ZX Review #7-8-9-10
08 ноября 1997

page iS-DOS - Description of system restarts IS DOS.

<b>page iS-DOS</b> - Description of system restarts IS DOS.
       PAGE iS-DOS


(C) Sergey Astrov, Cheboksary



   Ca. Ed.: This work was done long ago. In the ranks of experts
ZX REVIEW she called positive feedback
but, unfortunately, has not been completed by the author. We 
hope that someone from our readers to finish this work. 

   According to S. Astrov ...

   # 00 = 0 DOS.create - Initializing ramdisk

   Ramdisk (not to be confused with
"Fast", or virtual RAM-,
or quasidisc) - this is an internal cache of disk space
He needed to increase the speed disk access. When
the first reading of an
block its contents are stored in memory. If then there will be 
another call to this the same block, the information will

already been read from the RAM. Title
"Electronic" is not quite
comfortable in this edition it replaced by a "disk cache" or
just a "cache."

   When this restart battery must contain the size of the cache 
in blocks. For each Block is reserved to 260 bytes of data:

256 - for the contents of the block, on
one byte for status register block and counter appeals to the 
block, and 2 bytes - number block on the device.

   The cache size can be anything
depending on user needs. In describing the firm ISDOS optimal 
cache size passed for 29 blocks, I use cache size to 32 blocks. 
Not is to use small or

large cache sizes. In the first
the case of disk accesses will be slower in the second case, 
many programs will not fit in memory, and therefore can not 

   So, register A must contain the cache size. To avoid
freezing should not be loaded into
battery is 0. If a given cache size is huge, more than possible 
to create, then restart nothing will, when the output is 
enabled flag Carry - error. 

   It is not recommended to ask
value of the cache is less than nine
blocks, since then lost the possibility of widespread use of 
"fast" disk. In other words, in this case, all program will be 
searched for "System" drive, not addressing

first to the "fast".


; The above program creates a cache size of 25 blocks.

       LD A, 25; cache of 325 blocks

       LD C, 0; create

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


   # 07 = 7 DOS.ttyin - entered via the keyboard


; Program typed keystrokes and depicts his
; In the upper left corner of the screen. To exit, press 
<ENTER>. 140.

LOOP LD HL, 0, (0,0)

       LD C, # 0C; prapd - setting the printing position

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - input symbol

       RST # 10

       CP 1913

       JR Z, EXIT

       LD C, # 0A; ttyout - output symbol

       RST # 10

       JR LOOP


       LD A, # F4


 # 08 = 8 DOS.kwait - Waiting for the state of the keyboard with

                   of rest keys.


   During operation of the restart will be constantly polled
keyboard and while pressing one key, exit restart
will not occur. Once
all keys are released, or pressed two or more keys
then immediately exits. If
in the example below will
pressed, for example, key "A" and not
will be dispensed, the program
will not go into the shell.
If you press another key and  or  (not
releasing the "A"!), then exit all
will not happen. If all
Keys will be released, either by pressing "A" and "B" together, 
it will exit the shell. 

   Application of this restart is needed in some menus
having a "hot button" when
can occur by chance recall for the same hot
button. In other words, applies when you want to be sure that 
any key is pressed. 


; Program clears the screen, waiting for the keys, and "hanging"
; Until this key is pressed.

       XOR A

       LD C, # 73; cls - clear screen

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 08; kwait - waiting for "squeezing" the keys

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


   # 0A = 10 DOS.ttyout - character output to the screen

   This restart is used
system itself, in most
when you want to display on
screen (or on another character
output device) of any
text. In most cases,
This restart is not used in
application programs, program printing the symbol is 
highlighted in separate restart to make it easier recourse to 
the system itself. 

   If you use a print driver ty42.typ, when you print control 
characters (chr 0 .. chr 31) are not recognized and instead

will be withdrawn from the chaotic character outlines. When 
using the driver ty42-f.typ control characters are displayed in 
accordance with the coding IBM. In general, the restart only 
transmits without changing the character codes

print driver. That will be displayed on the screen (printed on
printer) - depends only on

   Not recommended for printing
the screen is off-screen, although freezing is usually not the 


; Program clears the screen and displays a complete set of 
characters, , Which allows you to print this output driver.

; To exit press <ENTER>.

       LD C, # 73; cls - clear screen

       XOR A

       RST # 10

       LD D, 8, 8 lines

       LD H, -1; initial value of the coordinates

       XOR A; character typed
LOOP LD B, 32 2, 32 characters per line

       INC H; newline

       LD L, 0; coordinate (H, 0)

       LD C, # 0C; prapd - setting the printing position

       PUSH AF

       RST # 10

       POP AF

L1 LD C, # 0A; ttyout - output symbol

       PUSH AF

       RST # 10

       POP AF

       INC A; next character

       DJNZ L1

       DEC D

       JR NZ, LOOP

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting

       RST # 10


       LD A, # F4


   # 0B = 11 DOS.prcpl - Select print mode

   Restart allows you to select
one of two modes of printing:
direct or inverted. Inverse
output is often used to highlight a section of text.

   Set the print mode register A. Establish direct
(Normal) print mode if the battery contains 0, otherwise it 
will set the inverse mode. 


; Program clears the screen and displays a complete set of 
characters, , Which allows you to print this output driver. 
Print ; Going in reverse mode. To exit, press <ENTER>.


       LD A, 1

       LD C, # 0B

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 73; cls - clear screen

       XOR A

       RST # 10

       LD D, 8, 8 lines

       LD H, -1; initial value of the coordinates

       XOR A; printable character
LOOP LD B, 32, 32 characters per line

       INC H; newline

       LD L, 0; coordinate (H, 0)

       LD C, # 0C; prapd - setting the printing position

       PUSH AF

       RST # 10

       POP AF

L1 LD C, # 0A; ttyout - output symbol

       PUSH AF

       RST # 10

       POP AF

       INC A; next character

       DJNZ L1

       DEC D

       JR NZ, LOOP

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting

       RST # 10


       LD A, # F4

 .................................................. ............

   # 15 = 21 DOS.empty - Restart is not used.

 .................................................. ............

   # 22 = 34 DUD.empty - Restart is not used


   Old restart DUD.mkdir -
create the directory. More
later versions of IS-DOS was deleted as unnecessary.

 .................................................. ............

   # 24 = 36 DUD.erfil - Deleting a file named

   To delete a file, you must specify its name.
Address of the descriptor file name must be in register HL.
The file name must be specified
accurately, without global symbols
"*" And "?". Immediately after the file name extension must be 
specified. For example, the file unicolor.com must have a 
descriptor: "unicolorcom" (without separating the point!) 

