ZX Review #7-8-9-10
08 ноября 1997 |
Retro - 40 best procedures: Determination addresses BASIC string.
8.3. Return address BASIC-line Length: 29 Number of variables: 1 Checksum: 2351 Purpose: returns the address the first symbol after the code in the REM string. Variables: Name: line number Length: 2 Cell: 23296 Comment: The line number which shall include REM. Calling the program: LET A = USR address Error checking: If the given string does not exist or not expression of REM, the program will return 0. Comment: This program can be used to find the address of a cell in which can be placed on the machine code. After the program the variable A (can use any other variable) is set at or 0, If the error occurs. Do not enter more than line number 9999! LISTING machine code Assembly label number to VVODA147. LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91 LD A, H 124 OR L 181 JR Z, ERROR 40 5 CALL 6510 205 110 1925 JR Z, CONT 40 4 ERROR LD BC, 0 1 0 0 RET 201 CONT INC HL 35 INC HL 35 INC HL 35 INC HL 35 140. LD A, 234 62 234 CP (HL) 190 JR NZ, ERROR 32243 INC HL 35 LD B, H 68 LD C, L 77 RET 201 2 How it works: In a pair of registers is entered HL opsedelenny line number. If this number is 0, a transition is made to ERROR, otherwise called ROM routine at 6510. Upon returning from this procedure HL contains the address line. If the zero flag is set, a transition is made to CONT. If the flag zero is not installed, this string does not exist and the routine goes to ERROR, which in BC is loaded 0, and then going return to BASIC. If the program reaches tags CONT, HL increased by 4 to point to the first operator in that line. If this the operator does not have a code 234, transition to ERROR. If as an operator of REM, HL increases, pointing to the next symbol. HL value is then copied to the BC and the program returns to BASIC.
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