Voyager #04
19 февраля 1999

Laboratory - How to konveptipovat gpafiku PC or Amiga at Spektpum

<b>Laboratory</b> - How to konveptipovat gpafiku PC or Amiga at Spektpum
Edition 'comments by Alex Baskakov

          How to convert graphics

           PC or Amiga at the Spectrum

 Slava Mednonogov:

    Then came a letter - asking how qualitatively convertible 
schedule ibm2zx (well, or amiga2zx). Judging from the quality, 
the conversion charts in most domestic programs is a weak spot 
(a pleasant exception - intro Max Romanov). Think is a time to 
dwell on this issue: 

a) suitable for converting any more or less at
  Wish graph. editor (Adobe PhotoShop, Photo Fi
  nish (from CorelDraw), Aldus Photo Styler, Photo

  Deluxe it.d.)

b) if the original picture color - it must be

  transfer mode Gray Scale (grayscale).

c) then it is desirable to increase the sharpness

  Sharpen or Sharpen More. You may have to
  Xia do this several times.

g), followed by a mandatory increase in the contrast
  particular menu Brightnes' Contrast. Kontrastnost

  exhibited typically 20-60% brightness - "to taste"

  (-30 To +30).

e) converting to black and white (Black 'White).

  For animations and large graphics preferably is chosen
  army Pattern, for images with fine details -


e) the technical details of translation in Hobeta-format

  and further distillation at Spectrum fall,

  as means at least a hundred! :)))

     Kontrolem quality conversion (ie, the proper selection of 
the brightness and contrast in paragraph (g)) is: * On any 
picture in large quantities to 

  present pure white / pure black

  (If the entire picture is filled Paterna, it is necessary

  at least to double contrast);
* If there is a pure black, but not pure white
  second (or vice versa), you must change the balance of 
brightness   bone;

* Presence of rare points of different color, where

  must be pure black or pure white

  (For it to kill:)) - is treated with increasing

* Good visibility of image detail. If

  This does not, try to increase the contrast

  or use the Sharpen / Sharpen Edges, or an increase
  chit image (what to do - always have what
  sacrifice something);
* Animations when converting to all

  its personnel to use the same setup parameters
  parameters of the conversion.

>> A Autodesk Animator finally arrived abolished?

AB: Autodesk Animator Pro - lulu ... There

   there is a built-in language that allows the realization
   zovyvat automatically any sequence

   action. The ideal thing is to convert

   animation, both in normal and in chankovom and am
   ributnom form.

I do not know how he fits entoy goal.
The only acceptable (IMHO) is a tool
Adobe PhotoShop 4.xx, where there is a possibility of defining
macro to be subject to any number of images. How to do it:

Upload a single picture, which is typical for this anisotropy
2 Select Windows / Action.
3 Press the button Record (red circle).
4 Next to perform a sequence of action

  conversion (see 1 letter conversion).
5 After pressing Stop button and turn on
  luchivshiysya macro in one line.
6 Next simple - upload all the pictures animation

  and apply to each button Play, after which

  all of them save.

AB: And, you can display the menu on the window of Operations

   (Where you asked a macro) and select "Package
   Naya treatment. "Then: Specify the directory

   which stores the original pictures, where diretoriyu

   will be formed perekonverchennye pictures and

   name of the macro-operations, conducting convertible
   derivations. Enjoy the spectacle of fully automated
   matichekogo process!

   Finite, all this can be done manually, but

   very zaparno.

     Hint for "grabilschikov" - when yuzani win'95
simply press the Print Screen and Picture
the screen gets to the clipboard, where you to collect your 
favorite editor. Almost like a shadow businesses to Scorpio ...

 Max Romanoff

     Zachem lameram convertible kachestvenno grafiku? I dumayu, 
those who want something sdelat, naydut programmy good. I can 
porekomendovat: Deluxe Paint - very good pabotat with 
animatsiyami. Personal Paint - obrabotka kartinok and animatsii.

Art Departament Pro - stage of the heap in formatov

                    another pile.
ImageFX - paznye effects and many formatov.