   If you specify a file name, and
file does not exist, then the call erfil errors will not.

 .................................................. ............

   # 3A = 58 DUD.empty - Restart is not used


   Old restart DUD.paste. In
later versions of IS-DOS was
deleted as unnecessary.

 .................................................. ............

   # 60 = 96 WIND.empty - Not used

   # 61 = 97 WIND.wt - Output window

   Restart is used to display the window. To set the 
configuration window, use register A and the vector window, the 
address which specifies the index register IX. 

           Contents of register A (for output window):

             (These values ​​clears)

A = 0 # 00 window with single frame
A = 1 # 01 window without frames
A = 2 # 02 double window frame
A = 3 .. 127 # 03 .. # 7F window without frames

   When you use the following
values ​​of the window is not cleared, and
only podkrashivayutsya and drawn
frame. Keep in mind that the frame is drawn lines (probably
using subroutine
PLOT in the Spectrum ROM). For any
value of register A frame will be
superimposed on the image, and
place under the frame will not be cleared. Showing the example 
shows the effect. Should Note that the restart can be used 
effectively if must simultaneously touch up or repaint the 
existing window and replace the literal single frame to a 
double, and skirt the window frame with the tint or color 

                    Contents of register A:

                 (Box only podkrashivayutsya)

A = 128 # 80 box with single frame
A = 129 # 81 window without frames
A = 130 # 1982 box with dual frame
A = 131 .. 255 # 83 .. # FF window without frames

                        Vector window

offset length name comments

   0 X_COOR an X coordinate of the window for printing

   1 Y_COOR a Y coordinate for the print window

   2 Y_SIZE a window height

   3 X_SIZE a window width

   4 ATTR a window attributes

   SHADE 5 1 attribute shadow

   6 X_coor an X coordinate for printing text

   7 X_size a window width for printing text

   All coordinates are deposited
from the upper left corner. X_COOR,
Y_COOR, Y_SIZE and familiarity X_SIZE counted in 8 * 8 pixels. 
The first two quantities can take values ​​from 0 to 31 and

from 0 to 23, respectively.
Y_SIZE X_SIZE and should not take zero values. X_coor and
X_size determine the location of the text in the box relative 
to the boundaries Screen rather than the current window! These

values ​​measured in the familiarity of printable characters, 
with using normal driver

printing (42 characters per line) options can be selected from
range 0 .. 41.

   WARNING! Always make sure
not to go beyond the boundaries
physical screen. The system does not
monitor such violations,
and, at best, the screen will
look sloppy.

   Attributes shade (SHADE) determine the color of the shadow 
and its availability. The shadow color is set as standard:

            bits of value
 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

                                  ink color

                                  Paper Color


                                  0 = presence of shadows

                                  1 = absence of shade


; The program opens and prints the text in it

       LD A, # 82; double frame without treatment, but with a 

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD IX, WIND1; vector window

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 66; adrwt - print text in the window

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 2007

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


WIND1 DEFB 1,5,8,10,71,4,2,8

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize

       DEFM "So what?"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "So what?"

       DEFB 13,32

   If you start this file
screen will contain any image, the box was superimposed on the 
screen content. Place will be cleared only by printed symbols.

   # 62 = 98 WIND.box - Drawing / Erasing framework

   Restart is used to draw or remove the window frame.
When you call the register pair IX
must contain the address of the vector
window, register D holds the indentation on
Y from the edge of the window, and register E - by
axis X. Accumulator (register A)
indicates the configuration of the frame.

   Should pay attention to
that draws a box restart
single lines. To
to skirt the window double lines should cause a restart
twice or use the call
wt (# 61).

   When you call in the battery might include the following 

            bits of value
 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

                                  left if 1 - side

                                  right-hand drawn / removed

                                  if the upper 0 -

                                  lower ignored

                                  not used

                                  0 = draw

                                  1 = erase

   Registers D and E contain padding in pixels from the borders 
of the window to the center. Note that

indentation on the left and right are determined by register E 
modulo 8 (Top and bottom - Register D),

In other words, a space defined by three lower bits of 
registers (and, in fact, can take values ​​from 0 to 7). The 
second example shows this feature. 

                        Vector window

offset length name comments

   0 X_COOR an X coordinate of the window for printing

   1 Y_COOR a Y coordinate for the print window

   2 Y_SIZE a window height

   3 X_SIZE a window width

   4 ATTR a window attributes

   SHADE 5 1 attribute shadow

   6 X_coor an X coordinate for printing text

   7 X_size a window width for printing text


; Program opens a window with no frame, it prints text,
, And then waits for a keypress. After you draw a
; Single frame and is waiting again. Then the side
; Side of the frame are removed and the program waits for 
keypress ; To exit the shell.


       LD A, # 01; without frame, with the cleaning

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 66; adrwt - print text

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for the keys

       RST # 10

       LD IX, WIND1

       LD DE, # 0001; indentation in pixels

       LD A,% 00011111

       LD C, # 62; box - frame

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for the keys

       RST # 10

       LD IX, WIND1

       LD DE, # 0101; indentation in pixels

       LD A,% 10000011

       LD C, # 62; box - wipe the sides of the

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4; output in SHELL


WIND1 DEFB 0,18,5,19,71,4,1,25

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize

       DEFM "Hello, people!"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "You can't put your arms"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "around a memory"

       DEFB 13,3


, Opens a window without a frame on the screen. The window is 
not cleared. ; Expected keystroke.

; (1) Draw a frame.
; Increasing margins from the edge by one.
; Expected keystroke.
; Running with paragraph (1) nine times.
; The same way, all erased.
, Exits the shell.

       LD A, # 01; unframed

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for the keys

       RST # 10

       LD B, 10

       LD D, B

       LD E, B; indentation in pixels

       LD A,% 00001111; draw from all sides

       LD C, # 62; box

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting

       RST # 10

       DJNZ LOOP

       LD B, 10

       LD D, B

       LD E, B; indentation in pixels

       LD A,% 10001111, remove from all sides

       LD C, # 62; box

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting

       RST # 10

       DJNZ LOOP1

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4; output in SHELL


WIND1 DEFB 0,0,24,32,71,128,1,25

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize

   # 63 = 99 WIND.awt - Tint lines in a window with a frame

   This restart is useful for
create a menu that makes IS-DOS (see Restart SHELL.
menu # 91 = 145).

   When you call must register IX
contain the address of the vector window,
Register B - Color and the battery
- A string that you want to highlight. Row number is counted 
from the top of the window. If in the battery string is 
specified with number 0, will be highlighted

top row, which contains a frame. It should be noted
that the number of lines can be negative. If you want to
tint the line above the window
should be loaded into the accumulator -1 (255). Of course,
line will have a size equal to the length of the window.

