SpecInfo #01
28 августа 1997

Reflections on Spectrum - Pervyi criteria for this project connect to computers modem.

<b>Reflections on Spectrum</b> - Pervyi criteria for this project connect to computers modem.
                   SOME REFLECTIONS


                   SOVMISTIMYMI Computers

 Pervyi criteria for this project connect to computers modema.Vo
second vozmozhmost work with any who have similar 
ustroisto.Slozhiv pervyi fact and vtoroi get a modem which has 
osushestvlyaetsya communication via a telephone line. But here 
there is Asked how much would cost such a fun or necessary 
sredstvo.No in both the first and second case, everything 
depends on the size koshelka.Ot many seichas I hear that we 
need such communication not to depend on the counters 
LATTELEKOMA.Na that I can answer some, do not izobritat 
velosied.Dlya others who befriends with a soldering iron, I can 
posovetyvat 1) clearest downtime if your colleague is living in 
your house or neighbors but in any case, you need to know the 
distance and then preobristi piece of cable is desirable 
trehzhilnogo.No all depends on the prostate laying such a cable 
and podklyucheie through Wrotham OUT, IN.Itak now you can not 
rank my friend and telefou voidya in terminalnyi mode write

emu.Vtoroi cases is when your friend lives doleko.Mne of 
Krajina as lime are two ways this regard, optical and radio. 
Pervyi strongly depends on the order was in direct line with 
the window . In addition to the direct needs videmmost, this 
type of communication is not zastrohovan rain, snega.A overall 
rate of slightly less than provadah.Vtoroi way vygledit a 
soaking, but there are just several problems: 1) The legality 
of such ispolzavaiya air space, 2) it silnyi impulsive noise 
power computers and can be solved mikroshem.Pervoe drugimm 
istochikom pitaiya.V HEREUNDER what we do, the transmitter can 
be connected and the power of computing system but with 
priemikom not so simple, in addition to another power source 
can not be attributed to computer-preemik provodami.Shum assume 
podavim.Tretya problem can not be to one frequency worked 
several peredatchikov.Reshenie Dunno problem is the difference 
in frequency peredachi.Esche one important ingredient to their 
transmitter does not interfere with his preemniku.Itak. All Do 
not believe it has not yet been tested but if someone else that 
I am interested chtoto zayu roskozhu.Chau ... 

-------------( C) WARLORD 

Other articles:

News - In Riga, after a year lull spektrumisty finally stirred.

Reflections on Spectrum - Pervyi criteria for this project connect to computers modem.

News - At etoi week at the bazaar there is a new (to us) igruha RETURN TO HOME.

Prices - the basic price ZX computers and periphery which can be bought in Riga.

From the authors - in Latvia it moves from point mertvoi and Spectrum again revives.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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