00 length with filename D4.C. Install the same but measures at the Islands in the file for bootable SYSTEM.DNA Nogo and system y in (the bytes at offset 7, 8 from the beginning of the file). Enable / disable the LBA Mode By default, the screw including Master LBA chen; screw Slave - disabled. Load the core file D4.C or DNA_OS.SYS in the STS at the address # BE00. At # E756 is the word SETUPHDD. By at # E760 supply 1 (LBA) or 0 (Do not use the mode LBA) for the screw Mas ter. At # E763 - the same for the Slave. Save the core of the system to address # BE00 length # 2B00 named D4.C (or DNA_OS.S, when installed on HDD, then in COMMAN rename the tree on DNA_OS.SYS). System configuration files HIMEMORY.DNA, SYSTEM.DNA, CONFIG.DNA WARNING! The system can work normally assume without these files! (Not to be SPEED RAM-disk, if it is located in memory Tee over 128k). If you hold the keys "Space" at the beginning BitTorrent files are ignored (as well as they absence), and the system will work on initial settings. 1) Memory kompyutera.Podderzhivayutsya times various types of computers in the presence DRY FAITH MEMORIAL pagination. Driver (currently) must be configured to load address # 5B7B. Its duration to be no more than 100 bytes. File drivers must be named and HIMEMORY.DNA present in the root directory of the zag ruzochnom y ve. (The file itself can be have a length> 100 bytes, but will be used children only the first 100 bytes.) For Spectrum-128 driver is not needed! 2) The location of the kernel. By default, the kernel is in page number 6. To select a page, which will located at the core of the work take a look and download SYSTEM.DNA: it 2 byte at offset 2 - page number in which Torah must be placed at the core of work ones. After downloading this file the kernel will moved to this page. Warning: The tests for the existence of this Page does not! 3) The file is stored information SYSTEM.DNA tion about the logic of islands set out in system. # B1 at offset 1 byte - number of locally cal y-in. At offset # B2 to 3 bytes in Qty: 1-byte - number of the driver file system Topics for the logical y-va (numbering tion with the unit); 2-nd byte - number of the driver block TSBs Yes-O for the logical y-va (Numbered from one); 3rd byte - number of virtual disk (well numbering from zero). At offset # 27 - Number of names of drivers file system. The shift of # 28 is located 6 (on a given dipole moment) driver names of file systems (8 bytes per name). At offset # 58 - Number of names of drivers block I / O performance. The shift of # 59 are 10 (on a given dipole moment) Driver name vvodavyvoda block (8 bytes per name). Example y-in: TR-DOS'nye diskovody.4 shtu ki. The name of the file system driver for all TR_DFS located at offset # 28, with respectively, 1-byte of the top three of all locally cal y has a value of 0; name drive pa block I / O for all FDD_DRV located at offset # 59, respectively respectively, 2-byte in the top three has a value of 0. Numbers of virtual disks for the y-in: A = 0; B = 1; C = 2; D = 3. Consequently, the third byte trio will each y va 0, 1, 2, 3 with respectively. Thus, we have: by deposed. # 27 B 1 (1 filesystem driver system); by deposed. # 58 B 1 (1 block driver I / O); by deposed. # B1 byte 4 (4 log. U-wa); By deposed. # B2 (12 bytes) - 4 on 3 bytes: 0,0,0, 0,0,1, 0,0,2, 0,0,3. Naturally, the core system should be E-you with the names and TR_DFS FDD_DRV. On a given moment of the 6 names reserved drive ditch the file system and 10 names of the drivers Block I / O count of logical y to be 26, under t.e.zarezervirovano y-va 26 * 3 = 78 bytes (this restriction is due with the file size SYSTEM.DNA - 256 bytes), in will continue to bolshe.Sama system can have up to 256 y in - but you can make drei ver, which will provide some y in a folder in one at-ve and then count y-in is not limited). Now the system is set at 20-under: - 4 physical drives; - 2 RAM-disk; - 7 partitions on HDD Master and Slave. 