Deja Vu #05
31 мая 1998 |
SoundTrack: SECTOR / SERIOUS S.G. - GOA-SONG __________________________________________ (C) M.M.A __________________________________________ The years go forward, life goes on, but overcoming all of the above factors Samara programmers of the last forces still write new software for the Spectrum. I will try to introduce you, dear readers with the latest Samara novelties. Incidentally, something out as described below can be found in the annex to magazine ..... MAXSOFT SCREEN PACKER v1.4 (C) MAXSOFT / SPEED CO. / XTM '98 The new version of Compressor screens MSP generally not planned, because MAXSOFT already has been actively argued that with SPECTRUM'om it's nothing more svyazyvaet.No there came another critical moment when on the screw Maksovskogo pi-si "was not no one has not broken the program. This moment I cleverly took advantage and made Max to make a new version of MSP. Originally conceived, it would be just a little FIX'ennaya version More information on the results package (the file size in sectors, bytes, how many per cent less, etc.). However, during the operation, MAXSOFT made easy nemyslemye things: - Once again subjected to optimization of unpacking, and thus, not changing the method of packaging, managed to reduce output file size for another 10-20 bytes (depending on the type of unpacker). - Introduced the possibility of extracting images from the compressor LASER COMPACT. - Fixed a mass of glitches related primarily to work with multiple drives. - Finally, a new method of packaging using a buffer in memory. The new method provides a buffer just rabid results on any graph, then as the standard method was suitable only for MSP specific images (for example - the picture of the ASO v0.1 which can be found in one rooms DEJA VU). File, packed buferezirovannym method is roaming (!), And the buffer size of 6912 bytes is allocated strictly after the most packed pictures. In a word, "Try it - will love!" File Commander v4.04 The most recent and complete version of the famous obezglyuchennaya bolochki FCommander. Enumerate all the innovations will not, (see help) but I will say the main thing - now you can without fear of copying your files FC4.04 to enjoy seeing how the last defines and uses extended memory to destination of your tube assembly. Slide Show (C) MONSTER / SAGE GROUP'98 This is a whole disc, which is a set of slides in the most modern technological solution - RGB COLOR. Viewer has a variety of settings, which allows normally work on any analog Spectrum. Only the SETUP boot has 3 points; standart (# 3d13), turbo and im2 + music. In the latter case, you will feel full rulez, as during loading the next picture will play nice music. In addition to the Player on the drive is the converter that allows you to form your sets of slides. And, you can do slides. bmp files (IBM PC), standrtnyh images and files to standard X-COLOR (extension. Y) And of course, you will find more than 35 professional Burn source image with a palette of 8 colors on one point! WALKER demo v2.0 ALIEN FACTORY'98 WALKER is a landmark in the toy AMIGA 600. Who saw him know! Who does not seen that could see it all the same at its SPECCY in the very near future. The second demo (the first almost did not apply) WALKER'a of the Samara group ALIEN FACTORY to an explicit example. It should be remembered that the first WALKER'om on ZX engaged Max Romanov. In the third issue of ZX-FORMAT'a has an article about the upcoming toy. But it took a long time, and WALKER still there (on A600!). In autumn 1997 the first Romanov publicly renounced writing game stating that "now I have a good work and good AMIGA ". Samara option WALKER'a be as close as possible to the original. In the demo you can safely walk (O and P) and control Scope (SINCLAIR JOY). Shoot too possible, but not yet in one. Management can few easy seem complicated, but even on AMMY this game is played with two hands (Or together) on the mouse and joystick at the same time! The full version is sure to be supported KEMPSTON MOUSE, which significantly make life easier. If after viewing the demo you have appear impressions, wishes, curses or hysterical fits of laughter, then write a letter to: 443074 Samara, PO Box 9966, Muchkaevu Maxim With a note: WALKER I will certainly pass all your comments and suggestions the authors, the creators of the game. By the way, have similar ALIEN FACTORY problems, as in Max Romanov in his Time (sm.ZXF # 3). Also need someone who can create high-quality sound effects (SFX) for AY - explosions, gunfire, trampling WALKER'a etc. So go for it! Samara is located in the demo application to the magazine. Miner Vitamin'98 The next version of the immortal 32-bit toys for the good old 8bit Spectrum. Looks like not much, but it's worth considering that the author at 128 SPECCY only a little more than a month. However, the written version of the game not only equal, but even sometimes exceed those samples, which were made by people in assembly language is much more experienced. Here the whole question of design - see how to choose the level of complexity (PENTAGON ONLY!) - And themselves understand everything! It should be remembered that for normal games you