ZX Review #7-8-9-10
08 ноября 1997 |
reader-reader - ZX Spectrum 128 - new opportunities, new challenges.
(C) VA Sirotkin SPECTRUM 128 - NEW OPPORTUNITIES NEW CHALLENGES Further development of 'SPEKTRUM'a become a model with volume 128 kilobytes. Since CPU Z-80 is an 8-bit processor, and address space he is not physically may extend above the value # FFFF (65535), the expansion of computer memory has been done on method of overlapping 16-kilobyte memory pages in the upper address of the computer. User has received in his the disposal of 8 pages of memory that he could switch at will at any time. Basically the same address space of the computer is left for Users like without visible changes. The presence of 128 KB is not meant that for the Spectrum was possible to write programs length greater than 48 kilobytes but if the program was divided into sections and download them in parts of additional pages of RAM, and then at some point time caused these pages then, of course, created the illusion of a huge working area the computer (this way of working called the Overlay). 128 KB allowed to transfer many of the programs (which are loadable levels or multi-stage, multi-level loading) mode: for load once - all at once. " The owners of the Spectrum-128, which everything else, became owners of a powerful editor for entering programs written in BASIC and that Most importantly, the computer came music processor, with by which the audio capabilities of Spectrum has increased several orders of magnitude. Memory Allocation So, you had a Spectrum 128. There was a distinct advantage - the presence of additional memory, but at the same time there was also a lot of problems ... A how to manage all this?? In terms of address space - everything was so As in the old computer. By same address screen, the system variables and everything else. True, now you have Another area of system variables for the mode 128, and this area is located at address # 5B00 (23,296) (yes, yes, yes, in a buffer printer. And God forbid, if mode is 128 your game or system programs use the printer buffer - plucked for trouble! And so Like so many programs SPECTRUM-48 use this area then their normal starting to or exit from the regime of 128 K in the regime of 48 KB, or alter the program). RAM memory your computer (so same as the old), extending from # 4000 to # FFFF. The upper region of RAM - with addresses # C000 and to end - is called an overlay, and Here's something to this area as time and may include any of the 8 pages of RAM (of course, only one!) Immediately after turning on the computer in this area included page 0. For the rest of the space of the computer's RAM rigidly fixed the following pages: a # 4000 to # 7FFF - page 5, # 8000 to # BFFF - page 2. From all this it follows that You can get a situation where working space of the computer simultaneously at different addresses will: 1) Page 5 - and from the address # 4000 (Hard) and address # C000 (Overlay) OR! 2) page 2 - and to address # 8000 (Hard) and address # C000 (Overlay) OR! 3) Page 7 - and from the address # 4000 (Substitution) and the address # C000 (Overlay) Additional features provides page 7 (or extra video RAM). This Page can substitute page 5 (basic video RAM), which provides rich food for software tricks with video output. It is only necessary to remember that all the system procedures, printing, display graphics, etc. in Anyway working with page 5, that is with the main videoOZU! In order to work with additional video RAM, page 7 imprinted with the address # C000, build (or download) on these addresses video information, and then include Page 7 instead of page 5, and all that was to Address # C000, instantly manifest on the screen (with address # 4000). Address Allocation screen 7-th page, in this case is as follows: pixel screen with up to # C000 # D7FF (49152) (55295) attributes (color) with up to # D800 # DAFF (55296) (56063) All switching pages of RAM as well as switching and mode PZU-48/PZU128 LATCH 48Kb possible through the system port address: # 7FFD (32765) Accordingly, the command OUT 32765, xx can manage the configuration of your computer. Below are given layout of bits on that port: SYSTEM PORT # 7FFD (32765) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Page number RAM from the address # C000 Latch 48 Kb - Page Video RAM 0 - working (5 th) 1 - More (7 th) 0 - ROM 128 KB 1 - ROM 48 KB 6 and 7 bits in the Spectrum 128 is not used. Can be applied to expand the computer's RAM to 512 KB. The rules of the system 128 