Deja Vu #05
31 мая 1998 |
Hall of Fame - Is this the rulez Amiga? HRC for ptsshnikov and Spectrum for spektrumistov?
Di-All'u and all pisishnikam dedicated ... The idea to write this article came to me after reading DEJA VU # 4, and after a personal acquaintance with the author of the article that dealt with the protection of pC and a small arrival on the AMIGA. I beg your Di-All'a forgive me for what will be discussed below (I tried to tell him, but as always I did not listen and insisted I was too lazy and etc., in general, each remained at its opinion). In general, in connection with the latest fermentation people can say one thing - USER yuzay that car, which you do IS. This does not mean that we should not seek for more, it just means that we should not ashamed of yourself, your computer and do what the other thing which you have the machine. Frankly, all comparisons PC and AMIGA, pC and SPECCY, pC and the MAC is not correct - it is COMPLETELY different cars. They can be compared only among themselves, ie A1200 steeper than the A500, Pentagon somewhat rulezney Scorp'a and second degree unambiguously better than XT. We now turn to the article Di-All'a. I I do not know where he dug up some information on the AMIGA, but to put it mildly, they are not quite right, or rather, it is not true. Million operations per second? Sounds like something is not very similar to the truth. Our old Z80 good about one million (986 or something so I could not find the book) and it at 3.5 MHz for A1200 standard put MC68020, and he has a frequency range from 12,5 up to 33.33 MHz, as can be seen, a million here and not smells. Well it is, to the word. What can I tell everyone without exception pC'ishnikam who do not see anything except his pisyuka and shouting at all angles, that the rest masday or, at best, agree that mol, AMIGA was a good computer, but it's all in the past. Guys, you're wrong, and I wrong, since which time the whole market. There is no best or worst of computers - there are others. I remembered now one anecdote: Students ask his teacher. - Teacher, is it true that the DAO is in any program? - True. - Responsible teacher. - And in pornoigrah? - Yes, and pornoigrah. - And in a program for calculator? - And in her. - And MS-DOS? The teacher sighed heavily and said nothing. Smoke without fire. So think. But as they say, everything is decided by money and in the case of the PC solved all the money. As we all known, the average American buys something that advertise. As you know, in While in the states of major office machines are systems based on eight-processor (i8080 and Z80) and correctly advertising campaigns allowed PC to climb onto the stage. But frankly, if Lotus would not released its 1-2-3, then perhaps we would now have a completely different picture. The development of PC, as the computer for home, started somewhere in the 90 - 91, precisely at the time there was nasyshenie korparativnogo market, as home was, so to speak, early development. In Europe, slow fading SPECCY (last branded Games dated 92nd year), the Commodore was some difficulties and visionary leadership. Rosiya opened the Iron Curtain, and it is not without a bribe a certain official face flooded pisyuki (by the way, they buy primarily for office). In states with Apple also had some of his problems, the situation was very favorable and this is somehow suddenly, we got what we got. In the first place, strongly raised the status of pC'i gamers and friends, wishing for this earn. All the "professional" program gained strength just now excessively bloated. All the gadgets, which are Now there is in pC office nafig not needed. I can cite an example from life. I've got on the work of women accountant, no longer young, but the computer is running. So, it is not very fond of WORD and Write, but not shitty works in the lexicon. Why, you ask, yes because she was more comfortable there. All Baubles Word'a it does not need. And if someone is too clever not say that dosovskaya Version 1C worse and uncomfortable than of windows, it would still be yuzala at three rubles old dosovskie bend. Why am I lead, and to what will be on any AMIGO steeper than pisi, because it was one of the first multimedia computers. And pisishnikam cost would not find fault AMIGA, MAC, NeXT, and Monument to put them. Since its on pisi very little. Di-All said, as he cool multitasking works and something vaguely talking about multi-tasking in AMIGA. What can I say, just answer in his own words: "to judge a machine, it is necessary for it to work, "not to look biased for five minutes at a Amigu S0N'a. Now on demam. So what that their 3000, this is nothing said. Pisishnye demos 97-98 years ago on Amiga 92-94 year. And pisishnaya deme can be run at will (....). And as demos of 128 bytes, then please - it is not problem. Those demos that I've seen (meaning that size) were