ZX Review #7-8-9-10
08 ноября 1997 |
Retro - 40 best procedures: an increase and up the screen.
RETRO Music by MITCHELL Dzh.Hardman, E. Hyuzon 40 best procedures End. Beginning in the ZX REVIEW 1997 NN 1-2, 3-4. 6.10. Screen magnification and copying Length: 335 Number of variables: 8 Checksum: 33663 Purpose: This program copies a part of the display to another area of the screen, increasing up to X or Y. Variables: Name Address Length Commentary upper_Y_co-ord 1 23296 Y-coordinate of the top row lower_Y_co-ord 1 23297 Y-coordinate of the bottom row right_X_co-ord 1 23298 X-coordinate of the rightmost column left_X_co-ord 1 23299 X-coordinate of the leftmost column horizontal_scale a 23,300 increase in X vertical_scale a 23,301 increase in Y new_left_co-ord 1 23302 X-coordinate of the leftmost column field in which made up new_lower_co-ord 1 23303 Y-coordinate of the bottom row region, which is copy Calling the program: RANDOMIZE USR address Error checking: a program back to BASIC, if one of the following conditions is true: (I) horizontal_scale = 0, (II) vertical_scale = 0, (III) upper_Y_co-ord more than 175, (IV) new_lower_co-ord more than 175, (V) lower_Y_co-ord more than upper_Y_co-ord, (VI) left_X_co-ord more than right_X_co-ord. However, for brevity, there is no control program, which would have tested the possibility of placing new picture on the screen. If this does not work, may fail. The program also requires a large amount of free of RAM and, if available, may fail. Comment: this program because of conflicts between procedures PLOT. It is located at 65033. If you copy a screen area has the same size, the original, the scale should be set to 1 to double the size of the scale is loaded 2:1, to triple the size of load scale 3:1, etc. LISTING machine code Assembly label number to VVODA147. LD IX, 23296 221 33 0 91 LD A, 175 62 175 CP (IX +0) 221 190 0 RET C 216 CP (IX +7) 221 190 7 RET C 216 SUB A 151 CP (IX +4) 221 190 4 RET Z 200 CP (IX +5) 221 190 5 RET Z 200 LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91 LD B, L 69 LD A, L 125 SUB H 148 RET C 216 LD (23298), A 50 0 91 LD E, A 95 LD HL, (23298) 42 February 1991 LD C, L 77 LD A, L 125 SUB H 148 RET C 216 LD (23298), A 50 February 1991 PUSH BC 197 LD L, A 111 LD H, 0 38 0 INC HL 35 PUSH HL 229 POP BC 193 INC E 28 ADD DEC E 29 JR Z, REMAIN 40 3 ADD HL, BC 9 JR ADD 24250 REMAIN LD A, L 125 AND 15 230 15 LD B, A 71 POP HL 225 LD C, L 77 JR NZ, SAVE 32 2 FULL LD B, 16 June 1916 SAVE PUSH HL 229 CALL SUBR 205 13 255 AND (HL) 166 JR Z, OFF 40 2 LD A, 1 January 1962 OFF POP HL 225 RRA 203 1931 RL E 203 19 RL D 203 18 LD A, L 125 CP (IX +3) 221 190 3 JR Z, NEXT_R 40 6 DEC L 45 N_BIT DJNZ SAVE 16,231 PUSH DE 213 JR FULL 24226 NEXT_R LD L, C 105 LD A, H 124 CP (IX +1) 221 190 1 JR Z, COPY 40 3 DEC H 37 JR N_BIT 24241 COPY PUSH DE 213 LD B, 0 6 0 LD H, B 96 LD L, B 104 RESET LD (23306), HL 34 October 1991 LD A, B 120 OR A 183 JR NZ, RETR 32 3 POP DE 209 LD B, 16 June 1916 RETR SUB A 151 DEC B 5 RR D 203 26 RR E 203 27 RL A 203 23 PUSH DE 213 PUSH BC 197 PUSH AF 245 LD H, 1 January 1938 LOOP LD L, 1 January 1946 PRESER LD (23304), HL 34 August 1991 LD A, (23307) 58 November 1991 LD HL, 0 33 0 0 LD DE, (23301) 237 91 May 1991 LD D, L 85 MULTIP OR A 183 JR Z, CALC 40 6 ADD HL, DE 25 DEC A 61 JR MULTIP 24249 L_JUMP JR RESET 24 208 CALC LD A, (23303) 58 July 1991 ADD A, L 133 LD HL, (23304) 42 August 1991 ADD A, L 133 DEC A 61 PUSH AF 245 LD A, (23306) 58 October 1991 LD HL, 0 33 0 0 LD DE, (23300) 237 91 April 1991 LD D, L 85 REPEAT OR A 183 JR Z, CONTIN 40 4 ADD HL, DE 25 DEC A 61 JR REPEAT 24249 CONTIN LD A, (23 302) 58 June 1991 ADD A, L 133 LD HL, (23305) 42 September 1991 ADD H, L 133 DEC A 61 LD L, A 111 POP AF 241 LD H, A 103 POP AF 241 PUSH AF 245 OR A 183 JR NZ, PLOT 32 7 CALL SUBR 205 13 255 CPL 1947 AND (HL) 166 JR POKE April 24 PLOT CALL SUBR 205 13 255 OR (HL) 182 POKE LD (HL), A 119 LD HL, (23304) 42 August 1991 INC L 44 LD A, (23301) 58 May 1991 INC A 60 CP L 189 JR NZ, PRESER 32165 36 INC H LD A, (23 300) 58 April 1991 INC A 60 CP H 188 JR NZ, LOOP 32155 POP AF 241 POP BC 193 POP DE 209 LD HL, (23306) 42 October 1991 INC L 44 LD A, (23 298) 58 February 1991 INC A 60 CP L 189 JR NZ, L_JUMP 32164 LD L, 0 46 0 36 INC H LD A, (23296) 58 0 91 INC A 60 CP H 188 JR NZ, L_JUMP 32154 RET 201 SUBR PUSH BC 197 PUSH DE 213 LD A, 175 62 175 SUB H 148 LD H, A 103 PUSH HL 229 AND 7230 7 ADD A, 64 198 1964 LD C, A 79 LD A, H 124 RRA 203 1931 RRA 203 1931 RRA 203 1931 AND 31 230 31 LD B, A 71 AND 24 230 24 LD D, A 87 LD A, H 124 AND 192230192 LD E, A 95 LD H, C 97 LD A, L 125 RRA 203 1931 RRA 203 1931 RRA 203 1931 AND 31 230 31 LD L, A 111 LD A, E 123 ADD A, B 128 SUB D 146 LD E, A 95 LD D, 0 22 0 PUSH HL 229 PUSH DE 213 POP HL 225 ADD HL, HL 41 ADD HL, HL 41 