Voyager #04
19 февраля 1999

loafer - Complete MONSTRLAND passing games and Homer Simpson in Russia.

<b>loafer</b> - Complete MONSTRLAND passing games and Homer Simpson in Russia.
(C) 1999 SAM

               L O R L D Li



            (C) RAGE TECHNOLOGY

    (Thanks for giving MAYHEM release)

     The game is amazing. If you have not gone through it,
try to do it without my help'a (and without
cheat mode, of course), just as it takes
You real pleasure. We thank RAGE
for their hard work (demo AWAKEN'a nearly
kicked me avaricious man's tears, sorry that this
project was not implemented at least 4.3 years ago).
I hope to see as they have not yet released
Game MIST (MonstrLand II).

     So, help ...


                 Level 1.

 1) Find and kill a monster with a bomb (for some
levels of corpses can eat). By the way, what
more weapons you have, the more you cooler.
 2) Blow up the rocks, releasing the passage in the upper right 
corner.  3) Kill a monster with an ax.

 4) Make it with an ax boat made of wood
(Palm tree with green trunk, near the beach).
 5) We float right, learn from the old man collapsing
spell (monsters are no longer afraid).
 6) With the help of magic penetrate in-detached house
There we find the cache and we arm "to the eyeballs."
 7) You can go upstairs, there is another old energy nowhere to 
go.  8) We float down, around the cross slope, and then, in the 
bush entrance to the cave.

 9) Kill the guys in kapyushenah, with the first roll
tells the path to the second, the second take the amulet.
Exit the cave in the upper right corner.
 10) Let us swim to the bottom, there moisten the main monster 
(a magical sword, of course).  11) Go with the amulet in the 
temple.  12) Let us swim to the exit (it is about "energetic" 
Dedkov) and go into it without a magical lotion.


                 Level 2.

 1) Postrelivaya a crossbow and chewing bread, go
in the cave.
 2) A dilapidated robot take the card.
 3) pass through it into the hangar.
 4) and the damn crystal belongs to the robot.
 5) Come and take a magic stone.
 6) Using a photon going through the door.


                 Level 3.

 1) With "Jedi Force" can attract
 2) Follow the guide.
 3) Taking a pen and scroll, go to the book of stone.
 4) We carry a scroll with the records to the sorcerer.
 5) Go to the Center of Defense (bottom).
 6) comes to the computer.
 7) Take the balls, lay them around in front of the shooter 
teleportatora and Teleport.  8) Call the guards.

 9) Go to the sorcerer.


                 Level 4.

 1) We print five copies.
 2) find a scroll with a spell.
 3) swims to the other side.
 4) inspect the door.
 5) Find the Corra and kill him.
 6) Poshatavshis some time, we learn that the game
passed. :)



            (Mr.Gluk 'Company/1998)

     After the terrible blast a few days ago, was detained 
Simpson, as the prime suspect in this terrorist act.

     After the detention of the alleged offender
was withdrawn map of the area (attached to the case).

CL-INT-key pants SL-fitter
K-PC P-wire KS-cashier
D-grandfather, COL-PL-sausage plate
H-X-knife ... W-box
T-TV Raman bed M-hammer
C-SC-cheese pan Ch-clock
DT Dynamite DB-cans, SEC-speculator
A moonshine DC-disk

     Also, the suspect had taken the testimony:
"I am, Simpson, today decided to visit his old
grandfather, because He became quite ill with a head, and I
afraid that will not see it in his right mind and
a sober mind. But at a meeting I realized that I was late, the 
old man did not recognize me. The only thing I understood from 
his talk, so it's manic desire to eat blintsov. I'm remembering 
retseptik, nazharil pancakes and took them to his grandfather. 
But he said no thanks, and immediately made me bring him a 
pension, and where his identity, he notion

did not. Find it proved to be difficult. At his home I found 
the sausage, which is free of charge feed the hungry (just not 
while receiving from him on the head with a wrench), and a 
knife, but it I do not take it, why do I (bushes that Lee 
trim?). Until identity could reach only by

non-regulatory tool. This is the only damage I've done (and is 
not on their own), but you would have seen how many bridges 
I've repaired After an ugly and malicious pests Vovochka! Tools 
and flashed in my hands! I even were found lost someone pants! 
(I ask for sentencing to take into account my good deeds ...).

Sorry, was distracted ... Treat, of the goodness of soul,
U.S. yummy cashier, I got a pension,
which, following the directions of his grandfather bought milk 
from a suspicious type, looks like a Chechen terrorist. He 
could not even open my jar of milk (well after all that I am at 
school ...). Grandpa wanted to milk the frogs ("Butter it to 
him beat that, there will be "- I thought then), but later 
revealed that he just blew off the roof, and after a cold beer, 
this process has worsened to complete senility as the desire to 
get back their money. Why not do for a loved grandfather

moreover, that the milk turned sour? But by bringing the old 
man retired, learned that he had not enough! Now that's a 
problem. I decided to take a cashier, but when he came to her, 
he saw the corpse and the cooling blood-stained knife 
grandfathers. This old maniac killed it! Still not fully 
believing in it, I trudged to the him. And what happened? I 
recognize that the alcoholic wants brew! "Conscience pour want 
does not come out!" - I thought, but was afraid to object, 
suddenly he and the mother grandchild will not regret. Had to 
look for moonshine, which pomuchavshis, I could not turn on, 
but found a floppy disk from a friend's computer ... Maybe this 
seems strange, but for some reason, never zavisnuv (where are 
you, my beloved Windows?), I learned how to run the St. 
Petersburg miracle technology (by the way, I like to use only 
clean cutlery ...).

