Deja Vu #05
31 мая 1998 |
Topic - The association's AMAZING SOFT MAKING.
SoundTrack: COMPOSITION BY RLA / CRG 1998 __________________________________________ (C) VIATOR / AVALON / RUSH / ASM (C) GRUNGE / SMASH / ASM (C) MIGHTY / SMASH / ASM __________________________________________ Articles of Association AMAZING SOFT MAKING Edition of the second, corrections and additions The questions on the functioning of Association, the main directions of its activities, admission rules, "press law", the restrictions imposed on the produced program ... Achtung, Achtung! All of the following can not APPLY FOR FINAL VERSION OF STATUTES. Undoubtedly, it would expose CRITICISM AND FURTHER EDITORIAL CO PARTY Angry AMAZING'OVTSEV ... ;-))) 1. The main objectives pursued by the association: AMAZING SOFT MAKING (hereinafter ASM) is created to bring together the largest number of groups and software vendors Computer ZX-SPECTRUM and AMIGA. When Thus, the priority on this platform Time is SPECTRUM. The Association aims to promote logged in composition: to coordinate global and long-term projects, to provide the advertising support of all programs emerging under the leadership of the association. Second priority areas ASM is to assist in the distribution of copyright projects that go under the copyright of the association. 2. Principles of association: The Association is divided into two types: active participants (active) and obshy composition (Unactive). In this case, the active part of a priority in all matters, has entitled to priority ads, but the data privileges, and imposes obligations (see below). The overall composition has a right distribution of their projects through Association ASM, advertising on the pages of publications of association, participation in joint projects. So, whether a particular group / individual people enrolled in the active or total composition depends only on her desire and the its compliance with all rules and paragraphs of the statute. The Association is not a narrowly focused and closed, for example, RUSH, PROGRESS, ZER0, and is free and open. Belonging to other associations is not a hindrance to join the ASM. Association of ASM is not limited nor what the territorial or political boundaries. The right to enter into it has everyone, subject to this statute and the procedure coming out in paragraph 6. 3. Coordination of activities of the association: ASM is the main producer MIGHTY HACKER / SMASH / ASM (on MH). Soprodyusserami are SOI / CRYSTAL DREAM / ASM and VIATOR / AVALON / RUSH / ASM. They coordinate the activities of ASM and determine priorities direction and development of the association. Change of producers can be made at the request _BOLSHINSTVA_ from the association. Producing the composition can be increased, in particular through the organization Producing branches in other countries. Decision on increase of Producing accepted only applicable to this time producer. Each of the participants of the ACTIVE Association has the right to participate in the life ASM and has the right to vote in all contested issues. General (unactive) composition does not have guaranteed the right to intervene in matters Association, but his opinion might be considered. On the status of the ASM will be regularly reported in the electronic media association. Through these publications will be informing ALL of ongoing projects and advertising soft'a rasprostronyaemogo ASM'om. 4. Obligations imposed by the association on the overall composition: Group, a part of the overall composition provides information on the status (status of projects changing the composition of teams, etc. ) Every 1.5 months. This item is performed by the expulsion of "progress report" main producer or soprodyusseram in written or electronic form. Also may be notified by phone of Producing. Group, not overlooking the communication in three months is considered to quit the scene. Required output of all commercial projects, distribution of which is conducted by ASM's copyright (C) ASM. Compliance with all requirements for software products, which are described in paragraph 7. Compliance with all other rules of the association (about not leaking information about professional etiquette.) Violation of the statute will be punished with up to the exclusion of guilty of association, without the right to re-enter (!). 5. Additional commitments by imposing emye Association on the active staff: All commitments to the overall composition apply to the active composition. Each group should be informed about project status and the status of the group. The report will be sent no later than the last numbers each month and is addressed to MH. If "The report is sent on a diskette, it will be returned with a recorded her latest Numbers of publications of association, in the case of an application to the report required to send back a sum of money This process will occur much faster;). Monthly information on the work done is sent to the principal producer, or his assistants. In the case of non-refoulement report during a period exceeding 2.5 months, the group will automatically be moved from ACTIVE COMPOSITION. Members of the active composition should take active part in the life and development Association (to expel an interesting and useful material for the association publications, to deliver for the needs of the association available music / graphics / program material. In the long inactivity, the group may be translated into the category of the total composition. Activities of the ASM has the most promptly and fully answer all questions and requests for assistance from other members. Remember that the association is held on principles of mutual cooperation and assistance! Today, you responded to someone request, will help build a game or demo, and tomorrow you just settle because you need to know music or, for example, graphics. 