   When leaving for the boundaries of the physical screen, 
nothing happens, the call is ignored. Line number for the 
system is remainder of the division of content on the battery 
32, in other words, the values ​​of k and k +32 * n for this 
restart are equivalent to (n - integer, 0 <= k <= 31).


; The program opens a window and wears a second line.

       LD A, 0; single frame

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 66; adrwt - print text

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 63; awt - touch-up lines

       LD A, 2, No. 2

       LD B, 15, white on blue

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - wait for keystroke

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


WIND1 DEFB 0,0,6,9,71,4,2,8

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize

       DEFM "Line 1"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "Line 2"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "Line 3"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "Line 4"

       DEFB 13,3

   # 64 = 100 WIND.awtc - Tint lines in a window without a frame

   This restart is virtually no different from the previous 
one, with the only difference being that podkrashivayutsya line 
window not including borders. 

   If the window size horizontally less than three, when you 
call restart can be unpleasant

consequences. In favorable
circumstances and
peculiar arrangement of stars, the screen will look ugly, but
in general, you can and hang
system - will have to reboot. The following example 
demonstrates this. 


; The program opens a window and wears a second line.

       LD A, 0; single frame

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 64; awtc - tint

       LD A, 2 second row

       LD B, 15

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


WIND1 DEFB 0,0,5,2,71,4,2,8; the size of the horizontal - two

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize

   # 65 = 101 WIND.lwt - print this many lines in


   Restart suitable for printing
text window, as when specifying
correct parameters text
always issued in a limited
areas that go beyond text
can not.

   To call the restart register
IX must contain the address of the vector window, the battery - 
the number of line window from which you will print text, case 
B - the number of rows that will be displayed. Text can

contain any characters at the end of each line must be
symbol CR (chr (13)). If,
press meet EOF character
(Chr (3)), no further printing
terminated, there is a return
the main program.

                        Vector window

Dimensions name offset the length of comments in pixels

   0 X_COOR an X coordinate for printing window (8 * 8)

   1 Y_COOR a Y coordinate for the print window (8 * 8)

   2 Y_SIZE a window height (8 * 8)

   3 X_SIZE a window width (8 * 8)

   4 ATTR a window attributes

   SHADE 5 1 attribute shadow

   6 X_coor an X coordinate for printing text (8 * 6)

   7 X_size a window width for printing text (8 * 6)

   Here, as in the previous two restarts, the values ​​of k and
k +32 * n for this restart are equivalent to (n - integer, 0 <=
k <= 31), the battery can take negative values ​​with
The only difference is that the yield for
beyond the physical screen is dangerous - the system may hang.

   Printing is as follows: cleared rectangle with a width and 
height X_size contained in the register B, upper left corner 
has coordinates (X_coor; Y_COOR + contents battery). (The 
lengths of the sides of the rectangle - in familiarity). Then 
there is a seal with line Y_COOR + contents battery. If the 
length of the printed line will be more X_size,

there will be a automatic transfer lines. In the window will be 
printed as many rows as contained in the register B, regardless 
of the transfer. 


; Prints three lines in the window.

       LD A, 0

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 65; lwt - print

       LD B, 3, three rows

       LD A, 2, starting from the second row of windows,

       LD IX, WIND1; print window WIND1

       LD HL, TEXT; text contained at TEXT

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


TEXT DEFM "1. One"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "2. Two"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "3. Three"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "4. Four"

       DEFB 13

WIND1 DEFB 1,10,6,8,71,4,2,9

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize

   # 66 = 102 WIND.adrwt - Print the text in the box

                        Text - after vector window

   Restart is used very
frequently if necessary many times
get a window with one and the
same text.

   When you call a restart is necessary to define only one 
register IX, which shall contain the address of the vector 
window. Immediately after the vector of the window should be 
placed in the message. The text will be printed until until it 
encounters the EOF character (Chr (3)). Printing may be

interrupted in the event that will be reached the lower 
boundary of the window. 


; Example is taken from the program mkdir.com
; Printout of the text in the box.

       LD A, 2, double frame

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 66; adrwt - print text

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


WIND1 DEFB 17,8,5,11,56,1,25,10

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize

       DEFM "Create"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "Directory:"

       DEFB 3

   # 67 = 103 WIND.lenwt - Print the text in the box

                        text - the register HL

   Unlike Lenwt (# 67) of adrwt
(# 66) lies in the fact that the address of the beginning of 
the text contained in register HL.


; Example is taken from the program calculat.com (iS-EDIT 
Calculator 1993) Print the text in the window.


       LD IX, WIND1

       XOR A; single frame

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       RST # 10

       LD HL, TEXT

       LD C, # 67; lenwt - print text

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4



       DEFM "Sub -"

       DEFM "Mul *"

       DEFM "Div:"

       DEFM "Input"

       DEFM "Exit!"

WIND1 DEFB 23,9,8,6,56,1,32,5

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize2

 .................................................. ............

   # 69 = 105 WIND.empty - Restart is not used.


   Former restart IND.iniwt, in
later versions of IS-DOS is not used.

 .................................................. ............

   # 6B = 107 WIND.wtpos - Set the cursor relative to

                        window borders

   Restart is invoked in cases where it is necessary to 
position the cursor at the position, located in a window. 

   When you exit this restart
set system variable xypos, responsible for the location of the 
cursor on the screen. Positions k and k +32 * n equivalent (As 
in the X, and axis Y). 

   X coordinate to be contained in the register L, and Y - in 
the register H. Coordinates are measured relative to the window 
bounds, rather than the screen. If H = YY, L = XX, then

cursor position will be set (X_coor + XX; Y_COOR + YY).

                        Vector window

offset length name comments

   0 X_COOR an X coordinate of the window for printing

   1 Y_COOR a Y coordinate for the print window

   2 Y_SIZE a window height

   3 X_SIZE a window width

   4 ATTR a window attributes

   SHADE 5 1 attribute shadow

   6 X_coor an X coordinate for printing text

   7 X_size a window width for printing text

   To avoid misunderstanding,
especially want to note that
POSITION the cursor is placed,
BUT this cursor stays in the same
The state in which it was before the call to restart. If the 
cursor was enabled before calling the restart, then

he will remain so.

   NOTE: Restart only sets a variable xypos, and
not the cursor. Cursor sets restart y___ (# 76 = 118).


; Window opens, it installed a blinking cursor.
; After pressing the cursor is extinguished and exits
; To the shell.