KB and the system port # 7FFD (32,765). If you are working with the system port from the BASIC-128, you it must be remembered that: - Before switching pages RAM is desired command CLEAR 32767, so as not to bring down systems LIMITED stack. - Before the Record of bytes in system port, it should duplicated in the system cell BANK_M address # 5B5C (23388) - Manage the changeover country down from BASIC can be achieved by byte entry in the system cell BANK_M (apply bytes port in this case is not nuzh tively). - If your needs you Perek lyuchilis for additional VIDEO RAM, when you exit your program the auto automatically activates BASICS NOE of video RAM. - When you turn on the 7 th page on the screen (instead of 5 th) 7-I countries ence can remain on screen wound in any other C / O lyucheniyah pages of RAM. - Entry of information in addition a supplementary video RAM (7 countries ence) is possible only if when she turned to address # C000. - If you call from BASIC procedure written in to dah, which works with the system dark port, the first to executing this procedure should be the team 'DI' - ban interrupts. - Because all the teams BASIC automatically switched on During his tenure, bit 4 system dark port, ie, include ROM 48 KB, then the work of BASIC to the system port or variable BANK_M same desirable to force the inclusion chat bit 4 (hence, the operator B tion for switching countries SIC RAM should be the sum number # 10 (16) with the right buy volume). At the end of work your BASIC program system ma itself activates the ROM-128. - If you run a program (Whether from tape or dis ka), who previously worked in Spectrum-48, refer to during loading is not constipated tilsya printer buffer, or system crashes. - If you have a program for painted in mashkodah after launch is not going to more go to BASIC, then all you sheperechislennye rules neo byazatelny (with the condition, if This program is bound bunt). BASIC-128 is almost no different from BASIC-48, except what a powerful screen editor, so that operators need to dial letter by letter (which is reducing the rate of recruitment programs, Yes, and the opportunity set color attributes in the line of BASIC The editor is absent). In fact, ROM-128 permanent refers to the ROM-48 procedures for implementation of the BASIC program. In the ROM-128 almost nothing interesting there: a program editor, procedure, servicing music processor for the operator to 'PLAY', so the program works with the virtual disk (the operators CAT!, SAVE!, LOAD!, MERGE!, ERASE!) Those who are asleep, and sees how to delve into the ROM-128 - tip: ROM-128 can not enter any debugger or disassembler. Even to disk and tape a simple way of not zapishesh. Only one way out - write a simple program in codes such as this and run it from Beysika128: 140. org???? ; Area run start di; disable the interrupt ld a, 0 byte system port ld bc, # 7ffd; system port out (c), a; INCLUDING ROM-3128 ld hl, 0; and now perekinem ld bc, # 3fff; the entire contents of ROM ld de, 3 #???? And in free space ldir ei; soluble interrupt ret; emerge 2 Throwing the contents of ROM-128 in free space of RAM can now be there to save him disk or tape. Who subscribed to or bought Journals ZX REVIEW over the past few years, one can learn a lot about Spectrum 128 ... So for example: - How to go out in the BASIC-48 from mode 128, not stopping program and maintaining the possibility sequence switch pages RAM and come back; - How to work with a virtual drive by the "channel" management; - That you can squeeze out of the system variables 128K and much, much more. We, first of all, should excite the question: "How things with the disk system? "And just as in old computer! Only appeared a huge advantage - have to upload files, there lots of free space under the work program on the disk. Know just switch pages of RAM. All this is true, but as soon as your program will go on the road download via additional page of RAM, so immediately you can forget about his friends, who have not yet been able to purchase Spectrum-128 and work on 48 kilobytes. Normal exit from such situation is the method of adjustment programs in architecture computer. If your computer '128 Th '- it involves a routine, and loading occurs through additional pages of RAM (includes background music for muzprotsessora, etc.) If your computer is '48-th ', then all occurs in a different way (eg such a setting - these are well-known programs such as "RICK DANGEROUS 2", "SNOW.STREAKER", system shell "CONVER COMMANDER "Kowalewski and many