6. The rules of admission to the Association ASM: Each group or individual spektrumist should send the main producer'u (MH) request to join the association. This request must indicate which particular part you want to join, active or total. Sent details of the member groups, including information about contact address / phone / network address of at least organizer of the group (preferably detailed information about each member of the group. Sent the same information used by in the iron group, including machines other platforms. To all this attached information specifically about each of the members of the group (specialization, the role of each individual human group life, etc.). It is also desirable to send the completed questionnaire, "form" was published in the third issue of the journal "ZX-NEWS". In addition to reporting on the composition and the hardware part, to send information on current projects of the group and that she can do for the benefit of the association and platforms SPECTRUM 'AMIGA. If you intend to enter into active composition, it is desirable to immediately expel a useful material. Decision on acceptance or non-acceptance of anyone in the association adopted the producers and may be reviewed only by request aktovnogo composition. Groups will be notified of the decision in within a month from the date of receipt of the request. 7. Requirements for software products, you walking from the Association: Mandatory Copyright AMAZING SM!!! In programs with information about authors, also specify a minimum contact phone main producer'a ASM, however, it is desirable to specify the coordinates of the active composition. Preferred such a pleasant trifle, as gritingsy Amazing'ovtsam ;-) Needless to say, friendship rules 4eva! 7.1 Tehnichskie requirements: Use the full addressing of port switching segments (pages) - # 7FFD (for well, just a few exceptions ruleznyh fx in demo or intro, as well as digital muzak player, then you have to install the second bit, I mean, to the number loaded into the accumulator must be added 40). In the presence of management from Kempston Joystick / Mouse, except avtoopredelitelya, consider turning off polling data devaysov! In the disk loader, or use IM only mode interrupt 1 or have the interrupt vector in the "fast" memory areas. Also, if the disc procedure works directly with 'BG93', place them in areas of fast memory. When using the stack for the rapid data extraction, etc. interrupts must be banned! This is necessary in order To avoid glitches on slow machines. Welcome designs such as EI: HALT: DI. Required to take all possible measures to your program runs on all types SPECCY (fight diskrirovaniem using the second screen to work correctly with all ports and disk, etc.). When you connect the second mode interrupt Be sure to create a 257 byte table. Programs that are not complying with these rules will not be produced and distribyutirovatsya Association! 7.2 Additional requirements and recommendations tion imposed on crack cocaine: First - things first, and find all possible version of the prog / Gama. Example: some (mostly ruleznye) Break games go in the country in several Polish versions (Goody). a) scr test for the presence of (mostly) Hidden inscriptions' if it'z Poles, then unmercifully / gently wipe (or beautifully correct its ;-)). If this is not the Poles, and something interesting, then during / after Download interview Claudia and remove / install attributes (eg, button, "J "-;)). Example: Robocop 2, Heartland, Chronos. b) view the entire dump bend because even in the gfx / mfx txt and can be found fairly helpful ... not to mention the fact that does not prevent read all txt. c) search on Claudia Poll Search Corporate cheat'a 'etc. Example: Robocop 2, Indy 2, Renegade 3. d) search checks entered in the table of records on the subject, see above. Example: Robocop 2, Total Recal, Chronos e) to correct (if necessary) poll Kempston Joystic'a Example: many Spanish geymy: Rescate Atlantida, Navy Moves. 8. Spread the word copyright soft'a: The whole soft, distribution of which will be conducted by the association, divided into two types: FREE distribution - the program distributed to all interested members of the ASM for free. COMMERCIAL distribution - software pertains only to customers and regional distributors. 8.1 Commercial Distribution: The Association is engaged in distribution and prodyussingom only projects created ASM members and only upon full compliance of these programs, the requirements discussed in paragraphs 7, 7.1; 7.2 statute. Previously discussed all the conditions and obligations. Grasp the distribution of any projects, the association chooses the best ways of distribution. In order to avoid unpleasant situations at certain period of time prohibited any spread the word of the product by the authors themselves. All rights to distribute transferred ASM. Just so you can fully control the pathways program. Association decides itself with what is regional distributors to cooperate. More precise arrangements will be discussed and adopted in each case by mutual agreement of the author and producers. 