       LD A, 0; single frame

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD H, -1-32; equivalent -1

       LD L, -1

       LD C, # 6B; wtpos - cursor

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 76; y___

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 77; n___

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


WIND1 DEFB 1,10,8,14,71,4,2,17

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize2

   # 6C = 108 WIND.str - Print lines ending

                      on CR (chr 13)

   Restart is used for printing lines, ending
the symbol CR (chr 13). The procedure is very fast, but
does not check critical situations. Going bottom of the screen 
is dangerous. Output is in the right border is not terrible, 
but when using the print driver 42 characters per line spoils 
the look of the screen is distorted because the 43rd character 
(printed not completely).

   Printing occurs with the current
position xypos, to call to determine only the register
HL, which must contain the address of the text string.


; Example is taken is not very aesthetic, but it shows but
; Particularly restart. Opens a window, set
; Cursor, printed a long string (with access abroad
; Screen). The yield on the key is pressed.

       LD A, 0

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD H, June 32, equivalent to 3

       LD L, 5

       LD C, # 6B; wtpos - cursor

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 6C; str - print line

       LD HL, TEXT

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


TEXT DEFM "IS-DOS - Disk Operating System

       DEFM "for the ZX-Spectrum"

       DEFB 13

WIND1 DEFB 1,10,8,14,71,4,2,17

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize

   # 6D = 109 WIND.lnstr - Print lines of a certain length

   When you call this a restart
Prints a specified number of characters in the string. The 
procedure does not check out of the screen. Going beyond the 
lower limit is undesirable, when the output of the left border 
of the most distorted Right 43rd character.

   Printing occurs with the current
position xypos. When you call the HL register contains the 
address text line, and register B - number of characters to 
print. While listing the system makes no difference which 
character is printed. Occurs if a character CR (chr 13) or a 
symbol EOF (chr 3) - they still will be represented as 
characters, not control codes. From here you can draw only one 
conclusion: no use when calling this

restart the line with symbols (chr
0 .. chr 31).


; The program opens a window, set the cursor and prints
; "IS-DOS" - the first six characters of the string.

       LD A, 0

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD H, 1

       LD L, 5

       LD C, # 6B; wtpos - cursor

       RST # 10

       LD B, 6

       LD C, # 6D; lnstr - print deadlines length B = 6 

       LD HL, TEXT

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


TEXT DEFM "IS-DOS - Disk Operating System

       DEFM "for the ZX-Spectrum"

       DEFB 13

WIND1 DEFB 1,10,8,14,71,4,2,17

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize

 # 6E = 110 WIND.smbgt - String mobile Editor

   This restart is often used in cases where the need
is put into the program data from the keyboard. The main 
convenience is its editor mobility (mobility). You can enter 
data in any place screen.

   At the entrance to the editor printed contents of the buffer 
whose address is contained in the register HL. The battery 
contains the width of the window, input field (X). Bits 0 .. 4 
registers contain B the height of the input window (Y).

When the input window for the edge of the screen may fail
system. Contents of the buffer is full all the input box
thus, it is necessary to allocate the input buffer X * Y bytes.
Register B performs another
role - it determines the initial position of the cursor in the 
window input. Appointment bit register B is shown in the 
following diagram. 

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - bits of register B

                    Window height

       0: mode "overtype" - print some characters over others

       1: Mode "ME" - clearing the buffer when attempting to 
enter the correction           tivy

       00: at the end of the line (the last blank)

       01: at the beginning of the buffer

       10: The cursor is positioned on the first space from the 

       11: at the beginning of the buffer

   If the fifth bit set to 1
(Included), then bits 6 and 7 are ignored, the cursor is placed
at the beginning of the buffer. The cursor can be
keys to move "up"
"Down", "right" and "left", at
enter any character buffer contents to the left of the cursor
purified and added to the resulting character.

   If the fifth bit is cleared (set to 0) and the sixth bit is 
enabled, the cursor is positioned at the beginning of the 

   The location of the upper-left
corner of the window input the current value of system variable 
xypos, containing the coordinates of the cursor. Before calling 
a restart to initialize the cursor position (see example). 

   E register contains the status byte the keyboard, the format 
of its as follows:

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - bit register E

                   0: lower-case 1: upper

                   0: Latin 1: Cyrillic

                   0: Text 1: pseudographics

                   0: 1:

                   not used

   Register D is a mask
switch between the keyboard, the appointment of bits is similar 
to Register E. If you make a change provided for the register

then the appropriate bits must be set to 1. The following 
example is a change of name of the file (directory) - so 
switching register uppercase / lowercase is not happening.

   If the exit from the editor
Carry flag is enabled, an error occurred (for example, no
print driver). If the Carry flag
off, there are two possibilities: Zero flag is included - was
pressed ENTER, the battery contains the string length without
symbol CR (chr 13); Zero flag
reset - keys are pressed
SS / CS, CS / 9, SS / A, SS / ENTER or
SS / SPACE, battery contains
key code (c # 0E to # 12, respectively).


, Is taken from the renam.com. In the original printed name
; File in a separate window is editing the file name.

       LD IX, WIND1; window 1

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD A, # 02, double frame

       RST # 10

       LD IX, WIND2; window 2

       LD A, # 02, double frame

       RST # 10, the output window - register C is changed

       LD IX, WIND1; print in window 2

       LD HL, TEXT; text "RENAME"

       LD C, # 65; lwt -

       LD B, # 01; print 1 line

       LD A, # 01; with 1 line of the window

       RST # 10

       LD IX, WIND1

       LD HL, # 0302; X = 2, Y = 3 (box 1)

       LD C, # 6B; wtpos - setting the cursor position

       RST # 10

       LD HL, FILE1; print line - the old file name

       LD C, # 6D; lnstr

       LD B, # 0C; 3 12 characters

       RST # 10

       LD IX, WIND1; setting the cursor position (2, 6)

       LD HL, # 0602; (need to specify the coordinates

       LD C, # 6B; editing window)

       RST # 10

       LD HL, FILE1; contents of the buffer - the file name

       LD A, 12, the buffer length

       LD B,% 10000000 +1; buffer height: one line.

                      ; Positioning on the first space from the 

                      ; Mode "overtype".

       LD DE, # 0200, you can only change the alphabet,

                      ; Case (upper / lower case) - you can not

       LD C, # 6E; smbgt

       RST # 10

       JR NZ, EXIT; NZ - output without changing the name

; Here writing a new subroutine name in the directory


       LD A, # F4


WIND1 DEFB 9,8,9,14,40,255,13,14
WIND2 DEFB 10,13,3,12,79,255,17,14


       DEFB 13

FILE1 DEFM "unicolor com"; name example

   # 6F = 111 WIND.empty - Not used


   Old restart WIND.beep -
sound, in new versions of the system is not used.