ADD HL, HL 41 ADD HL, HL 41 ADD HL, HL 41 POP DE 209 ADD HL, DE 25 POP DE 209 LD A, E 123 AND 7230 7 LD B, A 71 LD A, 8 August 1962 SUB B 144 LD B, A 71 LD A, 1 January 1962 ROTARE ADD A, A 135 DJNZ ROTARE 16253 RRA 203 1931 POP DE 209 POP BC 193 RET 201 2 How it works: In IX load address buffer printer for use in as a pointer variable. If the upper Y-coordinate or new lower coordinate more than 175, the program returns to BASIC. If the value increases horizontally or vertically is 0, there is a return to BASIC. In the H-register is loaded lower Y-coordinate, and L-register Upper Y-coordinate. L-register copied into the B-register and accumulator. H-register is subtracted from the batteries and routine returns to BASIC, if the result is negative. The value of the battery and then placed in a cell for 23298 use as a counter. BC register pair is then stored on the stack. HL register value is loaded accumulator increases and copied to the register BC. BC added to the HL E times, the resulting value of HL is the number of pixels to be copied. In the battery load value L-sensitive and 4, the leftmost bit set to 0. The result is copied into the B-register to use it as a counter. HL register pair is recovered from the stack and the register L is copied to the C-register. If the B-register contains 0, is loaded into the register number 16 - the number of bits in the register pair. It then calls the procedure SUBR and a battery load values POINT (L, H). DE register pair is shifted to the left and bit value of the battery is loaded into the rightmost bit E-sensitive. If the L-register is left X-coordinate, the routine goes to NEXT_R (next row). Otherwise, reduced L-register, then - B-register. If the B-register does not contain 0, the routine returns to the SAVE to feed the next bit in a couple of registers, DE. If the B-register contains a 0, a pair of registers DE pushed onto the stack and the transition to FULL. Procedure NEXT_R in L-register loaded right X-coordinate and loaded into the accumulator value of H-sensitive. If the value battery is equal to the lower Y-coordinate, transition to COPY, because Last pixel for Copy filed in DE. Otherwise Nregistr decreases, indicating next row, and the subroutine returns to N_BIT. The procedure COPY contents DE pair is placed in a stack, and B-, H-and L-registers are set to 0 to use them as counters. The contents of register pair HL is placed in cell with address 23306 / 7. HL can now be used as counter for subsequent cycles without using the stack. If B-register contains 0, DE is restored from the stack and register B re-established on value 16, identifying the number of pixels stored in the DE. B-register is reduced, indicating that bit of information deleted of DE. Rightmost bit of E-register is loaded into the battery, and a pair of registers DE shifted to the right. DE, BC and AF on the stack as long as not performing certain calculations. In registers H and L 1 is loaded for use as counter, and placed in the HL cell with address 23304 / 5. As the battery is loaded value byte at 23,307 - is one of the counters stored previously. In a couple of registers loaded DE vertical scale. This value is then multiplied by the battery, and the result served in the HL. This value is added to the bottom of the new Y-coordinate in the battery. Byte at 23,304 and then added to the battery, and the result is reduced. Battery stores now Y-coordinate for the construction of the next pixel. This value stored on the stack as long as the calculated X-coordinate the same way. After calculating X-coordinate is loaded into the L-register. Y-coordinate is recovered from the stack and loaded into H-sensitive. In the battery installed last value stored in the stack. If it is 1, should be constructed point (X, Y), otherwise, should be performed procedure UNPLOTTED. Called SUBR and the appropriate action. HL register pair is loaded loop counter that is stored on addresses 23304 / 5. Register L is increased, and if it does not contain a value (1 + vertical_scale), routine returns to PRESER. Register of H increases, if it contains no value (1 + horizontal_scale), is go to LOOP. A pair of registers AF, BC and DE recovered from the stack, and HL register pair is loaded second value sets the loop counter, which is stored on addresses 23306 / 7. Register L is increased and the transition to RESET, if the result is not equal (Right_X_co - ord - left_X_co - ord + 1). Register L is set to 0 - this is the initial value loop counter. H-register and then increases and the routine goes to RESET, if the result is not equal (uppen_Y_co-ord-lower_Y _co-ord +1). The program returns to BASIC. SUBR procedure is identical to that used in the program "Painting the path."
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