Voyager #04
19 февраля 1999

Kaleidoscope - NeOS - a description of standard features.

<b>Kaleidoscope</b> - NeOS - a description of standard features.
(C) Megus / BW
Music: BY Mr.Z / HWC


                 NeOS v1.0

     Below is a description of the standard functions
system. For convenience, they are divided into parts (for
actions taken). So:

           Function "System manager"

# 004B. System info

   Function gives basic information about the system and
 Log in: -
Output: A - computer code;

      BC - version (vB.C);

      HL - address of the ID-Thong system.

# 004E. Wait for keypress

   The function expects a keystroke.
 Log in: -
Output: A - key code.
Variable registers: -

# 0051. Wait for keypress + click

   The function expects a pressing issue, and click after click.
 Log in: -
Output: A - key code.
Variable registers: -

# 0054. Click sound

   Function produces a small click on the Beeper.
 Log in: -
Exit: -
Variable registers: -

# 0057. Exit from program

   Function makes emergency (mostly)
Output from running program with the restoration of
stack (STACK_P), interrupts, and the subsequent transition to 
an address specified variable PROGRET. 

 Log in: -
Exit: -

# 0066. NMI handler

   Immediately upon arrival of non-masked interrupt takes you 
to the address HK_NMI, which should have a team go to the 
interrupt handler. 


        Function "Driver / library manager"

     This set of functions responsible for working with
drivers and libraries. Number of simultaneously
established libraries and drivers is limited
only the computer's memory, as memory drivers and libraries are 
located in a "chain", then there, in front of each driver / 
library is a reference to the next. Drivers are divided into 
two types: 

   - Resident, that is, working on the prairie

   - Non-resident, that is caused program
      My purpose, rather than automatically.
Prerequisite is to find the first
drivers and libraries in low memory (# 0000 - # BFFF).
Since the ROM is necessarily present at least one
drivers and libraries, this condition is satisfied


# 005A. Add driver

   Function sets a new driver (any type).
 Input: HL - address of the driver;

      BC - his page.
Exit: -

# 005D. Remove driver

   Function removes the driver.
 Input: HL - pointer to name (in low memory).
Output: Z - Driver deleted successfully;

      NZ - the driver is not found.

# 0060. Add library

   Function sets a new library.
 Input: HL - address of the library;

      BC - Home of the library.
Exit: -

# 0063. Remove library

   Function removes the library.
 Input: HL - pointer to name (in low memory).
Output: Z - Library removed successfully;

      NZ - Library not found.

# 0069. Open driver

   Function searches for the driver and returns information
about it.
 Input: HL - pointer to name (in low memory).
Output: HL - address of the driver (if # FFFF - Driver

      not found);

      BC - page driver;

      DE - Driver header length;

      A - flags of the driver.

# 006C. Open library

   Function searches the library and returns information about 
it.  Input: HL - a pointer to the name of the library (at the 

Output: HL - address of the library (if # FFFF - Bible
      edema was not found);

      BC - Home of the library;

      DE - header length of the library.


           Function "Memory manager"

     This set of functions designed to manage the paging memory.


# 006F. RAM info

   Function gives basic information about the top
(Paged) memory.
 Log in: -
Output: HL - обший amount of upper memory (in KB);

      DE - free upper memory (in KB);

      BC - number of pages in upper memory.

# 0072. Change page

   Function changes the page in # C000-# FFFF.
 Input: A - page number.
Output: Z - OK;

      NZ - no such page.

# 0075. Allocate high memory block

   The function allocates a block of upper memory.
 Input: C - unit volume.
Output: Z - memory allocated;

      NZ - not enough contiguous memory;

      HL - address of the block;

      BC - Home of the block.

# 0078. Allocate low memory block

   The function allocates a block of low memory.
 Login: DE - volume in bytes;
Output: HL - starting address of the block in memory.

# 007B. Free high memory block

   Frees the upper memory block.
 Log in: BC - page number;

      D - high byte address;

      E - the number of released kilobytes.
Exit: -

# 007E. Free low memory block

   Frees the block of low memory.
 Login: DE - amount to free memory in bytes.
Output: HL - a new lower limit address of the memory.

# 0081. Get max length of high memory block

   Function gives the size of the largest free upper memory 
block.  Log in: -

Output: A - unit volume in kilobytes.

# 0084. Reallocate memory map

   Function moves the memory card.
 Login: DE - a new position map;

      BC - A new page map.
Exit: -

# 0087. Get page status

   Function gives information about the page.
 Log in: BC - page.
Yield: DE - map Employment page.

# 008A. Set page status

   Function sets information about the page.
 Log in: BC - page;

      DE - map Employment page.
Exit: -

# 008D. Select 4MB page

   In NeOS v1.0 is not implemented.

# 0090. Change page in low memory

   In NeOS v1.0 is not implemented.


           Options "Screen manager"

     This set of functions designed to perform basic actions 
with a screen. It can be useful for organizing the user 
interface, etc. 

     When you specify coordinates and sizes in the register 
pair, the most significant byte - the coordinate Y, Jr. - 
coordinate X. All the functions that use the driver character 
output (output characters, lines, messages, numbers, menus) are 
working in the current text window.


# 0093. Clear screen

   The function clears the screen and sets new
current attributes.
 Input: C - attribute;

      B - border.
Exit: -

# 0096. Clear window

   The function clears the window without flooding it with 
attributes.  Log in: BC - the upper left corner of the window;

      DE - the size of the window.
Exit: -

# 0099. Fill window with attribute

   The function fills the screen without changing the attribute
images in it.
 Log in: BC - the upper left corner of the window;

      DE - the size of the window;

      H - attribute.
Exit: -

# 009C. Call symbol-output driver

   Function causes the current driver is a character
 Input: A - number of driver functions.
Exit: -
Variable registers: -

# 009F. Put character

   Function displays a single character.
 Input: C - code for the character.
Exit: -
Variable registers: -

# 00A2. Put string

   The function outputs the string of characters. Marker for 
the end of the line is the code # FF. The line can meet the 
following control codes:  db # 10, N - Set the color of ink N;

 db # 11, N - Set the color of paper N;
 db # 12, N - Installation bright N;
 db # 13, N - install flash N;
 db # 14, N - setting current attributes;
 db # 16, X, Y - coordinate the installation print.
 Input: HL - address of string.
Exit: -

# 00A5. Messager

   Display a message from the table. Message delimiter is the 
code # FF. Used to derive function Put string, so you can use

control codes.
 Input: HL - address of the table;

      C - line number (0 - first row).
Exit: -

# 00A8. Print byte-number

   Function displays the number in the range # 00 - # FF (8
bits). The output is in the calculation, given 7 bit system 
variable flags1.  Input: C - number.