     There are still tma programm, but these can be sdelat 
everything you need. Dazhe in PPaint. K Plus, it comes 
BESPLATNO. (Well it is for the Amiga). :) 

     I take the first two. But only for the conversion. I do 
not zatronul sozdaniya side, although they oba for it too fit.

 Dmitry Grigoryev

For the PC:

Photoshop - creating, processing of "flat" image converted.
Package COREL DRAW! - Generic package can
all ... + 3D, animation, grabilka "screen, vectorization, and 

     But if once or too lazy to deal with these
monsters - ALCHEMY for WIN'95 - cuts, zooms, convert + ease of 
development - osutstvie adjust the brightness / contrast, do 
not know why ... 

 Roman Alexandrov

     The most simple recipe for those who do not have
"Thick" pisyukami:

1 Podgryzit kartinky in PV and play brightness

  contrast and color (usually falls

  ysilit second and pick up on vkysy first), from
  cut excess (thick file on the Spectrum is not a
  plowing), to save.
2 Using ALCHEMY upscale kartinky

  (If nyzhno usually yvelichivat not necessary, but

  strongly ymenshat does not make sense) and converted into

  format of IMG (optional - g, it seems).
3 Polychennye IMG-shki drag on the Spectrum, a
  gryzit in SCREENPRINTER and keep in regular

  display file.

     Usually I ydavalos achieved good reward for, and 
pornomyltik, dragged me out of pornotetrisa, did not look Too 
bad than ZX-Stag ... 

     Kstati Skrinprinter sense podpatchit,
that he correctly perceived the pictures, width not a multiple 
of 8 bits (that should not have been pykami krytit "chastoty 
lines), there is a 10 minute digits of the deal, just a year 
statute of limitations had forgotten that specifically changed, 
the format of IMG-file is simple and self-evident. 

 Vyacheslav Mednonogov

     Yeah, in the end people got out and now had to
All images converted to color. Okay, just found at least one 
interested person must share secrets ... :) 

    1. To convert color graphics require
the picture is not too small elements and smoother color 
transitions. Ie painted comics probably will not work. 

    2. In a graphics editor, PC-cut
piece 256h192 and convert the picture in 16-color, standard 
palette mode PATTERN. Pre-contrast will increase to about 

    3. Write it in the BMP (PCX) and convert
in the Novgorod ZXConvertor'e v1.1 mode COLOR.
The result is written again in the format of BMP (PCX).

    4. Go back to the editor and carefully trim the resulting 

    5. Paragraphs 3.4 to recur unless
Your taste in art does not tell that the level of
"Square flower in the picture has reached an acceptable level. 
This may take a 1-2,5 hours, depending on the complexity of the 
picture. The resulting image in Section 3 record in the format 
of SCR. 

    6. Inevitably, the appearance of bright-squares (glitches
ZXC). Treated or subsequent modification in ArtStudio, a 
selection of palettes. 

    7. It is desirable for the final version of the "walk" 
Screen Optimaizer'om v.4.2. 6 

     That's all there for long. Finite, zest here
represents only claim 2, to invent, it took a whole year! : (((

AB: Here come the files of - pcx2zx.exe (c) 1995

   Sergey Sidorin, if you play around with it, we can
   obtain very good results even in color!

 Alex Baskakov

     How to make a 3-Colorno images? All very
simple. We will need the Adobe Photoshop 4.0 (or
above). Take any color image.

a) If she is 16, 256 color - translates it into mode
RGB. If this is the jpeg - it is already in RGB is.

b) by means of the Image Size and Canvas Size cut piece or 
scale the original image size to 256x192. 

c) Make a sharpening filter or Sharpen. Raise
contrast, change the brightness, saturation - by

d) Izmeyaem Mode: Image -> Mode -> Indexed Color. Choosing a 
window "Palette" - the uniform. Color Depth - 3 bits per pixel 
(8 colors). Settings / Setup: random (dither). Now we

see picture for what it is about to

d) takes the picture back to: Image -> Mode
-> RGB.

e) climb out the window "Kanaly" - click on the triangles and 
choose "Split channels". Obtain three pictures whose names end 
with _R, _G, _B. Translate each of them in 1-bit mode via the 
"50% Threshold" and save such as bmp. 

g) Using any utility (zxc, bmpspc v2.1 by
Heaven Aeroplane) converting three bmp'shki in 3 standard 
images. Scr to 6912 bytes. Now from them be cut to 768 bytes of 
attribute and glue into one long file 18432 in the sequence R,

G, B.