   # 70 = 112 WIND.scrol - Scrolling

   Restart is used in those
when there is a need for vertical scrolling.

   For normal operation procedure scrolling, you must first 
configure it. During setup of IS-DOS stores in their inner cell 
box options for which will be scrolling. Configuring the 
procedure on one window once you can then call a procedure many 
times scrolling virtually no passing procedure parameters. This,

of course, was done to
provide speed and low volume procedure scrolling.

   Customize scrolling is performed if the battery contains 0. 
In the register IX must contain the address of the extended 
vector window, the register H stores bits of filling the right

window borders, and register L - left border. When there is
scrolling, it shifts the entire window, including side borders 
containing the frame. HL register contains a bit map that 
provides information about what will be filled in the side of 
the border. For a double frame L = % 10100000, H =% 00000101.

   For a single frame is recommended to register to write HL
the # 0180, for a double frame - # 05A0, and windows without a 
frame register must contain # 0000.

   Procedure scroll contains a small spelling, which was not 
corrected in later versions of IS-DOS, to maintain 
compatibility below up. Omission is

that the vector of the window procedure is handled correctly.
When scrolling the window is shifted to the area marked by 

       Give me something

         for the pain

   Will be shifted to these columns (and
should be shifted more and boundaries)

   And after scrolling for one
line up (HL register contains a # 05A0) window will appear
as follows:

         for the pain

    ^ ^

        "Unnecessary" boundary

   Procedure as it narrowed the window
left and right by one column.
For normal operation, when calling the program should be 
inserted following commands: (see also


       DEC (IX); X_COOR

       INC (IX +3); X_SIZE

       INC (IX +3); X_SIZE

   This sequence
extends the window by one position
right and left. To return
vector of the window to its original state, do the following 

       INC (IX); X_COOR

       DEC (IX +3); X_SIZE

       DEC (IX +3); X_SIZE

                  Advanced vector window

offset length name comments

  -2 S_DLAY a pause

  -1 S_STEP a discrete scrolling

   0 X_COOR an X coordinate of the window for printing

   1 Y_COOR a Y coordinate for the print window

   2 Y_SIZE a window height

   3 X_SIZE a window width

   4 ATTR a window attributes

   SHADE 5 1 attribute shadow

   6 X_coor an X coordinate for printing text

   7 X_size a window width for printing text

(Names S_DLAY 
and S_STEP  given
me, because I have not seen
notation of these quantities in any
one that I know of publications
on IS-DOS).

   S_STEP contains important step for scrolling, in pixels,
recommended value of 1, 2, 4 and
8. Do not use the value 0
since in this case the system
hang. Not recommended to use other values, although the system 
does not hang, but the resulting effect will be unaesthetic - 
too much discretion, scrolling will be rough. 

   S_DLAY - a pause between
two intermediate shifts
image with a given increment. A value of 0 means that
pauses do not happen at all. Range of values: 0 .. 255.

   After initialization, you can call the procedure for 
scrolling, not loading especially in the registers

HL and IX of the values ​​of the template filling the borders 
and extended the vector window, respectively. It is only 
important content battery, which sets the direction scrolling. 
WARNING! In the scrolling involved attributes! If A = 1, it 
will scroll up one line,

attributes of the window will shift to one
line up, and attributes the lower
line will not change. Bottom
line will be cleared. If A =
2, then down one line will be
shifted attributes and image
the top row will be cleared.
Attributes of the top line will not change.



       LD A, 2

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       LD IX, WIND1

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 66; adrwt - print text in the window

       RST # 10

       LD A, 0; A = 0 - setting

       DEC (IX);

       INC (IX +3); "moving apart Window

       INC (IX +3);

       LD HL, # 05A0; bitmap

       LD C, # 70; scrol - scrolling

       RST # 10

       INC (IX)

       DEC (IX +3)

       DEC (IX +3)

       LD B, March 24, repeat 24 times
LOOP LD A, 2; scroll down

       LD C, # 70; scrol - scrolling

       RST # 10

       DJNZ LOOP

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


       DEFB 20,1; S_DLAY, S_STEP
WIND1 DEFB 1,0,24,16,71,255,3,18

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize

       DEFM "Give me something"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "for the pain"

       DEFB 13,32

 .................................................. ............

   # 72 = 114 WIND.g_scr - Return of the vector of the third 
level "WIND" 

   After emerging from the restart in
register HL 'return address
vector of the third level:

mixed-length name comments

-2 2 address table features user panel (# 6A)
 0 PAPER 1 attribute screen
 1 BORD 1 attribute border
 9 February reserved
11 SMDRV a logical number keyboard driver
12 SMKCS * 1 byte of state driver keyboard (K_CSR)
13 SMMCS * a mask permission bits change (M_CSR)
14 SMXS * 1 coordinates of upper left corner of the editable
15 SMYS * 1 line on the screen in familiarity
16 SMLN * 1 length an editable screen area
17 SMHT * a height of the editable screen area
18 SMCSR a status register line editor.

               Bits 0 / 1:

           * 6 - s_e - smbgt / edstr - mode (0)

             1 - c_i - change / insert

19 SMDBF * 2 address line
21 SMXC * 1 Current coordinate X cursor in the text
22 SMXMX * a maximum length of string-2
23 SMLM * 1 left logical boundaries (0)
1924 SMRM 1 right logical boundary
25 SMXO * 1, the number of characters to skip (0)
26 SMSZ a field width requirements scrolling
27 SMCOD a code returned by the editor
28 SMLNS a length of string with the code CR (chr 13)
29 SMCOM 1 team, kotoruyu must complete an editor

30 SMTYP 2 address routines to display the current status

               (If 0, it is not called)

   Values ​​of all the boundaries can
vary from 0 to

   * All options marked
asterisks, smbgt initializes itself.



       LD C, # 72; g_scr - a return address the third level

       RST # 10

       EXX; put HL 'in the IX

       PUSH HL

       POP IX


       LD (IX +0),% 00001111; PAPER = White on blue

       LD (IX +1),% 00000010; BORDER = red

       LD A, 0, clear screen and color PAPER BORDER

       LD C, # 73; cls

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


   # 73 = 115 WIND.cls - Cleaning / tint screen

   Restart is used to
clear the screen or touch-up (fill attributes). If
Register A = 0, then the image on the
screen is erased, then there is tint attributes PAPER,
the curb is painted the color BORDER. PAPER BORDER values ​​and 
are taken from the vector-level WIND (See previous restart).