Exit: -

# 00AB. Print Word-Number

   Function displays the number in the range # 00 - # FFFF
(16 bits).
 Input: HL - number.
Exit: -

# 00AE. Print double-word-number

   Function displays a number between # 0 - # FFFFFFFF
(32 bits).
 Input: HL - lower 16-bit numbers;

      IX - the older 16-bit numbers.
Exit: -

# 00B1. Scroll Window Up

   Function moves the window up on one familiarity
together with attributes, scraping the bottom line and the gulf 
of its current attributes.  Log in: BC - window coordinates;

      DE - the size of the window.
Exit: -

# 00B4. Scroll Window Down

   Function moves the window down to one familiarity
together with attributes, clearing the top line and the gulf of 
its current attributes.  Log in: BC - window coordinates;

      DE - the size of the window.
Exit: -

# 00B7. Scroll Text Window Up

   The function shifts the current text window up
one familiarity.
 Log in: -
Exit: -
Variable registers: -

# 00BA. Scroll Text Window Down

   The function shifts the current text window down
one familiarity.
 Log in: -
Exit: -
Variable registers: -

# 00BD. Draw Styled Box

   Function draws a stylized rectangular frame without setting 
attribute. Address style specified in the variable styles. 
Style is a set of characters, which is drawn frame (only 8 
characters).  Log in: BC - the upper left corner of the frame;

      DE - the size of the window;

      A - identity (A = 0 - ROM).
Exit: -

# 00C0. Draw Window

   Function draws a window on the screen and clean it.
 Login: IX - a pointer to a window handle.
Exit: -

# 00C3. Vertical Menu

   The function displays a vertical menu
(Menu text should be printed in advance!). Selection
the menu is the arrow keys,
Enter (select the item), Edit (exit from the menu). The 
coordinates of the menu in the descriptor are relative to the 
current text window.  Login: IX - pointer to handle the menu;

      E - the initial number of points.
Output: E - item number, E = # FF - if you clicked Edit.

# 00C6. Put sprite

   The function displays a sprite.
 Input: HL - address of the sprite;

      DE - the size of a sprite;

      BC - the coordinates of the sprite

           7 bits of C = 0 - black and white sprite

           7-bit C = 1 - color sprite.
Yield: DE - address after the withdrawal.


(C) Megus / BW
Music: BY Mr.Z / HWC


                 NeOS v1.0

            Function "Disk manager"

   This set of functions responsible for working with disk 
devices. Functions provide access how to files, directories, 
and directly to the disk sector. Virtually all functions are 
performed through the corresponding driver, this unit is a 
trustee and removes some of the problems with the programmer.

   In NeOS v1.0 can connect up to 19 disk drives (hereinafter 
will be possible to 26 disk drives). 


# 00C9. Recognize disk

   Function determines the membership of the current storage 
device to any installed file system. If successful, the 
identification is also establishes the root directory of the 
current.  Log in: -

Output: Z - system is defined;

      NZ - the system is not defined.

# 00CC. Change disk drive

   Function changes the current disk device. Determining the 
membership drive system is not made.  Input: A - number of the 
device. Output: Z - the choice is made;

      NZ - no such device.

# 00CF. Open file

   Function opens a file for random access (read / write). 
Before opening a file descriptor must be set the file name and 
address of the read buffer.  Login: IX - file descriptor.

Output: Z - the file is opened;

      NZ - file could not be opened.

# 00D2. File driver caller

   Function makes reference to the file system driver. Number 
of driver functions specified in the register A. 

# 00D5. Read bytes from file

   The function reads a sequence of bytes from
File (redirected to the file system driver).

# 00D8. Write bytes to file

   The function writes a sequence of bytes in
file (redirected to the file system driver).

# 00DB. Read sectors

   The function reads a sequence of sectors
with the current device (forwarded to the driver
disk device).

# 00DE. Write sectors

   The function writes a sequence of sectors
at current device (forwarded to the driver
disk device).

     Function read / write bytes from / to file rendered in 
kernal, not only for the convenience of the call. Thus, how 
different devices can be active at different file systems, it 
can be done in parallel work with two files on different

devices and, therefore, belonging to different systems. 
Function to access the file system driver to the driver of this 
device, and features read / write bytes refer to device where 
you open the file. 


           Other features kernalya

# 00E1. Go lower by pixel

   The function calculates the address of the next row in
 Input: HL - address in the display area.
Output: HL - address of the next line.

# 00E4. Go higher by pixel

   The function calculates the address of the previous row in 
the screen.

 Input: HL - address in the display area.
Output: HL - address of the previous line.

# 00E7. Go lower by cell

   The function calculates the address of the next familiarity 
on the screen.  Input: HL - address in the display area.

Output: HL - address of the next familiarity.

# 00EA. Go lower at attributes

   The function calculates the address of the next familiarity 
in the attributes.  Input: HL - address of the attributes.

Output: HL - address of the next familiarity.

# 00ED. Go higher at attributes

   The function calculates the address of the previous 
familiarity in the attributes.  Input: HL - address of the 
attributes. Output: HL - address of previous familiarity.

# 00F0. Calculate screen address

   The function calculates the address in the screen 
coordinates of familiarity.  Log in: BC - coordinates in 
familiarity. Output: HL - address in the display area.

# 00F3. Calculate attribute address

   The function calculates the address of the attributes of the 
coordinates of familiarity.  Log in: BC - coordinates in 
familiarity. Output: HL - address of the attributes.

# 00F6. Convert screen address to attribute

   The function takes the address in the display area in
address in the field attributes.
 Input: HL - address in the display area.
Output: HL - address of the attributes.

# 00F9. String comparision

   The function compares two sequences of bytes.
 Input: HL - address of a single line;

      DE - the address of another line;

      C - number of bytes to compare.
Output: Z - strings are identical;

      NZ - lines are different.
Variable registers: B.