     The following instructions grandfather was a match the 
previous one. "Carry" - he says - "ingredients." Had smash his 
head. "What you need to brew a delicious? Probably something 
tasty in it added. "- I thought, cutting piece of glass berries 
and putting himself in the mouth. True, they were so delicious, 
that in order to convey to the home-brewed apparatus at least 
one, I had to completely recapture his appetite for one of the 
parts ... This ... Well there he was ... Well, in short, when 
pereesh (or perepesh) immediately pulls back (about "perepesh" 
I was told). When I returned, the old way razvezlo that we had 
to take him home, but he had the nerve to ask me to turn on the 
TV, which not working for several years. Well, I "repaired"

it than usual ... (That's what I'm good). And when I later went 
on to declare his grandfather to be (it's all I'm good!), Heard 
from the evil Chechen, his cunning plan ... And its 
otnekivaniya supposedly bomb clockwork he could not collect, let

leave with him, because (it seems to me, of course ...) it will 
be able to collect any plumber ... Here it is! " 

     Having studied the documents, the court sentenced him to 
death his grandfather, a terrorist and there is Vovochku to the 

     Simpson, for their courage, for their assistance
investigation and ... humor sentenced to appear in
"Homer Simpson 2 (n-da. .. .... although it would be nice!).


   P.S. A week passed after writing reading
(I hope) you "products." And I know that
My crazy idea (which came seems somewhere in the fourth hour of 
the night) on the "Homer Simpson 2" can become a reality! Keep 
it up guys from Ivanovo! But with these and we should take an 
example. I certainly understand that "megademy is cool, but 
still ... (I wonder what tomatoes I then cast aside: rotten or 

     I decided (as it were, put it mildly, that no one is 
offended?) Hint to the authors for some not quite pleasant 
nuances (and sometimes quite unpleasant). First of all, strikes 
an uncomfortable (and for some - generally incomprehensible) 
work with subjects. The word "nizya" at first and I was pinned,

but then I became a legitimate question: "Why?"
I do not mean that some things are bound
to his place, as ... (Just as many comparisons, but
all some unprintable, so I'd better keep quiet
;). Let's go further ... About the situations in the game, I 
quote: "when its further passage impossible." Well, folks, in 
this case, you have to do shipment to disk, and then somehow 
uncivilized obtained. Still, I remember, swore when drowned, 
and could be prevented. Since windows is also not entirely 
clear why half of them have bullet-proof? And, incidentally, is 
not cool is that Simpson does not see things in a nearby

screen. Well, with kontsovochkoy ... Let's just say, not quite
expressive. First, do not even understand: it's me playing
passed, or something happened?

     But the story has caused some controversy,
someone of his "rvanosti" is not really accepted, but I liked 
it, especially the time with the cashier (Tarantino seen 
enough?)). The plot, though short, can was safely increase at 
least once every two (after all, so sorry that you are using 
only 50% of cards), and, Of course, shipping on the disc just 
would not be prevented. 

     Well, everything else is drawn to the good and excellent. 
Graphics large and clear, with humor, too, all in order. 
Particular attention is paid to the sounds of the recent 
learned that there is even support COVOXa. In general, I advise 
everyone to spend a day on this original game (to be entirely 
honest, it is not entirely original, but the guys (former?) 
from the DR themselves to blame.: ( 

        I look forward to Homer Simpson 2!


From the Editor: After reading this opus, we contacted the 
authors of the first part of "Homera ...", and found that the 
second part is already in full swing, and then what they have 
written, read in this issue, where you can also be found 
solyushen the game with the author's comments ... 

asti "Homera ...", and found that the second part is already in 
full swing, and then what they have written, read in this 
issue, where you can also be found solyushen the game with the 
author's comments ... 

812-177-10-34 (Boris)

continuations script! ;))))).

            C Regards, Greenfort.

For questions on the game contact 812-177-10-34 (Boris)

Other articles:

Inform - The plans of the magazine.

Authors - The authors of the journal and editorial contacts.

Inform - Guide magazine.

Locman - On the game MECHANIC WARS.

Locman - Homer Simpson about the game in Russia.

loafer - Complete MONSTRLAND passing games and Homer Simpson in Russia.

Humor - smile - Unofficial Dictionary smiles.

Humor - abbreviations, popular for network spaces.

Kaleidoscope - news from the Spectrum.

History - Author's abstract game HOMER SIMPSON IN RUSSIA.

Reflections - What happens to the computers in the near future in Russia.

Kaleidoscope - Presentation File Manager NeOS Commander v.0.1alpha

Interview - an interview with Roman Petrov - Megus / Brainwave X-Project of a group of Star Group.

Kaleidoscope - an annual festival of the virtual computer art Artcomp-99 is canceled.

Tusovka - Chaos Construction 999 persons.

Tusovka - Chaos Construction 999 - official results.

Tusovka - DOXYCON 1999 - official results.

Reflections - New-Age-Computer or PC XXI century.

PROFI CLUB - The scheme of the complete decoding of ports of extended memory for Profi and not only ...

Laboratory - Connection HAYES-modem

Kaleidoscope - NeOS - A new system for opepatsionnaya Spektpuma

Kaleidoscope - NeOS - a description of standard features.

Laboratory - How to konveptipovat gpafiku PC or Amiga at Spektpum

Humor - fidoshnye jokes.

Humor - the story 48 Iron.

Humor - Dictionary of the AK-47

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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