   If the battery is not zero, then the screen is filled with 
color A, and cleaning the images are not

occurs. Border color remains unchanged.



       LD C, # 72; g_scr - a return address the third level

       RST # 10

       EXX; put HL 'in the IX

       PUSH HL

       POP IX


       LD (IX +0),% 00001111; PAPER = White on blue

       LD (IX +1),% 00000010; BORDER = red

       LD A, 0, clear screen and color PAPER BORDER

       LD C, # 73; cls

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


   # 74 = 116 WIND.empty - Not used

   # 75 = 117 WIND.empty - Not used

   # 76 = 118 WIND.y___ - Including the blinking cursor

   Find the application restarts
cursor control rather
difficult, practically it is rarely used, unless
the user will not create
your text editor. How to enable / disable selected as a restart 
for the simple to the her handling of the system.

   The flashing cursor is
included in the interrupt, it
The following example shows. After starting the program control 
is passed to the file wrapper and on the screen will see a 
blinking cursor. If we now produce some action (for example, 
view any file on disk) at which interrupts are disabled, the 
cursor stops flashing. Flicker will be resumed when you turn on 

   When you call a restart is not necessary
worry about possible errors:
when the cursor is outside the physical screen, not a failure 
occurs, the cursor on the screen not included.



       LD C, # 76; y___

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 7; ttyin

       RST # 10, is used here as the expectation of keystrokes

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


   After running this program
on-screen cursor will remain, which may be a bit annoying.
You can turn the cursor by loading
any program in which you must enter some text (the cursor 
control take on this program,

when you exit a cursor will be disabled). Load Monitor command 
line and exit out of it!

   # 77 = 119 WIND.n___ - Turning off the blinking cursor

   If the previous restart includes a cursor, then this makes a
just the opposite. When you turn on the cursor screen contents 
under the cursor is stored in specially allocated buffer. When 
you disable the cursor to the buffer restored. Thus, after 
clearing the contents of the screen cursor will be presented in 
its original form. 



       LD C, # 76; y____

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 7; ttyin

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 77; n____

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 7; ttyin

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


   # 78 = 120 WIND.empty - Restart is not used.

           WIND.cr ^ on

   Restart is not used. In
earlier versions of IS-DOS, apparently, used to activate the 

   # 78 = 120 WIND.empty - Restart is not used.

           WIND.cr ^ of

   Restart is not used. Earlier, probably used for
turn off the cursor.

 .................................................. ............

   # 7A = 122 WIND.empty - Restart is not used

   # 7B = 123 WIND.empty - Restart is not used

   # 7C = 124 WIND.d_a - Convert number to string

   Restart is used to display numbers in different systems

   When you call registers restart
should contain the following values:

HL - address of string buffer, in

     which will be formed

     number of ASCII characters
A - buffer length in bytes
B - radix
DE - two-byte number (a flag

     Carry off), and the address will
     Schrieffer, which contains

     A four-number (a flag

     Carry On)

   When the Carry flag is enabled, if there was a buffer 

   When choosing the number system
should be noted that virtually
useless to use a base of more than 16 - the value will be 
issued is not the same Kimi, what you would expect. Useless 
also use such an exotic radix as

1 - any number will
buffer overflow. If
chosen base 0, then the system
understand that the chosen base



       LD IX, WIND1; vector window

       XOR A; A = 0 - single frame

       LD C, # 61; wt - the output window

       RST # 10

       LD HL, BUFF; HL - buffer for

       XOR A; reset flag Carry - two-byte number

       LD A, March 15, a buffer of 15 bytes

       LD DE, 682; the number itself

       LD B, 2; radix

       LD C, # 7C; d_a

       RST # 10

       JR C, ERROR; if Carry flag is enabled, it would overflow

                     ; An immediate exit to the shell

       LD C, # 66; ADRwt - print text
       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       LD A, # F4


WIND1 DEFB 1,10,8,14,71,4,2,15

       ; Xc, yc, ys, xs, attr, shade, xcoor, xsize

       DEFB 13

       DEFB 3

   # 7D = 125 WIND.a_d - Convert string to a number

   Restart is used to enter numbers in different systems
notation. Introduce the four-byte numbers, so that may be 
imposed range from 0 to 4294967295. Leading spaces are ignored.

   When you call registers restart
should contain the following values:

HL - address of string buffer, in

     which contains a number of

     ASCII characters
A - buffer length in bytes
B - base system schisle
     of default

   If register A is zero, then
buffer size is not specified, the number will be read to the 
code CR (Chr 13).

   Not recommended to use the base system more
16. Radix
0, equivalent to the base 10.
If the base is equal to 1, then
any number except 0, will
buffer overflow.

You can specify the force directly when entering numbers.
Before the number in this case, you must supply the appropriate 
prefix: "#", "H", "h" - for radix

16; ".", "D" - for decimal
values; "o", "O" - for octal, "%", "b", "B" - for
binary numbers.

   WARNING! Letters in
typing in the hexadecimal system must be uppercase! In
Otherwise, an
error - non-digit character.

   When the 32-x bit
number contained in the registers
DE'HL '. Number # 12345678 will be
presented as: DE '= # 1234
HL '= # 5678. Register BC 'contains
address extension buffer.

   If the exit flag Carry
enabled, there are two possible mistakes:
non-digit character or overflows, the register contains A then 0
and 1, respectively.


; This example is a primitive program, print a dump
; Memory. To print you must enter the address from which
, And then will return 128 bytes in hexadecimal.
; The default address is entered in hexadecimal.
; After printing program expects to enter a new value
; Address. To exit the program you must enter an incorrect
, The number of (non-numeric character), or click ss / A.