             Entry point kernalya

# 004B. System info
# 004E. Wait for keypress
# 0051. Wait for keypress + click
# 0054. Click sound
# 0057. Exit from program

# 005A. Add driver
# 005D. Remove driver
# 0060. Add library
# 0063. Remove library

# 0066. NMI handler

# 0069. Open driver
# 006C. Open library

# 006F. RAM info
# 0072. Change page
# 0075. Allocate high memory block
# 0078. Allocate low memory block
# 007B. Free high memory block
# 007E. Free low memory block
# 0081. Get max length of high memory block
# 0084. Reallocate memory map
# 0087. Get page status
# 008A. Set page status
# 008D. Select 4MB page
# 0090. Change page in low memory

# 0093. Clear screen
# 0096. Clear window
# 0099. Fill window with attribute
# 009C. Call symbol-output driver
# 009F. Put character
# 00A2. Put string
# 00A5. Messager
# 00A8. Put byte-number
# 00AB. Put word-number
# 00AE. Put double-word-number
# 00B1. Scroll window up
# 00B4. Scroll window down
# 00B7. Scroll text window up
# 00BA. Scroll text window down
# 00BD. Draw styled box
# 00C0. Draw window
# 00C3. Vertical menu
# 00C6. Put sprite

# 00C9. Recognize disk
# 00CC. Change disk drive
# 00CF. Open file
# 00D2. File driver caller
# 00D5. Read bytes from file
# 00D8. Write bytes from file
# 00DB. Read sectors
# 00DE. Write sectors

# 00E1. Go lower by pixel
# 00E4. Go higher by pixel
# 00A7. Go lower by cell
# 00EA. Go lower at attributes
# 00ED. Go higher at attributes
# 00F0. Calculate screen address
# 00F3. Calculate attribute address
# 00F6. Convert screen address to attribute
# 00F9. String comparision

# 00FC. Input string
# 00FF. Command interpreter
# 0102. Read number
# 0105. Shut AY
# 0108. Change directory


         Error handler (RST # 8)

     If any serious error occurs
error handler. Depending on the type of
errors can occur:

  - Return after the place of call error (R);

  - Exit the program (function call Exit from

    program) (Q);

  - Restore the stack of ERR_SP, then the transition

    by ERR_JP (E);

  - Return code and dialog errors in the register

    A (O).

     Thus, the error can not just treat, but also to return 
some information program. These are the error function at work 
with disk devices. 

     The error handler is invoked as follows: immediately after 
the command code RST # 8 should follow the error code. For 

              RST # 8

              DEFB 2; Out of text window

     Possible to use not only the standard error handler, but 
also any other. To do this, pereustvanovit system variable 
HK_ERR. If it is not zero, then called RST # 8 is a transition 
at the address specified in it, otherwise use the standard 
handler. At the entrance to an external handler (as well as it 
should when you log into the built-handler!) In case C there is 
an error code, but in case it is the same DE, multiplied by 2. 

Error Codes:

# 00. OK (R)

   Is not an error, an informant about the success of any 

# 01. No such library function (R)

   This error can occur when accessing the
library, in the absence of its function to call.

# 02. Out of text window (E)

   The error occurs when trying to establish the coordinates of 
the press outside the text box. 

# 03. Read error (O)

   Interactive error reading from the disk device. The output 
of the register A gives: 

  # 00 - Retry;

  # 01 - Abort;

  # 02 - Ignore.

# 04. Not enough memory (Q)

   The error occurs when attempting to allocate memory.

# 05. Write error (O)

   Interactive error writing to the disk device. The output of 
the register A gives: 

  # 00 - Retry;

  # 01 - Abort;

  # 02 - Ignore.

# 06. No such driver function (E)

   The error occurs when invoking non-existent
driver functions.

# 07. Fatal error (Q)

   Fatal error in the program.

# 08. Unknown command (E)

   Occurs when you enter a command, an unknown shell.

# 09. Syntax error (E)

   Error occurs if an incorrect indication of the command 

# 0A. No such page (R)

   The error occurs when you try to switch to
non-existent page.

# 0B. Unreleased function (R)

   The error occurs when invoking non-existent
library functions.

# 0C. Read only (E)

   The error occurs when you try to write
to a disk device that is designed only for

# 0D. No disk (E)

   The error occurs when there is no disk in the device.

   The remaining numbers of errors the system responds
string: Error Nmm.

# 0E. Unknown file system (E)

   The error occurs when it is impossible to determine
membership drive to any filesystem.

# 0F. Can't open file (E)

   Error occurs when you can not be opened
file, but not in its absence.

# 10. No such disk drive (E)

   The error occurs when trying to choose a non-existent disk 

# 11. No such file (E)

   The error occurs when you try to access a nonexistent file.

# 12. Unable to delete file (E)

   The error occurs if you can not remove
file for any reason.

# 13. Unable to make directory (E)

   Error occurs when you can not create directory.


(C) Megus / BW


                 NeOS v1.0

      The general concept of Brainwave BIOS v1.0

     Brainwave BIOS is the core of the operating
system NeOS. BIOS provides the programmer a set of specific 
functions to manage the system. All functions can be divided 
into several types: - System-wide functions;

- Functions to work with drivers and libraries;
- Memory management functions;
- Functions of the disk;
- Functions to the screen;
- Other functions.

     Appeal to the system functions is via kernalya, located at 
a specific point of ROM. As we refine the system to grow and 
kernal, but all the old functions will remain in their places. 

     Many of the BIOS functions do not check for
correctness of input data. This is done to improve the speed of 
their work. 

     To control external devices the system offers the ability 
to install the appropriate drivers. Each driver can have its 
their own internal functions. For each type of devices 
installed on a certain standard driver functions. Thus, the 
replacement unit on a similar but implemented differently 
enough to replace the driver. 

     Since the BIOS provides only the minimum necessary 
functions, the programmer can be connected their own library 
functions. Certain types of libraries (in accordance with their 
appointment) is also set standard. Thus, when create a new 
library of any type, can be a painless replacement of the old 
library to the new without losing compatibility. 

          Restarts the system BIOS

RST # 0: Reboot system

   Complete system reboot. Interception of this restart is 

RST # 8: Error manager

   Error handler. Follow the instructions RST # 8
indicate an error code. If the value HK_ERR, equal to 0, is 
called the standard error handler otherwise, the transition 
goes to the specified address. 

RST # 10 - RST # 30: Interrupt handlers

   Restarts are designed to interrupt, prihodyashih from an 
external interrupt controller. 

RST # 38: Interrupt handler

   Handler traps (IM 1).

     B # 000E is the address internal error handler, and # 0016 
- address internal shell. 