variations on AGA'shnoy plasma. The principle is very simple: Throws to screen some garbage, and then change cyclically palette That's it. So there is nothing to be proud. The main arrival on the Amiga from pisishnikov lies in the fact that it has no 3D GAME, and those that have, brakes and generally not on DOOM similar. Well they can say bad look - this time. Look at yourself - - That's two. (Doom real 3d, well, well!) What You can tell if any item. Tide Effects in real time to get pisi with the help of 3D-accelerators. These effects can be obtained without the accelerator (for example, The Reap and still can not remember what, but look for links laziness), by software means. Just to on the development Amigi. Take propisishny Journal Computerra # 20 for 05/20/1998 and 10 pages see a message about overcoming the crisis by AMIGA and that is close to developing a new version of the system and a new car under it. In fact, this journal should be possible to read regularly as pisishnikam and everything else it comes across sometimes the good stuff (So, in a room dedicated to the share-war'nym products, there was mention of a certain processor, which is steeper than that of Photoshop and how it characteristic of the variety of programs, smaller and less resource demanding. There's a lot more then can be useful nakovyryat. Thus, there is very well covered topic of computers brand name. Probably everyone knows what to Brandom "Left" parts do not fit. This is one of strategies of firms, they are much more profitable to you bought a new computer Zamesto old and not engaged in modernization. Since at development of new models of money spent, and they need to return until the model is not outdated, as it happens, oh, how soon. To guarantee that allegedly has been investigated by the presence of loud name on the body .... Have you heard this word OEM-Partner? This is when a product no one known firn proudly flaunts the name of an IBM or HP, or whatever else. Practice OEM - Partnership is very widespread. So pay the extra bucks only name I do not intend to. By buying, say, a car assembly red, I know at I was going, but I also know that I can always its upgrade. I'm not the enemy of progress, but I am opposed to such progress. Just a few months ago was P166MMX enough for home use, and P200MMX now - this is a minimum and completely packed the second degree is already possible to find commercials for 5000-7000 rubles. wood (recently seen an average Ager'ovsky complex configurations, that is nothing but the body was not steep, so is the parasite 12 million old !!!). Actually, now I'm watching very interesting picture (at least in the Kemerovo): a wave of sales of older computers (for pisyukovym old standards). Thus, MM P120 can be taken for 3200 rub. And or less. A similar picture I saw in the Rybinsk spring and summer of 1997, although there it had all DANDY and other similar nonsense. What does this mean? The fact that all played enough and what to do next is do not know. Just play and you can debilki on consoles, but for something serious, many people simply do not have tyamu. Affairs firm in his car takes a little. What do you tell a friend or not, people when they ask why you at home computer? What would be? Of course, the same answer, but that's true whether you think so. Many people are rational, they will not ask you Why do you need a TV, picture or any of well-established household items, but the question "Why" you should always, if they know that you have something that is not included in the usual range of subjects. Many computers perceived as a toy and they fit From this point of view. And the computer for you? When you decide this question, you for yourself can easily decide which computer you need. And there will be fluctuations with a choice that is steeper pC - MAC or AMMY. Try to feel your computer. Though this is just piece of iron, but each its donors. My Pentagon does not like when I'm nervous or angry (including upon him), he starts without any apparent reasons fail. And in defense of their theories and ideas, give a simple example. Recently released disk (pisishny) titled "The World of Alice" Well, all graphics was done there on MAC'e, is one example. In the French city Bourges studios used in NeXT, a second example. As you can imagine, a recording studio does not quite poor establishment and, if them it was necessary, they would already NeXT'y replaced by something else (especially since they are no longer manufactured). I hope you will think about what you do next. But the life of any person change, if it worked with a computer deeper than the usual user ... Suggestions and comments about this opus send at the editorial office DEJA UV. P.S. Please do not take offense at me, from this My opinion does not change. P.P.S. Remember SPECCY, he's alive!
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