       XOR A

       LD C, # 73; cls - clear screen

       RST # 10
START LD HL, # 0000

       LD C, # 0C; prapd - setting the cursor position

       RST # 10

       LD B, 1; window height = 1, overtype, at the end of the 

       LD E,% 00000001; uppercase

       LD D,% 00000001; register CAPS can be controlled

       LD HL, BUFF

       LD A, 173, 17 bytes in the buffer (you can enter binary 

       LD C, # 6E; sbmbgt - Mobile Editor

       RST # 10

       JR NZ, EXIT; if the yield on the ss / A - out in the 

       LD HL, BUFF

       LD C, # 7D; a_d - ASCII -> number

       LD A, March 17, 17 bytes in the buffer

       LD B, March 16, 16, a hexadecimal system default

       RST # 10

       JR C, EXIT; if the error, then exit


       PUSH HL 3; HL '- lower 16 bytes of

       POP IX; IX - the current cell

       LD HL, # 0200; the cursor to position (2,0)

       LD B, March 16, 16 lines
LOOP PUSH BC; --- (1) - the levels of nesting stack

       PUSH HL; --- (2)

       LD C, # 0C; prapd - cursor

       RST # 10

       LD HL, STRING

       OR A 3; Carry RES: DE = 16-bit number

       LD A, 4; Buffer - 4 bytes

       LD B, March 16, 16, a hexadecimal system (default)

       PUSH IX

       POP DE; DE = IX = current address

       LD C, # 7C; d_a - number -> ASCII

       RST # 10

       LD D, 0; DE = 00XX - current byte (8-bit number)

       LD B, 8, 8 bytes per line

       LD HL, STRING +4

L1 LD E, (IX); DE = current byte

       OR A 3; Carry RES: DE = 16-bit number

       LD A, 3, buffer = 3 bytes

       PUSH BC; --- (3)

       LD B, March 16, 16, a hexadecimal system

       LD C, # 7C; d_a - number -> ASCII

       RST # 10

       POP BC; === (3)

       INC IX; next byte

       INC HL

       INC HL

       INC HL; 3 characters per byte

       DJNZ L1

       LD HL, STRING

       LD C, # 6C; str - print lines ending in CR

       RST # 10

       POP HL; === (2)

       INC H; the next line

       POP BC; === (1)

       DJNZ LOOP

       LD HL, BUFF; the formation of the next address

       OR A 3; Carry RES: DE = 16-bit number

       LD A, 4; buffer of 4 characters

       LD B, March 16, 16, a hexadecimal system

       PUSH IX;

       POP DE; DE = IX = current address

       LD C, # 7C; d_a - number -> ASCII

       RST # 10

       LD HL, BUFF +4

       LD B, 13; Purification Buffer
L2 LD (HL), 32

       INC HL

       DJNZ L2

       JR START


       LD A, # F4


BUFF DEFM ".32768" 3, 17 spaces - the input buffer address
STRING DEFS 28; buffer forming line dump

       DEFB 132

   # 7E = 126 WIND.analys - Transmission Control subroutine

   This allows the flexibility to restart
subroutine call to the number
in the table (the code team).
Restart can be effectively used in databases and
programs that require
complex interactive interface. The table has the following
format (for each record for three

First entry:

  1 byte: number of teams

  2 bytes: address routines
Second entry:

  1 byte: number of teams

  2 bytes: address routines
N-th entry:

  1 byte: number of teams

  2 bytes: address routines
OTHERWISE: (handling the case,

  as shown in the table there) 1

  B: Number of teams = # FF 2

  byte: the address of the subroutine
  processing OTHERWISE

   Thus, the command is the last OTHERWISE, she completes the 
table. Non teams table can go out of order, but randomly. If 
the table Two identical facilities team

this will result in a subroutine,
as defined earlier,
there is a record which is
closer to the top of the table. If the
the following example to install all the numbers in the sub-2,
this will result in routine

   When you call the restart register A
should contain code routines, and A can take any value (0 .. # 
FF). The Register of HL should be the address table analyzer.


; Program demonstrates how to use the restart analys. In
; Register A (label REG_A) contains the command code. If A = 1,
, Then the routine is called CLRSCR;, if A = 2, then called
; PRINT. In any other case, called NOTFND.

       LD HL, # 0000 coordinates of the cursor (0,0)

       LD C, # 0C; prapd - cursor

       RST # 10

REG_A LD A, 2; command code = 2

       LD HL, TABL; table parser

       LD C, # 7E; analys - transfer of control

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4


PRINT LD HL, TEXT; address line

       LD C, # 6C; str - print line

       RST # 10


CLRSCR LD A,% 00010111; color: white on red

       LD C, # 73; cls - tint screen color

       RST # 10


NOTFND LD HL, NOTHIN; text: "Nothing"

       LD C, # 6C; str - print line

       RST # 10


TEXT DEFM "Team 2 - Printing this line"

       DEFB 13

       DEFB 13
TABL DEFB 2, Team 2


       DEFB 1; Team 1


       DEFB # FF; otherwise


; Dumper.com - displays a dump

       XOR A

       LD C, # 73; cls

       RST # 10

START LD HL, # 0000

       LD C, # 0C; prapd

       RST # 10

       LD B,% 00000000 1

       LD E,% 00000001

       LD D,% 00000001

       LD HL, BUFF

       LD A, 17

       LD C, # 6E; sbmbgt

       RST # 10

       JR NZ, EXIT

       LD HL, BUFF

       LD C, # 7D; a_d

       LD A, 17

       LD B, 16

       RST # 10

       JR C, EXIT


       PUSH HL

       POP IX

       LD HL, # 0200

       LD B, 16

       PUSH HL

       LD C, # 0C

       RST # 10

       LD HL, STRING

       OR A; Carry RES

       LD A, 4

       LD B, 16

       PUSH IX

       POP DE

       LD C, # 7C; d_a

       RST # 10

       LD D, 0

       LD B, 8

       LD HL, STRING +4

L1 LD E, (IX)

       OR A; Carry RES

       LD A, 3

       PUSH BC

       LD B, 16

       LD C, # 7C; d_a

       RST # 10

       POP BC

       INC IX

       INC HL

       INC HL

       INC HL

       DJNZ L1

       LD HL, STRING

       LD C, # 6C

       RST # 10

       POP HL

       INC H

       POP BC

       DJNZ LOOP

       LD HL, BUFF

       OR A; Carry RES

       LD A, 4

       LD B, 16

       PUSH IX

       POP DE

       LD C, # 7C; d_a

       RST # 10

       LD HL, BUFF +4

       LD B, 13
L2 LD (HL), 32

       INC HL

       DJNZ L2

       JR START


       LD A, # F4


BUFF DEFM ".32768"; March 17 spaces

       DEFB 13

; Chgwait.com - Translated messages Please wait for the Russian 

       LD HL, # FFFF

       LD BC, # 8000

       CP "<"

       JR Z, FIND

       DEC BC

       LD A, B

       OR C

       JR NZ, LOOP

EXIT LD C, # 8B; mwait - print "<.. Please Wait ..>"

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 07; ttyin - waiting for keypress

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F4



       PUSH BC

       LD DE, PLEASE

       LD B, 17
L2 LD A, (DE)

       CP (HL)

       JR NZ, NOTFND

       INC HL

       INC DE

       DJNZ L2

       POP BC

       POP DE

       LD HL, RUS

       LD BC, 17


       JR EXIT


       POP HL

       JR L1

PLEASE DEFM "<.. Please Wait ..>"
RUS DEFM "<Wait>

3; Coming from gmen.res (C) 1993, IskraSOFT corp. St. 
Petersburg, Russia 3; modified Sergei Astrov, 1996