     Standards for drivers of different types


     For resident drivers have the following
restriction: These drivers should not spoil the area TEMPFA. If 
the driver uses this field, all changing cells must remember 
and when a restore. If the driver they do not uses, but uses 
the function calls the BIOS, it be sure to save those bytes 
TEMPFA, which function uses BIOS.

          Driver File Systems

     These drivers are provided with work NeOS
any file system (TR-DOS, MS-DOS, iSDOS, etc.). After you 
install this driver also will be polled to determine membership


Standard driver features:

# 00. Identify disk

   Function determines whether the disk belongs to the current 
device, the file system. Upon successful identification sets 
the root directory current.

 Log in: -
Output: Z - disk belongs to the system;

      NZ - disk does not belong to the system.

# 01. Set system variables

   The function sets the system variables for
work with the system.
 Log in: -
Exit: -

# 02. Catalogue info

   Function gives basic information about the current
 Login: IX - a pointer to the descriptor directory.
Exit: -

# 03. Close file

   The function closes the file. If the current sector
file is not recorded, it is written, if I
header file that is recorded and the title.
 Login: IX - file descriptor.
Output: Z - file closed;

      NZ - error closing.

# 04. Create file

   The function creates a file of unit length. In the file 
descriptor must be filled in the first 26 bytes.  Login: IX - 
file descriptor. Output: Z - file is created;

      NZ - the file is not created.

# 05. Read bytes

   The function reads a byte from
 Login: IX - the file descriptor;

      BC - the length of the sequence;

      HL - address of the boot.
Output: HL - address after boot;

      Z - reading success;

      NZ - move abroad file.

# 06. Write bytes

   The function writes a sequence of bytes
 Login: IX - the file descriptor;

      BC - the length of the sequence;

      HL - address of record.
Output: HL - address after recording;

      Z - the CD has been successful;

      NZ - can not write.

# 07. Set file position

   The function sets the file position.
 Login: IX - the file descriptor;

      BC - position (lower 2 bytes);

      HL - position (highest 2 bytes).
Output: Z - position is set;

      NZ - there is no such position.

# 08. Delete file

   The function deletes the file. Do not remove the Read only
 Input: HL - the file name.
Output: A = 0 - file is deleted;

      A = 1 - no such file;

      A = 2 - Read only.

# 09. Set file attributes

   The function sets the file attributes.
 Input: HL - the file name;

      C - attribute.
Output: A = 0 - attributes set;

      A = 1 - no such file;

      A = 2 - can not install.

# 0A. Create directory

   The function creates a directory.
 Login: IX - the name of the directory.
Output: A = 0 - directory is created;

      A = 1 - there is no place for creation;

      A = 2 - can not create.

# 0B. Delete directory

   The function removes an empty subdirectory.
 Input: HL - the name of the directory.
Output: A = 0 - all OK;

      A = 1 - there is no directory;

      A = 2 - impossible to remove.

# 0C. Set path

   The function sets the directory up one level deeper than the 
current (or return to a higher level or the root directory). If 
the string is two characters point '.', Then jumps to the next 
level. If the point is one, then go to root directory.

 Input: HL - address of the directory name (19b.).
Output: A = 0 - the path is established;

      A = 1 - there is no path;

      A = 2 - can not install.

# 0D. Get file number

   Function on the file name gives the number of its descriptor 
in the directory.  Input: HL - filename (16 +3).

Output: A = # FF - no such file;

      A - number of file handles (0-253).

# 0E. Get catalogue cell

   Function gives the file handle, starting at a particular 
location.  Input: C - number of the initial file;

      B - number of items read;

      HL - address of where to put opsateli.
Exit: -

# 0F. Reread FAT buffer

   The function updates the buffer FAT.
 Input: C - sector number FAT.
Exit: -

# 10. Disk Info

   Function gives basic information on the disk.
 Login: IX - pointer to handle the disk.
Exit: -


         Drivers character output

     These drivers provide a single output
characters on the screen, and other possible devices
character output.

Standard driver features:

# 00. Print character

   Function displays a single character on the screen. Code
# 0D - linefeed (CR + LF)
 Input: C - code for the character;
Exit: -

# 01. Set coordinates

   The function sets the coordinates of the printed characters 
on the screen. Positioning is the current text box.

 Log in: BC - coordinates;
Exit: -

# 02. Init driver

   Initialize the driver and setting the current
text box.
 Input: C = 0 - initialize the driver;

      C = 1 - restore the original video mode.
Yield: BC - the character size in pixels, the basic solution
      Benches Spectrum (256x192). Size equal to

      # FF, means that this coordinate time
      measures variable (B-y, C-x).

      DE - limiting the coordinates of X and Y, to
      foot in a text box on the screen.

# 03. Put string

   The function outputs the string of characters. Marker for 
the end of the line is the code # FF. The line can meet the 
following control codes:  db # 10, N - Set the color of ink N;

 db # 11, N - Set the color of paper N;
 db # 12, N - Installation bright N;
 db # 13, N - install flash N;
 db # 14, N - setting current attributes;
 db # 16, X, Y - coordinate the installation print.
 Input: HL - address of string.
Exit: -


    Driver-volatile memory (CMOS)

     These drivers are designed to provide access to the CMOS, 
get the current time, etc. CMOS settings are stored some NeOS.

Standard driver features:

# 00. Read byte from CMOS

   The function reads a byte from CMOS.
 Input: L - number of bytes in the CMOS.
Output: A - bytes read from the CMOS.

# 01. Write byte to CMOS

   The function writes the byte in the CMOS.
 Input: L - number of bytes in the CMOS;

      E - value to write.
Output: Z - write was successful;

      NZ - can not write byte.

# 02. Read time from CMOS

   The function reads the time from the CMOS.
 Log in: -
Output: L - seconds;

      H - minutes;

      E - watch.

# 03. Read date from CMOS

   The function reads a date from the CMOS.
 Log in: -
Output: L - number;

      H - per month;

      E - day of the week;

      D - per year.

# 04. Write time to CMOS

   The function writes the time in CMOS.
 Input: L - seconds;

      H - minutes;

      E - watch.
Output: Z - has been established;

      NZ - can not set the time.

# 05. Write date to CMOS

   The function writes the date in CMOS.
 Input: L - number;

      H - per month;

      E - day of the week;

      D - per year.
Output: Z - date set;

      NZ - can not set a date.


        Disk device driver

     These drivers are provided with work NeOS
disk devices. Driver File Systems
do not work themselves to the disk, and use functions
this type of driver.