     So we got. Xpc picture, which can be viewed on the 
Spectrum in XColor +, but on the PC in Spectrum Navigator, ZX 
Screen Navigator. Of the picture. Xpv, which by default scans 
the X-Picture Viewer by Wolf, it differs only in that before 
stitching in paragraph g) had konvertnut All three images in 
the format of the sprite. Konvertirovanie xpc <-> xpv carries a 
great program ZX $ Navigator. It can also convert 4bit bmp in 
xpc. Again, 4-bit bmp should receive on the above mentioned 
rules a) - r). 

     Responsible for the quality of the conversion parameter 
has a c). We must take into account that: for conversion is 
best suited to dark images bolshm of a black background - they 
will be less than the total twinkle in Speke. The image must be 
present clean colors. No other rare inclusions. You should also 
look to whether your picture quality control images of Glory 
Mednonogova (item 1) - these requirements are valid for 
3x-Colorno pictures. 

 Vyacheslav Mednonogov

    Here the idea, how to easily create
attribute the video (where one pixel equals one

1 3DStudioMax or where exist yet sozdaete color po
  face with a frame size of 32h24.
2 protection Each roller frame zooming to 8 times the X

  and Y.
3 are obtained footage size 256h192 (eg,

  format, bmp).
AB: This method allows us to obtain only 15 CEE
   Comrade: in animation - not used for paternovaya
   livka screen.
4 Now trouble free convert them into a format

  scr (for example, by zxc).
5 In each scr cuts 6144 bytes with graphics and

  leaving 768 bytes of attributes, which, own
  respectively, and had to get it.

AB: The theory is confirmed. I did a cartoon of 706

   frames, 25 frames / sec, 32x24, 54 colors, packed
   Van 77Kb, unpacked during playback


From the Editor: We hope that this FAQ will help you
create real graphical masterpieces. And, of course, a huge 
thank you to everyone whose advice included in the in this 
material and some words of thanks Baskakov for putting all this 
in a digestible state, and comments. If you were interested to 
read this material - let us know and we will continue to 
publish such plan.

Other articles:

Inform - The plans of the magazine.

Authors - The authors of the journal and editorial contacts.

Inform - Guide magazine.

Locman - On the game MECHANIC WARS.

Locman - Homer Simpson about the game in Russia.

loafer - Complete MONSTRLAND passing games and Homer Simpson in Russia.

Humor - smile - Unofficial Dictionary smiles.

Humor - abbreviations, popular for network spaces.

Kaleidoscope - news from the Spectrum.

History - Author's abstract game HOMER SIMPSON IN RUSSIA.

Reflections - What happens to the computers in the near future in Russia.

Kaleidoscope - Presentation File Manager NeOS Commander v.0.1alpha

Interview - an interview with Roman Petrov - Megus / Brainwave X-Project of a group of Star Group.

Kaleidoscope - an annual festival of the virtual computer art Artcomp-99 is canceled.

Tusovka - Chaos Construction 999 persons.

Tusovka - Chaos Construction 999 - official results.

Tusovka - DOXYCON 1999 - official results.

Reflections - New-Age-Computer or PC XXI century.

PROFI CLUB - The scheme of the complete decoding of ports of extended memory for Profi and not only ...

Laboratory - Connection HAYES-modem

Kaleidoscope - NeOS - A new system for opepatsionnaya Spektpuma

Kaleidoscope - NeOS - a description of standard features.

Laboratory - How to konveptipovat gpafiku PC or Amiga at Spektpum

Humor - fidoshnye jokes.

Humor - the story 48 Iron.

Humor - Dictionary of the AK-47

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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