; Gmen - routine appointment system,
; Fast and the current device


       DEFW 0,0

       XOR A
MEM1 EQU $ +1

       LD IX, WIND

       LD C, # 1961

       RST # 10

       LD C, # 1991

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       LD A, # F2


; Routine initialization menu
INIT LD C, # 1910

       RST # 10


       LD C, # 41; = "A" Latin

       DEC HL

       LD A, (HL)

       ADD A, C

       DEC HL

       LD A, (HL)

       ADD A, C

       DEC HL

       LD A, (HL)

       ADD A, C



; Routine processing keystrokes <ENTER>
KEYS LD C, # 1910

       RST # 10


       LD E, (IX-# 09); CURPOS

       XOR A

       LD D, A

       SBC HL, DE

       PUSH HL

       LD A, (HL)

       LD H, (IX-# 09)

       LD L, # 08


       LD C, # 8C

       RST # 10

       POP HL

       JR NZ, NOPUT

       LD (HL), A
NOPUT LD C, # 2008

       RST # 10

       XOR A

       INC A


       DEFB ENTCUR, 0, CURSOR, a
MEM5 EQU $ -1

       DEFW INIT, 0,0
MEM6 EQU $ -1

WIND DEFB 21,3,5,8, ATTR, SHADE, 29,9

       DEFB 1,1,1

       DEFM "System A"
S_DEV EQU $ -1

       DEFM "Quick A"
Q_DEV EQU $ -1

       DEFM "Current A"
T_DEV EQU $ -1
MEM7 EQU $ -1
MEM8 EQU $ -1

       DEFW KEYS
MEM9 EQU $ -1

       DEFW KEYS

       DEFW # FFFF, MEM1, MEM2, MEM3, MEM4

       DEFW MEM5, MEM6, MEM7, MEM8, MEM9

Other articles:

TR-DOS for beginners - The end.

Computer novella - Prince of Persia.

Computer novella - Laser team (the game Laser Squad).

Crossing Dragon - Game Rapscallion.

Crossing Dragon - Playing The Runes of Zendos.

Crossing Dragon - Playing The Saga.

Crossing Dragon - Game Witch's Cauldron.

Crossing Dragon - Create Adventyuru. Review of the editors.

Crossing Dragon - Create a dictionary to Adventyurnoy game.

Program, which we choose - The possible consequences of using undocumented commands.

Program, which we choose - About noticed irregularities in some programs and suggestions for future versions.

Program, which we choose - A proposal to all the authors of software, printers, memory dump. Programmers protect discs from being copied.

Program, which we choose - A few suggestions to improve the assembly.

Program, which we choose - Suggestions for refining ZX Word v2.5.

Program, which we choose - The "Spectrum emulator" v1.2.

Program, which we choose - What could want in a perfect assembly.

Retro - 40 best procedures: Copying data in memory.

Retro - 40 best procedures: Exchange token.

Retro - 40 best procedures: Determination addresses BASIC string.

Retro - 40 best procedures: Determination of the length of BASIC programs.

Retro - 40 best procedures: Determination of the amount of free memory.

Retro - 40 best procedures for: Search and replace strings.

Retro - 40 best procedure: Find the string.

Retro - 40 best procedures: Search for the string.

Retro - 40 best procedures: the list of variables.

Retro - 40 best procedures: an increase and up the screen.

Retro - 40 best treatments: Removal of REM-strings.

Retro - 40 best procedures: Remove the block of the program.

Expert Tips - Game Fredloader.

Expert Tips - Game Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhianon.

Expert Tips - Game Scorpions: Die Machines.

Expert Tips - Game Terropods.

page iS-DOS - Description of system restarts IS DOS.

Forum - An algorithm for recognizing characters.

Forum - Time undocumented command processor Z80.

Forum - The concept of a high-color screen resolution.

Forum - A few Pokes to a game. Program Hacman96.

Forum - As for the new DOS and BIOS settings for the Spectrum.

Forum - Multicolor program on any computer model. Using the 2 nd screen Multicolor'a. Demonstration of the text. Electronic journals.

Forum - Project ZX Config.

Forum - Improve Art Studio. Ideas on file compression.

Forum - ZX Spectrum emulator for IBM. About the hexadecimal system. Program ZX-Stars. Oddities in the Elita

Forum - The effects on the curb and Multicolor.

reader-reader - ZX Spectrum 128 - new opportunities, new challenges.

reader-reader - With 'Light'. Spectrum and expert system.

reader-reader - The printer driver for the Scorpion.

reader-reader - Print numbers in different number systems.

reader-reader - Programming arcade game with scrolling screen.

reader-reader - The procedure for printing labels assembler XAS to monitor debugger STS 4.3.

Studies - attribute scrolling text. "Gasilka" screen. A simplified version of the procedure, "Curtain". Procedure is enriched with pictures. Procedure display images on the points.

Studies - Graphic effect "color bars".

Studies - Driver screen printing 64 characters per line.

Studies - Set of protective boot.

Studies - Address to the drive mode IM 2. Working with non-standard disc format.

Studies - Print the character, magnified by 8 times. The program "pouring" screen. The procedure for screen-saver on the points. Clear screen in Terminator'e. Search strings in memory. System character set conversion.

Studies - Program - cataloger of disks.

Studies - Program the output values of the amplitude channel music. coprocessor on the curb.

Studies - Program the output image.

Studies - The program plugs sprite.

Studies - Cleanup of the specified window screen.

Studies - The program sort the array in ascending order. The procedure for filling the screen specified attribute. Procedure display pictures. The effect of moving towards the stars. "Shower", coming from the upper left corner of the screen. The procedure of "shedding" pictures on the pixel lines. The program of "pulling" the picture at an angle of 45 degrees. Three procedures "Scroll".

Studies - The printing of numbers.

Studies - The procedure for drawing a character with attributes.

Studies - The procedure for display pictures. Fade-OUT effect (picture goes beyond the edge of the screen). Visual effect "Fountain." Fade-OUT effect, mimicking the TV off. Procedure "Ignition" pictures. The program continuously drawing a picture.

Studies - The procedure for drawing a line.

Studies - The procedure for making optimal symbol table.

Studies - scrolling lines of text in the specified window. Attribute scroller. Diagonal scrolling.

Studies - sprite scroller. Procedure display screen.

Studies - Short procedure indicating the amplitude channel music. coprocessor. Way to subtract a constant from a register pair HL.

Studies - The formula for calculating the day of the week.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   18 February