Standard driver features:

# 00. Get info about drive

   Function gives basic information about the device.
 Input: C - Sector size (256/512 = 1 / 2)

      DE - address where to put a table describing
      equation describing the device.
Exit: -

# 01. Read sectors

   The function reads a sequence of sectors
from the device.
 Input: HL - address of the boot;

      B - number of sectors;

      DE - number of the initial block;

      C - number of sectors in the block.
Output: A = 0 - the sector is read;

      A = 1 - a nonexistent block;

      A = 2 - invalid number of sectors;

      DE - unit number after the reading;

      HL - address after reading;

      C - number of sectors in the block.

# 02. Write sectors

   The function writes a sequence of sectors
to the device.
 Input: HL - address of the boot;

      B - number of sectors;

      DE - number of the initial block;

      C - number of sectors in the block.
Output: A = 0 - the sector is read;

      A = 1 - a nonexistent block;

      A = 2 - invalid number of sectors;

      DE - unit number after the recording;

      HL - address after recording;

      C - number of sectors in the block.

lichestvo sectors;

      DE - number of the initial block;

      C - number of sectors in the block.
Output: A = 0 - the sector is read;

      A = 1 - a nonexistent block;

      A = 2 - invalid number of sectors;

      DE - unit number after the recording;

      HL - address after recording;

      C - number of sectors in the block.


(C) Megus / BW


                 NeOS v1.0

          Format accommodate drivers

             and libraries in memory

     Drivers and libraries in memory
in the form of "chains." That is, at the beginning of each 
driver / library is a link to the next unit of the chain. Thus, 
to search for a specific driver / library, you must go through 
the chain. C On the one hand, this structure slows

access to the drivers, but on the other hand, such
method removes the limitation to the number of installed 
drivers / libraries, and their number limited only by free 

      Header format drivers / libraries

 Offset Length Description

   0 2 next page number


   February 2 address of the next driver

                 (# FFFF - end of the chain)

   April 1 a flag byte driver

   May 1 Length of the driver's name

   6 ... Driver Name

   ... ... The body of the driver

     The first 4 bytes - a reference to the following driver / 
library and the rest have information about this driver / 
library. The length of the name of the driver / library should 
not exceed 16 characters. 

The layout of the flag byte (0 / 1):

bit 0: Controls whether the file system (no / yes);
bit 1: reserve;
bit 2: resident / resident driver;
bit 3: is a character output device

      (No / yes);
bit 4: activity / inactivity of the driver (for resistive
      incident to the driver);
bit 5: reserve (should be 0);
bit 6: same bat 5;
bit 7: same bat 5.

   For a library, a flag byte assumes no

     To refer to a specific driver,
must do the following:
- Open the driver (a function of BIOS);
- On the received address / page to apply to Dry
Number of driver functions specified in the register A.

     The system must be present
The following drivers:
- Keyboard driver (kbd.drv);
- Driver CMOS (cmos.drv);
- Print driver is a character (symXX.drv);
- Disk device driver (fdd.drv / hdd.drv / cd.drv /

  ram.drv etc);
- File system driver (trdos.drv, msdos.drv,

  isdos.drv etc).

     Reserved a number of standard names of drivers for certain 
types of devices: - Mouse.drv - mouse;

- Joystick.drv - joystick;


          Format driver library

     Library of drivers provides for joint
Storage of the same type of drivers. Drivers are stored in
movable form, ie You can download the driver
any area of ​​memory and configure it to work
in its special function (source for
with a library of drivers attached to the kit
Delivery NeOS).

        Header Format Library

 Offset Length Description

   0 4 Id "DLIB"

   April 1 Number of drivers in the Bible.

   May 3 Reserve

 Total 8 bytes.

Next come the headlines drivers.

          Header format driver

 Offset Length Description

   0 16 Name of Driver

   Feb. 16 start position driver

                 (Relative to the

                 drivers, and not from the beginning
                 la files)

   February 18 The body length driver

   February 20 number of elements

                 matching pattern

  January 22 a flag byte driver

  January 23 Reserve

 Total 24 bytes.

         Format storage driver

     First comes the body of the driver, compiled
at address 0. Then there is a matching pattern. Matching 
pattern consists of a two-byte pointers to asbolyutnye address 
in the body of the driver relative to its beginning. 6 and 7 
bits of byte in the index - a reserve for future improvements 
format. The length of the driver can not exceed 16K. 

     Due to the characteristics when setting arises
some restriction on the driver code: absolute
addresses within the body of the driver must
be given two consecutive bytes. For example, a call to the 
table can not be done as follows as follows:


    ld a, offset

    add a, TAB256; ml. b. address table

    ld l, a

    adc a, TAB/256; Art. b. address table

    sub l

    ld h, a

TAB db 0,1,2,3,4,5



  Description of the shell NeOS v1.0

     The shell is designed NeOS
for basic control system and files. He
allows you to execute commands that can be divided
into 2 main groups:
- Team management system;
- Team work with disk devices;

     When you first start NeOS tries to run the file 
"neosboot.bat" with the disc set in the CMOS boot. In the 
absence of this file is output in the command line editor.

     In version 1.0 of the interpreter is very limited,
but this will be fixed in future versions.

          Command interpreter

        Team management system

1. VER

   Command displays the version information

2. MEM

   Command displays information about the available upper 

3. CLS

   Command clears the screen and fill it with the current 

4. CLW

   Command clears the current text box and fill it with the 
current attribute. 

5. COLOR attr

   Command sets the current attributes attr.

6. BORDER color

   Command sets the border color of color.

7. RAM page

   The team consists of # C000-# FFFF page number of the page.

8. CALL addr

   Team invokes the address addr.

9. STACK addr

   Command sets the stack pointer to addr.

10. HEX

   Command sets the output of all numbers in hex.

11. DEC

   Command sets the output of all the numbers in decimal form.


   Command turns off the sound AY.

13. POKE addr byte

   The team enters the 8-bit value byte at addr.

14. PEEK addr

   Command displays the 8-bit number from a cell addr.

15. DPOKE addr word

   The team enters the 16-bit number word in a cell
addr and addr +1.

16. DPEEK addr

   Command displays the contents of cells addr and addr +1
as a 16-bit number.

17. TEXTWIN x y width height

   Command sets the current window with the coordinates of the 
upper-left corner of x and y, wide width, tall height. 
Coordinates and window sizes are given a familiarity 8x8 pixels.


   Command displays a map pokilobaytnuyu Employment

19. EXIT

   The command produces output in StartUp Menu.