9. Acquisition of copyright and commercial programs at the association: Distributors and individual customers associated with the main producer'om and through him to enter into all contracts. The end customer has no right to disseminate programs and available in their intellectual property, how to make a profit, and without. 10. Project management, coordinated by will be the Association: Some projects may be carried out under prodyussingom and coordinate directly ASM'a. In this case, it will not be easy help with music and graphics, and more joint projects, participation in which will be taking dozens of teams. Produced by ASM will perform all organizational activity. Estimated specialty producers: MIGHTY - any projects. SOI - publishing, games. VIATOR - games, demos, system soft. 11. Electronic Publishing Association: Under the direction of the association its magazine "DEPTH". Major publishers whose are CRYSTAL DREAM. The journal publishes along with more conventional materials and promotional information about the projects the association (short stories, demos, prices). In creating the journal and collection of material the participation of all members of ASM. Magazine is not regular, and goes as far as accumulation of the required material. Permanent and regular publication of the Association is the newspaper ... Spark :-)". She will be published every month and collected on the basis of coming from all of the ASM data. There will post operative Information about the work of the association and its current composition. Also, the newspaper will publish all messages, requests and demands members. NOTE: T.K. at the moment the situation has changed, it is likely that DEPTH would go regularly, ie 1 time per month, while taking on the the above functions of the newspaper. Consequently, there is a possibility of falling away the need for a newspaper ... This constitution may be amended or supplemented only by an agreement producers association ASM. respond to the questionnaire did not Briefly, on the contrary, the most detailed and fully (on both sides of a sheet or double-sided discs :-)). Now we have ability to make some nuances: I believe that it is appropriate to attach the project and ASM, as I have suggested. In addition to distribution and to help authors to create their own projects. Preliminary articles of association ASM I enclose to the text. Interested in your opinion, and on this occasion. By the way, some of the items of the Charter of beta ASM, can be used as a baseline for SOS. Important and controversial aspects of that need to discuss are: harmonization of the laws of the association acting in the CIS, a way to enumerate money from users to producers and from producers to the authors, the best way to send programs by mail and through electronic networks, the selection criteria soft'a and estimate of the amount paid by the authors that his own work will receive prodyussery associations and much more ... One way or another, but the project is to advertise and to acquaint them with the users. Even our DeMouy "HALLUCINATIONS IN OPERA", can be considered as advertising the product. After thanks to her, many interested in the project and encouraged me to continue this idea, instilled in me optimistic! THANKS! Therefore, it is desirable to be all your actions on the development of the project - from writing advertising dem up a simple conversation on this topic with friends. Take action now! The fact that we live in countries with slow-witted by the Government and the dismal economic situation does not mean that we can not do everything to make our favorite thing flourish! :-) And more ... If you are ready to engage directly the activities of the association, if you appreciate the scene and want to act on the benefit of her and himself by becoming prodyuserom project - contact with mnoy.Ya give you the results of the survey, the draft charter and other material "because I'm only willing to collect the material at the initial stage. Must know everyone what they can do now. Please, if discussions would be conducted project in the network and electronic media - for possible, inform me about them. Please! How to contact me: 250005 Ukraine Chernigov, Kievskaya Str, dom.6, kv.34 Onishchenko, Viktor / VIATOR tel. (04622) 5-36-08 (Please - call on holidays or weekend :-). Contact the producer of ASM: 335040, Crimea, Ukraine Sevastopol ul.Hryukina, d.3, kv.44 Kosychenko Anatolia / MIGHTY tel. (0692) 57-57-80 Now, I am pleased to convey greetings and thanks to those who have already expressed interest in the project! : MIGHTY / SMASH GRUNGE / SMASH SOI / CRYSTAL DREAM SQUIZER / X-PROJECT ALOS JUNIOR / SPARK Sergei Novikov (SPIRIT / DR) ANDREW SAVIC ALEXANDER HOFMAN ETERNITY INDUSTRY BEERMANS OUTLAND BYTEX ENTIRE FL VBI SILICON BRAINS Of course, all RUSH 'ASM, and all others! This text is designed for mass proliferation and use. Welcome its publication in the email. magazines! See you on the platform A / BOX!!! Joke! Though in every joke there is some ... hope. :-) Take action now! GOOD LUCK! February 25, 1998
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