others). Software to determine the computer architecture may be different ways: - Scan the buffer area printer for the presence of systemic variables for the first '128 '; - To try to 'turn' ROM-128 and take information from it; - Write information to address with # C000, and then submitting to the system dark port byte switching pages of RAM, analyzed rovat - there was a transition conclusion. But if you opted for its "only 128 kilobytes (and such programs have enough), then at least screen saver program is: "128 ONLY". Let's talk about "Magik" files in the light of 128 KB. If you discard a program that does not use additional pages of memory, then this case, the magico-reset does not differs from the magico-48. If program that you fold to use additional page of RAM, in addition to the main file @, are formed on the disk files with names @ 0, @ 1, @ 2, @ 3, @ 4, @ 5, @ 6, @ 7 by number page. Not everyone, of course, but only those pages that were involved in the program (Ie, those which had been kakayato information at the time of discharge). These files always have the length # 4000 (16384) and a starting address # C000 (49152). Also reset the file named '@ 8' - is file that contains a page additional video RAM. The main file with the name '@' - a workspace with computer addresses # 4000 to # FFFF (as in normal magico-file). Run magico-assembly with a simple command "GO TO" has not come out. To start you will be you must first download files to the appropriate page, and then the command "GO TO" run the main file. Suppose that after clicking Magika you have the disk formed following files: @ - Main file @ 1 - 1-st page @ 7 - 7-I stranitsa Then running in BASIC MAGIKsborki may have the following form: 10 CLEAR 32767 20 POKE 23388,7 +16 (Including the page 7 and the main ROM) 30 RANDOMIZE USR 15619: REM: LOAD "@ 7" CODE (Download page 7) 20 POKE 23388,1 +16 (Including a page 1 and the main ROM) 30 RANDOMIZE USR 15619: REM: LOAD "@ a" CODE (Download page 1) 20 POKE 23388,16 (Including page 0 and the main ROM) 30 RANDOMIZE USR 15619: REM: GOTO "@" CODE (Download and run the main file) All files magico-assembly can rename and give them other names, not forgetting, of course, what file belongs to which page of RAM. And, naturally, do not forget that a program running in the second interruption, should be in the name of the main Magico-file first character '$'! Finally, we present a table of all system variables "128 th" computer. System variables Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 HEX DEC len / name APPOINTMENT 5B00 23296 1920 SWAP paging routine 5B14 23316 9 AYOUNGER paging routine 5B1D 23325 1918 ONERR paging routine 5B2F 23343 5 PIN Sub input RS232 5B54 23 348 22 Sub-output POUT tags RS232 Can be used to circumvent filter package management 1914 5B4A 23370 POUT2 Sub output symbol RS232 5B58 23384 2 TARGET Address routines in ROM-1 5B5A 23386 2 RETADR return address in the ROM-0 5B5C 23388 BANKM a copy of the last byte O bank 5B5D 23,389 a RAMRST Team RST 8 5B5E 23390 RAMERR an error number ROM-1 5B5F 23391 2 BAUD RS232: between bits in T-sostoyanii/26 5B61 23393 2 SEREL Flag return 2-th character and data 5B63 23,395 1 COL Current column from 1 to width 5B64 23396 1 WIDTH column width of paper 5B65 23397 TVPARS a number of parameters in a row expected RS232 5B66 23398 1 FLAGS3 Various flags 5B67 23399 1910 NSTR1 Filename 5B71 23409 1 HD00 file type code 5B72 23410 2 HD0B block length 5B74 23412 2 HD0D Start Block 5B76 23414 2 HD0F length of the program 5B78 23416 2 HD11 line number 5B7A 23418 1 SC00 second set - type code File 5B7B 23419 2 SC08 second set - the length of the block 5B7D 23421 2 SC0D second set - the beginning of the block 5B7F 23423 2 SC0F second set - the length of program 5B81 23425 2 OLDSP old SP, when used is T TACK 5B83 23427 2 SFNEXT pointer to the first blank login directory 5B85 23429 3 SPSPACE number of bytes left (17 bits) 5B88 23432 1 ROW01 Flags tablet and the image series 1 5B89 23433 1 ROW23 the rows 2 and 3 of the keyboard Tours 5B8A 23,434 a ROW45 Series 4 and 5 of the keyboard 5B8B 23435 2 SYNRET return address for ONERR 5B8D 23437 5 LASTV last value napecha tannoe calculator 5B92 23442 2 RNLINE currently memorized line 5B94 23444 2 RNFIRST line number for the beginning RENUMBER 5B96 23446 2 RNSTEP value increment RENUMBER 5B98 23448 8 STRIP1 Map bit of band 1 5BA0 23456 8 STRIP2 Map bit of band 2 5BFF 23,551 XX TSTASK temporary stack grows down from here *
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