    Teams work with disk device

1. LOAD file [addr] [length]

   The team loads the first length bytes of file into the 
address addr. Addr and length parameters are optional. 

2. SAVE file addr length

   This command writes a file with the file length length
address addr.

3. RUN file [param]

   Command starts to execute the code file
file. Characters that are after the file name may
perceived as the program options.

4. RUNS file

   Command starts to execute the batch file
file. Batch file - a text file containing a sequence of 
commands NeOS. In addition to standard commands there are 
additional: "+" - The inclusion mapping of executable commands 

"-" - Disable display of executable commands;
"" - A symbol of comment - the entire current line is assumed
     remains to comment and ignored.

   The last line must be terminated by a newline (# 0D or # 0D, 
# 0A), otherwise it will fail.

5. CD [path]

   Command sets the current path and / or device. In the 
absence of the parameter, the command displays the current 

6. DIR

   Command displays the names of the files contained in the
current directory.

7. REN file1 file2

   Command renames the file file1 to the file file2.

8. DEL file

   Command removes the file file. Read-Only files are removed 
from pre-confirmation. 

9. MKDIR name

   The command creates a new directory name.

10. RMDIR name

   Command deletes an empty directory name.

     In NeOS set the standard for expansion

*. Cnp - executable;
*. Bat - batch file;
*. Drv - driver library;
*. Lib - library of functions;
*. Scr - screen file (6912 bytes).

     The upper memory NeOS organize yourself a small area (1Kb) 
for its domestic needs. Memory allocation in this area is as 

256b - buffer command line;
512b - time domain for different functions;
114b - the current path.

     In kernale there is a region reserved for the call of some 
useful functions shell. Here is their description: 

# 00FC. Input string

   Function is a character editor
line. It provides the following convenience
* Ability to move the cursor on the line

* The ability to insert characters into the middle of the line;
* The ability to switch the Russian / Latin re
  Giustra, and Caps Lock.

   Upon completion of recruitment into the end of the string is 
appended code # 0D.  Input: HL - address of the edit buffer;

      B - the length of the input string.
Exit: -

# 00FF. Command interpreter

   The function performs the action specified in the command 
line. If interp +2 and interp +3, equal to 0, use the 
built-interpreter, otherwise case - outside the target of a 
given variable.  Log in: -

Exit: -

# 0102. Read number

   The function reads from a string 16-bit number.
The number can be in hex, and
in decimal form.
 Input: HL - address of string.
Output: HL - a limited number;

      DE - the address in the following numbers;

      C = 0 - number of considered successful;

      C = 1 - error while reading.

# 0105. Shut AY

   The function is similar to the SILENCE command
 Log in: -
Exit: -

# 0108. Change directory

   The function is similar to the CD shell.
 Input: HL - address of string.
Exit: -

105. Shut AY

   The function is similar to the SILENCE command
 Log in: -
Exit: -

# 0108. Change directory

   The function is similar to the CD shell.
 Input: HL - address of string.
Exit: -

(C) Megus / BW


                 NeOS v1.0

          System variables NeOS

        Unmovable block of variables

   Name Address Len Description

 TEMPFA # 5B00 Time 512. Region
 HK_ERR # 5D00 2 Error manager
 HK_INT1 # 5D02 2 User INT 1
 HK_INT2 # 5D04 2 User INT 2
 HK_INT3 # 5D06 2 User INT 3
 HK_INT4 # 5D08 2 User INT 4
 HK_INT5 # 5D0A 2 User INT 5
 HK_NMI # 5D0C 3 NMI handler
 STACK_P # 5D0F 2 The value of the stack

                         before starting

 PROGRET # 5D11 2 Address return

                         from the program
 ERR_SP # 5D13 2 The value of the stack

                         after error
 ERR_JP # 5D15 2 Address return

                         by mistake
 DRV_BEG # 5D17 4 pointer to

                         Home Tabley
                         particle driver
 LIB_BEG # 5D1B 4 pointer to

                         Home Tabley
                         particle libraries
 RES_BEG # 5D1F 4 pointer to

                         Home Tabley
                         particle residents
 VARLEN # 5D23 1 Length of mixing
                         schaemogo block

 F_DRV # 5D24 7 Fake-driver
 F_LIB # 5D2B 7 Fake-bibl.
 F_RES # 5D32 7 Fake-resident
 NEOSFD # 5D39 1946 FD file, TCI
                         rytogo NeOS
 TOTRRET # 5D67 2 Call TR-DOS
 TOTR # 5D69 ... Calling the TR-DOS


         Move blocks of variables

     At the beginning of this block indicates the register IY.
This region can move in an arbitrary domain (preferably at the 
bottom of memory). Accessing the variables is done through the 
offset (index). 

   The name of the Indus. Len Description

 scratr +0 1 Acre. Attributes
 atrf +1 a mask attribute
 scrcrd +2 2 Acre. coordinates
 fontadr +4 1 Address Font

                     (High byte)
 border +5 a Border color
 styles +6 2 Address Table

                     frame styles
 textwin +8 4 Parameters


                     (X, Y, W, H)
 limcrd +12 2 limit

                     coordinates in

                     text box
 symdrv +14 2 Address Driver



 lastkey +16 1 Code last

 repwait +17 1 Pause before

 reprate +18 1 Frequency of repetition
 repcnt +19 1 inside. counter
 lastki1 +20 1 inside. Vac.

 pagemp +21 4 pointer to

                     memory card
 ramtop +25 2 Top border

                     lower memory
 curpage +27 2 Current. Home
 Contents ports +29 4 ports

                     memory management

 drive +33 1 Current disk

 drvnum +34 1 No.

 drivdsc +35 2 Address Descriptor

                     the current disk

 drivtab +37 2 Address Table

                     Device Descriptor-TV
 curdbl +39 2 Number of the first

                     unit current

 dskerr +41 1 Code last

                     reactions to discrete
                     kovuyu error

 pnt_x +42 2 Coordinates X
 pnt_y +44 2 Y coordinate
 brd_l +46 2 Left border
 brd_r +48 2 Right border
 brd_u +50 2 Top border
 brd_d +52 2 Lower bound
 buttons +54 1 Comp. Buttons:

                     bit0: Right

                     bit1: Left

                     bit2: average
 sens_x +55 1 sensitive

                     to X
 sens_y +56 1 sensitive

                     on Y

 flags1 +57 1 flag (see below)
 flags2 +58 1 flag (see below)
 neos_r +59 4 pointer to

                     workingmen. reg. NeOS
 neostmp +63 4 Ext. variable
 scrbeg +64 1 tbsp. B screen
 countrs +65 2 counters mouse
 interp +67 4 Address of the external


     Description of the bits of flag variables. In parentheses
indicated status bit 0 / 1.

 bit 0: Flag clicking on the button (no / yes);
 bit 1: when you click on the button (yes / no);
 bit 2: Output mode characters on the screen (replace / XOR);
 bit 3: Reserve;
 bit 4: Language input lines (LAT / RUS);
 bit 5: Register set: 1-Caps Lock;
 bit 6: Office-bit drivers character output;
 bit 7: Notation in the derivation of the numbers (10/16).

 bit 0: delay in the promotion of the drive (no / yes);
 bit 1: Use a manual file systems;
 bit 2: Use the interpretation. batch files.
 The remaining bits are undefined and should be equal to zero.

