ZX Review #7-8-9-10
08 ноября 1997 |
Retro - 40 best procedures: Copying data in memory.
8.4. Copying Data in memory Length: 33 Number of variables: 3 Checksum: 4022 Purpose: This program copies the memory from one place to another. Variables: Name: start Length: 2 Cell: 23296 Comment: The source address to copy. Name: destination Length: 2 Cell: 23298 Comment: address, which is copied. Name: length Length: 2 Cell: 23300 Comment: The length of the block, to be copied. Calling the program: RANDOMIZE USR address Error Check: No Comment: this subroutine can be used to create an "animation" using the following method: - Creation of the first screen of information; - Copy the screen above RAMTOP; - Repeat for the other screens; - Copy of screens in the opposite direction one by one in quick succession. LISTING machine code Assembly label number to VVODA147. LD HL, (23296) 42 0 91 LD DE, (23298) 237 91 February 1991 LD BC, (23300) 235 75 April 1991 LD A, B 120 OR C 177 RET Z 200 AND A 167 SBC HL, DE 237 82 RET Z 200 ADD HL, DE 25 JR C, COPY 56 3 LDIR 237,176 RET 201 COPY EX DE, HL 235 ADD HL, BC 9 EX DE, HL 235 ADD HL, BC 9 DEC HL 1943 DEC DE 1927 LDDR 237,184 RET 201 2 How it works: In a couple of registers HL loaded address of the first byte of memory for copying, DE loads the address to copy memory, and a BC loaded the number of bytes to copy. If BC = 0 or HL = DE, then the routine returns to BASIC. If HL is greater than DE, part of the memory copied, using the instructions LDIR and the program returns to BASIC. If DE is greater than the HL, then to both pairs of registers is added to BC-1 and the memory is copied using the instructions LDDR, then the program returns to BASIC.
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