4) File CONFIG.DNA (text) contains: - At offset 0 - name of the first triggered n we have (8 bytes). H-atom with the specified name and SEP extension will be loaded from the root Vågå directory on the boot y ve. - At offset 8 bytes each (do not use is, used for visual separation has no n we are from the following text). - The displacement of 9 are lines of text, Okan wetting on the character 13, end of file - si mvol 3. From each of these lines is taken the name File e-ta - the first 8 bytes of the string. File with same name and extension is sought in the DNK the root directory of your boot from Island, and if found - is downloaded and installed in system. If 1-byte in the string is ";" the line is commented out and ignored. 5) The file is stored SYSTEM.DNA numbers assigned to y-you: the displacement of 7 - number of boot-va; at offset 8 - Number Systems; at offset 9 - the speed dial number; the displacement of 10 - the number of islands for the swap. Check the numbers at-a thereof. If Example 4-for-you (see above) indicate number of the boot more than 3 (y-va label tsya from zero), then the file itself CONFIG.DNA shell are not loaded, and then re stroke in the 7 th page, STS, without checking differences thereof. DNA_OS v0.431 DNA system supports FDD, HDD (Nemo) and RAM-Disk. Existing driver RAM-disk will allow em use up to 4 RAM-disks created in the top pages of memory using the Real Commander (such RAM-drives start at the last page and "grow" down) or firmware ROM TR-DOS, such as dos513f, dos605e and the like (the driver, in contrast to In contrast to the dos6b09e, create a less comfortable RAM-disk, which "grows" up). Existing drivers hard drive makes it possible lyayut: - Simultaneously use two HDD; - Use the partitions on the HDD: on camp nonstandard MBR-screw system "sees" five partitions - one primary and four additional Tel'nykh, but only this version recognizes 7 sections (3 core and 4 optional) on the HDD, connected as Master, and 7 partition on the HDD, connected as a Slave; - Refer to the HDD, using the LBA mode (If the HDD can support this mode Adre ation). The system has memory for the driver: - Spectrum-128; - Pentagon 256,512,1024; - Profi-1M. DNA works with the following file systems: - TR-DOS (diskette, the RAM-Disk); - FAT12, FAT16 (to HDD). May be read / write / create / UDA lyat files. Driver TR-DOS creates the files maximum length of 65,280 bytes (255 sectors) FAT16 driver creates a file length of the maximum mum 16 megabytes minus 1 byte, and for reading ing / recording of up to 4 GB. On FAT12 function deleting a file is missing. Can provide the program directory / subdirectories in a universal form (trans formation of different directories of file systems satisfied if the function is called "chi thief catalog lined with flag-transformation vat). Can copy files by using the system I utilities COPY. The files are copied to one nomu, in any direction: TR-DOS <> RAM-Disk <> HDD. When copying to a device with a file the new system TR-DOS (disk or RAM-Disk) length of the copied file must be є 255 sectors. When copying to a device with a file the new system FAT12/FAT16 (HDD) the file length should є 16 megabytes minus 1 byte. Tested with the controller scheme Nemo on these screws (on the Spectrum): - Seageate 130M; - Western Digital Caviar WD2200 212M; - DHAA2270 258M. And these screws on the PCs on the emulator Z80 Stealth v5.03 emulation computer KAY1024 and emulation controller IDE Nemo. With the controller SMUC untested. Driver memory test: a) on the Spectrum: - Profi-1M - at the Pentagon-1024 C / O lyucheniem pages on standard Profi; - The Pentagon, 512, 1024, at the Pentagon, 1024. b) In the emulators on the PC: - Emulator Shalaeva 3.5 with plug-in support memory Profi - PROFMEM.ADD; - Unreal Speccy v0.20; - Z80 Stealth v5.03. The system has been used successfully to record Images TRD (located on the screw) at the real floppy disks, as well as for saving files of images of SCL, located either on the wines those either on the floppy (or on RAMdisks or on a floppy disk in another drive). You can also read texts from a floppy disk, RAM-ROM or HDD (loaded only the first 26.5 k text), watch-touch Ny, 48k run snapshots and files TRF. ZET-9 (Dmitry Avryata), Kharkov
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