     Immediately after the system variables can go
description of disk devices.


     Immediately after the system variables can go
description of disk devices.

pD command loads the first length bytes of file into the 
address addr. Addr and length parameters are optional. 

2. SAVE file addr length

   This command writes a file with the file length length
address addr.

3. RUN file [param]

   Command starts to execute the code file
file. Characters that are after the file name may
perceived as the program options.

4. RUNS file

   Command starts to execute the batch file
file. Batch file - a text file containing a sequence of 
commands NeOS. In addition to standard commands there are 
additional: "+" - The inclusion mapping of executable commands 

"-" - Disable display of executable commands;
"" - A symbol of comment - the entire current line is assumed
     remains to comment and ignored.

   The last line must be terminated by a newline (# 0D or # 0D, 
# 0A), otherwise it will fail.

5. CD [path]

   Command sets the current path and / or device. In the 
absence of the parameter, the command displays the current 

6. DIR

   Command displays the names of the files contained in the
current directory.

7. REN file1 file2

   Command renames the file file1 to the file file2.

8. DEL file

   Command removes the file file. Read-Only files are removed 
from pre-confirmation. 

9. MKDIR name

   The command creates a new directory name.

10. RMDIR name

   Command deletes an empty directory name.

     In NeOS set the standard for expansion

*. Cnp - executable;
*. Bat - batch file;
*. Drv - driver library;
*. Lib - library of functions;
*. Scr - screen file (6912 bytes).

     The upper memory NeOS organize yourself a small area (1Kb) 
for its domestic needs. Memory allocation in this area is as 

256b - buffer command line;
512b - time domain for different functions;
114b - the current path.

     In kernale there is a region reserved for the call of some 
useful functions shell. Here is their description: 

# 00FC. Input string

   Function is a character editor
line. It provides the following convenience
* Ability to move the cursor on the line

* The ability to insert characters into the middle of the line;
* The ability to switch the Russian / Latin re
  Giustra, and Caps Lock.

   Upon completion of recruitment into the end of the string is 
appended code # 0D.  Input: HL - address of the edit buffer;

      B - the length of the input string.
Exit: -

# 00FF. Command interpreter

   The function performs the action specified in the command 
line. If interp +2 and interp +3, equal to 0, use the 
built-interpreter, otherwise case - outside the target of a 
given variable.  Log in: -

Exit: -

# 0102. Read number

   The function reads from a string 16-bit number.
The number can be in hex, and
in decimal form.
 Input: HL - address of string.
Output: HL - a limited number;

      DE - the address in the following numbers;

      C = 0 - number of considered successful;

      C = 1 - error while reading.

# 0105. Shut AY

   The function is similar to the SILENCE command
 Log in: -
Exit: -

# 0108. Change directory

   The function is similar to the CD shell.
 Input: HL - address of string.
Exit: -

105. Shut AY

   The function is similar to the SILENCE command
 Log in: -
Exit: -

# 0108. Change directory

   The function is similar to the CD shell.
 Input: HL - address of string.
Exit: -

(C) Megus / BW


                 NeOS v1.0

       Description of different data formats

              Format Index

     The first 2 bytes - number of pages, the following
bytes - the address.

         Format descriptor unit

 Offset Length Description

   0 1 Number of sectors per track

   January 1 code of length sektora8

   Jan. 2 The number of sectors in the block

   March 2 address the device driver

   February 5 address the current driver


   July 2 Address buffer FAT

   September 1 Current sector FAT

   January 10 a flag byte

   January 11 Page buffer FAT

   January 12 Length FAT

 Total 13 bytes.

       Table format disk parameters

 Offset Length Description

   0 1 Number of sectors per track

                 (0 - end of table)

   January 1 Number of sections of the device

   February 2 Number of tracks on the disc

   ... ... (Continued)

     Since for the same sector size allowed several different 
formats, the descriptors are the parameters one by one. Table 
ends with a null byte. 

            Disc Format Descriptor

 Offset Length Description

   0 16 Disc name

  February 16 disk capacity in blocks

  February 18 number of free blocks

  February 20 Sector size in bytes

  January 22 block size in sectors

 Total 23 bytes.

          The format of the descriptor directory

 Offset Length Description

   0 1 Number of Files

   January 1 Number of deleted files

   February 2nd volume in the blocks directory

 Total of 4 bytes.

           The format of the file descriptor

 Offset Length Description

   0 16 Filename

  March 16 File Extension

  January 19 File attributes

                 Bit 0 - Read Only

                 Bit 1 - Hidden File

                 bit 2 - System File

                 Bit 3 - flag disklabel

                 Bit 4 - title


                 Bit 5 - archive file

                 Bit 6 - segmented /


  February 20 Address File Download

  February 22 File creation time

  Feb. 24 Founded file

  April 26 The length of the file

  February 30 initial block file

  32 1 Number of device file

  33 2 The initial unit of its


  35 1 Number of files in a directory

  36 2 address the read buffer

  38 2 Current Block file

  40 1 Current sector in the block

  41 4 position in the file

  45 1 Flags file:

                 Bit 0 - no title

                        changed / unchanged

                 bit 1 - the sector is not

                        changed / unchanged

                 bit 2 - the current sector

                        do not read / read

 Total 46 bytes.

     The first 32 bytes of the descriptor file - the element
catalog issued by function Get catalogue cell.

