31 декабря 1999 |
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Demo Party - POL/PHT: отчет о Doxycon '99.

Doxycon '99 party report [short stuff by pol/pht] Doxycon, the third, was held in Doksy, Czech Republic 23-25.7. 1999. As one of the ppl partying there I'll type some words about it. About 30 spectrum ppl on Dx99 - that were Czech, Slovak and Austria scene. Most known ppl - K3L, NC, 3SC, Tritol, Jan K., (yes, that was me:), etc. Only one official program - compo was released at Saturday evening. Three demos, three intros, many pics and musics. First place was unfinished Omega's production and that's the same destiny as K3L's first place at Dx98. It means it wasn't released for distribution. We must wait for the final version. Some interesting hw was shown at Dx99. Jan K.'s 512kB RAMdisk in his Didaktik M 128. Animations from Power Up and Refresh were played at high speed from this big memory. Really nice was using of BSROM (for systems with MB02) in ordinary spectrum. You can reset your computer and no datas are broken. MB02 - that fenomenal disk system with high speed of disk operations. New commander is prepared for MB02. It seems to be the best disk commander ever. LCD from Austria bings his spectrum+MB02 in beautifull pC case with external keyboard. Very nice styled. HDD and spectrum? CDROM and spectrum? YES! We can saw one part of Simpsons played by spectrum with full screen picture (b&w) and fully with sound. It was played from HDD. CDROM is connected too but I don't know any working software for it. Only Tritolsoft's routines. HDD and CDROM is connected via special spectrum IDE interface (very small - 5x5cms). Poke Studio brings his TRDOS system so non-TRDOS users can see new software for it. I was suprised with its speed as it's faster than emulator. Doxycon '99 wasn't very big party but very nice and friendly. We can saw new projects, discusse about spectrum things, crack some TRDOS loaders [:-)] and got some beers:) For ScenergY typed by Pol/Phantasy
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