31 декабря 1999 |
Demo Party - Zlincon 2e3 party: минирепортаж.
Zlincon 2e3 party report = 18-19.12. '99 - that's the right time to visit ZlinCon 2e3 Spectrum party... Party held in Zlin, Czech Republic. I traveled to Zlin 18.12 sometimes around launch. After 4 hours i was in. Nice to see cool guys from Speccy scene. I met with Dron/K3L, Tritol, X-Agon/PhT, Aragorn/NC, MatSoft/NC, HOOD/Crazytronic, Sintech guys from Germany, LCD from Austria, +Gama, Marvin/K3L and 8bit company of 'cos. It were more people on the party but i cannot remember all Tritol showed his HDD and CDROM and beautifull animations played directly from HDD. New MB02+ commander will be real smash for MB02+ users. Damn fast... Sintech bring nice Spectrum perifery - Light Gun. Quite high price (around 20USD) but real playability and fun. They sold some original tapes with Speccy programs and games (mainly games). Saturday evening was the best time to get some beers so we made it:) Two days with Spectrum friends in nice winter country - that was Zlincon 2e3. Around 30 ppl, some Spectrums (mainly +2, +2A, clones Didaktik Gama and Didaktik M - all 128kB versions). I'm waiting for Forever 2E3 in March 2000, Doxycon 2000 sometimes during summer and Zlincon again before xmas 2000 (and before end of the milenium:) shorT stufF bY poL/phantasY
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В этот день... 3 декабря