31 декабря 1999 |
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Demo Party - пресс релиз Латвийского демопати PHAT'9.

the official press release Phantasy and from PHAT9 organizers illegal promotions 10.10.99 the true eight bit show - PHAT9 - your last summer tears The party, which took place on 25.09.99 in Riga, Latvia is over. To cut the crap short, it was a succesful event, however with so much people screwing up the organizers it was quite different than expected. The main organizer which turned out to be almost only one, Raver of Phantasy, did all he promised in the invitation not to mention things like projector, free entrance to club "Metro" and institute's canteen with cheap and good food. But, the low support caused by innert sceners and quite limited advertising campaign changed everything into meeting of Phantasy members rather than what was expected. Also, homepage wasn't put online partly because Slagge/Dual Crew Shinning did not care about organizers request and partly because they had no time to find another location. So why the fuck DCS are advertising and offer- ing their domain if they screw up when it's really need- ed? And so, few days before party the hall in Institute of Inorganic Chemistry was exchanged for a quite small Phantasy HQ and main action took part here, also in Irish Pub and actually in quite a lot places in Riga. The change of partyplace caused a change of subtitle as well, so this year's PHAT is entitled as "Your Last Summer Tears". Releasewise, speccy compos gathered some nice stuff, but the c=64 side showed incredible inactivity making the compo useless. See official results in magazine and grab compo stuff from Acid Nature or The Digital Dungeon. Still Phantasy and illegal promotions are looking forward to organize PHAT0 and hoping that the event will take a well de- served place in your next year's schedule. signed, Raver/Phantasy
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