      The format of the information stored in the CMOS

 Offset Length Description

   0 1 Seconds

   January 1 Second Alarm

   January 2 Minutes

   January 3 Minutes alarm

   January 4 Hours

   May 1 Alarm Clock

   June 1 Day of the Week

   July 1 Number

   Aug. 1 Month

   September 1st Year

  April 10 System CMOS registers

  63 1 boot disk

     The first 14 bytes of CMOS may not be the same for
different circuits, the data are correct only
for GLUK'ovskoy scheme. Therefore, it is not recommended
reading time by bytes, use a special function.

            The format of the descriptor window

 Offset Length Description

   0 1 X coordinate

                 7 bit = 0 - no shadows

                 7 bits = 1 - with shadow

   January 1 Y coordinate

   February 1 width of the window

   March 1 window height

   April 1 attribute window

   May 1 attribute shadow

   June 1 style of window frame

 Total 7 bytes.

            Format Descriptor menu

 Offset Length Description

   0 1 X coordinate

   January 1 Y coordinate

   February 1 width of the strip separation

   January 3 Number of points

   April 1 attribute nevydel. item

   May 1 attribute apportionment. item

 Total 6 bytes.

          Table of types of computers

     Function System info shows the output type
computer. Here is a table matching the specific
model codes and layout of ports, memory management
on system variables:

0 - Spectrum 128;

  ports +0 - # 7FFD;
1 - Pentagon 512;

  ports +0 - # 7FFD;
2 - Scorpion ZS 256;

  ports +0 - # 7FFD;

  ports +1 - # 1FFD;
3 - Scorpion + GMX

  ports +0 - # 7FFD;

  ports +1 - # 1FFD;
4 - KAY 256;

  ports +0 - # 7FFD;

  ports +1 - # 1FFD;
5 - KAY 1024;

  ports +0 - # 7FFD;

  ports +1 - # 1FFD;
6 - Profi;

  ports +0 - # 7FFD;

  ports +1 - # DFFD;
7 - Sam Coupe.

  ports +0 - # FA;

  ports +1 - # FB.

     System variable always contains the ports +3
state of the port # EFF7.




    Megus / BW:

     - BIOS, NeOS;

     - Set of drivers;

     - Optimization of the code.

    MAV / BW:

     - Low-level procedures for disc;

     - Adaptation ZASM Wednesday NeOS.

    Tigrr / BW:

     - Driver MS-DOS'a.

    Andrey Isaev:

     - Finalization of the driver FDD.

Counseling, advice, criticism:

    Pavel Fedin:

     - Author of the idea BIOS;

     - Constructive criticism.


     - Tips and advice on the very concept of


    Denis Dmitriev:

     - Advice on the implementation of the system drivers;

     - Constructive criticism.

    Roman Milukov:

     - By the idea of ​​an installer.

    Andrey Isaev:

     - Advice on the file system;

     - Tips for better command Institute

     - Constructive criticism.

    Tim Kelly:

     - Advice on the implementation of the system drivers.

Beta Testing:

    Megus, Virtual, Tigrr, Navigator, MAV, Andrey

    Isaev, Denis Dmitriev, Alexander Kormishin.

Moral support:

    Brainwave, X-Project, Andrey Isaev, Alexander

    Kormishin, Tim Kelly, Roman Milukov, Yuri Voyna
    lovich, all REAL.SPECCY.

          e GMoralnaya support:

    Brainwave, X-Project, Andrey Isaev, Alexander

    Kormishin, Tim Kelly, Roman Milukov, Yuri Voyna
    lovich, all REAL.SPECCY.

          e small area (1Kb) for its domestic needs. Memory 
allocation in this area is as follows: 

256b - buffer command line;
512b - time domain for different functions;
114b - the current path.

     In kernale there is a region reserved for the call of some 
useful functions shell. Here is their description: 

# 00FC. Input string

   Function is a character editor
line. It provides the following convenience
* Ability to move the cursor on the line

* The ability to insert characters into the middle of the line;
* The ability to switch the Russian / Latin re
  Giustra, and Caps Lock.

   Upon completion of recruitment into the end of the string is 
appended code # 0D.  Input: HL - address of the edit buffer;

      B - the length of the input string.
Exit: -

# 00FF. Command interpreter

   The function performs the action specified in the command 
line. If interp +2 and interp +3, equal to 0, use the 
built-interpreter, otherwise case - outside the target of a 
given variable.  Log in: -

Exit: -

# 0102. Read number

   The function reads from a string 16-bit number.
The number can be in hex, and
in decimal form.
 Input: HL - address of string.
Output: HL - a limited number;

      DE - the address in the following numbers;

      C = 0 - number of considered successful;

      C = 1 - error while reading.

# 0105. Shut AY

   The function is similar to the SILENCE command
 Log in: -
Exit: -

# 0108. Change directory

   The function is similar to the CD shell.
 Input: HL - address of string.
Exit: -

105. Shut AY

   The function is similar to the SILENCE command
 Log in: -
Exit: -

# 0108. Change directory

   The function is similar to the CD shell.
 Input: HL - address of string.
Exit: -

Other articles:

Inform - The plans of the magazine.

Authors - The authors of the journal and editorial contacts.

Inform - Guide magazine.

Locman - On the game MECHANIC WARS.

Locman - Homer Simpson about the game in Russia.

loafer - Complete MONSTRLAND passing games and Homer Simpson in Russia.

Humor - smile - Unofficial Dictionary smiles.

Humor - abbreviations, popular for network spaces.

Kaleidoscope - news from the Spectrum.

History - Author's abstract game HOMER SIMPSON IN RUSSIA.

Reflections - What happens to the computers in the near future in Russia.

Kaleidoscope - Presentation File Manager NeOS Commander v.0.1alpha

Interview - an interview with Roman Petrov - Megus / Brainwave X-Project of a group of Star Group.

Kaleidoscope - an annual festival of the virtual computer art Artcomp-99 is canceled.

Tusovka - Chaos Construction 999 persons.

Tusovka - Chaos Construction 999 - official results.

Tusovka - DOXYCON 1999 - official results.

Reflections - New-Age-Computer or PC XXI century.

PROFI CLUB - The scheme of the complete decoding of ports of extended memory for Profi and not only ...

Laboratory - Connection HAYES-modem

Kaleidoscope - NeOS - A new system for opepatsionnaya Spektpuma

Kaleidoscope - NeOS - a description of standard features.

Laboratory - How to konveptipovat gpafiku PC or Amiga at Spektpum

Humor - fidoshnye jokes.

Humor - the story 48 Iron.

Humor - Dictionary of the AK-47

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   18 February