31 декабря 1999 |
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Illegal Corner - Welcome to Scenergy Release Charts (SRC).

Welcome to Scenergy Release Charts (SRC) Directories, named /firstreleases/, are created for special purpose, so don't use them for uploads unless you didn't read this. These directories can be found on several speccy scene FTP sites and are created especially for firstreleases - all cracks of games, which are finished and released (and therefore also cracked not earlier) after 01.01.2000. The word "firstrelease" may tell you the essence - it means that the group who managed to crack and upload it first, have the firstrelease, all other groups can have simple release or in some cases - rerelease. To have a firstrelease, group have to upload crack to as much FTP sites (there are five sites taken in consideration) as possible. If some site is down, group should send e-mail to Scenergy magazine ( informing about time and site it happened and try to upload again a bit later. While these directories were made for SRC, they can be surely used as source for release charts in other magazines as well as they can set up and use their own sites. See for latest news about our thing. Rules (for SRC). 1. All releases, uploaded to directories /firstreleases/ will be pretending to status "firstrelease" 2. Release must be game released by author after 01.01.2000 and that also means that crack can't be performed earlier. 3. Crack have to be uploaded to as much of FTP's listed below as possible. If any of these are down, please inform Scenergy by sending e-mail and try again later. If upload will not suceed later, it will be counted as firstie anyway. However, if any other group upload the same release to more FTP's than first group, they will get the firstrelease except cases when Scenergy received e-mail about sites being down. See also rule #5. 4. All the cracks of the same game which will be uploaded to FTP sites later than three hours after first group uploaded their version, will be counted as rereleases. Also, minus points as rerelease will get all the games made before 01.01.2000. 5. There exist a three hours rule. It means that if there will be uploaded crack of the game already upped by other group earlier within 3 hours, it will not be punished with minus points. However, it will not receive points at all unless rule #3 will activate. 6. Minor bugs will be get minus points, but major bugs which makes game unplayable, will not be counted as firstrelease. Non-english games will be counted as firstrelease, but they will recieve less points if they are unplayable for these knowning only english, also group which will release translated version later, will recieve points. 7. Game can be released both in TAP and TR-DOS formats. First release not depending on format will recieve usual points, while release in other format uploaded later (it can be release of some other group too) will get from 1 to 2 points. If there is uniloader in the first release, it will recieve usual points plus 2 to 3 points bonus. 8. Points for the firstreleases will be given depending on the quality of the game and quality of the crack. The judgement will be performed by editors of SRC. 9. All cracks will be tested at least on differently configured pentagons and scorpions. 10. Editors of SRC have rights to add or remove points for special things not included in rules. 11. Detailed information about SRC: Editors of Scenergy Release Charts: #в”Ђ Raver/Phantasy Max Iwamoto/Code Busters Used FTP sites: в”Ђ Acid Nature [Phantasy and Progress HQ] Chaosite [Concern Chaos HQ] Sweet Confusion [Phantasy and Fatality HQ] Ascendancy [Ascendancy Creative Labs HQ] Soul's Storage [Digital Reality HQ] ftp:down.for.good.times Main points: в”Ђ English or foreign language playable previews: 1-2 points Unplayable foreign previews: 1 point English or foreign language playable full games: 3-5 points Unplayable foreign full games: 3 points Crack points: в”Ђ Trainer: 0-2 points Translation: 0-2 points Missing format (TAP/TR-DOS): 1-2 points Uniloader: 2-3 points Bonus points: в”Ђ Multicolor/#FD fix: 0-2 points Docs included: 0-2 point TR-DOS save/load added: 1.5 points Hi-score saver installed: 1.5 points Minus points: в”Ђ Rerelease: -5 points No crunching: -3 points No trainer: -1 point Minor bugs: -1 point Not onefiled: -1 point (except uniloaders) Happy Cracking!
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