need WINDOWS95. In extreme cases, the game will go into the truncated configuration under WIN3.11 manager for 32-bit memory access. This is progress, baby! ----------------------------------------- Further review of Samara programs continue ALEX NOMAN, who will enlighten you in advanced technologies modem communications SPECTRUM'e ..... ----------------------------------------- Hello, editors, and DEJA VU readers of the journal thereof. That's true! In Samara (late 1997) came electronic network of S-Net, built on Hayes - compatible modems, connected to Spectrum scheme Mikhail Kondratyev (More details can be read in a magazine Oberon # 04, for example). And, naturally, The first problem with which we all had to face - the lack of any software for your modem in the system TRDOS (Kharkov program, mainly suitable for use with modems at low speeds because they do not use interrupts from the modem, and software written by Michael Kondratyev, designed to work in iSDOS). Thus, we had to start virtually from scratch. Literally a week later was ready to Beta terminal program, which many could see in fidoshnoy ehokonferentsii ZX.SPECTRUM and work began on writing BBS. It is on these programs I'll take it. S-Terminal v1.0. Paul Atrides / Stars of Keladan H.G. It took a couple of months since the introduction of the beta S-Terminal v0.1 and it is necessary say that during this time, the program has changed significantly: 1) First of all, the speed of your modem: through the use of internal buffering chip UART 16550A and its analogues, reach a maximum speed operation and exchange of data (when using a modem USR Sporster 33600, for example, without any problems, glitches, data loss can not establish connection to 33,600 with rate logical channel 115200 baud (!) And it is not the limit). Can you imagine presented the that these characteristics are amenable to improvement with the modem at 57,600 and turbo Spectrum? :) 2) Working with file protocols XModem, YModem and ZModem; 3) Support for ANSI-terminal; 4) Maintain Log-file; 5) The timer is entered when a line carrier. All of the above have already been implemented and work. The plans of the author - Supports advanced graphics, such as scheme B. MG, graphics modes, and vehicles Sprinter Scorpion + GMX, and perhaps some others, allowing to organize and print 80 characters per line (for compatibility with existing existing BBS-nym software for PC). * √ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! √ nil: insert here a picture from a file! @ √ samsft1 $.! `√ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A √ n and √ n √ l p √ l √ l √ l @ √ l `√ l A √ n and √ n √ l p √ l √ l √ l @ √ l `√ l A √ n and √ n √ l p √ l BBS (Working title - S-Light BBS) Alex Noman / Stars of Keladan H.G. To date, the program is in the development stage and do not even have a final name, but in the near future necessarily appear _rabochaya_ demo BBS. Since BBS'ki much less critical to the number of characters per line, the program enables you to select regime 42/64 characters, but in the future are likely to be supported by those same regimes as in the S-Terminal. Work with a modem is possible on such the same high speeds as in the terminal program, supports the same file protocols. Readiness program at the end March 1998 - 50%. * √ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! √ IL: here and have a picture from a file! @ √ samsft2 $. ! `√ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A √ n ap √ l with √ n Hg √ l r √ n x √ x @ U √ l `H √ l Ash √ l aUl √ l b √ l algebra √ l e √ l st √ l @ I √ n `E √ l Ae √ l aЄ √ l є √ l rЇ √ l "But what about working with FidoNet and other netami? "- ask me curious reader of the magazine DEJA VU. And I imagine, is ready to answer on this tricky question. :) To date, there is virtually no problems work with Fido Spectrum! To do this you to get: 1) mailer (program-mailer); 2) Editor of e-mail messages; 3) and, of course, get fidoshny address. On the first point we can not say anything comforting. At present, day there is only one mailer to Spectrum 128, which is part of the terminal program Melon v1.79a (version is 1.80 only works on Pentagon'e 512 (?)). Unfortunately, the mailer is so simple that has little or no adjustment. But in any case - it's better than nothing. In the near future as soon as they completed work on a terminal program, We will be written and mailer. From the editor is somewhat better, but not by much. Sole editor, widely spread, is a program Zed (the latest beta - version has a number of 1.02b, the author of Au. Kuznetsov aka Rick Murray). The program is written in C for Spectrum-48 and has an overlay structure. But unfortunately, such large-scale system contains some errors, and generally works very slowly. Eugene Miloon (aka Paul Atrides) was re-written for Zed'a tosser, and connects it simple replacement of files on the disk. Distribution of this overlay is quite possible, because the consent of the author's practically obtained. So that you are welcome to Samara): For sim goodbye. Till we meet again in the pages of Russian electronic journals. * 31.03.98 15.04.98 Alex Noman Unbeliever aka M.M.A
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